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A case of a neonatal foal with acute colic and respiratory distress is described. The foal presented with signs of acute colic and was treated medically. The foal did not respond to treatment and 2 h after admission the foal began to demonstrate signs of respiratory distress. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs were obtained and a diagnosis of a diaphragmatic hernia was made. Surgical repair of the hernia was recommended but the owner declined and the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem findings confirmed the diagnosis and revealed that the defect was of congenital origin. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is an unusual cause of colic in a neonatal foal.  相似文献   

High-frequency jet ventilation was performed on a premature foal for respiratory difficulty attributable to in utero-acquired pneumonia. The procedure involves delivery of compressed gas through a small-bore cannula at frequencies up to 400 cycles/min. Ventilation settings of drive pressure, frequency, and FIO2 were varied to optimize PaO2 and PaCO2 values. The foal was ventilated with this equipment for 14 hours. Evidence of a favorable response to this method of ventilation was observed in the form of improvement in arterial blood gas values as well as the foal's attitude and degree of respiratory effort. High-frequency jet ventilation appears to be a useful method of ventilation for respiratory disease in neonatal foals; however, there remains no clear-cut advantage over conventional positive-pressure ventilation.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism and respiratory insufficiency in a neonatal foal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypothyroidism was diagnosed in a neonatal Thoroughbred foal that was weak, hypothermic, and septicemic. Administration of thyroid-releasing hormone elicited attenuated increases in concentrations of free and total triiodothyronine and thyroxine, as compared with a clinically normal, age-matched foal. The foal died of apparent respiratory insufficiency, pre- and postmortem findings compatible with hypothyroidism included hypothermia, large thyroid glands with distended, colloid-filled follicles, and severe, diffuse atelectasis, with thickened alveolar septae and degenerating alveolar squamous epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Measurement of serum immunoglobulins in 46 foals less than 2 weeks old revealed 9 foals with hypogammaglobulinemia. The hypogammaglobulinemia was attributed to failure in transfer of immunoglobulins from dam to foal via colostrum. Three of the affected foals did not nurse at all, or only slightly, and 2 of these died of infections within a few days after birth, whereas the 3rd foal did not grow as well as normal foals. Six of the affected foals nursed in an apparently normal manner, and 5 of these had nonfatal respiratory infections between 2 and 5 weeks of age. Analysis of serum samples from surviving foals demonstrated that immunoglobulins were eventually produced. One other foal examined had hypogammaglobulinemia at 57 days of age, an age when the foal should have produced large amounts of immunoglobulin independent of passive transfer. This foal had simultaneous infections and hypogammaglobulinemia, but eventually produced normal amounts of immunoglobulin. Cellmediated immunity was normal at 3 months of age. This condition was designated transient hypogammaglobulinemia and was thought to be due to a temporary inability to make immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

Equine laryngeal dysplasia (ELD) is a congenital disorder caused by hypoplasia or aplasia of the structures derived from the fourth and possibly sixth branchial arches. The severity of the clinical signs varies widely, and depends on which structures are involved and the extent of the defect. In most cases, affected horses present with abnormal respiratory noise during exercise and poor performance. Manifestation of the disease in foals is very rare. This case report describes an unusual presentation of ELD in a neonatal foal. The foal presented with severe respiratory distress and weakness. Equine laryngeal dysplasia was suspected on endoscopy and later confirmed on post mortem examination of the larynx. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing ELD as a cause of respiratory distress in a neonatal foal.  相似文献   

Campylorrhinus lateralis, also known as “wry nose,” is a congenital malformation that mainly affects Thoroughbreds. These horses have a unilateral deviation of the maxillae that may be to one side or the other side, and it causes airway obstruction and dental malocclusion. The choice of treatment is not necessarily operation; however, the treatment of choice, which aims to repair the maxillae deviation, is surgical to improve the horse’s respiratory condition and correct the dental occlusion. There are currently no reports describing the first surgical technique for such deformity described by Valdez et al. The present study describes the case of a 2-month-old foal of the Mangalarga Marchador breed that was diagnosed with wry nose. The foal presented with accentuated maxillae deviation to the right side, malocclusion of the incisor teeth, and respiratory noises. After diagnosis and physical examination, the foal was treated by surgical correction of the deviation. To correct the deviation, the bone distraction technique with unilateral osteotomy of the right maxillae and fixation of the external bone distractor was chosen. After 90 days, the bone distractor was removed; consequently, malocclusion of the incisors was greatly improved, and respiratory noises were eliminated.  相似文献   

