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以胃蝇属6个种(黑腹胃蝇、黑角胃蝇、鼻胃蝇、肠胃蝇、红尾胃蝇、裸节胃蝇)三龄幼虫为研究对象,借助于2010年9月-2016年9月期间获取的数据,研究其种间和种内形态学特征及行为方式的遗传差异,为研究其适应宿主体内寄生生活机制提供依据。结果表明,胃蝇三龄幼虫种间在体长、体宽、体重、体长/体宽和蠕动频率、爬行速度、入土深度及入土时间上均表达显著水平,且三龄幼虫形态种间和种内都存在着丰富的遗传变异。胃蝇属三龄幼虫种间变异率入土深度(25. 25%)爬行速度(25. 09%)蠕动频率(24. 60%)体重(22. 75%)入土时间(20. 75%)体长/体宽(19. 16%)三龄幼虫体宽(13. 95%)三龄幼虫体长(13. 03%)。在形态及特征与行为方式相关性上,三龄幼虫体长与爬行速度和入土深度分别呈显著负相关和极显著负相关;体宽与蠕动频率呈显著正相关;体长/体宽与入土时间呈显著正相关,与蠕动频率和爬行速度分别呈极显著负相关和显著负相关关系;体重与爬行速度及入土深度分别呈极显著负相关和显著负相关关系。根据形态特征和行为方式指标将胃蝇属6个种划分为3类,肠胃蝇、红尾胃蝇和裸节胃蝇三支聚集成为一簇,黑腹胃蝇分支单独形成一簇,鼻胃蝇和黑角胃蝇分支形成第三簇。  相似文献   

本研究采用尸检方式探究马胃蝇寄生对马体所造成的伤害。结果发现,马胃蝇幼虫在马体内的寄生部位是随着虫龄的增加逐渐向消化道末端移动,直至幼虫发育成熟排出体外,没有明显的逆向移动现象;虫态期最长的3龄幼虫(L3)在寄生部位选择上存在着种间差异性,黑角胃蝇和鼻胃蝇在幽门口外的十二指肠前端,黑腹胃蝇和红尾胃蝇寄生于胃部;马科动物个体感染马胃蝇的数量与被检马匹的年龄(P=0.320)和性别(P=0.665)没有必然联系;马胃蝇蛆病在当地马科动物间普遍发生,胃部损伤面积达60%~80%,其中,野马感染马胃蝇数量最高,其次是野驴和家马。研究结果有助于加深对胃蝇属昆虫危害的认识及再引入野马健康状况的掌握,对于野马保护意识的加强以及强化后续监管工作提供了强有力的支持。  相似文献   

为了解新疆伊犁部分地区伊犁马感染马胃蝇三期幼虫的流行情况,本调查小组于2017年9月~2018年5月,经过9个月的调查,通过药物(伊维菌素)驱虫对新疆伊犁部分地区107匹伊犁马进行了马胃蝇蛆病的流行情况调查。结果显示,伊犁马感染了4种马胃蝇幼虫,共计收集2 791个胃蝇属幼虫,其中鼻胃蝇三期幼虫为常见物种,占比83.18%(89/107)。整个物种多样性中,物种的平均占有比例分别为:鼻胃蝇34.15%(953/2 791)、兽胃蝇(831/2 791)、红尾胃蝇21.39%(597/2 791)、肠胃蝇14.69%(410/2 791)。春季与秋季驱虫后收集的四种虫体显示,春季虫体(1 678)均高于秋季采集(1 113)。伊犁马胃蝇属的物种丰富,在自然放牧状态下感染马胃蝇蛆病的现象较普遍,且多呈混合感染。  相似文献   

目的:为探讨新疆维吾尔自治州伊犁州昭苏县伊犁马感染胃蝇属幼虫的感染情况。方法:通过药物(伊维菌素)驱虫及死后剖检进行胃蝇属幼虫统计。结果:伊犁马感染了4种胃蝇属幼虫,共收集16755个三期幼虫,总感染率为100%,感染率分别为鼻胃蝇蛆53.17%、、兽胃蝇蛆22.71%、红尾胃蝇蛆11.98%、肠胃蝇蛆12.14%。混合感染现象严重,33.05%的马感染4种胃蝇属幼虫,27.97%的马感染3种胃蝇属幼虫,25.42%的马感染2种马胃蝇属幼虫,13.56%的马感染1种胃蝇属幼虫,混合感染严重。鼻胃蝇幼虫更倾向于寄生贲门处,其他三种则无规律的寄生于幽门处。结论:昭苏县胃蝇属的物种丰富,马胃蝇蛆病的流行可能是由于马匹品种、年龄、饲养环境、马匹易感性、所处地理位置和环境的差异所造成。  相似文献   

