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有核8611葡萄在棚栽下,通过加强定植后肥水管理,病虫害防治,整形修剪,以及棚内利用石灰氮打破休眠,严格控制温湿度等措施,实现当年定值,当年扣棚,昱年株产1.3kg,折合667平方米产量1423kg,并提前60天上市,取得较好经济效益。  相似文献   

邹平水杏栽培历史悠久。其果实个大,卵圆形,平均单果质量105g,最大果135g。果面底色桔黄,阳面具红晕。果肉白色,质细多汁,浓香甘甜,含可溶性固形物11.7%,品质优良。在邹平一般3月16日初花,6月3日果实成热,发育期70~75d。3年生树平均666.7m^2产480kg。5年进入盛果期,平均666.7m^2产量1500kg左右。邹平水杏适应性强,耐瘠薄,耐干旱,是综合性状较优良的杏品种之一。  相似文献   

于 1998~ 2 0 0 0年 ,在山东省邹平县孙镇村进行了油桃保护地高产优质栽培技术研究 ,通过建设砖体日光温室 ,早春施足底肥后定植 ,12月中旬盖棚 ,合理调控温、湿度 ,适当施肥、灌水 ,采用多效唑抑长 ,人工授粉和适时疏果 ,及时防治病虫害等措施 ,使早红珠油桃定植 2a产量 666 7m2 达到 10 97kg ,3a产量 666 7m2 达到 1811kg ,年棚纯收入达 9164元  相似文献   

对云南省林业科学院培育出的早实核桃新品系进行采穗圃快速营建技术的研究,通过种植密度,施肥,修剪,浇水4因素3水平的正交试验得出,快速营建早实新品系核桃采穗圃的方法为:选择具有深厚,疏松,湿润土壤的园地建圃,每666.6m^2种植嫁接苗330株,第2年开始,每年每株施厩肥10kg,复合肥0.2kg,旱季浇水8次以上;当新梢长5-8cm及时摘去生长点以促进当年2次分枝,此法,建圃第2年便可开始采穗,到第4年每666.6m^2所采接穗累计可供62000株核桃嫁接用,成本0.15元/个,4年后每年产接穗可供36000株以上核桃嫁接用,成本0.06元/个以下,采穗圃接穗的嫁接成活率达81.3%,该技术亦适用于其他核桃良种采穗圃建设。  相似文献   

为指导陕西省西咸新区设施大樱桃高产栽培技术,总结出一套设施大樱桃高产栽培关键技术,主要包括品种选择及定植、及时扣棚、温湿度管理、花果管理、合理施肥、整形修剪、病虫害防治等关键技术,也可为其它类似地区大樱桃设施栽培提供参考。  相似文献   

山楂早期丰产的主要生物学指标探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对山楂早期丰产的生物学指标进行了探讨。其早期丰产的主要生物学指标是:每666.7m^2枝量4.25万个、花芽2.2万个、叶量46.09万片、叶面积1576m^2、叶面积指数2.36、平均单果质量12.9g以上。在山东省文登市林科新山楂园,在达到上述指标的前提下,每666.7m^2产鲜果2066.8kg。  相似文献   

利用青石山区梯田堰边栽植1~2a生核桃实生苗,株距4~5m,行距不等,每公顷平均375株。缓苗后进行良种嫁接。主要品种有元丰、香铃、鲁光、阿九等嫁接第2年结果,第3年有一定产量。每666.7m^2核桃产量3a生为33.5k,5a生为915kg,9a生为218.25kg,12a生为273.25kg。堰边良种核桃的综合经济效益分别为对照的1.5~4.9倍阐述了主要优质丰产栽培技术,包括实生苗建园与幼树嫁接良种、合理整形修剪、肥水管理与合理间作、适期采收、坚果处理及病虫害防治等。  相似文献   

邯郸县2001年引进金太阳杏,通过几年的冷棚栽培(每棚面积0.1hm^2),生长表现良好,结果早、产量高,栽后第2年平均每667m^2产果610kg,第3年每667m^2产果1730kg,第4年667m^2产1560kg,果品提前上市20多天,收入非常可观。现将主要栽培管理技术总结如下:  相似文献   

桃日光温室丰产栽培的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了桃日光温室的建造标准、栽培品种选择、栽植形式与密度、温室升温的时间及升温后的温湿度控制、花果管理、病虫害防治,以及整形修剪方面的技术要点。  相似文献   

板栗山地早实丰产技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过9年山地培育试验,实现栗林栽培的早实生产,连续4年挂果,年平均产量达3028.5kg/hm^2,最高达4947kg/hm^2;初步筛选出九家种、玉早、尖顶油栗、青扎四个适宜本地栽种的丰产优质良种;密度试验结果表明,本地良种初植密度为40-70株/667m^2,控制林分郁闭度0.7-0.75间,有利于丰产称产;适宜的建植方式,可加快建园进程,合理的树体修剪、林农间作、林地施肥及病虫害防治等幼林培育技术综合措施,是实现山地栗林早实丰产的有效途径。  相似文献   