Pulmonary lobar hypertrophy was diagnosed in a 4-hour-old Quarter Horse full-term foal that had respiratory arrest shortly after birth. The gross and microscopic appearances were consistent with polyalveolar lobe, a congenital anomaly of human infants.  相似文献   

"Shaker foal" disease, toxicoinfectious botulism of foals, was 1st described as a clinical entity in 1967. The reported mortality rate was 90%, with death occurring within 24-72 hours of the onset of the characteristic clinical signs. The mortality rate decreased when equine-origin botulism antitoxin became available; however, a certain percentage of foals continued to die of respiratory failure. Mechanical ventilation is an important part of the treatment of infant botulism and is essential to the survival of many affected infants. We report a retrospective study of 9 foals with toxicoinfectious botulism where early mechanical ventilation was employed as part of the treatment. Foals receiving mechanical ventilation were progressively acidemic and had increased PaCO2 tensions before mechanical ventilation. These arterial blood gas abnormalities were ameliorated with mechanical ventilation. One foal was euthanized for economic reasons; survival in treated foals was 87.5%. Mechanical ventilation of foals with botulism and respiratory failure appears to be an effective therapy.  相似文献   

Transendoscopic Laser Treatment of Guttural Pouch Tympanites in Eight Foals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guttural pouch tympanites was diagnosed in eight foals with respiratory stridor and tympanic swelling in the parotid region. Three foals were treated by transendoscopic neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser fenestration of the median septum between the guttural pouches. One foal died of pneumonia, and the other two foals recovered completely, although the fenestration later closed in one foal. Five foals were treated by creating a salpingopharyngeal fistula using transendoscopic laser irradiation: complete resolution of the tympanites occurred. Transendoscopic laser surgery in standing foals may be a reasonable alternative to conventional surgery and general anesthesia for correction of guttural pouch tympanites.  相似文献   

A 3‐week‐old Pony of the Americas foal presented with a history of respiratory distress presumed to result from Actinobacillus equuli pleuropneumonia and septic arthritis. Failure of transfer of passive colostral immunity was suspected, but not confirmed, based on a history of the foal being separated from its dam shortly after parturition. Transient improvement was noted following thoracocentesis and removal of approximately 600 ml of pleural fluid but progressive clinical signs of congestive heart failure developed. Fibrinous pericarditis with evidence of cardiac tamponade was subsequently diagnosed via thoracic ultrasonography. Early clinical signs of cardiogenic shock were identified and fibrinopurulent exudate removed through a catheter placed with ultrasound guidance into the pericardium. The foal experienced cardiorespiratory arrest during the procedure and died despite resuscitative efforts. Post mortem examination identified extensive hypertrophy of the pericardium, septic arthritis, mild pleural effusion and focal bronchopneumonia. This report details the clinical evaluation, haematology, treatment and post mortem pathology of a foal with Actinobacillus equuli associated fibrinous pericarditis, as well as a brief review of cardiac tamponade.  相似文献   

A 4-day-old, male, American paint foal was presented for abdominal distention, respiratory distress, and diarrhea. Bladder rupture and uroperitoneum were diagnosed following abdominal ultrasonography and abdominocentesis. The defect in the dorsocranial part of the bladder wall was surgically repaired.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 1-day-old Standardbred foal with a history of extreme respiratory distress after birth consistent with upper airway obstruction was evaluated. A temporary tracheostomy tube was placed by the referring veterinarian. CLINICAL FINDINGS: On initial examination, there was evidence of hypoxic-ischemic syndrome, secondary to perinatal asphyxia. Endoscopy revealed obstruction of both nares at the level of the choanae; a diagnosis of bilateral choanal atresia was made. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: The foal was anesthetized and underwent transendoscopic laser fenestration of the buccopharyngeal membranes. Three weeks after surgery, cicatricial narrowing of the choanae was apparent and further transendoscopic ablation was performed. Recurrent stenosis necessitated revision surgeries involving a combination of laser ablation with topical administration of mitomycin and, subsequently, a combination of radial incisions into the stenotic tissue and repeated bougienage with a cuffed endotracheal tube. The degree of stenosis decreased, and at 1 year of age, the horse was an appropriate size for its age, had choanae that were almost maximally open (> 85%), and had entered training. Mild stenosis was still evident when the horse was reexamined the following year, although there was no evidence of exercise intolerance or respiratory compromise. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bilateral choanal atresia in a foal can be successfully treated via transendoscopic fenestration of the buccopharyngeal membranes, enabling the horse to subsequently participate in athletic activities. Secondary problems resulting from initial asphyxia and recurrent stenosis at the surgical site can be overcome but may require prolonged and extensive treatment.  相似文献   

