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1缠结毛主要是由饲养管理不当引起的。冲洗笼舍或饮水器里的水溅于毛被、湿料沾污毛被、兔毛久不梳理、兔笼污浊、留毛太长等都会造成兔毛缠结。另外,细毛型兔的毛也易缠结。2笼黄毛被粪尿、污水沾污的兔毛即为笼黄毛,常出现于毛兔的四肢、腹部和臀部。主要是笼底板久不清洗,兔  相似文献   

长毛兔拔毛技术蒙阴县畜牧中心文涛,世淑,奎安拔毛是采毛法的一种,拔毛后能增加毛兔皮肤的抗病力,促进血液循环,减少皮肤疾病,拔毛促进毛乳头发育,兔毛发粗枪毛含量高,不易缠结,提高产毛量10-15%,拔毛时可以按长分级采毛,有利于提高兔毛价值。采毛兔的保...  相似文献   

<正> 兔毛属上等纺织和针织原料,具有柔软、保暖、轻便、美观和吸显性强等优点。兔毛的保暖力比同质细羊毛高31%,比棉花高90.25%;吸湿度可达60%,比羊毛高一倍,比棉花高两倍。目前我国兔毛的出口量虽居世界首位,但还远远不能满足国际市场的需要。我省的毛兔饲养量虽达三百余万只,但兔毛的产量和质量都较低,成年毛兔体重平均只有3—4市斤,全年毛产量平均仅有3—4两。为了提由上表可知,杂交二代、三代兔的绒毛均匀度都比本种毛兔好。绒毛细度的变异系数,杂种二代、三代杂种比本种毛兔小,分别低12.69%和11.69%。在绒毛长度上,杂种二代和三代兔比本种毛兔分别高36.4%和18.7%。  相似文献   

长毛兔一般用剪毛法采毛,这种采毛法不利于提高兔毛等级。采用拨毛法的好处:一是有利于提高兔毛质量,可拨长留短,有利于分级出售,将一级毛达90%以上,提高了经济效益。二是有利于兔的健康和兔毛生长。 拔毛方法:把待采毛的兔子放在桌上,先用梳子将毛理顺,用拇指、食指和中指夹住兔毛,一小束一小束的轻轻采拔。应先拔臀部毛,其次是背部毛,最  相似文献   

●兔毛市场阴转晴目前兔毛行情好转的原因,主要是连续多年兔毛行情处于低潮,毛兔养殖者纷纷改行不养毛兔,全国兔毛总产量在减少,导致兔毛供求关系发生变化。行情虽有所好转,但不确定的因素依然存在,一是国际市场兔毛行情没有实质性的变化,国际市场需求仍不旺;二是国内兔毛纺织技术没有革命性的突破,兔毛产品还存在着掉毛、缩水及起球等三大问题,国内市场的兔毛需求量有一定的限度。(《现代农村报》)●河南省家家户户养猪忙河南省乡村路上拉猪的大卡车、小三轮川流不息,家家户户的猪舍里,一圈圈生猪膘肥体壮,这是眼下在汝南县官庄乡常见的景…  相似文献   

兔毛生产一再大起大落,引起了业界人士和有关方面的深深思考,兔毛是最好的高级天然纤维,为什么毛兔养殖业竟是如此多难?经过一次又一次的挫折和教训,大家终于明白了,单靠依赖外国卖毛不行,必须转变经营战略,从单纯出口原料转变到对兔毛进行多层次研制开发借以发展我国兔毛纺织工业,从而改变养兔业的被动局面。  相似文献   

1 当前长毛兔产业的趋势长毛兔在我国五、六十年代试发展,六、七十年代我国逐渐成为世界第一的长毛兔大国,2000年产毛2万吨,占世界贸易量的97%,我国兔毛老产区为江浙等长江中下游经济发达区.20世纪末,以浙江镇海巨高(巨型高产)长毛兔的成功培育,中国毛兔在品种、毛的品质都属世界一流,江浙一带规模在数千只的兔场比比皆是,法、德、意等国在毛兔的品种、规模饲养等方面优势已不明显,特别是兔毛生产成本方面,欧洲是我国江浙的5倍,我国江浙基本取代了欧洲的兔毛生产,较成功的实现了兔毛产业转移.  相似文献   

