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兔魏氏梭菌病又称兔魏氏梭菌性肠炎,是由A型魏氏梭菌及其毒素引起兔的一种以消化道为主的全身性疾病,临床上以水样下痢、脱水和迅速死亡为特征,是对养兔业危害最严重的传染病之一.2006年4月,山东某种兔场发生急性魏氏梭菌病感染,经过5 d的综合性治疗,疫情基本得到控制.……  相似文献   

兔魏氏梭菌病,又称兔魏氏梭菌性肠炎,是由A型魏氏梭菌所产外毒引起的肠毒血病引起家兔急性水泻的一种急性传染病,发病兔致死率很高。现将一起肉兔发生兔魏氏梭菌性肠  相似文献   

兔球虫病是由艾美耳属球虫引起的原虫病,兔魏氏梭菌病是由A型魏氏梭菌产生外毒素所引起的兔肠毒血症,兔球虫病和魏氏梭菌病的发生都对幼兔产生严重危害,混合感染使病情更加复杂化,病死率高。现将某养殖户兔球虫和魏氏梭菌混合感染病例诊治情况报告如下。  相似文献   

兔球虫病是由艾美耳属的球虫引起的一种原虫病,兔魏氏梭菌病是由A型魏氏梭菌产生外毒素所引起的兔肠毒血症,兔球虫病和魏氏梭菌病的发生都对幼兔产生严重危害,两病混合感染使病情更加复杂化,病死率高。现将某养殖户一起兔球虫和魏氏梭菌混合感染病例诊治情况报告如下:  相似文献   

<正>兔魏氏梭菌病是由魏氏梭菌毒素引起的一种中毒性传染病。其特征为急剧性腹泻,排出腥臭带血呈胶冻样或黑褐色粪便,剖检变化以消化道病变为主。1病原体该病的病原体为魏氏梭菌,是产气荚膜杆菌,一般可分为a、b、c、d、e、f六型。兔魏氏梭菌病主要由a型魏氏梭菌引起,少数为e型魏氏梭菌引起。2流行特点各种年龄和品种的兔均可感染发病,以1~3月龄的幼兔发病最高,冬春季发病较多,本季节由于青绿饲料减少饲喂精饲料较  相似文献   

正兔的肠道壁薄,腹泻会严重危害兔的生产。兔腹泻时,要分清病因,正确诊断,快速治疗。引起兔腹泻的常见疾病有:1魏氏梭菌病1.1诊断要点兔魏氏梭菌病又叫兔魏氏梭菌性肠炎,是由A型魏氏梭菌产生的外毒素引起的兔肠毒血症。除哺乳仔兔外,各种年龄、品种、性别的兔均可发病,但以1~3月龄的幼兔最易感,发病率高。魏氏梭菌广泛存在于自然界中,土壤、粪便中含量  相似文献   

兔魏氏梭菌病是由A型魏氏梭菌及其毒素引起兔的以腹泻为主的全身性疾病,又称为魏氏梭菌性肠炎、兔肠毒血症.主要特点是发病快、水样泻、死亡率高.在兔场和农村散养户中时有发生,给养兔户带来较大的损失.2007年12月,马龙县某养兔户饲养的獭兔群,因饲料配制不当,引发魏氏梭菌病.  相似文献   

兔魏氏梭菌病是由A型兔魏氏梭菌及其毒素引起兔的一种以消化道为主的全身性疾病,特征是水样腹泻和脱水死亡。本菌能产生强烈的型内毒素,具有坏死、溶血和致死作用,有较强的毒性。笔者就临床中遇到的一起兔魏氏梭菌病报告如下。  相似文献   

魏氏梭菌病,又称兔产气荚膜梭菌(A型)病,是兔的一种急性致死性腹泻病,其发病率、死亡率均高,对养兔业的危害极大,造成巨大的经济损失。1 病原:魏氏梭菌即产气荚膜梭菌,一般可分为A、B、C、D、E、F六型。兔的魏氏梭菌病主要由A型引起,少数为E型。A型魏氏梭菌为革兰氏阳性大杆菌,两端稍钝圆,无鞭  相似文献   

正随着兔业规模化养殖的发展,疾病似乎有增无减。不仅混合感染、疑难杂病在局部地区越来越严重,而传统疾病(肠炎、呼吸道病)也大有增多的趋势,从近几年来看,各种类型的肠炎依然占据发病的主要地位,例如兔魏氏梭菌性肠炎。兔魏氏梭菌性肠炎,又称兔魏氏梭菌病,是由A型魏氏梭菌及其所产生的外毒素引起的一种发病率和死亡率均较高的兔急性胃肠道疾病。以剧烈腹泻、排黑色  相似文献   