2009年10月和2010年5月,先后3次在岳普湖县2家驴屠宰加工厂对357匹屠宰后的驴胃蝇进行感染情况调查。结果显示:胃蝇总感染率为89%,通过对3期幼虫的鉴定,岳普湖县驴胃蝇分属于5个种,其感染率分别为:鼻胃蝇(Gasterophilus nasalis)32.8%,黑腹胃蝇(G.pecorum)49.2%,肠胃蝇(G.intestinalis)24.5%,裸胃蝇(G.inermis)56.4%,赤尾胃蝇(G.haemorchoidalis)8.7%。  相似文献   

为了解新疆巴州地区焉耆马马胃蝇蛆病的流行情况,于2014年9—11月份先后4次对巴州和静县418匹焉耆马进行了马胃蝇蛆病的流行情况调查。结果表明:马胃蝇总感染率为83.73%(350/418),在对3期幼虫进行鉴定后发现马胃蝇分属于4个种,分别是肠胃蝇(Gasterophilus intestinalis)、红尾胃蝇(Gasterophilus haemorrhoidalis)、鼻胃蝇(Gasterophilus nasalis)和兽胃蝇(Gasterophilus pecorum),其感染率分别为12.26%、19.84%、50.39%和17.51%。说明在自然放牧状态下焉耆马感染马胃蝇蛆病的现象较普遍,且多呈混合感染。  相似文献   

<正>马胃蝇属于双翅目(Diptera)胃蝇科(Gastrophilidae)胃蝇属(Gastrophilus),其幼虫阶段寄生于马属动物体内可引起马骚乱不安、食欲减退及胃黏膜溃疡炎症的一类寄生虫病。马胃蝇三期幼虫多寄生在胃的贲门部,多达几十个至100多个不等。胃部损伤面积可高达60%~80%~([1])。马胃蝇病在世界各地呈广泛分布,在摩洛哥、埃及、瑞典、比利时、哈萨克斯坦~([2-7])等地均有报道;而我国多发生于西北、东北、内蒙古等地。马胃蝇幼虫对马匹的感染十分严重,感染率达100%(杨锡  相似文献   

近年在我国新疆地区普氏野马蝇蛆病的防治中一新病原体引起了学者的关注。根据采集到的该种幼虫标本鉴定,该病原为双翅目、胃蝇科、胃蝇属种类,其特征在目前国内文献中未见记载。该种第三龄幼虫具体特征:虫体绿色,长14~17 mm,长宽比为2;体呈纺锤形,前尖后钝;第3胸节至第6腹节各体节前缘有单列黄色棘刺,刺强大,呈纵向扁形。自第4腹节起,背面中央的刺开始不全,直至第7腹节背面刺全部缺失。  相似文献   

马胃蝇蛆病是由胃蝇科,胃蝇属的胃蝇幼虫寄生于马属动物胃肠道内所引起的一种慢性寄生虫病。马胃蝇的幼虫(蛆)除寄生于马、驴、骡等单蹄兽外,偶尔也寄生于兔、犬、猪和人胃内。患畜由于幼虫寄生,使胃的消化、吸收机能破坏,加之幼虫分泌的毒素作用,使宿主高度贫血、消痩、中毒,使役能力降低,严重感染时可使马匹衰竭死亡。此病对马危害较大,常给养马业带来很大损失。  相似文献   