(一)毛兔残次毛产生的原因残次兔毛即指兔毛生产和收购过程中,不符合收购分级标准,品质有缺陷的兔毛。1.变色毛。正常兔毛应为纯白色,但在互相对比时其色泽略有差别,如洁白光亮者为洁白色,列为最佳色泽;色白而略带微黄或微灰等色者称为较白色;次于较白色者为次白色。凡被粪尿污染或因  相似文献   

德系安哥拉兔为世界上著名的高产毛兔品系,它被毛密度大、产毛量高、兔毛质量好、细绒毛含量高,属典型的绒毛型长毛兔。该兔毛含绒率高(93%~95%),产绒多。绒毛纤维细度均匀,绒质好,品质等级高,兔绒品质居所有长毛兔之首。  相似文献   

<正>长毛兔的主要产品是兔毛,若想提高长毛兔养殖效益,重点在于提高兔毛的产量和质量,生产上,补充营养成分至关重要。1补蛋白质蛋白质是毛的主要成分,毛兔日粮中蛋白质含量要求达到17%。适量补充动物性蛋白质或植物性蛋白质,都能提高产毛量,如:每只长毛兔每天喂蚯蚓  相似文献   

中国是世界养兔大国,然而家兔遗传育种的基础研究滞后,近年稍有起色。作者就2013年国内家兔遗传育种的最新研究进展进行综述,以期为广大家兔育种者提供参考。2013年,中国在家兔传统育种方面主要开展了对九嶷山兔等品种资源的介绍或调查,以及肉兔、獭兔等最佳杂交组合的筛选研究;分子标记辅助育种技术是2013年中国家兔遗传育种研究的重点,主要包括对毛发(毛色、毛囊发育)、生产(生长、屠宰和肉质)及抗病等性状的相关候选基因多态性和表达的研究,获得一批功能基因和潜在分子标记;繁殖技术方面主要是针对人工授精时母兔发情前处理和公兔精液稀释与保存方法的改进进行了一定研究;2013年家兔肌肉蛋白组学研究的启动是该领域的研究亮点。这些研究成果将对中国家兔产业发展起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

试验为探究海狸色獭兔与皱襞型獭兔不同交配组合生产性能比较,随机选取6~7月龄健康皱襞型獭兔和海狸色獭兔各40只(30只母兔和10只公兔),进行不同交配组合试验,分别为海狸纯繁组(海狸色獭兔(♂)×海狸色獭兔(♀))、皱襞纯繁组(白色皱襞型獭兔(♂)×白色皱襞型獭兔(♀))、正交组(海狸色獭兔(♂)×白色皱襞型獭兔(♀))和反交组(白色皱襞型獭兔(♂)×海狸色獭兔(♀)),测定母兔繁殖性能和后代生长性能、屠宰性能及被毛品质。结果显示:正交组初生窝重320.71 g、产仔数6.71只、泌乳力1 727.43 g、仔兔断奶成活率83.91%、仔兔断奶窝重5 304.14 g、幼兔料重比4.06、屠宰率62.43%、皮张面积1 160.20 cm2、被毛密度15 951.70根/cm2、被毛细度16.32 μm、粗毛率6.83%;反交组初生窝重315.14 g、产仔数6.52只、泌乳力1 710.00 g、仔兔断奶成活率80.19%、仔兔断奶窝重4 814.82 g、幼兔料重比4.30、屠宰率62.93%、皮张面积1 172.20 cm2、被毛密度16 092.01根/cm2、被毛细度16.43 μm、粗毛率6.78%,经比对两组间差异均不显著(P>0.05);而海狸色纯繁组的初生窝重、产仔数、泌乳力、仔兔断奶成活率、仔兔断奶窝重、皮张面积、被毛密度、被毛细度均较皱襞型纯繁组低、而幼兔料重比、屠宰率及粗毛率均较皱襞型纯繁组高,经比对两个纯繁组间除料重比、屠宰率、被毛细度和粗毛率差异不显著外(P>0.05),其他各指标差异均显著(P<0.05)。综上所述,正交组合亲代的繁殖性能及F1代的生长性能和屠宰性能均略好于反交组合;而反交组合F1代的被毛品质略好于正交组合。  相似文献   

