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In real data, inbreeding is usually underestimated because of missing pedigree information. A method adapted to the dairy cattle situation is presented to approximate inbreeding when the stored population pedigree is incomplete. Missing parents in incomplete pedigrees were given a dummy identification and assigned to groups (up to nine for a given birth date of progeny). These groups were linked to contemporary reference groups with known parents. An explicit model considered that polygenic breeding values in a censored group were centred on a function of the average breeding value in the corresponding reference group and deviated independently. Inbreeding coefficients were obtained progressively over birth dates starting from founders. For each date considered, the parameters pertaining to its groups were computed using the parameters already obtained from groups belonging to the previous dates. The updating algorithms were given in detail. An indirect method was implemented to expedite mass computations of the relationship coefficients involved (MIM). MIM was compared to Van Raden's (VR) method using simulated populations with 20 overlapping generations and different rates of missing sires and dams. In the situation of random matings, the average inbreeding coefficients by date obtained by MIM were close to true values, whereas they were strongly underestimated by VR. In the situation of assortative matings, MIM gave average inbreeding coefficients moderately underestimated, whereas those of VR's method were still strongly underestimated. The main conclusion of this study adapted to the situation of dairy cattle with incomplete pedigrees was that corrections for inbreeding and coancestry coefficients are more efficient with an explicit appropriate genetic model than without.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is known to affect metric traits. Reduction of additive genetic variance, as well as phenotypic values are its most significant deleterious effects. Yet the emergence of disorders due to recessive gene action constitutes another important aspect. Despite the fact that some effect of inbreeding can be positively used in selection schemes (T oro 1993), breeders are aware of the deleterious effects and try to avoid them. This is particularly true when the selection nucleus and the related population are of small size. Several authors (H agger 1991; V errier et al. 1993; W ray and G oddard 1994) have stressed that the application of sophisticated methods of selection, particularly BLUP-based techniques (H enderson 1973) is to be reconsidered in the light of inbreeding effects. Comparisons of selection methods should therefore account for inbreeding depression (T oro and P jrez -E nciso 1990; Q uinton et al. 1992). Other authors believe that inbreeding depression is not so important, at least in the meat production industry (G ama and S mith 1993) for traits with high heritabilities. Nevertheless, the net effect of inbreeding in a selection programme will depend on the magnitude of the selection response relative to the depression due to the accumulated inbreeding. Depending on whether genetic gain and inbreeding depression compensate for each other, the level of inbreeding of the animals may need to be accounted for in the selection process (K eller et al. 1989; R oehe et al. 1993; K lieve et al. 1994; B risbane and G ibson 1995). On the other hand, the response to inbreeding is not the same for all animals. There is an important range of variation for the estimates of inbreeding depression reported in the literature (e.g. L amberson and T homas 1984). Differences in such a response with respect to identifiable sources of variation should be examined. The objective of this work was to study the relationship between the depression due to inbreeding and litter size of ewes and weights of lambs; and to identify sources of a possible differential response to inbreeding between animals coming from different genetic line, sex, or type of birth.