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2014年3月底湖北省恩施州鹤峰县养羊户从外省购入山羊后,山羊出现发热、咳嗽、流涎、腹泻等小反刍兽疫疑似症状。采集3只病死山羊病料、8只发病山羊棉拭子和8份血清样品分别进行病原学和血清学检测。利用阻断ELISA试剂盒对8份血清样本进行抗体检测,结果全部阳性;利用小反刍兽疫病毒特异性荧光定量R T-PCR方法,从11只病羊样品中均检测到小反刍兽疫病毒核酸,结果经国家外来动物疫病研究中心复核确认,确诊为湖北省首例山羊小反刍兽疫疫情。  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病是由牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)引起的一种牛全身性感染疫病,以皮肤出现结节为典型临床特征,严重影响着养牛业的发展,是世界动物卫生组织要求法定报告的动物传染病,我国将其列为二类动物传染病进行管理. 1 国内流行现状 2019年8月,新疆伊犁州发生了LSD疫情,是我国首次确诊的LSD疫情,经流行病学调查,认为经虫媒传入的风险最高.2020年以来,我国福建长汀、江西赣州、广东潮州、安徽黄山、浙江金华等地先后确诊了6起牛结节性皮肤病疫情,各地采取了积极有效的防控措施,防止了疫情的扩散和蔓延.该病的散发流行对我国的奶牛和肉牛养殖造成了严重的不良影响.  相似文献   

为了对2018年9月份黑龙江省佳木斯市郊区长青乡范家屯某养殖户及向阳区和平村某养殖户饲养的生猪发生不明原因死亡进行确诊,试验采用国家外来动物疫病研究中心提供的荧光PCR和PCR检测方法对从病死猪采集的全血、脾脏、肾脏、淋巴结、肺脏进行了检测并根据检测结果进行防控。结果表明:根据发病情况、临床症状、剖检病变及实验室诊断结果,确诊所检病料均为非洲猪瘟病毒核酸阳性。其中脾脏比全血更容易检出非洲猪瘟核酸,同时病死猪最典型的病变在于脾脏异常肿大、变黑,因此建议今后对于疑似非洲猪瘟的病死猪检测采样可以首选脾脏。黑龙江省动物疫病预防与控制中心根据检测结果及时采取了防控措施,使疫情得到了有效的控制。  相似文献   

采用口蹄疫病毒非结构蛋白3ABC-ELISA试验对1 786份奶牛血清样本进行口蹄疫病毒隐性感染状况调查,并对疑似阳性牛只进一步采集食道-咽部分泌物(OP液)样本,通过已建立的RT-PCR进行口蹄疫病毒核酸检测,核酸阳性样本进一步进行O型、亚洲Ⅰ型和A型口蹄疫病毒血清型鉴别。结果:被检样本中26份奶牛血清显示口蹄疫病毒非结构蛋白抗体阳性,9份奶牛OP液样本显示口蹄疫病毒核酸阳性,经血清型鉴别均为O型口蹄疫病毒。试验结果表明:通过3ABC-ELISA初筛和RT-PCR检测方法确诊是控制口蹄疫疫情发生和流行的有效手段。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫疫情发生数量下降 8.9月仅发生两起 9月3日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,新疆伊犁州特克斯县部分养殖户发生小反刍兽疫疫情,发病羊423只,死亡193只,扑杀577只。 8月7日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,江西省上饶市余干县部分养殖户发生小反刍兽疫疫情,发病羊29只,死亡23只,扑杀26只。  相似文献   

为确诊衡阳市某猪场育肥猪发生的疑似猪伪狂犬病(PR)疫情,采集发病猪脾脏,运用PCR方法进行猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)核酸检测,利用非洲绿猴肾细胞(Vero)进行病毒分离培养,采用免疫过氧化物酶单层细胞染色法(IPMA)进行病毒血清学鉴定;用分离培养物进行家兔感染试验,观察临床症状和病例剖检变化,采用PCR检测各器官中的病毒分布情况。结果显示:病料接种Vero细胞培养3 d后,出现明显的细胞病变效应(CPE);分离培养的病毒与PRV阳性血清呈阳性反应;家兔感染后出现奇痒等神经症状并死亡,其肝、脾组织均为PRV gE核酸检测阳性。试验结果证实,分离到的病毒为PRV野毒,从而确诊了该疑似疫情。  相似文献   

