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The underpricing of initial public offering(IPO) has been one of the "the new issue puzzles" in the finance.The paper studes the underpricing of IPO phenomenon by real option methods.The research find that even the information of stock market is symmetry,the underpricing of IPO is inevitable.With the development of stock market,the(degree) of the underpricing of IPO will be lowed.The reasons of underpricing of the IPO in Chinese stock market,on the one hand come from widespread existing IPO underpricing,and on the other hand,come from the irrationality of IPO pricing way and stocks is not all circulate.  相似文献   

农户经营行为的农业面源污染效应及模型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从农户层面分析了农户的经营行为对农业面源污染的影响,同时利用环境经济学模型研究了 农业面源污染形成的经济机理,研究表明:中国农户经营行为对农业面源污染有着重要的影响;农业 面源污染负荷可分为三部分,一是来源于生产经营私人利润最大化与社会福利最大化背离的贡献,二 是来源于农户的经营决策机制的贡献,三是来源于政策、制度、技术水平和社会人口压力等因素的贡 献。因此,对于农业面源污染的调控,必须从这三部分贡献源入手,采取针对性的措施。  相似文献   

为规范引导农户合理施药行为,降低农药安全风险,提高农产品质量安全,以中国东部6省21个村496户调研数据为例,分析农户在农业生产过程中农药使用行为特征及其存在的问题。调查发现,高毒甚至禁用农药在国内部分地区仍普遍使用,且农药使用行为存在不合理现象,农户在农药使用过程中,更加关注施用效果以及农药价格成本,而很少关注环境影响及农产品质量安全。因此,提出加速农药产品升级、加强培训指导以及规范农药生产管理措施等方面的建议。  相似文献   

冉奥博  张雷 《中国农学通报》2014,30(29):120-127
学者由于时代、地域和分析角度不一致,对农民经济行为有着不同的认识与理解。国内学者主流观点是农民经济行为在外部环境影响下时而理性,时而非理性。本研究对于韦伯的农民行为不理性,黄宗智的行为半理性和秦晖的约束理性进行扬弃;认为农民经济行为是持续理性的,非理性只是外部评价机制不同。通过囚徒困境,公路模型和蛛网模型分析了农民内在理性与外在理性。最后引入等信息线,分析了信息与农民边际收益关系,认为信息因素决定农民经济行为。  相似文献   

Differing from the standpoint of classical finance theory, investors is non-rational in security market in China. They have obvious non-rational characteristics, such as overconfidence, herd behavior, disposition effect and policy dependence. Because non-rational investors have intensification effect and risk-dispersed effect, under some market condition, they may lead to stock spillover or discount when their forecast error on stock expected return is less than certain bound, but when their forecast error goes beyond the certain bound, they will impulse undulation of stock price.  相似文献   

蔬菜出口产地农户农药使用行为的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农药是重要的农业生产资料,可用于防止农作物病虫害、消除杂草、调节植物生长的药剂,对农业生产起着极为重要的作用,但不合理使用农药将带来诸如农产品农药残留超标、环境污染等一系列不利影响。利用蔬菜出口产地调查数据,本文对农户农药使用行为进行了较为详细地分析,发现农户在农药使用过程中存在诸多不合理之处,包括农民的食品安全意识较为淡薄等。在此基础上,深入探讨了不合理使用农药对农产品质量安全、人类健康、生态环境带来的影响。最后,提出了要进一步加大对农药安全、合理使用的宣传力度,提高农户安全用药意识;加大指导和培训力度,规范农户农药使用行为;加快建立全国统一的农药残留监控体系以及加快农药残留国家标准制定速度等建议。  相似文献   

乡村旅游对中国统筹城乡发展、大力建设社会主义新农村、构建和谐社会意义巨大。乡村旅游游客旅游行为研究,是乡村旅游发展的一个关键问题,必须高度重视。作者以问卷调查为主要手段,以福建泉州双芹村乡村旅游区为案例,在分析国内外有关乡村旅游游客旅游行为研究现状的基础上,对乡村旅游游客的旅游决策行为、旅游偏好行为、旅游空间行为、客主交互效应和旅游体验评价认知等旅游前、中、后的行为进行研究,总结了福建沿海地区乡村旅游游客的旅游行为特征,并提出了该地区乡村旅游发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