经过对齐齐哈尔市梅里斯区家畜寄生虫区系调查、疫病普查及在屠畜中采集虫体 ,掌握蝇蛆的种类有马胃蝇幼虫 4种、牛皮蝇幼虫 2种、羊鼻蝇幼虫 1种 ,计 7种。季节动态 :家畜蝇蛆的感染多发生于夏秋季节 ,此时观察到马、牛体表被毛上蝇卵的出现 ,蝇体钻入羊只鼻孔内的现象。马胃蝇幼虫的二、三期幼虫在马属动物胃中寄生期从每年的10月份至次年的 7月份 ;牛皮蝇幼虫出现的时间约在每年 12月末 ,持续到每年 5 ,6月份 ,羊鼻蝇幼虫的二期、三期幼虫出现于 10月份 ,寄生持续到次年的 5月份。1 对畜体的危害 与其他许多寄生虫一样 ,家畜蝇蛆对畜体…  相似文献   

Horse gastrointestinal myiasis caused by larvae of Gasterophilus spp. (Diptera, Oestridae) flies has a worldwide distribution and, where present, it is primarily caused by larvae of Gasterophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis. Other species, i.e., Gasterophilus inermis, Gasterophilus pecorum and Gasterophilus haemorrhoidalis, present in different or in the same regions of the gastrointestinal tract, were only occasionally reported in very limited areas of eastern European Countries and in central Italy. With the aim to contribute data on the species composition of Gasterophilus and on the seasonal variation of the infection pattern in southern Italy, 152 native horses were necropsied from January to December 2003 and Gasterophilus larvae were collected from the stomach, the small intestine and the rectum of each of them. On the whole, 125 (82.2%) horses were infected by larvae of Gasterophilus spp. and 214 second stage larvae (L2) and 13,342 third stage larvae (L3) collected. Five species of Gasterophilus were identified with the following prevalence: G. intestinalis=95.2%, G. nasalis=44.8%, G. inermis=15.2%, G. pecorum=2.6% and G. haemorrhoidalis=0.8%. L3 were retrieved throughout the observation period with the highest mean burdens from January to August 2003 while the lowest mean was registered from September to November 2003. L2 were collected in February-March 2003 and from September to December 2003. The majority of the animals (n=66, 43.4%) were infected with a single Gasterophilus species, however, 45 animals (29.6%) harboured 2 species, 12 animals (7.9%) 3 species and 2 animals (1.3%) 4 species. The trend of abundance in the L3 of G. intestinalis and G. nasalis, the most represented species, was highly concordant (r=0.5, p<0.001). A retrospective comparison of our results and of other data from four seasons of observation (1983-1986) in central Italy showed that the number of G. inermis, G. pecorum and G. haemorrhoidalis have been decreasing relative to G. intestinalis and G. nasalis which may suggest tendency toward the extinction of the three former species of Gasterophilus.  相似文献   

Four blesbok culled in the Rietvlei Nature Reserve, Pretoria, District during May 1972 were found to harbour large burdens of 1st instar Oestrus spp. larvae and from 16-37 3rd instar larvae of Oestrus macdonaldi. They were also infested with large numbers of 1st instar Gedoelstia h?ssleri larvae but only 2 harboured 3rd stage larvae of this species. During an 18-month period 34 blesbok were culled in pairs in the Percy Fyfe Nature Reserve, Potgietersrus District. These antelope harboured peak numbers of 1st instar Oestrus spp. larvae during February, July and December but few if any during early October. Third instar Oestrus variolosus larvae were generally recovered from July-February and those of O. macdonaldi during July 1972 and from May-September 1973. Some 1st instar larvae of these flies appeared to undergo a pulmonary migration before returning to the naso-pharyngeal area to mature. The pupal period of O. variolosus varied from 67 days during the spring to 35 days during the summer. G. h?ssleri larvae reached peak numbers from October 1972-January 1973 and during May and June 1973. The lowest numbers were recovered from August-October 1973. Recovery and measurement of 1st instar larvae indicated that they either undergo an ocular-cranial or ocular-vascular-pulmonary migration before reaching the naso-pharyngeal area. Pupal periods varied from 46 days for flies hatching during October to 22 days for those hatching during December.  相似文献   