2020年11月,山东滨州市、东营市引进牛皮肤出现自限性皮肤结节、损伤以及结痂等症状,疑似发生牛结节性皮肤病(lumpy skin disease,LSD)。为确诊两地疫情及了解病原的遗传演化关系,利用荧光定量PCR方法进行诊断,以PCR方法扩增GCPR基因并进行核苷酸比对分析和遗传演化分析。检测结果显示,采集的样品中检测到牛结节性皮肤病病毒(lumpy skin disease virus,LSDV),两地疫情确诊为LSD疫情。GCPR基因核苷酸比对结果显示,China/SDBinzhou/2020、China/SDDongying/2020 GCPR基因存在12个核苷酸的插入,与疫苗毒株Neethling vaccine LW 1959株、Neethling-LSD vaccine-OBP株以及俄罗斯发现的疫苗样毒株Saratov株在GCPR基因的核苷酸插入序列相同,具备疫苗样毒株的特征。系统发育分析结果表明,China/SDBinzhou/2020、China/SDDongying/2020 GCPR基因与我国新疆发现的LSDV毒株GCPR基因处同一小分支中,亲缘关系较近。同时,我国LSDV毒株与Neethling vaccine LW 1959株、Neethling-LSD vaccine-OBP株以及Saratov株等共处于一大分支中。综上,确诊滨州市、东营市两地疫情为LSD疫情,这是山东省首次确诊输入性LSD疫情。  相似文献   

2013年12月新疆伊犁州霍城县发生不明山羊疫情,根据临床症状和剖检变化怀疑为小反刍兽疫感染。对3只病死山羊病料、8只患病山羊分泌物棉拭子样品和6只患病山羊血清样品分别进行病原学和血清学检测。利用竞争ELISA试剂盒对6份血清样本进行抗体检测,结果全部为阳性。利用抗原捕获ELISA试剂盒,在11只病羊样品中都检测到小反刍兽疫抗原。利用能特异性检测小反刍兽疫病毒的荧光定量RT-PCR方法,在11只病羊样品中检测到小反刍兽疫病毒核酸。利用特异引物进行PPRV N基因片段RT-PCR反应,从11只病羊样品中检测到PPRV核酸。针对2号样本病原核酸N基因和F基因片段进行序列同源性比较,结果该毒株与西藏流行株序列片段相似性分别为96.5%和97.5%。遗传进化分析,该病原属于谱系4,与巴基斯坦等国流行毒株遗传关系最近。  相似文献   

正8月15日,新疆维吾尔自治区巴州尉犁县某养殖场的牛出现疑似口蹄疫症状,发病牛63头,死亡4头。8月16日,自治区动物疫病预防控制中心诊断为口蹄疫病毒核酸阳性。8月22日,经国家口蹄疫参考实验室确诊,该起疫情为O型口蹄疫疫情。疫情发生后,当地按照有关预案和防治技术规范要求,切实做好疫情处置工作,已扑杀171头发病  相似文献   

为查明贵州省安顺市某养殖场牛群发病死亡的原因,采集病料进行支原体核酸检测、血液原虫检查以及细菌分离培养。结果:肺脏样品PCR扩增出351 bp的牛支原体目的基因条带,血液样品姬姆萨染色镜检观察到大量附红细胞体,未分离培养出细菌。结论:根据病牛临床症状、病理变化和实验室检测结果,确诊为牛支原体与附红细胞体混合感染。  相似文献   

