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向剑锋  周建军 《花卉》1991,(收录汇总):28-30
湖南九嶷山野生杜鹃花属植物资源丰富,根据调查统计,有杜鹃花属植物16种,隶属于5亚属7组8亚组。对该区野生杜鹃花属植物种类、生活型、生境及分布、花期与花色、资源储量等情况进行分析,并提出资源保护和科学利用的建议,以期为区域杜鹃花属资源可持续利用提供参考。  相似文献   

杜鹃属植物资源及园林应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界杜鹃花的发祥地和现代分布中心,随着现代园林的不断发展,以杜鹃花为主题的植物景观得到越来越广泛的应用。文章系统介绍杜鹃花的植物资源分布及园林应用情况,以期为杜鹃花的景观应用提供参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

以北京地区野生花卉资源为例,从选种引种、生境营造、艺术配置及文化意境等方面阐述了野生花卉资源应用于植物景观营造的生态途径。结合其在园林中应用的特点,对北京优良的野生花卉资源进行了分类总结,以期为野生花卉的景观营造与生态园林的建设提供现实指导。  相似文献   

采集以杜鹃花为主体的景观样地图片,运用BIB-LCJ法,通过让景观专业学生和从事景观行业的专家与社会人士,对处于杜鹃花花期且以杜鹃花为主体的36个景观样本进行景观评价,探究人们对杜鹃花植物景观的审美意向。研究表明,人们更倾向于杜鹃花品种类型多样、颜色配置与种植层次丰富、视觉面积占比较高的杜鹃花景观样本。  相似文献   

作为中国的传统名花之一,杜鹃花在世界园林上有着举足轻重的地位,研究杜鹃花植物景观群落具有重要意义。以贵州省龙里龙架山国家森林公园杜鹃园为研究重点,对杜鹃园的植物种类、配置情况以及植物群落进行系统的调查与分析,探寻园内杜鹃花植物景观群落配置要点,同时对园内部分处于劣势的杜鹃花植物群落从植物种类、数量和配置方式进行调整,以提高植物群落的稳定性为前提,对龙架山国家森林公园杜鹃园景观进行改造提升,总结杜鹃花在植物造景中的运用形式与参考模式。  相似文献   

井冈山杜鹃花资源初探及应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜鹃花是我国著名的传统观赏花木之一。为井冈山市市花。井冈山有着丰富的野生杜鹃资源,我在从事园林工作的过程中.收集整理了井冈山野生杜鹃花资源的分布情况、分类特征、生态习性、群落特征等,及杜鹃花资源的应用范例,并在老一辈园林工作者的研究实践基础上加以分析,以期杜鹃花能得到更广泛的合理开发,在园林造景等各方面发挥更大的作用,为井冈山的旅游事业添上浓彩。  相似文献   

管洁 《花卉》2017,(12):14-16
首先,通过专家访谈法,介绍了杜鹃花与深圳结缘的历史渊源,以及最早的杜鹃专类园建设历史。通过实际考察结合笔者参与的杜鹃花景观营造项目,重点解析了杜鹃花在深圳公园中应用时栽培养护方面的问题,所用品种及植物配置情况。  相似文献   

海拉尔区在伊敏河岸利用几种盐生植物,建遗大片的盐生植物群落,在防风固沙的同时美化城市景观.文章阐述当地10种野生观赏盐生植物的生物学特性及利用的可行性,认为应深入开发野生观赏盐生植物资源,使其成为河岸绿化带的主要花卉物种,丰富城区绿化的生物多样性,使观赏盐生植物资源的开发利用更有意义.  相似文献   

本文以西藏色季拉山高寒杜鹃花属植物的资源研究对象,并分析总结,可为该区生物多样性保护与可持续利用,杜鹃群落的保护与管理等奠定基础。同时,本文针对西藏野生花卉独特的观赏特性,对其在园林园艺中的应用提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