Emergence of the adult flies took place mainly between 7 and 9 a.m. The feeding mechanim was described. The prefeeding period varied from several seconds to 30 minutes. The duration of a complete blood meal took, on average, 8 minutes, and adults had to take a blood meal at least every 6 hours. The weight of the blood meal taken by newly emerged flies was 2.56 mg and 3.35 mg in males and females, respectively. The flies starvation more easily in moist than in dry atmosphere, and newly emerged flies in the laboratory were more tolerant to starvation that were flies collected in the field. Female flies were less affected by starvation than males. Male and female flies reached sexual maturity after 8 and 5.40 days, respectively, and sex ratio was 43.96% males and 56.04% females. The act of mating was described. The duration was 12 minutes. The period epapsing between two successive larvipositions was determined during August (3.6 days), November (4.1 days), February (6.4 days) and May (3.9 days). The third larval stage was described. The mean adult longevity in August was 41 and 45,6 days in males and females, respectively, whereas in February it was 56.6 and 64.9. The number of larvae laid per female was 8.2 in August and 8.7 in February.The external morphology of the pupa was described. The effect of adult food on the pupal size and weight was tested. The maximum pupal period under insectary conditions was of the larvae laid during the 4th week of November (142 days) and the minimum was for the larvae laid during the fourth week of June of the second week of July (19 days). The effect of temperature on the pupal duration was described. The shortest duration (18.8 days) occured at 32°C, while the longest (130.1 days) was at 20°C. No emergence occured at temperatures above 32°C. Study of the effect of relative humidity on the pupal duration revealed that 40% humidity was the optimum for pual development. The mean duration of pupal produced by flies reared on guinea pigs was slightly longer (20.54 days) than those obtained from flies reared on dogs (20.08 days).  相似文献   

Ninety four horses from the Settat region of Morocco were examined for Gasterophilus intestinalis and G. nasalis larvae. All the horses were infected with G. intestinalis and 89 with G. nasalis; the mean larval burdens were 219 and 153, respectively. Third instar larvae of both species were present throughout the year. Second instar larvae of G. intestinalis were absent in April and May and those of G. nasalis in April only. More than 50% of horses had total burdens of more than 300 larvae and 4% harboured more than 1000 larvae. Young horses had higher infections than older animals. The period of adult activity of G. intestinalis is from April to October, with a maximum in summer. Second instar larvae of G. intestinalis are present in peak numbers from July to January and the third instars are voided in the faeces mainly in spring and summer.Infection with G. nasalis starts sooner than that with G. intestinalis. Second instar larvae are present from May to December in peak numbers. During January to March, many second instars of G. nasalis were found trapped in nodules.  相似文献   

A 3 m, video gastroscope was used to screen 47 horses suspected of being naturally infected with equine bot larvae. 17 of 47 (36.2%) candidate horses harbored Gasterophilus nasalis larvae in the proximal duodenum and 46 of 47 (97.9%) had G. intestinalis larvae in the stomach. All horses infected with G. nasalis had concurrent infections with G. intestinalis. 14 horses with dual infections were allocated randomly to two treatment groups. Seven horses in Group 1 received 2% moxidectin oral gel once at a dosage of 0.4 mg/kg bodyweight (BW), and seven horses in Group 2 were untreated controls. 14 days after treatment, all horses were necropsied and the stomach and proximal duodenum harvested from each. Bot larvae were recovered, identified to species and instar, and counted. At the label dosage, moxidectin oral gel was 100 and 97.6% effective (P < 0.05) against third-instar G. nasalis and G. intestinalis, respectively. In addition to demonstrating the boticidal efficacy of moxidectin, this trial illustrated that gastroscopy/duodenoscopy is a feasible method for confirming infections with different species of bot larvae in the horse.  相似文献   

在云南省西双版纳种植区发现为害澳洲坚果的新害虫——脊胸露尾甲,为准确掌握其生物学习性,在室内以澳洲坚果果仁为食对其进行了饲养,并对各虫态的形态、成虫交配习性、产卵习性、卵的孵化率、各虫态的存活率进行了观察。结果表明:脊胸露尾甲的发育经历卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫四个虫态,其中幼虫分为3个龄期,随着龄期的增长,幼虫体长、体宽和头壳宽度逐渐增加。成虫羽化后不会立即交配,交配前期为(4.65±0.04)d,交配时长不等,初次交配时长为(13.78±0.29)min,雄成虫存在争夺交配权的行为。雌成虫产卵前期为(8.65±0.03)d,初次产卵量为(1.94±0.06)粒,在15:00-18:00时间段的产卵量/小时最高;雌成虫对产卵位置具有选择性,背光面的着卵率极显著高于向光面。卵的孵化率随着湿度的增加而不断提高。常规饲养条件下,卵、1龄幼虫、2龄幼虫、3龄幼虫、蛹的存活率分别为(86.50±0.69)%、(83.31±2.99)%、(94.85±0.71)%、(97.09±1.46)%、(98.77±1.23)%。本研究为脊胸露尾甲的生物学及防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