陕南秦巴山区大樱桃丰产栽培,应掌握好认真选址;良种、良栽;加强管理;合理修剪;保花保果;病虫害防治等5项关键技术环节.  相似文献   

叙述了葡萄避雨栽培简易大棚的结构和双十字V形整枝技术;采用石灰氮处理并在1月中、下旬的覆膜技术,打破葡萄的休眠期,促使提早萌芽结果,同时通过棚内光照、温度、湿度的调节,结合施肥,整形修剪等配套技术,达到葡萄的优质、稳产、高产。  相似文献   

为了提升昆明地区板栗产量和质量,就不同提质增效措施对板栗丰产的重要程度进行了研究。结果认为,不同提质增效措施对板栗丰产的重要程度排序为整形修剪>病虫害防治>土肥水管理。在昆明市宜良县20 hm^2实验地上通过实施2年多的整形修剪、土肥水管理、病虫害防治、品种改良等提质增效技术措施,使板栗平均产量提高到4718.32 kg/hm^2,是改造前的1.59倍,丰产增收效果明显。  相似文献   

板栗低产林改造技术探讨及经济效益分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
采用深挖施肥,嫁接换种,整形修剪,加强肥培管理和病虫害防治等综合技术措施,改造板栗低产林,并对其进行经济效益分析,结果表明:改造后第4年,单位面积平均产量为对照的190%,平均产值为对照的500%。  相似文献   

During 1996 and 1997, populations of aphids and whiteflies and their parasites were studied in plastic greenhouses under a chemical control program and in those free of pesticides. In the greenhouses free of pesticides, the parasite A. colemani destroyed 14.7?% of the aphids. B. tabaci had no effect on the cucumbers during the spring cultivation. However, it attacked the autumn cultivation. The parasite E. mundus killed 30?% of these nymphs. The parasite A. colemani parasitized up to 10?% of aphids on tomato plants in greenhouses free of chemical pesticides. The parasite E. mundus killed 15.7?% of whitefly nymphs. In greenhouses under a chemical pesticides program, aphids and whiteflies were found on the plants at the end of the plantation season, after the pesticide spraying had stopped. Although the pest population was low, the parasite A. colemani parasitized 8?% of the aphid population. Whiteflies were not found on tomato plants in greenhouses under extensive pesticides use.  相似文献   

鲁甸县板栗低产成因分析及增产增效途径   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在对鲁甸县板栗资源及发展情况进行调查的基础上,立足资源现状,对板栗产业中存在的品种混杂、干旱缺水、栗园建设不健全、管理粗放等低产成因进行分析,提出更换良种、改善水肥条件、加强病虫害防治、适时修剪等增产增效措施.  相似文献   

方山柿无公害栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从环境选择、土肥水管理、病虫害防治、整形修剪等方面,总结了永康方山柿无公害标准化生产的综合培育技术要点.  相似文献   

针对近年来花椒种植业发展迅速,但椒农普遍缺乏科学的管理知识,导致树势衰弱,提前老化,产量低,病虫害发生普遍。总结提出了花椒树的土肥管理,整形修剪及病虫害综合防治技术,为发展花椒种植业提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Farmers in the Eastern Province of Zambia are faced with problems common to other parts of the tropics: increased pressure to expand food production leading to accelerated forest clearing, decrease in traditional fallow periods, increased soil erosion, and reductions in soil fertility. Of special concern are shortages of labor during their growing season, a shortage of staple foods during January through March, pest (termite) problems, and seasonal fires. Alleycropping appears able to solve some of the farmers' problems. Both on-farm and experiment station trials were initiated to screen potential agroforestry species. Perennial pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp., a species indigenous to the Province, showed particular promise. Cultivars grew over 3 m tall and produced up to 4.8 tons/ha dry matter (in 7 months after pruning) for green manure. Farmers reacted favorably to their experience with the on-farm trials. Ease of establishment and production of food (green pod and grain) make perennial pigeonpea a special agroforestry option in the Province, deserving additional research.  相似文献   

Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is an important pest in cucumber greenhouses in Izmir, Western Turkey. This study was carried out during the spring and autumn seasons of 1999 and 2000 in two adjacent cucumber greenhouses, each 1,000 m2 in size. Population densities of adult L. huidobrensis in insecticide-treated and non-treated greenhouses were compared by using yellow sticky traps. Ten traps were placed in the non-treated greenhouse and ten traps in the insecticide-treated greenhouse. Yellow sticky traps were changed weekly and the number of flies counted in order to compare the two greenhouses. In addition to monitoring the leaf miner population, in each greenhouse 100 plants were checked and the ratio of infested plants, the ratio of infested leaves per plant and the number of mines per leaf were recorded weekly. The population density of the leaf miner was almost the same in both insecticide-treated and non-treated greenhouses. Thus, it was concluded that using yellow sticky traps will be healthier and more cost effective than using pesticides. Furthermore using pesticides is risky for the environment and the use of yellow sticky traps can easily reduce the number of pesticide applications. If yellow sticky traps are used in the greenhouse in a completely isolated environment and the appropriate insecticide is used when it is necessary, this will provide successful and integrated management against L. huidobrensis.  相似文献   

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