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in the Dutch Landrace goat was investigated based on information from the pedigree with about 6500 animals. Annual inbreeding rate after 1985 was below 0.5% and after 1987 close to 0%. However, pedigree information was incomplete, and 350 animals had unknown parents, while for the majority the real parents must have been in the pedigree. To determine the influence of unknown parents, 20 new pedigrees were created by random assignment of animals, alive at the time of birth, as parents to individuals with unknown parents. Only 12 founders remained for these pedigrees, and inbreeding levels varied considerably between these 20 pedigrees. However, inbreeding rates were remarkably constant. They increased to about 0.2%, indicating that the population is not endangered by inbreeding. The optimal contribution theory was used to evaluate possibilities of decreasing the average relationship in the population and thus to increase the genetic diversity of the breed. Optimal contribution decreased the average relationship in the population whether randomly assigned parents were used or not. However, individuals selected as parents for the resampled pedigrees differed from the original pedigree, and only a few animals were selected for all pedigrees. Candidates for inclusion in the genebank were also selected using optimal contribution. Adding animals to the genebank increased the conserved genetic diversity substantially, but as the lists differed between the analysed pedigrees it was not clear which animals were best added to the genebank.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to estimate trends in inbreeding in Dutch Black and White dairy cattle. A pedigree file for 4 280 588 cattle born after 1965 was used. In the early 1970s, Holstein-Friesian was introduced, gradually replacing Dutch Friesian. Analyses were performed for all Dutch Black and White and original Dutch Friesian separately. Because of incompleteness of pedigrees, a reduced data set was created with only records for animals with complete pedigrees to 1975. Using the complete pedigree data set, from 1985 to 1990, the annual rate of inbreeding was 0.2 and 0.1 % in Dutch Friesian and Dutch Black and White, respectively. Trends for bulls and cows did not differ. Inclusion of incomplete pedigrees decreased absolute levels of inbreeding. Holstein-Friesian introgression temporarily decreased the number of inbred animals and the average inbreeding coefficient of inbred animals. In analysis of trends in inbreeding, the year of birth is confounded with the number of ancestral generations. Therefore, estimation of trends in inbreeding should be based on years in which animals born have sufficient (≥ 7) ancestral generations. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Inzuchtentwicklung in holl?ndischen schwarzbunten Rindern Die Untersuchung betrifft die Sch?tzung von Inzuchttrends in holl?ndischen schwarzbunten Rindern, wofür die Abstammungen von 4.280.588 nach 1965 geborenen Rindern verwendet worden sind. Anfangs der 70iger Jahre wurden Holstein-Friesen importiert, die die holl?ndische Friesen zunehmend verdr?ngten. Die Analyse wurde an alien holl?ndischen schwarzbunten und ursprünglichen holl?ndischen Friesen getrennt durchgeführt. Wegen der Unvollst?ndigkeit von Abstammungen wurde ein reduziertes Material aus Abstammungen von Tieren mit vollst?ndigen Pedigrees bis 1975 geschaffen. Unter Verwendung des vollst?ndigen Abstammungsmaterials ergab sich der Inzuchtzuwachs zwischen 1985 und 1990 als j?hrlich 0,2 bzw. 0,1 % in holl?ndischen Friesen und holl?ndischen Schwarzbunten, wobei der Trend für Bullen und Kühe sich noch nicht unterschied. Berücksichtigung unvollst?ndiger Abstammungsaufzeichnungen verminderte den Inzuchtgrad. Die Holstein-Friesen-Introgression verminderte vorübergehend die Zahl ingezüchteter Tiere und den durchschnittlichen Inzuchtkoeffizienten. In der Analyse von Inzuchtverlauf ist das Geburtsjahr mit der Zahl von Ahnengenerationen vermischt. Daher sollte die Sch?tzung des Inzuchtverlaufs sich auf Jahre begrenzen, in denen Tiere ausreichend (= 7) vor von Generationen aufweisen k?nnen.  相似文献   

Scrapie is a fatal infectious neurodegenerative disease for which susceptibility is associated with polymorphisms in the ovine prion protein (PrP) gene. Scrapie-eradication programmes are based on eliminating the susceptible VRQ allele and/or breeding for the resistant ARR allele. In rare breeds or breeds with a low frequency of the ARR allele this can lead to unacceptably high inbreeding rates with associated increased risk of genetic defects and inbreeding depression. The conservation status of populations with inbreeding rates (DeltaF) above 1% is considered critical. In the Dutch rare sheep breed the Mergellander animals carrying ARR alleles are closely related to one another, and could reach 1.53% when only ARR/ARR animals are used as parents. Inbreeding rates can be reduced by selecting the set of parents according to their average co-ancestry. We minimised inbreeding rates by calculating the optimal contribution of each ram and selection of ewes. This resulted in inbreeding rates of -0.17% with exclusive use of homozygous ARR rams, and -0.38% if use of heterozygous rams was allowed as well. Thus sophisticated breeding programs can prevent unacceptably high inbreeding rates when breeding for scrapie resistance.