Equine clostridial enterocolitis is being recognized with increasing frequency. It has been identified in foals with diarrhea, antibiotic-associated enterocolitis, or nosocomial enterocolitis. The sporadic occurrence of clostridial enterocolitis, the variety of types of clostridia involved, and the difficulty of experimentally reproducing the disease suggest that it is a poorly defined multifactorial syndrome. The risk factors associated with susceptibility to colonization and progressive infection are largely based on anecdotal observations and extrapolation from human studies. Quantitative studies are needed to decipher the complex interactions between host and indigenous microflora that provide for and maintain a healthy colonization resistance environment. It seems that such studies might be more beneficial in furthering our understanding of the pathogenesis of clostridial enterocolitis than attempting to implicate another agent or toxin as the sole cause of the disease in equids. Treatment protocols that interrupt the pathogenesis of the disease need to be devised and critically evaluated to complement the present protocols emphasizing supportive care. Perhaps it is time to consider clostridial enterocolitis as yet another consequence of the use of antimicrobials analogous to the selective pressures that result in the emergence of multiple drug-resistant pathogens.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens type D-producing epsilon toxin is a common cause of death in sheep and goats worldwide. Although anti-epsilon toxin serum antibodies have been detected in healthy non-vaccinated sheep, the information regarding naturally acquired antibodies in ruminants is scanty. The objective of the present report was to characterize the development of naturally acquired antibodies against C. perfringens epsilon toxin in goats. The levels of anti-epsilon toxin antibodies in blood serum of goat kids from two different herds were examined continuously for 14 months. Goats were not vaccinated against any clostridial disease and received heterologous colostrums from cows that were not vaccinated against any clostridial disease. During the survey one of these flocks suffered an unexpectedly severe C. perfringens type D enterotoxemia outbreak. The results showed that natural acquired antibodies against C. perfringens epsilon toxin can appear as early as 6 weeks in young goats and increase with the age without evidence of clinical disease. The enterotoxemia outbreak was coincident with a significant increase in the level of anti-epsilon toxin antibodies.  相似文献   

Clostridial infections are found worldwide in almost all species of animals and may involve a variety of body systems and present with a diversity of clinical signs. Most damage done through clostridial infections is due to the action of toxins released from the bacteria.Thus, disease caused by Clostridium spp should more correctly be called intoxication. Two prominent clostridial infections are associated with neurologic signs: Clostridium botulinum and C tetani. In both infections, the mechanism that is responsible for causing the problem is similar, despite the remarkable difference in clinical presentation. In addition, neurologic signs are described with C perfringens types C and D but are not the dominant feature of these diseases.  相似文献   

Two Friesian cows were used to attempt to produce colostrum containing a high concentration of clostridial antibodies which could be fed to newborn lambs in order to passively transfer immunity to diseases caused by clostridia. One cow was given a commercial multicomponent clostridial sheep vaccine in two successive pregnancies and the second cow in one pregnancy. The first cow produced a low concentration of epsilon antitoxin (Clostridium perfringens, type D) in its blood and colostrum after the first course of three injections of vaccine. A higher concentration was produced by cow 2 after a course of six injections and by cow 1 after a further course of four injections in its next pregnancy. Two hundred ml of colostrum from cow 1 (after the second course of vaccine) was given to 12 newborn colostrum-deprived lambs. All showed a high concentration of antitoxin 48 hours later. The lambs were actively immunised by injections of the same clostridial vaccine at three and nine weeks or six and 12 weeks old and all produced sufficient antitoxin to protect up to slaughter at 24 weeks. It is concluded that colostrum from cows vaccinated with sheep clostridial antigens can be fed to protect lambs passively.  相似文献   

《The Veterinary record》2010,167(20):770-773
Histophilus somni associated with vaginitis in cattle; fasciolosis still prevalent in cattle; clostridial metritis in a large goat herd; detachment of the ischial tuberosity in pigs; fowl cholera in commercial and backyard flocks. These are among matters discussed in the Veterinary Laboratories Agency's (VLA's) disease surveillance report for September.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a multicomponent clostridial vaccine containing Pasteurella haemolytica antigens was tested in specific pathogen free or conventionally reared lambs exposed to experimental infection with P haemolytica serotypes A1, A2 or A6. In four experiments assessment was based upon the findings of clinical, pathological and bacteriological examinations. Three experiments carried out in conventionally reared lambs demonstrated protection against challenge infection with P haemolytica serotypes A1, A2 and A6 in vaccinated lambs. However, the inconsistency of the disease induced in these experiments emphasised the need to perform definitive studies in specific pathogen free conditions. The final experiment was carried out with specific pathogen free lambs and confirmed the efficacy of the multicomponent clostridial vaccine containing P haemolytica antigen in protecting against the effects of infection with P haemolytica serotype A6. In addition, this experiment indicated that the inclusion of several components in a vaccine did not affect the efficacy of an individual antigenic component.  相似文献   