In order to compare the production performance of different mating combination between Castor Rex rabbit and Plicae Rex rabbit,40 Castor Rex rabbit (10 ♂ and 30 ♀) and 40 Plicae Rex rabbit (10 ♂ and 30 ♀) with 6 to 7 month old were selected.Hybrid testing was conducted using Plicate Rex rabbit and Castor Rex rabbit as crossing parents which were Castor Rex rabbit pure breeding (Castor Rex rabbit ♂×Castor Rex rabbit ♀),Plicate Rex rabbit pure breeding (Plicae Rex rabbit ♂×Plicae Rex rabbit ♀),orthogonal combination (Castor Rex rabbit ♂×Plicae Rex rabbit ♀)and reciprocal combination (Plicae Rex rabbit ♂×Castor Rex rabbit ♀).The reproductive performance of rabbits does and the growth performance,the slaughter performance and wool quality of their offsprings were measured respectively. The results showed that the neonatal weight of litter,litter size,lactescence,survival rate,weaning weight of litter,F/G,slaughter rate,skin area,hair density,hair fineness and coarse wool rate of orthogonal combination were 320.71 g,6.71,1 727.43 g,83.91%,5 304.14 g,4.06,62.43%,1 160.20 cm2,15 951.70/cm2,16.32 μm and 6.83%,respectively,while that of reciprocal combination were 315.14 g,6.52,1 710.00 g,80.19%,4 814.82 g,4.30,62.93%,1 172.20 cm2,16 092.01/cm2,16.43 μm and 6.78%,respectively,and the differences between reciprocal combination and orthogonal combination were not significant (P>0.05).The F/G,slaughter rate and coarse wool rate of F1 in Castor Rex rabbit pure breeding were higher than that of Plicate Rex rabbit pure breeding,while the other indexes were all lower than Plicate Rex rabbit pure breeding,of which the differences between two pure breeding, except F/G,slaughter rate,hair fineness and coarse wool rate, were significantly different (P<0.05).In conclusion,the reproductive performance of parental generation and growth and slaughter performance of F1 in orthogonal combination was slightly better than that of reciprocal combination,while the wool quality of F1 in reciprocal combination was better than orthogonal combination.  相似文献   

[Objective] The paper was to characterize hair density by changes in hair thickness under certain pressure.[Method] The effects of weight of thickness tester and wafer area at the bottom of presser foot on measurement results were studied,and the optimal measuring weight and wafer diameter was determined.The measurement results of hair thickness under the above condition were compared with the results of manual counting.Meanwhile,the effects of hair length and hair fineness on hair density were analyzed.[Result] The hair density obtained by manual counting had consistent change trend with the hair thickness measured under certain conditions.If the length and fineness of hairs were introduced for modification,the correlation between hair thickness and hair density would be better.There were little changes in hair length and fineness of rex rabbit,and their effects on hair thickness could be ignored under general condition.[Conclusion] It is completely feasible to characterize hair density of rex rabbit by hair thickness under pressure.  相似文献   

通过对兔毛纤维类型、物理特性和结构特征的分析,并与相关动物纤维作比较,探讨了兔毛在纺织上的应用价值。  相似文献   

家兔是节粮型草食小动物,其养殖投资少、见效快,已成为中国促进农民增收、助力脱贫攻坚的优势产业。近年来,随着生命科学的发展,国内外家兔遗传育种取得了较大进展。文章分别从家兔传统育种、分子育种和繁殖等方面对国内外2019年家兔遗传育种与繁殖研究进展进行了综述。国外在传统育种、分子育种和家兔繁殖方面均作了较多的研究,传统育种主要是针对选择和环境及添加物对家兔生产性能影响的研究;分子育种方面主要是对繁殖性状相关基因的研究,其中产仔数及精液蛋白方面的研究较多,其次是生长、肉质、毛色等性状相关基因的研究;而繁殖方面的研究主要针对公兔精液的保存方法及添加物对家兔精液品质、产仔数和受胎率的影响。国内家兔遗传育种与繁殖研究也主要包括传统育种、分子育种和家兔繁殖,但国内的研究重点在分子育种研究,其中品种与遗传多样性及皮毛性状功能基因的研究较多,主要采用高通量测序、常规基因克隆和基因编辑的方法筛选对研究性状具有重要调控功能的基因及调控网络;而传统育种性状评定和家兔繁殖方面的研究相对较少。该综述可为家兔的育种和生产研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The rabbit is a kind of grain-saving and small herbivore animal.Rabbit breeding which is low investment and obvious efficiency has become an advantageous industry of increasing income of rural farmers and poverty alleviation.In recent years,with the development of life science,great progress has been made in rabbit genetic breeding at home and abroad.In this paper,the research progress in genetic breeding and reproduction of rabbits in 2019 are reviewed from the traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction of rabbits.For abroad,lots of researches involved in traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction were done.Effects of selection,environment and additives on productive performance had been analyzed in traditional breeding.Molecular breeding mainly focused on reproductive performance among which there were more studies on litter size and spermatine.Secondly,the related genes of growth,meat quality and hair color were studied.The research on reproduction mainly focuses on the preservation method of male rabbit semen and the effects of additives on rabbit semen quality,litter size and conception rate.In China,genetic breeding and reproduction research on rabbit also mainly included traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction,but the focus of domestic research was molecular breeding,among which breed and genetic diversity and functional genes of fur trait were mainly researched using high-throughput sequencing,gene cloning and gene editing to screen the important functional genes and regulatory networks related to research traits.However,compared with molecular breeding,there are fewer studies on the traits evaluation of traditional breeding and rabbit reproduction.This review can provide references for rabbit breeding and production.  相似文献   