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in the U.S. Hereford population was characterized by examining the level and rate of inbreeding and effective population size. Pedigree records for 20,624,418 animals were obtained from the American Hereford Association, of which 96.1% had both parents identified. Inbreeding coefficients were computed and mean inbreeding (Fx) calculated by year from 1900 to 2001. Inbreeding increased rapidly between 1900 and 1945. From 1946, inbreeding increased linearly to a maximum of 11.5% in 1966. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, mean inbreeding decreased to mid-century levels. Several alternatives were investigated to explain this decline. The average relationship between prominent sires fell from 20 to 12% during the time that the level of inbreeding decreased, which reflects an increase in the popularity of certain less fashionable sire lines that would have temporarily decreased inbreeding. Pedigrees were constructed for animals born after 1990. This subsample of animals with no missing ancestors in at least 12 generations did not exhibit a decrease in inbreeding. Missing ancestral information therefore contributed to the apparent decline. One cause of missing ancestry results from outcrossing to imported animals. The effect of missing ancestry was investigated by simulating the missing ancestors. In 2001, Fx was 9.8%, and approximately 95% of individuals were inbred. The maximal inbreeding coefficient was 76%. The annual change in mean inbreeding (DeltaFx) was estimated for Herefords born during five time periods from 1946 to 2001, where inbreeding was changing at different linear rates. The DeltaFx for the most recent generation (1990 to 2001) was 0.12%/yr. Assuming a generation interval of 4.88 yr, the estimated effective population size was 85. This study provides a benchmark of current genetic diversity in the Hereford population. Results indicate that inbreeding is accumulating linearly and below critical levels. Increases in the adoption of reproductive technologies could decrease genetic diversity, and in the future, we may need to consider strategies to minimize inbreeding.  相似文献   

Increased rate of inbreeding in selection programmes may have an important effect on mid- and long-term selection response and reproductive performance through reduction in genetic variance and inbreeding depression. Selection on an inherited trait inflates the rate of inbreeding and reduces the effective population size (R obertson 1961; S antiago and C aballero 1995). This can be particularly important in selection based on index with information from relatives (L ush 1947) or best liner unbiased prediction (BLUP) with an animal model (H enderson 1984). In recent years, various methods have been proposed to reduce the rates of inbreeding in selection programmes while keeping genetic gains at the same level. These methods assume various selection and mating strategies. G rundy et al. (1994) showed that the use of biased heritability estimates for BLUP evaluation is one of the simplest and most efficient methods. A direct reduction in the weight on family mean in index selection (T oro and P erez -E nciso 1990), selection for weighted ancestral Mendelian sampling estimates (W oolliams and T hompson 1994; G rundy et al. 1998) and limited use of selected parents (T oro and N ieto 1984; W ei 1995) have also been shown to be efficient methods. Other methods include nonrandom matings of selected parents, such as factorial mating designs (W oolliams 1989), minimum coancestry mating (T oro et al. 1988) and compensatory mating (S antiago and C aballero 1995). Simultaneous optimization of the selection of candidates and their mating allocations has been also considered through mate selection with linear programming techniques (T oro and P erez -E nciso 1990). Among these methods, compensatory mating is a very simple and efficient method (G rundy et al. 1994; S antiago and C aballero 1995; C aballero et al. 1996). This mating system was derived from the theoretical consideration on effective population size under selection (S antiago and C aballero 1995). Although S antiago and C aballero (1995) considered that implementation of this mating could counteract the cumulative effect of selection on the effective population size, the theoretical basis has been little studied. In this paper, the author gives the theoretical basis of compensatory mating. A modification to enhance the effect of compensatory mating is also proposed and the efficiency is examined by stochastic simulation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Inbreeding depression was estimated for four