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Natural regeneration of large-seeded, late-successional trees in fragmented tropical landscapes can be strongly limited by a lack of seed dispersal resulting in the need for more intensive restoration approaches, such as enrichment planting, to include these species in future forests. Direct seeding may be an alternative low-cost approach to planting nursery-raised tree seedlings, but there is minimal information on its efficacy or when in the successional process this technique will be most successful. We tested directly seeding five native tree species into habitats representing passive and active restoration approaches: (1) recently abandoned pasture; (2) naturally establishing, young secondary forests; and (3) young, mixed-species (fast-growing N-fixers and commercially valuable species) tree plantations established to facilitate montane forest recovery in southern Costa Rica. We monitored germination, survival, growth, and above- and below-ground biomass over a 2-year period. Germination in pastures, secondary forests, and tree plantations was similar (∼43%). Seedling survival after one and two years was significantly higher under tree plantations (91% year 1, 75% year 2) compared to secondary forests (76, 44%) or pastures (74, 41%). Moreover, seedlings had greater total biomass and lower root:shoot ratios in the plantations, suggesting higher nutrient availability in that treatment. Costs for direct seeding were 10- to 30-fold less per 100 seedlings after 2-year compared to nursery-raised seedlings planted at the same sites; however, there are important trade-offs to the two restoration approaches. Planting nursery-raised seedling is a more effective but higher cost approach for rapidly establishing canopy cover and restoring large areas whereas direct seeding is a more efficient way to enrich an existing system. We particularly recommend using direct seeding as a complimentary measure to the more intensive restoration approach of planting fast-growing and N-fixing trees.  相似文献   

The extensive area of degraded tropical land and the calls to conserve forest biodiversity and sequester carbon to offset climate change demonstrate the need to restore forest in the tropics. Deforested land is sometimes replanted with fast-growing trees; however, the consequences of intensive replanting on biomass accumulation or plant and animal diversity are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine how intensive replanting affected tropical forest regeneration and biomass accumulation over ten years. We studied reforested sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda, that were degraded in the 1970s and replanted with five native tree species in 1995. We identified and measured the size of planted versus naturally regenerating trees, and felled and weighed matched trees outside the park to calculate region-specific allometric equations for above-ground tree biomass. The role of shrubs and grasses in facilitating or hindering the establishment of trees was evaluated by correlating observed estimates of percent cover to tree biomass. We found 39 tree species naturally regenerating in the restored area in addition to the five originally planted species. Biomass was much higher for planted (15,675 kg/ha) than naturally regenerated trees (4560 kg/ha), but naturally regenerating tree regrowth was an important element of the landscape. The establishment of tree seedlings initially appeared to be facilitated by shrubs, primarily Acanthus pubescens and the invasive Lantana camara; however, both are expected to hinder tree recruitment in the long-term. Large and small-seeded tree species were found in the replanted area, indicating that bird and mammal dispersers contributed to natural forest restoration. These results demonstrate that intensive replanting can accelerate the natural accumulation of biomass and biodiversity and facilitate the restoration of tropical forest communities. However, the long-term financial costs and ecological benefits of planting and maintaining reforested areas need to be weighed against other potential restoration strategies.  相似文献   