Wnt10b is a member of Wnt family that plays a variety of roles in biological functions, including those in the development of hair follicles. To investigate the effect of Wnt10b on hair growth in the Angora rabbit and to determine the underlying molecular mechanism, we cultured dermal papilla (DP) cells with exogenous Wnt10b in vitro. We observed the expressions of downstream critical gene β‐catenin and lymphoid enhancer‐binding factor 1 (LEF1) in Wnt/β‐catenin pathway. The levels of β‐catenin mRNA and protein were higher in the Wnt10b group of DP cells than in the Control group, and the mRNA level of LEF1 in the Wnt10b group was higher than in the Control group. Moreover, translocation of β‐catenin from cytoplasm to nucleus was activated in the Wnt10b group. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of the hair follicle‐regulatory genes, insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and the protein activity of ALP was also upregulated in the Wnt10b group compared to their corresponding levels in the Control group. These data suggest that Wnt10b could activate the canonical Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway to induce DP cells in the Angora rabbit. In addition, the proliferation of DP cells was significantly promoted when cultured with Wnt10b for 48 and 72 hr, suggesting that Wnt10b plays a pivotal role in the proliferation and maintenance of DP cells in vitro. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that Wnt10b may promote hair follicle growth in Angora rabbit through the canonical Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway that promotes the proliferation of DP cells.  相似文献   

为了了解獭兔在不同月龄毛囊和毛密度的变化,选择1~7月龄的獭兔为研究对象,通过活体取样,Sacpic法染色,对不同阶段切片进行观察统计,结果表明:毛密度在1~3月龄处于平台期,无显著变化(P0.05);4~7月龄毛密度处于一个波形变动期,其中通过切片观察5~7月龄为全休止期;4~6月龄为换毛期。本研究摸清了毛密度的变化趋势、变化阶段、各阶段毛囊群特点,为獭兔取皮时间的确定及提高毛密度的研究提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

旨在探究KRT16在长毛兔毛囊发育过程中的表达规律及功能。本试验选取12只健康的6月龄皖系长毛兔,于剪毛后在生长期、退行期和休止期选取背部皮肤采样。通过克隆得到兔KRT16基因的编码序列,利用生物信息学软件对KRT16编码序列(CDS)的生物学特性进行初步分析。实时荧光定量PCR(quantitative real-time PCR,qRT-PCR)分析KRT16在毛囊不同时期表达量。在毛囊毛乳头细胞(dermal papilla cell, DPC)中过表达和敲低KRT16,探究KRT16对毛囊生长发育相关基因的调控作用,以及对DPC增殖的影响。结果显示,KRT16基因的编码序列全长1 431 bp,可编码476个氨基酸,在不同哺乳动物中表现出高度同源性。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,在毛囊发育周期中,KRT16在毛囊发育周期呈现出不同的表达水平,在生长期高表达。通过在兔毛乳头细胞中过表达与敲减KRT16,检测毛囊发育相关基因的表达水平变化,过表达KRT16后,SFRP2和TGFβ1基因的mRNA表达量极显著下降(P<0.01),BCL2、CCND1、EGF、LEF1和CTNNB...  相似文献   

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