experimental Tribolium castaneum lines. Each line, containing approximately 7000 animals, was selected for 16 generations either randomly (control), on pupae weight (PWT), on family size (FST) or on an index containing both PWT and FST. The inbreeding trend was 0.9, 0.5, 0.5 and 0.4 % inbreeding per generation in PWT-selected, FST-selected, index-selected, and control line, respectively. The model used to estimate the inbreeding depression included a linear regression on individual inbreeding coefficients, and random additive genetic effects. Using all the performance and pedigree data, estimated inbreeding depressions in the control line were -0.13 (SE = 0.16; #) and -8.50 (SE = 2.66; μg) per 1 % inbreeding for FST and PWT, respectively. Using only performance data of the latest generation in the control line, the estimated inbreeding depressions changed considerably: -0.17 (SE = 0.82) and -37.4 (SE= 11.9) for FST and PWT, respectively. Estimated inbreeding depression for FST in the FST-selected line was - 0.40 (SE = 0.31). Inbreeding depression for PWT in the PWT-selected line was 21.6 (SE = 25.8). This study indicates that estimating inbreeding depression might best be based on the performance data of animals with an equal and sufficiently-large number of ancestral generations known. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Wirkung von Datenstruktur und Selektion auf gesch?tzte Inzuchtdepression in experimentellen Triboleum castaneum Linien Jede der vier experimentellen Linien, aus je etwa 7000 Individuen, wurde durch 16 Generationen selektiert, zuf?llig die Kontrolle, auf Puppengewicht (PWT), Familiengr??e (FST), oder auf einen beide Merkmale kombinierenden Index. Inzucntzuw?chse in diesen vier Linien waren 0.4, 0.9, 0.5 und 0.5% je Generation. Das Modell zur Sch?tzung der Inzuchtdepression beinhaltete eine lineare Regression auf individuelle Inzuchtkoeffizienten und zuf?llige additive-genetische Wirkungen. Aus allen Daten, Leistung und Pedigree, ergaben sich -0.13 (SE = 0.16; #) und - 8.5 (SE = 2.66; mg) je 1% Inzucht für FST und PWT, Daten der letzten Generation ergaben deutlich andere Werte: -0.17 (SE = 0.82) und -37.4 (SE = 11.9) für FST und PWT. Inzuchtdepressionen für FST bzw. PWT in den jeweils hierfür selektierten Linien waren -0.40 (SE = 0.31) und 21.6 (SE = 25.8). Es wird gefolgert, da? Sch?tzungen auf Leistungen von hinreichend gro?er Zahl von Vorfahrengenerationen beruhen sollten.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use pedigree analysis to evaluate the population structure and genetic variability in the Murrah dairy breed of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Brazil. Pedigree analysis was performed on 5,061 animals born between 1972 and 2002. The effective number of founders (fe) was 60, representing 6.32?% of the potential number of founders. The effective number of ancestors (fa) was 36 and the genetic contribution of the 17 most influent ancestors explained 50?% of the genetic variability in the population. The ratio fe/fa (effective number of founders/effective number of ancestors), which expresses the effect of population bottlenecks, was 1.66. Completeness level for the whole pedigree was 76.8, 49.2, 27.7, and 12.8?% for, respectively, the first, second, third, and fourth known parental generations. The average inbreeding values for the whole analyzed pedigree and for inbreed animals were, respectively, 1.28 and 7.64?%. The average relatedness coefficient between individuals of the population was estimated to be 2.05?%??the highest individual coefficient was 10.31?%. The actual inbreeding and average relatedness coefficient are probably higher than estimated due to low levels of pedigree completeness. Moreover, the inbreeding coefficient increased with the addition of each generation to the pedigree, indicating that incomplete pedigrees tend to underestimate the level of inbreeding. Introduction of new sires with the lowest possible average relatedness coefficient and the use of appropriate mating strategies are recommended to keep inbreeding at acceptable levels and increase the genetic variability in this economically important species, which has relatively low numbers compared to other commercial cattle breeds. The inclusion of additional parameters, such as effective number of founders, effective number of ancestors, and fe/fa ratio, provides better resolution as compared to the inclusion of inbreeding coefficient and may help breeders and farmers adopt better precautionary measures against inbreeding depression and other deleterious genetic effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of inbreeding on carcass quality, growth rate, live conformation measures, and calving performance