Sunström  Erik  Hånell  Björn 《New Forests》1999,18(2):113-129
In 1971, a series of five afforestation trials were established along a north-south gradient on open peatlands in Sweden. All areas were drained, fertilized and planted with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Survival and height of the planted trees as well as the amount of natural establishment, i.e. downy birch (Betula pubescens), silver birch (Betula pendula), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and other deciduous species: (e.g. Salix sp., Sorbus aucuparia), by seeding from nearby forests were measured 18–22 years later. The amount of naturally established trees exceeded the number of living planted trees in all five areas. Next to downy birch, Scots pine was the most common naturally established species. Large variations in both amount and height of natural establishment were found along the climatic gradient. Planted trees were taller than naturally established trees, except for the northernmost area. Number and height of naturally established trees correlated positively to closeness to nearest forest and to nearest ditch. These trees also responded positively to PK fertilization in the three southernmost areas. In the two northernmost areas no such response was found. It was concluded that natural seeding from neighbouring forests can be counted on and recommended in afforestation of low-productive peatlands in Sweden, provided that downy birch is accepted as a dominant tree species.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of herbaceous and woody vegetation control on the survival and growth of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings through six growing seasons. Herbaceous vegetation control involved the suppression of grasses, forbs, ferns, and low-shrubs, and was maintained for 0, 2, or 4 years after white pine seedlings were planted. Woody control involved the removal of all tall-shrub and deciduous trees, and was conducted at the time of planting, at the end of the second or fifth growing seasons, or not at all. Seedling height and basal diameter responded positively and proportionally to duration of herbaceous vegetation control. Gains associated with woody control were generally not significant unless some degree of herbaceous vegetation control was also conducted. Only herbaceous control increased pine crown closure and rate of crown closure. Herbaceous control and the presence of 5000–15,000 stems per ha of young overtopping aspen were associated with reduced weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck.) injury and increased pine height growth. The study suggests that white pine restoration strategies on clearcut sites should focus on the proactive, early management of understory vegetation and the gradual reduction of overtopping cover from woody vegetation to create a seedling light environment that supports acceptable growth with minimal weevil damage.  相似文献   

All or a part of a sequence of forest practices (i.e., salvage logging, site preparation, planting crop trees, and weeding) has been implemented after natural disturbances for the rapid re-establishment of tree cover. Forest policies in Japan have recently changed from monocultural planting of coniferous crop trees to planting native broadleaved trees to restore forests and nurture local biodiversity following large windthrows. However, the effects of this new practice on preserving biodiversity, as well as the effects of legacy retention, have never been verified in Asia. Thus, the objective of our research was to compare the effects of legacy retention with plantation after salvaging on the initial stage of vegetation recovery in a blowdown area, specifically focusing on plant species diversity, the occurrence of alien species, and the composition of plant species. Following the analysis of our results, we finally describe appropriate practices to alter disturbed coniferous plantations to bring the species composition closer to that of the original natural mixed forests.A control (A, legacy retention) and three experimental treatment sites (B, salvage logged, site prepared, and Quercus crispula seedlings planted; C, same as B, but weeded once during the summer; and D, residual rows that emerged after establishing sites for planting) were prepared, and quadrats were set. Eleven indicators of the ground condition and the number of vascular plant species, including ferns, were quantified, and the number and abundance of residual and newly colonized plants of the main woody species were estimated.Our main findings were as follows: (1) in unsalvaged sites and residual rows, the diversity of plant species was poor, but a variety of plant species compositions were observed due to the heterogeneous conditions of the ground and ample residual plants; (2) in the planting site, many species appeared, but little variety of the species composition was observed due to the homogeneous condition of the ground and the destruction of residual plants; (3) a large number of alien species emerged in broad, unvegetated areas; (4) the impact of site preparation overwhelmed the impact of salvage logging on the initial recovery of plant species; and (5) to restore a natural mixed forest, a combination of legacy retention and plantation after salvaging would be the most appropriate.  相似文献   

In the Central Hardwood Forest region of the United States, the variable and somewhat unpredictable establishment success of hardwood tree plantations has traditionally been attributed to competing vegetation and damage due to animal browse. We examined operational plantation establishment success (1–5 years following planting) as it relates to use of particular silvicultural practices. Silvicultural histories were obtained for 87 randomly selected plantations throughout Indiana and field data were collected from each to determine tree survival, tree vigor, and abundance of surrounding vegetation. Survival was highest at sites that were treated with herbicide prior to planting and that had been mechanically planted (as opposed to hand planted). The percentage of trees with evidence of dieback was highest on sites at which browse protection measures had been used, likely reflecting a combination of damage due to inherently high white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann) populations at such sites and ineffectiveness of current browse protection measures. Sites planted by a professional forester and those with herbicide applied subsequent to planting had a higher percentage of trees deemed free-to-grow. Subsequent herbicide application did not reduce cover or height of competing vegetation; however, when used in conjunction with mechanical site preparation techniques, overall cover and height of herbaceous vegetation was reduced.  相似文献   