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an endemic highly infectious viral disease affecting cattle in Egypt. This study aimed to identify and characterize the LSD virus (LSDV) outbreaks in Egypt between 2016 and 2018 and to determine the role of Egyptian buffaloes in the epidemiology of LSD. A total of 44 skin biopsies (41 from cattle and 3 from buffaloes) and 31 blood samples from asymptomatic buffaloes in contact with clinically infected cattle were collected from 7 Egyptian governorates and tested by real-time (rt)-PCR. The positive samples were further isolated, and the isolates were analyzed by conventional PCR to amplify the LSDV001 and LSDV002 genes; three isolates were sequenced, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed. In addition, 198 serum samples (102 from cattle and 96 from contact buffaloes) were examined using ELISA. Out of 44 skin nodules analyzed by rt-PCR, 31 (70.45 %) were positive while, non of the buffalo samples were positive. Out of 31 positive rt-PCR samples, LSDV was isolated on CAM (n=19; 61.29%) and MDBK cell culture. The virus isolates were confirmed by conventional PCR where 1237 bp product size was successfully amplified. The phylogenetic analysis of LSDV002 gene revealed that three sequenced LSDV isolates were identical to each other and to LSDV isolates from different countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe with 99–100 % identity. ELISA analyses showed seroreactivity of LSDV in Egyptian cattle and buffaloes. In conclusion, the Egyptian water buffalo serves as an accidental non-adapted host for the disease and this point requires more deep investigation. In addition, the current vaccine strategy should be re-evaluated for more coverage and effectiveness.  相似文献   

2020年10月,宁夏盐池县、利通区、平罗县发生输入性牛结节性皮肤病疫情。为查明疫情发生原因,分析疫情扩散风险,宁夏回族自治区农业农村厅畜牧兽医局组织成立督导组进行流行病学调查。通过现场调查、座谈及实验室检测,综合发病、溯源和追踪情况以及实验室检测结果,分析认为此次疫情是由调入纯种荷斯坦育成奶牛引起的。因及时采取了封锁疫点、控制移动、扑杀、无害化处理、清洗消毒、杀灭蚊蝇、免疫等综合处置措施,疫情扩散风险较低。此次疫情警示,要强化牛只及其产品的调运监管,加强疫情排查监测,及时发现和处置疫情。  相似文献   

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) virus (LSDV) was isolated for the first time from cattle in Egypt in 2 disease outbreaks. Bovine herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4) and LSDV were detected in a pooled sample from the first outbreak (Suez). Only LSDV was isolated from the second outbreak (Ismalia). The capripoxviruses were identified as LSDV by neutralization with specific antiserum and by their ability to produce generalized LSD in experimentally inoculated cattle.  相似文献   

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a disease of cattle, primarily in Africa and Madagascar and rarely in the Middle East. It is caused by a capripoxvirus that belongs to the family Poxviridae. The disease is of economic importance in endemic areas. Effective control of LSD requires accurate and rapid laboratory techniques to confirm a tentative clinical diagnosis. Comparative studies on different diagnostic tests used at different stages of the disease have not been done. The aim of this study was to compare several of these tests. Six seronegative bulls, between 11 and 20 months of age, were infected intravenously and kept in an insect-free facility. The course of the infection was monitored. During a 3-month period blood samples and skin biopsies were collected for virus isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Skin biopsies were also examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The incubation period in infected animals varied from 4-5 days. The length of the viraemic period did not correlate with the severity of clinical disease. Viraemia was detected from 1-12 days using virus isolation and from 4-11 days using the PCR, which is longer than has previously been reported. Virus was isolated from skin biopsies until Day 39 post infection (p.i.) and PCR could demonstrate viral DNA until Day 92 p.i. Transmission electron microscopy of negatively stained skin biopsies detected LSD virus only in one of the four bulls that developed skin lesions until Day 33 p.i. The PCR was a fast and sensitive method to demonstrate viral DNA in blood and skin samples. It could detect viral nucleic acid in skin lesions 53 days longer than virus isolation. Virus isolation from blood and skin samples was sensitive and reliable, but as a single test it may be too time-consuming to use although this depends on how rapidly the diagnosis must be confirmed. In conclusion, this study showed the PCR to be superior in detecting LSD virus from blood and skin samples. However, virus isolation is still required when the infectivity of the LSD virus is to be determined.  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病(LSD)是由牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)引起的以发热、消瘦、皮肤水肿、局部形成坚硬的结节或溃疡、淋巴结肿大等为主要特征的急性、亚急性传染病.本病目前尚无特效治疗药物,疫苗接种是当前主要的防控措施,但我国目前并没有针对该病的疫苗,因此建立快速准确的检测方法显得尤为重要.本文从该病的病毒分离和鉴定、血清学...  相似文献   