Stock prices are different on a daily basis with small ups, small downs, or abrupt changes. While small fluctuations are typical according to economic theory and understandable to most investors, abrupt changes are unexpected and can be either harmful (if dramatic downward change occurs) to a society's economy (and investors) or beneficial (if vast upward change occurs) to a society's economy (and investors). We introduce the variance change point model (volatility change point model), and use it to analyze two stocks: Shanghai Stock Composite Indices and Shenzhen Stock Composite Indices from 1992 to 2002. The authors use a binary procedure combined with Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC) as in Chen and Gupta (1997) to search all the possible variance (volatility) change points exist in the sequence. Changes in both indices are successfully identified and their economic explanations are given.  相似文献   

根据冰淇淋的生产工艺,从原料验收、杀菌、均质、老化及卫生制度问题等几个环节,分析了目前我国中小型冷饮企业冰淇淋加工中存在的质量安全隐患极其产生的原因,并根据实际情况提出了具体的防范措施。  相似文献   

This paper considers the behavior of actors in real estate markets in the face of environmental uncertainty. Environmental legislation has increased in scale and scope with obvious implications for property markets. Developers, investors, occupiers, and lenders may all be affected by changing environmental standards. Any factor that creates valuation uncertainty will have major impacts. Blighted sites and properties will be shunned, while existing real estate portfolios will be adversely affected. A survey of UK property practitioners on their attitudes to environmental hazard reveals that firms seem pessimistic as to their ability to quantify and model the economic and investment implications of environmental risk. There are concerns here for the wider economy and for the business community through supply-side constraints and suboptimal location. There are implications, too, for local and regional regeneration strategies as whole areas may be blighted by potential contamination. There may be mispricing and arbitrage opportunities in relation to such assets that can be exploited through first mover advantage by firms willing and able to develop effective risk-sensitive appraisal models.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国农业经营的“小农户“与”大市场”的矛盾日益尖锐,分散的小农户难以成为完整而有力的市场主体和产业化经营主体。因此,创新农村市场主体和产业化经营主体十分必要。农业合作组织掌握市场信息充分,有资本、技术、人才优势,它们能有效地组织农户参与农业产业化经营,因而是最强有力的市场主体和产业化经营主体。我国“入世”之后,农业合组织的作用将越来越突出,关注和推动我国农业合组织的理论研究和实践发展,是一个极具有价值的课题。本文通过分析国外发达国家农业合作社的发展,研究南贵昆区域农业合作组织的发展策略,为农业产业化经营创造良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

The price of our High-technological Listed Company has been fluctuated since 2000,many investors were exposed to tremendous loss. So, the researchers and the investors pay more and more attention to this question. We apply Gray Relating Method to the evaluation of High-technological Listed Company, firstly choose some key factors affecting the value of company, then build up the evaluating models. We check the model according to the actual data. The conclusion can offer investors consulting advise.  相似文献   

山西省处于中国中西部内陆区,具有良好的区位优势和资源优势,但由于长期以来不合理的开发和利用,出现生态环境脆弱、水资源匮乏、环境污染严重、经济结构不合理等,形成生态经济运行过程中资源优势与经济发展的不相一致,制约了可持续发展体系的形成。针对这一现实问题,提出了促进山西省生态改良、实现生态经济系统良性循环的主要对策,即:调整产业结构、发展生态农业和旅游业、实施清洁生产等。  相似文献   

Earning report is a main accounting report that transmits earning information to users. It is the core of financial reports system. Earning information is significant to users' decision making. This paper studies the respond of stock trading volume to earning report and draws the curve of trading volume before and after earning report. This paper further does a regression analysis of accidental earning and abnormal return rate, and draws the relation curve of them on the earning report date to prove stock trading volume does have remarkable respond to earning report. This research is significant to either lessen small investors blindness investment and help them make reasonable forecast to markets and regulate the disclosure of listed companies.  相似文献   