in purebred populations of Charolais, Limousin, Simmental, Hereford, and Angus beef cattle using data from Irish commercial and pedigree herds. Variables analyzed are reflective of commercial farming practices. Inbreeding was included in a linear mixed model as either a class variable or a linear continuous variable. Nonlinear effects were nonsignificant across all traits. Inbred animals had decreased carcass weight and less carcass fat. The effects of inbreeding were more pronounced in the British beef breeds. Effects for carcass weight ranged from -0.87 kg (Charolais) to -1.90 kg (Hereford) per 1% increase in inbreeding. Inbred Charolais and Hereford animals were younger at slaughter by 3 and 5 d, respectively, per percentage of increase in inbreeding, whereas the effect of inbreeding on age at slaughter differed significantly with animal sex in the Limousin and Angus breeds. Inbred Limousin and Angus heifers were younger at slaughter by 5 and 7 d, respectively, per percentage of increase in inbreeding. Continental animals were more affected by inbreeding for live muscling and skeletal conformational measurements than the British breeds; inbred animals were smaller and narrower with poorer developed muscle. Calf inbreeding significantly affected perinatal mortality in Charolais, Simmental, and Hereford animals. The effects were dependent upon dam parity and calf sex; however, where significant, the association was always unfavorable. Dam inbreeding significantly affected perinatal mortality in Limousin and Hereford animals. Effects differed by parity in Limousins. Inbred first-parity Angus dams had a greater incidence of dystocia. Although the effects of inbreeding were some-times significant, they were small and are unlikely to make a large financial effect on commercial beef production in Ireland.  相似文献   

The productivity of herds may be negatively affected by inbreeding depression, and it is important to know how intense is this effect on the livestock performance. We performed a comprehensive analysis involving five Zebu breeds reared in Brazil to estimate inbreeding depression in productive and reproductive traits. Inbreeding depression was estimated for 13 traits by including the individual inbreeding rate as a linear covariate in the standard genetic evaluation models. For all breeds and for almost all traits (no effect was observed on gestation length), the performance of the animals was compromised by an increase in inbreeding. The average inbreeding depression was ?0.222% and ?0.859% per 1% of inbreeding for linear regression coefficients scaled on the percentage of mean (βm) and standard deviation (βσ), respectively. The means for βm (and βσ) were ?0.269% (?1.202%) for weight/growth traits and ?0.174% (?0.546%) for reproductive traits. Hence, inbreeding depression is more pronounced in weight/growth traits than in reproductive traits. These findings highlight the need for the management of inbreeding in the respective breeding programmes of the breeds studied here.  相似文献   

The study investigates the genetic diversity present as well as its development in the Brown Cattle population of Switzerland from pedigree information. The population consisted of three subpopulations, the Braunvieh (BV), the original Braunvieh (OB) and the US‐Brown Swiss (BS). The BV is a cross of OB with BS where crossing still continues. The OB is without any genetic influence of BS. The diversity measures effective population size, effective number of ancestors (explaining 99% of reference genome) and founder genome equivalents were calculated for 11 reference populations of animals born in a single year from 1992 onwards. The BS‐subpopulation consisted of animals and their known ancestors which were used in the crossing scheme and was, therefore, quite small. The youngest animals were born in 2002, the oldest ones in the 1920s. Average inbreeding was by far the highest in BS, in spite of the lowest quality of pedigrees, and lowest in OB. Effective population size obtained from the difference between average inbreeding of offspring and their parents was, mostly due to the heavy use of few highly inbred BS‐sires, strongly overestimated in some BV‐reference populations. If this parameter was calculated from the yearly rate of inbreeding and a generation interval of 5 years, no bias was observed and ranking of populations from high to low was OB – BV – BS, i.e. equal to the other diversity parameters. The high genetic diversity found in OB was a consequence of the use of many natural service sires. Rate of decrease of effective number of ancestors was steeper in BV than OB was, however, equal for founder genome equivalents. Founder genome equivalents were more stable than effective population sizes calculated from the difference between average inbreeding of offspring and parents. The five most important ancestors contributed one‐third of the 2002‐reference genomes of BV and OB, in BV all were BS‐sires. The relative amount of BS‐genes in the BV‐genome increased from 59.2% to 78.5% during the 11 years considered.