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现代动物园的规划设计与传统观念上动物园的设计理念有很大区别,"回归自然、亲近动物"是世界动物园建设之潮流。以鞍山市生态动物园规划设计为例,参考借鉴国内外动物园先进的设计理念,模拟动物栖息地生境,采用生态景观设计和丰容设计等手法,实现人类、动物与自然的和谐共处。  相似文献   

随着生态环保及动物保护意识的提高、动物生活习性及动物行为心理学的研究以及展示设计水平的提升,动物园的设计正在以新的形式新建或更新设计。由于动物园涉及动物行为心理学、展示设计等诸多学科,本文仅从园区整体规划设计角度探讨。本文阐释了动物园的概念,分析了动物园设计要点,结合安徽宿州野生动物园案例解析,以期对动物园设计有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文以规划设计与动物习性结合为重点,以实际项目为案例,借鉴国外先进的设计理念,从整体到局部,系统地描述了一个动物园的综合。阐述了动物展馆展区的绿化美化原则、植物的选择与配置,介绍了动物园中的园林植物保护和防治措施。  相似文献   

李贝 《现代园艺》2014,(11):77-79
从地域特征的自然要素入手,通过对南京市红山森林动物园及其它动物园场馆生态化改造的实例分析,反思生态化改造中一些设计理念上的局限,提出场馆生态化的内核应该是动物与植物并重,基于区域特征的系统化展示才是最具生命力的。  相似文献   

动物园是每个城市绿地中不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。通过对现代发达国家动物园的系统分析,阐述新一代动物园的设计理念与未来发展趋势,总结出我国现阶段动物园建设中的不足与需要改进的地方,针对性地提出解决方案,以提高动物园的设计水平。  相似文献   

目前,我国很多城市动物园在城市化与生态发展的矛盾不断发展下,面临朝郊区搬迁或在近郊重建的局面。因此,设计管理人员在规划新园区时,要充分考虑当地经济,在学习先进园区的科学规划理念与方法后,努力营造人与自然和谐相处的环境。本文以发挥动物园功能作为基础,探究如何改良动物生活环境,优化园区观览结构,使其成为城市园林、生态网络的重要环节。  相似文献   

<正>根据南昌市新动物园建设和动物引种工作的需要,应南非约翰内斯堡动物园邀请,市政府组成四人专家组于2008年5月21日赴南非、肯尼亚、埃及,对动物园和野生动物保护区进行了为期13天的专业考察,途经新加坡。本次赴非洲等国参观考察目的为两个方面:一是对动物园进行考察,了解非洲及新加坡动物园的建设发展状况,与非洲等国同行就有关野生动物引进、动物种群繁殖、动  相似文献   

总结动物展区生态化、景观化的目的和意义,及展区生态化、景观化布局的基本原则。以淮安市动物园为例,探讨动物展区生态化、景观化的具体做法。  相似文献   

张丽红  樊珍儒 《花卉》2017,(8):36-38
通过对南宁市动物园园林植物的资源现状进行实地调查和分析,总结其优势特色,并从动物园的科普功能、动物的生境需要、动物的安全性以及满足游客休闲等方面对动物园植物配置的合理性建议。介绍了动物园植物造景与生态建设取得的成果。  相似文献   

动物园作为一个专类公园,不仅要作为观赏动物的场所,还要为公众提供优美、舒适的游览和休息环境,同时要向游人宣传精神文明和科普知识。本文以哈尔滨北方森林动物园为例,对植物配置的原则、园区内各类植物材料的配置、动物展区的植物配置等做了简单的分析和总结,以为其它同类动物园提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

陈博旻 《中国园艺文摘》2012,28(1):82-83,74,F0003
随着城市的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对人居环境质量的要求越来越高,如何提高城市公共基础设施的设计水平,从而满足人们的审美需求和功能需求,是一个值得探讨而且具有深远意义的话题。以南昌市动物园为例,对其公共设施进行分析和总结,并得出一些设计规律,希望能对我国公园公共设施的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

毕胭 《中国园艺文摘》2012,28(2):112-114
通过对城市广场发展脉络、性质、功能和内涵等的思索,提出对城市广场设计的若干建议,即:在重视美观的同时应强调理性因素;在加强内涵建设时贯彻人性化原则;从植物的习性和特征入手营造出宜人、美观又富于变化的空间环境。  相似文献   

One of the important features of cities is to provide high-quality outdoor environments for various groups of citizens. Although children are frequent users of green spaces, the knowledge and perspectives applied in planning and design of urban green spaces are mostly defined by adults. This results in spaces and practices that may limit the daily lives and creativity of urban children. Promoting child-friendly cities benefits from knowledge produced by children themselves, regarding their perceptions and experiences, as well as ideas and suggestions. This study provides empirical results concerning children’s needs and mental images for urban green spaces in two urban areas in two countries (Chengdu, China, and Ruhr Region, Germany). 765 children, ages 8–10 were surveyed through the method of empathy-based stories (MEBS). Participants were asked to use their imagination to write stories according to given scenarios. Our study shows that MEBS can be used to gather meaningful data with children, and that children are an important stakeholder group in urban planning, landscape design and management with an ability to express their diverse needs and preferences towards green spaces. Both designed green spaces (e.g. gardens, parks) and wild nature (e.g. forests, meadows) can offer a range of activities and experiences for children in their everyday lives: opportunities for play, socializing, contact with nature, aesthetic and restorative experiences, learning and exploration. Our findings include indications of children’s awareness of the diverse ecosystem services that green spaces provide, as well as of urban sustainability and livability. While we found German and Chinese children to have corresponding needs and expectations regarding urban green spaces and nature, we also found some variation. We suggest that the use of, and experiences in green spaces are linked not only to the landscape but also to conceptual-cultural contexts.  相似文献   