During a period of 13 months, 507 heads of sheep, obtained from an abattoir near Harare, were examined for infection with Oestrus ovis larvae. The prevalence of infection varied from 6 to 52%, the highest being in November and the lowest in April. The mean annual larval burden was 1.12. The maximum number of larvae recovered from a single head was 57 in the month of November. Two larval peaks were observed, the first and highest in November and the second in August/September. Some flies are present throughout the year, except in May. There are at least 3 generations of flies per year. The wet summer period from January to May seems to be unfavourable, as very few flies are present. There is no overwintering of first instar larvae in the heads of sheep.  相似文献   

Stomachs of 271 horses and ponies from 2 sources were evaluated for the presence of Gasterophilus intestinalis and G nasalis larvae, through 2 overlapping 12-month periods of bot fly activity in southern Texas. Equids (n = 140) from one source had nearly 96% of their stomachs infected, whereas equids (n = 131) from another source had 44% of their stomachs infected by Gasterophilus spp. Seasonal dynamics of the bot infection indicated the highest average number of bot larvae per infected stomach occurred in the winter and spring. The smallest average number of bots per infected stomach occurred in the fall. Higher percentages of early (2nd instar plus young 3rd instar) larvae of G intestinalis were observed in the fall in equids from both sources. The late (more fully developed older 3rd instar) G intestinalis larvae outnumbered the early larvae in the winter, spring, and summer. Seasonal variation in numbers and development status of the larvae was consistent with the largest period of adult bot fly activity occurring during the fall. The 2 species of bots had different predilection sites of attachment. Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae concentrated in the nonglandular portions of the stomach near the margo plicatus on the cranial (parietal) surface of the stomach and in the most dorsal extent of the saccus cecus. Gasterophilus nasalis larvae attached almost exclusively in the first ampulla of the duodenum. Predilection sites for both Gasterophilus spp occurred in dorsally positioned areas in the alimentary tract favoring increased availability of oxygen.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 2nd and 3rd instars of Gasterophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis was determined in 476 horses during the 22-year period from 1951 to 1973. Overall, G intestinalis infected 98.7% of the horses and averaged 168/horse; whereas G nasalis infected 80.7% of the horses and averaged 52/horse. Aggregate average total numbers for G intestinalis ranged from a low of 50 in September to a high of 229 in March, and for G nasalis, from a low of 14 in September to a high of 82 in February. Horses were infected by 2nd or 3rd instars of both species on a year-round basis. Differentiation between the instars provided insight into the dynamics of the infections. For G intestinalis, the data indicated (1) 2nd instars from the previous year's generation of flies continue to arrive in the stomach until April; (2) arrival of the current year's crop of 2nd instars starts in July; and (3) 3rd instars from the previous year's generation of flies are not voided in appreciable numbers until August, when numbers of the current year's crop of 3rd instars appear in the stomach. For G nasalis, the data indicated (1) arrival in the stomach of the current year's generation of 2nd instars starts in July and terminates in January and (2) 3rd instars from the previous year's generation of flies are voided over a period beginning in March and extending into August, when the current year's crop of 3rd instars begin to appear. Acquisition of infections of horses with G intestinalis is nearly a year-round process, except for April, because of the persistence of viable larvae in eggs for a prolonged period after development and fly activity has ceased in the fall. In contrast, infection with G nasalis is interrupted between December and May, because eggs hatch naturally after a short period of development, and fly activity ceases in the fall.  相似文献   

Seventy-four ponies and horses were necropsied over a 4-year period (April 1973–April 1977). Prevalence data on second and third instar larvae of Gastrophilus intestinalis and G. nasalis were collected. Second instar G. intestinalis were found from late July through March of the following year. Third instar G. intestinalis were found throughout the year with minimum numbers in August, September and October. Second instar G. nasalis were recovered from two animals in February and November respectively. Third instar G. nasalis occurred too infrequently to provide sufficient data for analysis except to note they appeared to be present all year. Four animals were not infected with either species.  相似文献   

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