Over 3 years, the immunogenic responses of various batches of multi-component clostridial vaccines in sheep, rabbits and guinea pigs were compared. Fully susceptible healthy sheep were found to be more suitable than rabbits or guinea pigs for testing the potency of multi-component clostridial vaccines containing Clostridium novyi type B, C. perfringens type D, C. septicum and C. tetani, and recommendations are made that sheep are the preferred species for testing the potency of clostridial vaccines.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous reports of clostridial myonecrosis have either focused on individual case reports or have been small retrospective studies reporting very high mortality rates. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to describe the outcome of cases of clostridial myonecrosis submitted to 2 referral equine hospitals in the United States over a 15 year period. METHODS: A retrospective study of case material selected on the basis of positive Clostridium spp. culture or the identification of Clostridium spp. by specific fluorescent antibody testing from soft tissue wounds was performed at Cornell and Wisconsin. RESULTS: 37 cases of clostridial myonecrosis were documented. Twenty-seven horses survived, 8 were subjected to euthanasia and 2 died during treatment for an overall survival rate of 73%. Twenty-five cases (68%) were associated with Clostridium perfringens alone, 6 cases (16%) with Cl. septicum alone, 4 cases with mixed clostridial infections (11%), 1 case with Cl. sporogenes and 1 with an unspeciated Clostridium spp. The highest survival rate of 81% was documented for those cases from which Cl. perfringens alone was isolated. The most common antecedent condition prior to referral was colic. The myonecrotic lesion occurred within 6-72 h of a soft tissue injection in 34 cases but was associated with a wound or laceration in the remaining 3 cases. Of the 34 cases associated with recent injections, 24 were associated with i.m. injections in the cervical region, 4 in the semimembranosus/semitendinosus region, 3 in the gluteal region, 2 with perivascular leakage of drugs administered into the jugular vein and 1 case developed simultaneously in the gluteal and neck region following injections at both sites. CONCLUSIONS: Clostridial myonecrosis can occur following the i.m. or inadvertent perivascular administration of a wide variety of commonly administered drugs. It is most common in the neck musculature. Aggressive treatment can be associated with survival rates of up to 81% for cases due to Cl. perfringens alone. Survival rates for other Clostridial spp. tend to be lower. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: A combination of high dose i.v. antibiotic therapy and surgical fenestration/debridement is the best approach to cases of clostridial myonecrosis. With rapid diagnosis and therapeutic intervention, horses may have up to an 81% chance of survival.  相似文献   

A survey of 584 veterinarians in equine practice was performed to determine their intramuscular injection techniques and the influence of those techniques on the development of clostridial myositis or cellulitis. Usable responses were obtained from 439 veterinarians (75.2%). Of these, 414 used a new needle and syringe for each injection, 241 swabbed the site with a cleansing/disinfectant agent, and 242 swabbed the top of multidose injection bottles with a similar solution. Only 2 clipped the hair at the injection site. Twenty eight of the respondents reported that at least 1 horse developed a clostridial infection at the injection site following 1 of their injections. None of the various injection techniques had a significant influence on the development of clostridial infection at the injection site.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of location for administration of clostridial vaccines on behavior, growth performance, and health of calves at a feedlot, the relative risk of calves developing an injection-site reaction or being misdiagnosed as having bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC), and the percentage of subcutaneous injection-site reactions that were detectable on carcasses after the hides were removed. ANIMAL: 170 newly arrived calves at a feedlot. PROCEDURE: Eating and drinking behaviors of calves during the initial 57 days after arrival were observed at a commercial feedlot, using an electronic monitoring system. Calves were assigned randomly to receive a clostridial vaccine (base of ear or neck). Data on reactions at the injection site were collected. RESULTS: Mean daily gain (MDG) for the initial 57 days did not differ significantly between treatments. Risk of being misdiagnosed as having BRDC was not associated with location for administration of vaccine. Calves vaccinated in the base of the ear were at higher risk of having an injection-site reaction at day 57 or at slaughter. Eighty-nine percent (95% confidence interval, 52 to 100%) of injection-site reactions in the neck could not be located on the carcasses after hides were removed. Calves vaccinated in the neck drank significantly fewer times per day during the first 57 days than calves vaccinated in the base of the ear. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Location for administration of a clostridial vaccine did not significantly affect health, growth performance, or eating behavior. Most subcutaneous injection-site reactions were not detectable after the hide was removed.  相似文献   

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