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This study was based on the data of 2943 and 3032 Sardi ewes and lambs and 2737 and 2961 Beni Guil ewes and lambs, collected over 12 years in Kra Kra Station and 19 years in Oued Isly Station, respectively. The effects of inbreeding on performance were examined by using the regression models, in which inbreeding coefficients for the individual and dam were fitted as covariates to models that included other environmental and genetic sources of variation and various performance traits as dependent variables. For Beni Guil lambs, inbreeding of the individual had a negative effect on weight at birth, 30 days and 90 days. The estimates of the effect of a 1% increase in inbreeding were -0.0053, -0.0274, and -0.0469 kg, respectively. Inbreeding of the dam had a significant negative effect on lamb weights in the two breeds, except for the weight at 90 days of Beni Guil lambs. The effects of individual and dam inbreeding did not differ significantly from zero for lamb survival to 90 days. However, litter size at birth and 90 days, as well as litter weight at 90 days, were not affected significantly by either lamb (fetus) or ewe inbreeding. The only exception was the litter weight at 90 days of Beni Guil ewes, which was depressed by 0.0832 for each 1% increase in lamb inbreeding. It was concluded that inbreeding depression is unimportant in open flocks with a low level of inbreeding. RéSUMé: Effets de la consanguinité sur la reproduction, les poids et la viabilité des ovins de races Sardi et Beni Guil L'étude a porté sur 2943 et 3032 performances des brebis et des agneaux de race Sardi collectées sur 12 années à la Ferme de Sélection de Kra Kra, et sur 2737 et 2961 performances des brebis et des agneaux de race Beni Guil enregistrées pendant 19 années à la Ferme de Sélection de Oued Isly. Les effects de la consanguinité sur les performances ont été examinés en utilisant la méthode de régression, par l'introduction des coefficients de consanguinité de l'individu et de la mère comme covariables dans les modèles incluant les autres sources de variation environnementales et génétiques et les différents caractères comme variables dépendantes. La consanguinité de l'agneau a un effet négatif sur les poids à la naissance, 30 j et 90 j des agneaux Beni Guil. Les estimations sont respectivement de -0,0053, -0,0274 et -0,0469 kg pour 1% d'augmentation de la consanguinité. La consanguinité de la mére a un effet négatif sur les poids des agneaux des deux races. Les effets de la consanguinité de l'agneau et de la mère sur la viabilité à 90 j ne sont pas significativement différents de zero. D'un autre co?té, les tailles de la portée à la naissance et à 90 j, ainsi que le poids de la portée à 90 j ne sont affectés ni par la consanguinité de la brebis ni par celle du foetus, sauf le poids de la portée à 90 j des brebis Beni Guil, qui a été diminué de 0,0832 kg pour chaque 1% d'augmentation de la consanguinité de l'agneau. Il a été conclu que la dépression de consanguinité est sans grande importance dans les troupeaux ouverts ayant des taux de consanguinité faibles.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Two-hundred random pedigrees of cows and fifty of sires born in 1987 from the Gir herdbook of the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders were analized. The bull Chave de Ouro DGR no. 2851 was the most influential animal with a 7% direct relationship to the breed. Total average inbreeding was 3.62 and 3.25 for the female and male sample, respectively. The subdivision of total inbreeding into current and non-current components resulted in values of 1.62, 1.25, 2.00 and 2.00 for the female and male sample, respectively. Long-term inbreeding was the principal component of non-current inbreeding, with values of 1.52% and 1.26%, respectively. Inbreeding due to strain formation strain due formation was less important (0.48% and 0.74%, respectively). The average generation interval was 8.02 years. The breed appears not yet to be subdivided into strains but this process may be starting. The average generation interval for the pedigree population was very high. Culling of old bulls could decrease this interval. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Verwandtschaft, Inzucht und Generationsintervall bei Gir Herdbuchrindern in Brasilien 200 zuf?llige Stammb?ume von Kühen und 50 von 1987 geborenen Stieren wurden vom Gir Herdbuch des brasilianischen Zebu Zuchtverbandes genommen. Der Stier Chave de Ouro DGR Nr. 2851 war das einflu?reichste Tier mit einer 7%igen direkten Verwandtschaft zur Rasse. Der gesamte Inzuchtkoeffizient war 3.6 und 3.25% für die weibliche und m?nnliche Stichprobe. Die Unterteilung der gesamten Inzucht in laufende und nicht laufende Komponenten resultierte in Werten von 1.62, 1.25, 2.0, 2.0 für die weibliche und die m?nnliche Stichprobe. Langfristige Inzucht war die Hauptursache für Nicht-Rezente Inzucht mit Werten von 1.5 und 1.26. Inzucht aufgrund von Linienbildung war weniger wichtig (0.48% und 0.74%). Das durchschnittliche Generationsintervall war 8.02 Jahre. Die Rasse scheint noch nicht in Linien unterteilt zu sein, aber dieser Proze? k?nnte begonnen haben. Das durchschnittliche Generationsintervall ist mit 8.02 Jahren sehr hoch. Nichtverwendung alter Stiere k?nnte dieses Intervall verkürzen.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the development of inbreeding and estimate inbreeding depression in the Danish populations of 3 major meat type sheep breeds. The pedigrees contained 29,336 Texel, 22,838 Shropshire, and 11,487 Oxford Down. The rate of inbreeding was approximately 1% per generation for all breeds, but the rate of increase in co-ancestry was somewhat lower (0.45 to 0.71), indicating that more inbreeding has been accumulating than would be expected if mating was at random. Inbreeding depression for birth weight, ADG from birth until 2 mo, and litter size was estimated for all 3 breeds using a minimum of 15,000 records per trait and breed. All traits showed depression due to inbreeding of the animal itself. For most combinations of trait and breed, there was also a significant reduction of the phenotype due to inbreeding in the dam. The size of inbreeding depression was 1.2 to 2.6% of the mean, resulting in an increase in the inbreeding coefficient of the individual of 0.10, and estimates were similar for similar increases in maternal inbreeding. The rate of inbreeding in these breeds needs to be reduced in the future to avoid a further decline in birth weight, ADG, and litter size.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression in closed populations impairs animal fitness, health, and productivity. However, not all inbreeding is expected to be equally damaging. Recent inbreeding is thought to be more harmful than ancient inbreeding because selection decreases the frequency of unfavourable alleles with time. Accordingly, selection efficiency is improved by inbreeding in a process called purging. This research aimed to quantify inbreeding depression on growth and prolificacy traits in two lines of rabbits selected for just one growth (Caldes line) or prolificacy (Prat line) trait, and also to find some evidence of purging of deleterious alleles by selection. Caldes line comprised 51 generations and 124,371 animals in the pedigree. Prat line comprised 34 generations and 161,039 animals in the pedigree. The effects of old, intermediate, and new inbreeding (Fold, Fint, and Fnew), as well as total cumulated classical inbreeding (F) and 3 measurements of ancestral inbreeding (AHC, Fa.K, and Fa.B) were estimated for average daily gain (ADG), slaughter weight (SW), weaning weight (WW), born alive (BA), the total number of kits (NT), and the number of weaned kits (NW). There was a clear inbreeding depression for all growth and prolificacy traits in the Caldes line (−7.19 g/d, −0.45 kg, −0.25 kg, −6 kits, −4 kits, and −4 kits per unit of increase in F for ADG, SW, WW, BA, NT, and NW, respectively) and also in Prat line (−7.48 g/d, −0.31 kg, −0.11 kg, −4 kits, −5 kits, and −4 kits per unit of increase in F for ADG, SW, WW, BA, NT, and NW, respectively). The inbreeding partition appears to be a reliable alternative for assessing inbreeding depression and purging. Thus, for example, in the Caldes line and for ADG the regression coefficients were −7.61, −5.41, and 7.76 g/d per unit of increase in Fnew, Fint, and Fold, respectively. In addition, AHC and Fa.B may provide more accurate evidence of purging than Fa.K. This study confirms the existence of inbreeding depression for growth and prolificacy traits in both lines of rabbits and shows evidence of purging of deleterious recessive alleles involved both in growth and prolificacy, independently of the selection criteria established in the line.  相似文献   