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an infectious viral disease affecting cattle, cause severe economic losses. In the last few years, the disease is widely distributed in many countries in the Middle East, including Egypt. This study aimed to determine the genetic character of LSDV circulating in some governorates in Egypt and its relation with other LSDVs and vaccine strains in GenBank. A total of 50 skin nodules and 50 blood samples were collected from clinically affected cattle to detect LSDV using PCR targeting the P32 gene. The positive samples were characterized using PCR targeting the GPCR gene. The amplified products of four samples detected in the skin nodule of cattle from Alexandria and Kafr ElSheikh governorates were sequenced, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed. Out of 100 analyzed samples, 70 samples were positive for LSDV by PCR assay. In addition, the sequence alignment of the obtained LSDV strains detected in the Alexandria governorate showed high similarity to the LSDV genome (MN995838). In contrast, LSDV strains from Kafr ElSheikh governorate revealed high similarity and the previous Egyptian strain (MG970343), which was isolated from cattle in Sharkia governorate in 2016. Also, the phylogenetic analysis confirmed that one of the LSDV strain (LC601598) from Alexandria is closely related to the LSDV of Menofia/Egypt/2019 (MN271722), while another one (LC601597) is closely related to vaccine strains of LSDV. Moreover, the LSDV strains from Kafr Elsheikh showed closely related to previous LSDV strains isolated from Menofia (MG970343) and Dakahlia (KP071936) governorates and clustered with other LSDV strains in a distinct cluster. This information is for understanding the epidemiology of LSDV and supporting the establishment of an efficient control program for the disease.  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病(LSD)是由牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)引起的一种牛急性、亚急性病毒性传染病,临床主要表现为发热,皮肤出现结节,母牛流产、产奶量下降,公牛不育。文章对牛结节性皮肤病的病原学、流行病学、临床症状及病理变化、诊断、防控措施等方面进行了较全而的阐述,以期为该病的诊断和防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a severe viral disease of cattle. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the virus is transmitted mechanically by blood-feeding arthropods. We compared the importance of transmission via direct and indirect contact in field conditions by using mathematical tools. We analyzed a dataset collected during the LSD outbreak in 2006 in a large dairy herd, which included ten separated cattle groups. Outbreak dynamics and risk factors for LSD were assessed by a transmission model. Transmission by three contact modes was modelled; indirect contact between the groups within a herd, direct contact or contact via common drinking water within the groups and transmission by contact during milking procedure. Indirect transmission was the only parameter that could solely explain the entire outbreak dynamics and was estimated to have an overall effect that was over 5 times larger than all other possible routes of transmission, combined. The R0 value induced by indirect transmission per the presence of an infectious cow for 1 day in the herd was 15.7, while the R0 induced by direct transmission was 0.36. Sensitivity analysis showed that this result is robust to a wide range of assumptions regarding mean and standard deviation of incubation period and regarding the existence of sub-clinically infected cattle. These results indicate that LSD virus spread within the affected herd could hardly be attributed to direct contact between cattle or contact through the milking procedure. It is therefore concluded that transmission mostly occurs by indirect contact, probably by flying, blood-sucking insects. This has important implications for control of LSD.  相似文献   

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a devastating viral disease of cattle which has recently spread from Africa into the countries of the Middle East. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships among lumpy skin disease viruses (LSDV) isolated from different regions of Iran and the origin and spread of these viruses. In this study, a total of 234 blood samples from clinically affected animals from four provinces in the northwest of Iran were screened for LSDV using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). From 80 positive samples for LSDV detected by PCR, the partial P32 gene (759 bp) of 12 isolates were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. LSD viruses were grouped in three subclusters with an overall 97.1–100% nucleotide identity. LSDVs isolated from Gilan showed lowest nucleotide identity with the other LSDVs. Four isolates of LSDV including KO-1, EA-1, EA-3, and WA-3 showed 100% similarity with each other and also with the Neethling strain. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the identified LSDVs were closely related to each other and had high-sequence homology with other LSDV isolates from Africa. It was concluded that LSD outbreak probably occurred in the northwest of Iran by LSDVs entering the country from Iraq and P32 nucleotide sequence information obtained in the present study is a valuable resource in understanding the genetic nature and molecular epidemiology of local LSDV isolates which can be used for future vaccine development based on the circulating strains in the region.  相似文献   

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