An outbreak of perinatal foal mortality associated with a herpesvirus is described. Twenty two foals either were still-born, or died soon after birth, or were weak and soon developed severe respiratory signs, or were normal at birth and developed respiratory symptoms 18 to 24 hours later. Elevated temperatures, heart and respiratory rates were constant features. The animals were severely leucopaenic, and showed an absolute neutropaenia. At autopsy the lungs were enlarged, and showed varying degrees of aeration and moderate to severe oedema and congestion. Histopathology showed an acute focal necrotising bronchiolitis with the presence of intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies. Herpesvirus was recovered from 9 foals in cell culture and identified by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The newborn foal can experience problems of the lower respiratory tract that are unique to the neonate. The transition to extrauterine life usually occurs rapidly and in a coordinated manner, but problems associated with the peripartum period, including placentitis, dystocia, infection, and trauma, can result in conditions that compromise gas exchange in the newborn foal. This article reviews the normal transition and presents some of the problems seen in these small patients.  相似文献   

Cardiac disease in the equine neonate occurs infrequently. Murmurs are often heard in foals and are not considered significant unless they persist beyond 4 days of age. Congenital cardiac defects are the most common form of primary cardiac disease in the foal, with ventricular septal defects occurring most frequently. Other neonatal foal diseases such as ruptured bladders, white muscle disease, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, and septicemia have secondary cardiac involvement.  相似文献   

This article reviews what are considered the basic concepts of gas transport, blood gases, and acid-base physiology is most mammalian species. Techniques for the appropriate collection of blood samples for blood gas and acid-base determinations in the newborn foal are described. Guidelines for interpretation of these values in the normal foal and those animals undergoing respiratory and metabolic derangements are provided.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes septicemia was diagnosed in a 6-day-old Thoroughbred foal. Primary clinical signs included fever, depression, diarrhea, and respiratory distress. Hematologic abnormalities included leukopenia, neutropenia, degenerative left shift, and hyperfibrinogenemia. Clinical chemistry and blood gas abnormalities included metabolic acidosis, hypoxemia, hypocapnia, hypoglycemia, and hyponatremia. Despite aggressive therapeutic intervention and intensive care, the foal died within 12 hours of admission. A postmortem examination was performed, and the primary gross lesion was bilaterally severe, focally extensive bronchopneumonia. Histopathology revealed severe subacute multifocal suppurative bronchopneumonia with necrotizing vasculitis and intralesional coccobacilli. Cultures of blood collected at admission and immediately prior to death were positive for L. monocytogenes, as were cultures obtained from lung and liver at necropsy. Immunohistochemical examination of formalin-fixed tissues revealed abundant intra- and extracellular L. monocytogenes antigen within the lung and intravascularly in multiple organs.  相似文献   

A foal born 3 weeks prematurely was treated for respiratory distress, using a combination of oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilatory assistance. Clinical response and arterial blood gas tensions were monitored regularly. Continuous positive-airway pressure and intermittent positive-pressure ventilation administered via a nasotracheal tube were effective in improving arterial oxygenation and ventilatory function.  相似文献   

The presentation of a premature, neonatal foal affected with respiratory distress and seizures represents a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenge often best addressed by the provision of appropriate emergency care followed by prompt referral to a well‐equipped critical care facility. Veterinary management of the premature foal described in the accompanying report was complicated by the development of sepsis and pulmonary failure. The development of pulmonary emphysematous bullae was identified during the course of the foal's treatment and probably contributed to its clinical deterioration. Diagnostic imaging modalities that may be used for the diagnosis of respiratory distress in neonatal foals include thoracic radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Both CT and MRI require general anaesthesia. The likelihood of a successful outcome for the foal in this report might have been improved by the provision of urgent veterinary care and referral to the critical care facility earlier in the course of its management. Important early indicators of the need for urgent veterinary care in this case included the foal's prematurity, inability to stand, and the need to provide manual support to facilitate nursing from the mare's udder. Foals affected in this manner should warrant treatment with broad‐spectrum antimicrobials, circulating volume maintenance, immunoglobulin support, and the use of a nasogastric tube to facilitate nutritional support.  相似文献   

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