Introduction   A number of systems based on metabolizable protein, such as that adopted in the UK (A gricultural and F ood R esearch C ouncil 1992) have been developed to improve the accuracy of protein rationing for ruminants. Quantification of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen is a fundamental requirement of all such systems. In the UK system, microbial protein supply is predicted from an estimate of fermentable metabolizable energy intake, using a correction for the effects of level of feeding on the energetic efficiency of microbial protein synthesis. Use of such an approach is however subject to considerable error due to large variations in the energetic efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (A gricultural R esearch C ouncil 1984). Consequently there is an urgent requirement for an on-farm diagnostic marker of microbial protein supply as a basis for adjusting diets to maximize efficiency of dietary nitrogen utilization by dairy cows (D ewhurst et al. 1996). Urinary purine derivative excretion has been proposed as a noninvasive index of microbial protein supply in ruminant animals (T opps and E lliot 1965). Use of this microbial marker is based on the assumption that purines entering the duodenum are essentially microbial in origin (M c A llan 1982), and that following metabolism, their derivatives are quantitatively recovered in the urine (C hen et al. 1990; V erbic et al. 1990). Purine metabolites excreted in ruminant urine are primarily derived from the metabolism of absorbed purines, but as a consequence of tissue adenosine triphosphate and nucleic acid turnover, a proportion of purine bases are not salvaged and re-utilized, but enter catabolic pathways, constituting an endogenous loss.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of inbreeding depression on traits of buffaloes from Brazil. Specifically, the traits studied were body weight at 205 and 365 days of age, average daily gain from birth to 205 days (ADG_205), average daily gain between 205 and 365 days (ADG205_365) in Mediterranean buffaloes, and milk yield, lactation length, age of first calving and calving intervals in Murrah buffaloes. Inbreeding effects on the traits were determined by fitting four regression models (linear, quadratic, exponential and Michaelis‐Menten) about the errors generated by the animal model. The linear model was only significant (P < 0.05) for growth traits (exception of ADG205_365). The exponential and Michaelis‐Menten models were significant (P < 0.01) for all the studied traits while the quadratic model was not significant (P > 0.05) for any of the traits. Weight at 205 and 365 days of age decreased 0.25 kg and 0.39 kg per 1% of increase in inbreeding, respectively. The inbred animals (F = 0.25) produced less milk than non‐inbred individuals: 50.4 kg of milk. Moreover, calving interval increased 0.164 days per 1% of increase in inbreeding. Interestingly, inbreeding had a positive effect on age at first calving and lactation length, decreasing age of first calving and increasing lactation length.  相似文献   

M. Avdi  G. Banos 《Livestock Science》2008,114(2-3):362-365
Inbreeding and heterozygosity levels were calculated in a population of 77 horses of the endangered Skyros breed that had been raised since 1988 at an experimental farm. Twenty one horses were inbred with average inbreeding coefficient of 0.11 ( ± 0.02). Annual inbreeding change over the last 10 years was not significant (P > 0.05). Animals were genotyped for 18 microsatellite markers. Average number of alleles was 4.11 ( ± 0.43). Average theoretical and observed heterozygosity were 0.63 ( ± 0.06) and 0.66 ( ± 0.06), respectively. The probability of paternity exclusion with 1 and 2 parents unconfirmed was 0.9890 and 0.9999, respectively. Genetic diversity levels were reasonable and comparable to results from other breeds internationally.  相似文献   

  1. The objective was to investigate inbreeding depression for some economic traits of Mazandaran native fowls using data collected from 1992 to 2012 (21 generations) using a REML animal model of significant fixed and random effects with inbreeding of birds and dams as covariates.

  2. The mean inbreeding coefficient (F) for the whole population and dams was 4.67% and 4.12%, respectively, and most of the inbred birds (75.79%) and inbred dams (72.58%) had F < 12.5%.

  3. Individual and dam inbreeding trends were 0.55% and 0.53% per year.

  4. Inbreeding depression for body weight at hatch, at 8 weeks and 12 weeks of age, age at sexual maturity, weight at sexual maturity, egg weight at 1st d of laying and average egg weight at 28, 30 and 32 weeks of laying due to a 1% increase in individual inbreeding were ?0.11 g, ?3.1 g, ?1.3 g, 0.15 d, 0.59 g, ?0.05 g and ?0.03 g, respectively.

  5. A 1% increase in maternal inbreeding resulted in a reduction of 0.06, 0.6 and 3.6 g in body weight at hatch, 8 weeks and 12 weeks of age.


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