Much information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest. Most of this forest type was initially harvested for timber and then cleared for cattle in the last century (1930-1970). Only 1.7% remains largely restricted to infertile soils and remote areas on the Pacific coastal side of Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Mexico. These cleared areas are again in a state of transition due to a combination of decreasing land productivity, and land speculation for tourism development. Some farms have been sold to new landowners who are interested in reforesting to increase biodiversity and forest cover. Attempts have therefore been made to reforest by protecting the land from fire and cattle, by supplementing natural regrowth with enrichment planting, or through use of tree plantations. Experimental studies have demonstrated the ability of these lands to grow back to forests because of native species ability to sprout after cutting, and the capacity of remnant trees in field and riparian zones to provide seeds and to moderate edge environment for seed germination and seedling establishment. However, research also shows that on sites with long histories of land clearance, species diversity will remain low with functional groups missing unless some active management occurs. Under-planting with late-successional native tree species can add structure and diversity; enrichment planting with large-fruited shade-intolerant species can initiate new islands of more diverse regeneration beneath their canopies; and plantings of fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing trees that provide light canopy shade can moderate the environment below, promoting regeneration establishment of late-successional species. Plantations are the only option for lands that have lost almost all remnants of native forest, and where soils and vegetation have changed to new states of structure and function. Conversion of pastures to tree plantations that can facilitate natural regeneration beneath them is appropriate when pastures are prone to fire and/or lack immediate seed sources nearby. After the grasses have been shaded out, natural recruitment can slowly occur over a 10-15 years period. Under-planting of shade-tolerant late-successional species can supplement species composition and structure.  相似文献   

To examine the opportunities available for designing diverse tree planting and land restoration initiatives in agricultural landscapes that contain tropical dry forests, the tree planting and protecting practices of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists were examined in two study sites in rural Panama. Ninety-nine tree species were identified that they utilize, plant, or protect on their land, the majority of which are native to Panama. The farmers had diverse reasons for maintaining trees, including improving the environment, providing food and shade for cattle, and generating a source of wood for construction, furniture, and firewood. Most of the trees mentioned in the study provide multiple uses and values and the majority of farmers wanted to plant additional trees. Some differences in species preferences and motivations for planting and protecting trees were seen between sites, thereby suggesting that land restoration and tree planting projects should be site specific. Our data indicate that there are ample opportunities to increase native tree cover in our study sites and highlight the need to incorporate farmer input into project design, implementation, and evaluation as a necessary and continuous feature throughout projects.  相似文献   

In afforestation, studies of forest edges seldom span the effects of planting design and the self-designing capacities of spontaneous vegetation. This study revisited experimental forest edge sections 16 years after their establishment to assess the impact of five design elements on (1) horizontal and vertical edge structure, (2) growth of planted species and species groups, and (3) spontaneous establishment of woody vegetation. The design elements were: exposure to direct solar radiation; edge typology (shrub mixture, mixture of trees and shrubs, no edge planting); width of edge planting (5 or 10 m); species mixture principle (intimate mixtures or single species grouping); and planting row position from outermost to interior planting row (max. 6 rows). The results demonstrate that edge plantings support significantly more spontaneous woody vegetation than stand boundaries without such edge plantings. This result was consistent across the different design elements. Position across the planting rows from the outermost to innermost row was the most influential design element for the development of planted seedlings. Planted tree and shrub species of similar shade tolerance had contradicting development, where light-demanding pioneer tree species had obtained dominant positions while shade-tolerant shrub species had outgrown more light-demanding species. These results demonstrate that important successional processes can be activated by establishing the initial components and structures of forest edges. When designing such edges, species should preferably be allocated to different row cohorts reflecting their growth form and shade tolerance.  相似文献   