Testing Research on Development of Perilous Rock in Tension-shear Fracture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a game model for the effect of corporation control on the financial contract efficiency under imperfect financial contract has been set up.With introducing the factor of control power,the factors influencing the efficiency of the financial contract are not only the efforts of investors and administrators and the welfare of the administrator but more important is the imperfectness of the financial contract,which can be used for discussion on transformation mechanism of the influence of the funding behavior.  相似文献   

油菜种子油分形成的生理生化基础研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了中国油菜种子含油量偏低的现状和世界范围内提高油菜种子含油量的研究成效。并综述了油菜种子形成期间脂肪代谢与其它代谢之间的联系、种子油分形成与关键酶活性和关键物质之间的关系。同时提出要将影响含油量的关键酶及其底物和脂肪合成过程中的一些关键物质综合在一起,建立一个影响油菜种子含油量的生理生化体系,才能从本质上提高油菜种子含油量。  相似文献   

农业是奠定基础、保障人民生活的基础产业,是乡村产业蓬勃发展和带动农民脱贫的关键环节。农业上市公司是农业高质量发展的顶梁柱,应在乡村产业由增产导向型向提质导向型的转型升级中发挥“头雁效应”。本研究基于因子分析方法对包含农林牧渔业在内的农业上市公司进行绩效评价,对于农业上市公司运营管理和公司治理水平提升,并更好地被国家和其他机构投资者所了解和掌握,最大限度发挥对其他农业经营主体和小农户的引领带动作用都具有十分重要的意义。研究结果表明,农业上市公司引领农业高质量发展的系统性工程需要政府、企业、农民及相关主体共同参与,从技术、人才、资源、政策等方面综合发力,精准施策。  相似文献   

转基因大豆发展现状与中国的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述对世界大豆主产国转基因大豆的发展历程进行了回顾,就转基因大豆对于人类、动植物及环境安全可能存在的现实和潜在的影响进行了叙述并对中国大豆产业的未来进行了展望;认为,目前应实行两条腿走路的方针,一方面充分利用中国非转基因大豆这一优势,积极开拓国际市场,亦注重进口非转基因大豆,使中国成为世界非转基因大豆的生产、加工和出口中心;同时加强对大豆生物技术研发的投入力度,早日创造出知识产权属于中国自己的、安全和环保的转基因大豆品种,为中国大豆产业实现新的腾飞提供技术储备。  相似文献   

智能视频分析的车辆异常行为检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证公司自主研发的呋喃它酮代谢物化学发光微粒子检测试剂盒的检测效果,用化学发光微粒子免疫法和高效液相色谱串联质谱法对猪肉、鸡肉、鱼肉、虾4个样品中呋喃它酮代谢物残留量进行检测,比对两种方法试验结果间的差异。结果表明,使用直接竞争CLIA试剂盒检测动物性食品中呋喃它酮代谢物残留量,其特异性强,灵敏度较高,在猪肉、鸡肉、鱼肉、虾样品中0.2、0.4、0.8μg/kg 3个水平的加标回收率均在94.0%~101.0%之间,变异系数均小于15%,最低检测限分别为86.24、84.09、84.51、88.12 ng/kg;此方法与高效液相色谱串联质谱法检测实际样品的阴、阳性判断结果一致,其结果稳定、可靠,可满足现场快速检测动物组织中呋喃它酮代谢物残留的要求。  相似文献   

A set of 65 recombinant inbred lines of the ‘International Triticeae Mapping Initiative’ mapping population (‘W7984’בOpata 85’) was analysed for resistance to septoria tritici blotch at the seedling and adult plant stages. The mapping population was inoculated with two Argentinean isolates (IPO 92067 and IPO 93014). At the seedling stage, three loci were discovered on the short arms of chromosomes 1D, 2D and 6B. All three loci were detected with both isolates. At the adult plant stage, two isolate-specific QTL were found. The loci specific for isolates IPO 92067 and IPO 93014 were mapped on the long arms of chromosomes 3D and 7B, respectively. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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