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为了探究我国土著蜂种中华蜜蜂在园林生境中冬季蜂群的状况,寻求保护策略,试验采用人工饲养和定时观测的方法,对中华蜜蜂在巢门的活动情况进行研究。结果表明:中华蜜蜂个体在巢门表现出多种行为类型,主要为防御性守卫行为;蜂群巢门有蜜蜂个体活动的时间占观测时长的44.41%~60.19%,出现的最大蜜蜂数量平均为3.62~4.15只,平均蜜蜂数量为1.18~1.69只,蜜蜂在巢门活动存在时间上的变化,呈现双峰格局;巢门蜜蜂的活跃程度与温度、湿度有关,出巢和回巢采集蜂数量对巢门蜜蜂活动也产生一定影响,与巢门最大蜜蜂数量显著相关。因此,中华蜜蜂蜂群能够根据环境因素和当前需求调节非采集蜂在巢门的活动。  相似文献   

<正>蜜蜂在蜜粉源丰富、气候适宜、蜂群强盛时,原群蜂王与一半以上的工蜂以及部分雄蜂飞离原巢,另择新居的群体活动,称为自然分蜂,简称分蜂。分蜂能扩大蜜蜂群体,是蜂群自然增殖的惟一方式。分蜂活动可使蜂群数量增加和分布区域扩大,促进蜜蜂种群繁荣。但是,分蜂对养蜂生产影响很大。在分蜂准备期间蜂群呈怠工状态,减少采集、造脾和育虫,限制蜂王产卵,蜂群的这种"怠工"状态在蜂学术语中称为分蜂热。如果分蜂发生,将使原群的群势损失一  相似文献   

蜜蜂孢子虫病的发生有很强的季节性。受温度的影响很大。在我区枣花和苜蓿留蜜期的气温,正是孢子虫生长发育的适宜温度(22—34℃,最适点30—32℃)。检查本病可从群势、巢门口、箱内、蜜蜂中肠、蜂王等方面入手。可简要概括为检查群势要对比,观察巢门要仔细,开箱检查看箱壁,观察中肠弹(性)色(颜色)纹(环纹),显微镜检定病原,蜂王检查定病群。一、看蜂群群势:孢子虫病初期,群势下降不明显。中后期群势显著下降。蜂数减少,大批成年蜂死亡。母蜂寿命短,也有死亡。在暖和天气巢门打开时,对蜂场之间蜂群存放地上空蜜蜂飞翔密度和进出巢蜂的数量进行对比,可以大体断定蜂群群势的强弱。  相似文献   

大连市是全国重点苹果产区之一。为了提高苹果坐果率,多年来我市果农有的进行人工授粉,有的利用蜜蜂授粉。我有蜜蜂百余群,多年为果树授粉,但有时受气温的影响,蜜蜂不愿出巢采集,甚至有的年份,花期天气很好,蜜蜂也不愿出巢采集。论群势,我的蜂群每年都是南方繁殖后返回大连的,正是强盛期,有大量的适龄采集蜂。经分析,我认为,影响蜜蜂为苹果授粉效果的因素,除气温、群势外,农药和其它异味也会影响蜜蜂授粉的效果。1998年,我的蜂群分6个点在苹果园授粉,其中一个点,当蜂群要进园的前2天,我得知果农要喷一次花前防虫药,因离开花期太近,怕…  相似文献   

本试验研究了蜂箱巢门安装脱粉器生产油菜花粉对蜜蜂出巢数量的影响,及蜂群群势和气温对花粉产量的影响。结果表明,脱粉对蜜蜂出巢采集花粉具有极大的促进作用,出巢率可提高62.00%。6框、8框和10框蜂群的花粉日均产量分别为0.61 kg、0.66 kg和0.83 kg,差异未达到显著水平。相同群势蜂群的花粉产量受天气影响较大(P0.01),晴天产量高,阴天产量低。  相似文献   

在云南昆明相对暖和的冬季(1月份)、气温2~20℃,选取群势相对较强的东、西方蜜蜂各6群,观察、测定,比较东、西方蜜蜂从早晨(2~4℃)到正午(18~20℃),采集蜂最早开始出巢采集的时间,出巢时采集蜂体表温度、外界温度以及整个时间段的采集频次之间的关系。结果发现:东方蜜蜂出巢时间较西方蜜蜂早,开始出巢采集时外界温度较西方蜜蜂明显低;东、西方蜜蜂出巢时体表温度都较外界温度要高。  相似文献   

蜂箱的摆放方位对设施草莓蜜蜂授粉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂授粉是设施草莓生产配套技术,西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)是设施草莓的主要授粉蜂种。在设施环境中,蜂群的摆放位置对蜜蜂活动有重要影响,本研究通过比较设施草莓园内不同摆放方位的蜂群活动规律及群势下降情况,结果表明,蜜蜂蜂群在设施草莓园内的摆放方位对于蜜蜂访花密度有显著影响(p0.01),其中蜜蜂蜂箱坐东朝西摆放时,蜜蜂访花密度显著高于其他3种摆放方式;在草莓整个花期授粉过程中,蜜蜂蜂群群势呈现逐渐下降趋势;然而,蜜蜂蜂群在设施草莓园内的摆放方位对群势下降程度无显著影响(p0.05);蜜蜂访花密度与蜂群群势呈正相关,与草莓开花数量无显著相关性。本研究明确了设施草莓园内授粉蜂群的放置方位对蜜蜂访花行为及蜂群群势的影响,为设施草莓内蜜蜂科学授粉技术提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