Typically, after large stand-replacing fires in mid-elevation Sierra Nevada forests, dense shrub fields occupy sites formerly occupied by mature conifers, until eventually conifers overtop and shade out shrubs. Attempting to reduce fuel loads and expedite forest regeneration in these areas, the USDA Forest Service often disrupts this cycle by the logging of fire-killed trees, replanting of conifers and killing of shrubs. We measured the effects of these treatments on live and dead fuel loads and alien species and modeled potential fire behavior and fire effects on regenerating forests. Sampling occurred in untreated, logged and herbicide-treated stands throughout the Sierra Nevada in four large fire areas 4–21 years after stand-replacing fires. Logging fire-killed trees significantly increased total available dead fuel loads in the short term but did not affect shrub cover, grass and forb cover, alien species cover or alien species richness. Despite the greater available dead fuel loads, fire behavior was not modeled to be different between logged and untreated stands, due to abundant shrub fuels in both logged and untreated stands. In contrast, the herbicide treatment directed at shrubs resulted in extremely low shrub cover, significantly greater alien species richness and significantly greater alien grass and forb cover. Grass and forb cover was strongly correlated with solar radiation on the ground, which may be the primary reason that grass and forb cover was higher in herbicide treated stands with low shrub and tree cover. Repeat burning exacerbated the alien grass problem in some stands. Although modeled surface fire flame lengths and rates of spread were found to be greater in stands dominated by shrubs, compared to low shrub cover conifer plantations, surface fire would still be intense enough to kill most trees, given their small size and low crown heights in the first two decades after planting.  相似文献   

Deforestation and forest degradation, especially in the agricultural landscapes, are serious threats to biodiversity conservation and sustainability of the timber industry. Planting trees on farms has been identified as having great potential to increase forest resources from agricultural landscapes. This paper examined farmers’ motivations and behaviour to engage in on-farm tree planting and management in Ghana by combining internal and external factors in a socio-psychological model. Data were collected from 156 smallholder farmers from five communities in two forest districts using a semi-structured questionnaire. Additional farm inventory data were collected from 33 farmers under two on-farm tree planting schemes. On-farm tree planting was perceived as providing income, access to personal timber for furniture, and access to loan facilities. Incentives such as provision of grants, farming inputs, capacity training, and access to markets for agricultural produce are factors that motivate on-farm tree planting in Ghana. The average standing volume of on-farm trees in the study area is 51.9 m3/ha which is almost twice the national average for the off-reserve areas in the semi-deciduous forests to which much of the study sites belong. Many farmers considered high financial costs and limited knowledge of appropriate techniques in managing planted on-farm trees as barriers to the development of tree stock on farms.  相似文献   

For establishment to be successful, planted oak must emerge above vegetative competition and browse level. A 3 year study was established in 2000 in a cutover bottomland hardwood forest in west Alabama to examine the influences of seedling browse protection and fertilizer use on growth of Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii Palm.) seedlings. The treatments included: control, 1.2 m tall wire tree shelter, and 1.2 m tall plastic tree shelter. Fertilizer (20–10–5) was applied to one-half of all seedlings at planting. Competing vegetation was controlled around all seedlings with mulch mats and herbicide. Fertilization did not affect height growth or successful establishment after 3 years. Four percent of protected seedlings (plastic and wire tree shelters combined) were browsed compared to 95% of control seedlings. After 3 years, plastic tree shelters were the most effective treatment for promoting height growth and successful seedling establishment of Nuttal oak seedlings (193 cm, 92.71% compared to 120 cm, 68.75% and 52 cm, 8.33% for wire tree shelter, and control seedlings, respectively). Animal browse protection is deemed essential for successful seedling establishment in southern bottomland forests where deer density is high (density estimated at 27 km−2 in vicinity of study area).  相似文献   

The removal of conifers planted during the twentieth century on sites that had been woodland for many centuries, with the intention of restoring native broadleaved species, is an important aim of forestry policy in Great Britain. Current guidance generally advocates gradual removal of plantation trees using continuous cover silviculture and restocking by natural regeneration, but methods are largely untested. This study investigated natural regeneration of trees and shrubs at sites where western hemlock had been established either pure or in mixture with native broadleaved species. Western hemlock had been cleared from 70% of the sites. There were c. 10?C300 stems ha?1 providing canopy cover of 10?C90%; the predominant broadleaved canopy trees were ash, beech, birch and oak. The ground flora of all sites was species poor; bramble was the predominant vegetation type overall, but grasses, rushes and shrubs were relatively more abundant on open sites. A total of 15 native tree species were regenerating, birch was most common and at most sites there were few valuable broadleaved timber species. Although combined numbers of seedlings and saplings varied from 200 to 20,000 ha?1, large areas of most sites had few regenerating trees and <10% of their area was becoming restocked with timber species. Relationships between seedling numbers and site characteristics were complex and varied with species, but there was a consistent positive relationship between the presence of nearby parent trees and the frequency and abundance of seedlings. The results indicate that the current reliance on natural regeneration may be unwise especially for those broadleaved species such as oak and beech which are valued for their timber.  相似文献   