设9个试验点,以‘遵椒2号’作对照,对7个引进的辣椒品种开展区域田间试验,并对参试品种的性状数据进行综合分析。结果表明:有5个品种比对照种增产0.21%~1 2.04%,其中增产幅度达极显著水平的品种有3个,有2个品种增产幅度差异不显著;有2个品种比对照种减产1.03%~4.09%,减产幅度差异水平均未达到显著水平。  相似文献   

城市园林景观能表达城市特色,会形成良好的城市发展环境。现代文明诞生以后、由于科学、艺术和社会的发展,设计思想和气候因素对现代城市园林景观设计产生更为强烈的影响。研究城市园林景观的特色应对城市内外所有景观资源、地理、历史人文状况进行调查概括,归纳总结出城市园林景观设计的主题,结合设计理念形成鲜明的城市园林景观特色。  相似文献   

王太春  冯楠  瞿燕花 《中国园艺文摘》2013,(10):101-102,F0003
标志性建筑是城市景观的代表性的建筑作品,它作为城市的一种符号和标记,具有文化、科技、形象和所在区域面貌的代表性。它是繁华都市的一角,它的视觉感受应该是强调绿色植物对建筑群的修饰作用,并与周围的环境相辅相成,具有生态补偿、美学和生态服务的功能。文章以陕西省电信大楼的周围环境景观设计为例,阐述环境融合、植物的景观修饰、企业文化特色以及景观小品应用的设计理念,提出标志性建筑群的环境景观设计原则。  相似文献   

With the growth of urbanization and the increasingly hectic pace of life, exposure to urban nature within blue-green infrastructure is greatly impacting human health and well-being. Biophilia, an evolutional concept, conveys the initial connection between humans and nature; biophilic design transfers into design attributes to indicate the relationship between humans and the environment. A significant advantage of experiencing nature is positive restoration; however, only limited research has been conducted on connecting biophilic design and mental health. This study adopted our perceived biophilic design items (PBDi) to examine the relationship between landscape preferences and emotional states in urban green spaces. Online surveys (valid total n = 477) examining these biophilic items, landscape preferences, and emotional states were conducted. Seven aspects—(1) evolved human–nature relationships, (2) place-based relationships, (3) visual aesthetic quality, (4) state of natural change, (5) environmental perception, (6) sense of compatibility in the built environment, and (7) natural form of design method —were confirmed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), with 64.35 % of the cumulative variance, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) demonstrated good convergent validity and discriminant validity. The overall perceived biophilic design scale (PBDs) with 28 items had a Cronbach’s α of 0.91. In addition, it was found that PBDs significantly explained landscape preferences and positive emotional states within urban nature. The findings provide an alternative tool for measuring human biophilic perceptions that influence environmental experiences. In addition, each item in the scale could be used as a biophilic guideline for designers and planners to reinterpret nature in cities and to enhance our connection to nature in general.  相似文献   

温州动物园内白蚁危害情况较严重,影响景区景观效果。为提高游人游赏效果和提升景区整体景观质量,对动物园内白蚁危害作调查研究,并提出相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, children have spent significantly less time actively engaged in nature-based outdoor activities compared to previous generations. This has corresponded with them increasingly suffering from a range of psychological problems. Studies have been undertaken to explore the notion that such problems can be mitigated to some extent through exposure to nature within the context of built environmental settings. While much of the literature in this area has focused on adult populations, this article provides a comprehensive review of recent studies addressing this topic targeting children aged 6–12 years old. From an initial search of the literature, a total of 1036 records were identified from which 40 studies addressing this topic were identified and analyzed. Our results show that most of these studies employed cross-sectional rather than longitudinal designs, and most identified positive psychological outcomes associated with children’s exposure to nature, with many yielding statistically significant yet weak to moderate outcomes. We further categorized studies into experimental or observational according to the research design. Observational studies primarily investigated the impact of the accessibility/quantity of natural environments within residential settings. Some experimental-based studies explored children’s active involvement in nature-based activities. In contrast, others investigated passive exposure to nature through views or visual stimuli used as surrogates of actual environments, many of which were conducted in school and public open-space settings. Most of the studies explored terrestrial, or green spaces, within the context of predominately built environments, with water-based settings (blue spaces) being underrepresented. Some differences in research focus and design were evident across different countries where the studies were undertaken. We conclude that further research is needed to unveil the associations between nature exposure and children’s psychological well-being to provide directions for future environmental design strategies, environmental education and policymaking.  相似文献   

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