在养蜂场上尚有一个未被大家所重视的问题,即相邻蜂群之间,还有不同排的蜂群间的工蜂迷巢。相邻蜂群间的迷巢相当普遍,但这种迷巢蜂的数量一般说来很少。如迷巢牵涉到许多蜂群和较大百分比的工蜂时,这对养蜂员来说后果是严重的。加拿大的马尼托巴大学的S.C.杰伊博士对蜜蜂迷巢的原因及其对蜂群产蜜量的影响作了细致的研究。他应用标记蜜蜂日龄的方法,发现在同等条件的蜂场,有防止迷  相似文献   

在蜂群管理中,为了调整群势,常需分群或并群,但如处理不当,蜜蜂偏集、斗殴等让人头疼。问题出在哪儿?如果其他措施没问题,常常祸出巢门。蜂群识巢,巢门是个极为敏感的处所。晚秋,若欲将相邻的两群合并为一个双王群,假定巢门朝南,甲群巢门偏东侧,乙群巢门偏西侧,仅仅将两群按原位置放入一个带隔板的巢箱内是不妥的。这样返巢蜂正好甲群投入乙群,乙群投入甲群,蜜蜂斗殴马上开始。正确的方法是合并后的位置应互调一下,如图1。这样,返巢蜂就不会误投了。要知道,这种将两个单王群并成一个双王群,工蜂、蜂王并未融合在一起。在流蜜期即将到来,双王…  相似文献   

正蜜蜂群势是指一群蜜蜂中工蜂个体的数量和密度,是反映蜂群繁殖力和生产力的主要标志。蜜蜂群势强盛是养蜂优质高产的基础。蜜蜂群势随气候和蜜粉源等的周期性改变而有规律的变化。影响蜜蜂群势有蜂王产卵力、蜂群哺育力、工蜂寿命和蜂群分蜂性、管理方法等因素。一、蜂群中何为"势"蜂群群势,什么是势?我认为,中蜂每群3~4框、意蜂每群6~8框为基本群;蜂略多于脾为基本势。高于这一指标为强群,低于这一指标为弱群。强群在采  相似文献   

胡蜂对蜜蜂采集行为影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选择云南高原温带型东方蜜蜂和云南低海拔热带型东方蜜蜂各2群,在蜂箱门口用活体黑盾胡蜂(Vespa Velutina)干扰蜜蜂采集活动,干扰的时间分别为3 min,6 min和12 min.每分钟为一计数单位,记录蜜蜂采集蜂飞出的数量.结果发现蜜蜂采集蜂飞出的数量随干扰时间的增加而明显下降,干扰的时间越长,蜜蜂采集蜂恢复到正常数量的时间就越长;高原温带型东方蜜蜂和低海拔热带型东方蜜蜂在胡蜂干扰时,在数量变化上有明显的差异,后者对胡蜂的干扰比前者更为敏感(P<0.05).  相似文献   

Although silver is known to be a broad-spectrum biocidal agent, the effects of this metal against Sacbrood virus have not yet been investigated. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of silver ions against natural Korean sacbrood virus (KSBV) infection of Apis (A.) cerana. Ten KSBV-infected colonies containing A. cerana with similar strength and activity were selected from an apiary located in Bosung-gun (Korea). Among these, five colonies were randomly assigned to the treatment group that was fed sugar syrup containing 0.2 mg/L silver ions. The other colonies were assigned to the untreated control group in which bees were given syrup without the silver ions. To assess the efficacy of the silver ions, colony strength, colony activity, and the number of dead larvae per hive were measured. During the experimental period, the test group maintained its strength and activity until day 32 while those of bees in the control group decreased sharply after day 8 to 16. Survival duration of the test group was significantly longer (40 days) than that of the control group (21 days). These results strongly indicated that silver ions are effective against KSBV infection in A. cerana.  相似文献   

Viral infection damages honeybee colony health. Viruses can be carried by queen bees and apicultural production materials when imported from foreign countries. We investigated seven honeybee viruses in worker bees (Apis mellifera) from 26 healthy apiaries in Gifu, Japan between 2018 and 2019. Black queen cell virus (BQCV) was detected in 23 (88.5%) of the apiaries, followed by Israeli acute paralysis virus (42.3%), deformed wing virus (DWV) (38.5%), and sacbrood virus (3.8%). In phylogenetic analysis, BQCV and DWV in Gifu were related to those in China and South Korea. Additionally, a high prevalence of BQCV was observed among worker bees in BQCV-positive colonies. Therefore, BQCV horizontal transmission among worker bees may contribute to the high prevalence of BQCV in Gifu.  相似文献   