Direct seeding is a less expensive practice than planting and has the potential to become a viable alternative to transplanting for afforestation and regeneration purposes. As an effective and a less costly regeneration method, aerial seeding has been applied with several tree species. As early as 1956, Chinese people engaged in aerial seeding and stands with a total of 2.97×107 hm2 have been developed up to 2004. Our study tested whether the growth of planted Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) seedlings and its undergrowth development in northwest aspects differ from that of aerially sown seedlings on the northern and northwestern aspects of slopes. In 2007, we collected data such as height, diameter at breast height (DBH), clear bole height and canopy widths of trees, abundance, coverage, and frequency of shrubs and herbs from 21-year-old planted Chinese pine stands on a northwestern aspect (PNW), aerially sown stands in a northwest aspect (ANW) and aerially sown stands in a northern aspect (AN). Results showed that the relation of crown area and mean DBH was best fitted by a double inverse model for the ANW and AN forests and by a quadratic model for the PNW forest. There was no difference in the growth between ANW and AN forests, while growth was significantly higher in the PNW forest than in the ANW and AN forests. That was consistent with the Sorenson diversity indices in the shrub and herb layers, indicating that there was a large number of the same species in both aerially seeded stands, although their locations were different. Both the number of species in the undergrowth and the Shannon-Wiener index in the shrub layer were higher in the PNW stands than in the ANW and AN stands. Dominant families for all three stands were Rosaceae and Compositae in the shrub and herb layer, respectively. The dominant species for all three stands was Spiraea pubescens in the shrub layer, while the dominant species was different from each other in the three stands. The discrepancy in diversity and composition of species in the herb layer show that herbs are sensitive to shrubs in the three forests. High mortality and skewed diameter distributions reflect severe competition and too high a density in the aerially seeded forests. Thus, aerial seeding is a viable and effective regeneration technique, but management practices, such as thinning, should be applied to these forests.  相似文献   


Forest rehabilitation is when a desired tree species is planted in degraded forests or lands. Rehabilitation by planting a single tree species is a common way to restore exploited forests to maintain ecological processes. We compared woody and herbaceous understory vegetation between forests rehabilitated by mahogany (N = 12) or teak (N = 12) planted from 1941 until 2003 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Understory vegetation of these areas was compared with that of three native forests. Species richness, species diversity, density of plants and proportion of native plants did not differ between the rehabilitated areas and the native forest. Recently rehabilitated areas were different from the native forests while 41–74 yr after rehabilitation, characteristics of understory vegetation approached those of native forest. We described species composition using ordination, and found it to differ between areas rehabilitated with teak and with mahogany and, particularly, between the rehabilitated areas and the native forests. Time since rehabilitation and tree species planted were important for the species composition of understory vegetation. We conclude that the selection of species for rehabilitation and letting rehabilitated areas mature are important for understory development and species diversity.  相似文献   

The conversion of anthropogenic into more natural, self-regenerating forests is one of the major objectives of forestry throughout Europe. In this study, we present investigations on permanent plots with different silvicultural treatment in NE German pine stands. Management of old-growth pine stands on acidic and nutrient-poor sandy sites differs in fencing, thinning, and planting of certain tree species. The investigations were carried out on the community, population, and individual level of the pine forest ecosystems. Thus, vegetation changes, size and height of tree populations, and height increment of tree individuals were observed over a time span of 6 years. Special attention was paid to short-lived tree species such as, e.g., Frangula alnus and Sorbus aucuparia, as well as to Fagus sylvatica as one of the most typical forest tree species of Central Europe. Vegetation changes are interpreted as a consequence of natural regeneration of formerly degraded forest sites, involving an increase in nutrient availability. High browsing pressure can be considered as a key factor for the inhibition of tree seedlings and growth of saplings. Some Sorbus aucuparia individuals, however, succeeded in growing out of the browsing height also in unfenced stands. Few found specimens of Fagus sylvatica proved that this species is able to establish spontaneously on these relatively dry, acidic sites under continental climate influence. Such natural regeneration processes, also including spontaneous rejuvenation of trees, can be integrated into silviculture as passive forest conversion management. An active management like thinning of stands, planting of trees, and fencing can accelerate forest conversion with regard to height growth and species number of trees.  相似文献   