魏福伦 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(9):9-10
在中蜂的饲养管理中,蜂群失王且工蜂产卵后,一般处理方法都是并入它群;实验是在不得已的情况下,将3群失王且工蜂产卵超过23 d的中蜂群合并的同时,介绍蜂王获得成功.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the effects of shield and sword comb orientation hive types on wintering ability, survival rates (in winter) and population growth of honeybee colonies (A. mellifera anatoliaca) in spring season. In ancient Anatolia beekeeping; honeybee colonies were identified sword and shield (the colonies which build up the combs vertical and horizontal according to positions of the hive entrance) before the uses of top-opened hive with movable frames. Total twenty honeybee colonies, which have similar condition according to queen age, genotype, number of frames covered with adult worker bees, brood areas and food stocks, were used in this study. Average wintering ability of colonies in the shield and sword groups were found to be 98.57% and 69.76%; average survival rates were found to be 100% and 100% in shield and sword group colonies respectively. The average number of frames covered with adult worker bees at mid June in shield and sword group colonies were found to be 15.6 ± 1.58, 12.00 ± 1.25 number/colony and the average brood areas were found as 7863.5 ± 402.9, 5997.0 ± 373.3 cm2/colony respectively. Differences between the group means on wintering ability, sealed brood areas and colony strength were found significant (P < 0.01), but differences on survival rates were not found significant (P > 0.05). The colonies living in shield (horizontal) hives have showed better wintering ability and more colony population than colonies living in sword (vertical) hives.  相似文献   

不同营养对蜜蜂初生重的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分别利用不同花粉饲料制作的粉脾饲喂蜂群,测定后代蜜蜂的初生体重。结果表明.饲喂花粉与饲喂花粉+20%豆粉的蜂群相比,其所育工蜂初生重差异不显著,蜂王初生重差异显著,雄蜂初生重差异极显著;饲喂花粉和饲喂花粉+20%豆粉的蜂群,其后代与饲喂豆粉的蜂群相比,差异均为极显著;饲喂豆粉的蜂群,群势逐渐衰落,甚至不能培育出雄蜂个体。因此,建议在蜜蜂饲养工作中使用纯正花粉饲料饲喂蜂群,以保证蜜蜂的质量和蜂群的产量。  相似文献   

蜜蜂是设施农业的重要授粉昆虫,授粉蜂群的状况可能影响授粉效率的高低。通过意大利蜂(Apismellifera)对温室草莓、油桃的6次授粉重复试验,采集授粉蜂群的蜂子比值与出勤率的数据,分析蜂子比值与出勤率的相关性。结果表明,蜂子比值与工蜂出勤率之间呈显著的负相关(P<0.05),其相关系数分别为-0.8470、-0.6543、-0.7616、-0.6969、-0.6740和-0.8477,说明在正常范围内,温室授粉蜂群的出勤率随蜂子比值的减小而提高,也就是说,授粉蜂群内的子脾越好,蜜蜂出勤采集的积极性越高。  相似文献   

杨爽  谭垦 《蜜蜂杂志》2011,30(2):7-8
蜜蜂取食含有残留杀螨剂的食物后,其生理和行为会发生很大变化.从杀螨剂残留对蜜蜂的采集行为、舞蹈及归巢定位行为、蜂王和工蜂的发育、幼虫数量以及对雄蜂精子活力的影响等进行综述,以求更加科学地了解和利用杀螨剂.  相似文献   

Microsporidiosis caused by infection with Nosema apis or Nosema ceranae has become one of the most widespread diseases of honey bees and can cause important economic losses for beekeepers. Honey can be contaminated by spores of both species and it has been reported as a suitable matrix to study the field prevalence of other honey bee sporulated pathogens. Historical honey sample collections from the CAR laboratory (Centro Apícola Regional) were analyzed by PCR to identify the earliest instance of emergence, and to determine whether the presence of Nosema spp. in honey was linked to the spread of these microsporidia in honey bee apiaries. A total of 240 frozen honey samples were analyzed by PCR and the results compared with rates of Nosema spp. infection in worker bee samples from different years and geographical areas. The presence of Nosema spp. in hive-stored honey from naturally infected honey bee colonies (from an experimental apiary) was also monitored, and although collected honey bees resulted in a more suitable sample to study the presence of microsporidian parasites in the colonies, a high probability of finding Nosema spp. in their hive-stored honey was observed. The first honey sample in which N. ceranae was detected dates back to the year 2000. In subsequent years, the number of samples containing N. ceranae tended to increase, as did the detection of Nosema spp. in adult worker bees. The presence of N. ceranae as early as 2000, long before generalized bee depopulation and colony losses in 2004 may be consistent with a long incubation period for nosemosis type C or related with other unknown factors. The current prevalence of nosemosis, primarily due to N. ceranae, has reached epidemic levels in Spain as confirmed by the analysis of worker honey bees and commercial honey.  相似文献   

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