Voles of the genera Microtus and Myodes feed on tree seedlings planted on cutover forest land in temperate and boreal forests of North America and Eurasia. This damage may have serious economic implications as well as limit regeneration of appropriate tree species in certain forest ecosystems. Prediction of vole population outbreaks and feeding damage to forest plantations, across even a limited geographic range, has yet to be achieved in North America. Thus, a major objective was a detailed analysis of changes in population dynamics of long-tailed voles (Microtus longicaudus), and to test three hypotheses (H) that vole populations would: (H1) rise and fall in accordance with the abundance of herbaceous plants (grasses and forbs) during early vegetative succession after forest harvesting, (H2) be positively associated with grass-seeded sites; and (H3) incidence of feeding damage to seedlings would be positively associated with vole abundance. Voles were live-trapped for 6 years (2004–2009) from the time of harvesting on intensive sites, as well as surveyed over a range of extensive sites. Population numbers were related to habitat characteristics and tree damage in young forest plantations near Golden, British Columbia, Canada.  相似文献   

树种选择的正确与否关系到城市森林建设的成败.以生态学原理为指导,阐述了城市森林建设中树种选择必须坚持的6项原则,即适地适树原则、生态优先原则、多目标兼顾原则、生物多样性原则、以乔木为主原则和重视乡土树种原则等.同时,拓展和丰富了适地适树的内涵,并就当前城市森林树种选择存在的一些问题进行探讨,提出解决问题的思路.  相似文献   

Herbivory may be an important factor affecting seedling survival of exotic species invading new habitats. We evaluated the effect of vertebrate herbivory on the seedling survival of two widely planted and invasive tree species (Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus), in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem of central Chile. An important role of herbivory on seedling survival of these two species in their introduced ranges has previously been documented. However, this has mainly been evaluated in forest plantations where habitat and vegetation conditions differ from wild habitats in which invasion occurs. We planted seedlings with and without protection against vertebrate herbivores in different aspects (a mesic south-facing slope and a xeric north-facing slope) and vegetation cover (open sites and sites with patchy tree cover). We found that regardless of aspect or vegetation cover, herbivory, in this case mainly caused by exotic vertebrates, significantly and negatively affected seedling survival of both species. However, while the effect of herbivory on P. radiata was significant in every vegetation and habitat condition, for E. globulus, the effect of herbivory was significant only for open sites in the mesic habitat. These results suggest that, as observed in forestry plantations, vertebrate herbivory may constrain seedling establishment of these two exotic trees and potentially impede the invasion. However, the importance of herbivory in controlling exotic species may vary depending on the vegetation and habitat conditions in some species such as E. globulus.  相似文献   

Deforestation principally to establish cattle pastures has created large expanses of land dominated by exotic grass prior to the establishment of the Cerro Blanco Protected Forest in Ecuador. A dry forest restoration program was carried out from 2008 to 2017. Tree planting sites were cleared in parallel lines through abandoned pasture and secondary vegetation using manual labor. Native tree species were produced in a nursery on site and used in yearly plantings during the rainy season. A total of 637 hectares were planted at an average stocking density of 1,000 trees per hectare. Growth data was collected from trees planted in nine sites from 2008 to 2017. Mortality rates were determined from a sample of 400 trees of twenty-two species. Survival of all species was greater than 50%. Ten species had survival rates greater than 90%. Vitex gigantea, with high survival rates, also had significantly greater growth rates than the other species (p < 0.0001) and showed the greatest yearly accumulation of total carbon (2.07 Kg C yr ?1 stem?1). Other species with high growth rates were Cordia alliodora and Centrolobium ochroxylum. This restoration program demonstrates that the dry forest restoration with timely maintenance and protection from fire and grazing is possible with intensive tree planting of native species.  相似文献   

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