正鹿角杜鹃,又名岩杜鹃,杜鹃花科杜鹃属。常绿灌木或小乔木,高l~6m,多生于海拔80~2670m的山坡林缘中,是杜鹃属中垂直分布最宽的种类之一。分布于浙江、江西、福建、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、四川、贵州和台湾。台湾又称西施花、西施杜鹃,享有"最美杜鹃花"称号。中国是世界野生杜鹃花种质资源现代分布分化的中心和种群量最大的国家。目前国内学者对杜鹃花资源研究,主要涉及杜鹃属植物的种质资源开发及利用、生态与分布、栽培繁殖技术  相似文献   

为了挖掘抗、耐镉甜瓜种质资源,以野生甜瓜、薄皮甜瓜及厚皮甜瓜为试材,采用盆栽方式研究添加0、50、100 mg · kg~(-1)镉溶液后甜瓜植株生长及器官镉含量差异。结果显示,随着镉浓度加大,植株长势减弱,植株地上部鲜质量及根系鲜质量明显下降。镉在甜瓜器官中的含量依次为根茎叶果实。随着镉处理浓度的增加,镉在甜瓜根、茎、叶、果实中的含量也相应增加。100 mg · kg~(-1)镉浓度下,野生甜瓜根、茎、叶中的镉含量相比薄皮甜瓜和厚皮甜瓜少,但在果实中镉含量却最大;3种类型甜瓜土壤中镉残留量为35.000~80.000 mg · kg~(-1),均远超国家土壤镉含量限量三级土壤标准。野生甜瓜和厚皮甜瓜镉抗性较好;野生甜瓜具有很强的土壤镉移除能力;参试的薄皮甜瓜对镉较敏感。  相似文献   

The woody plant communities found on residential properties constitute an integral component of cities’ green infrastructure and serve as a nexus between urban residents and the natural world. Despite this importance, residential landscapes are infrequently designed with principles of sustainability in mind, resulting in the extensive use of pesticides to suppress a diverse array of plant pests. In this study, we ask whether ecological theory can inform the sustainable design and management of woody plant communities on urban residential properties. The associational resistance and dilution effect hypotheses are analogous hypotheses, which posit that increasing biodiversity can inhibit the abundance of herbivores and pathogens, respectively. Importantly, theory suggests that it might not just be diversity that matters, but the right kind of diversity (i.e., community composition). Previous studies have demonstrated that herbivore abundance can be greater on native plants compared to exotic plants in residential landscapes. However, little is known regarding whether this translates into greater numbers of interventions to reduce damage associated with plant pests on native plants. To test these hypotheses, we utilized a multi-year, commercial plant health care program dataset. We examined, at the residential property scale, the relationships between woody plant diversity, the percentage of plants that were native, and pest management interventions. We found that the number of pest management interventions targeting phytophagous arthropods, but not plant pathogens, was negatively related to woody plant biodiversity. The percentage of native plants on a property had no relationship with the number of pest management interventions that occurred. Consequently, efforts to increase woody plant biodiversity in residential landscapes could result in increased phytophagous arthropod pest suppression, thereby reducing the need for pesticide applications and their associated adverse effects.  相似文献   

The ornamental industry's difficulties in producing compact and well branched plants have been the subject of extensive evaluation, the problems being compounded by the fact that each species, and even each cultivar, requires a specific protocol. In this work, growth regulators (daminozide, paclobutrazol and chlormequat chloride) and chemical pinching agents (fatty acids) were applied to reduce shoot extension with a view to lowering production costs whilst optimizing plant quality in the production of azalea japonica. Assessment of the effectiveness of the different treatments was achieved using image analysis as a quantitative method which we consider to be a faster and more objective technique than classic biometry. The results indicate that daminozide and paclobutrazol treatment are the best options to control vegetative development and to promote the flowering of azalea japonica in a cold and humid zone such as Asturias. However, daminozide treatment induces floral deformation in one of the tested cultivars, Blaauw's Pink.  相似文献   

杜鹃无土栽培基质配方的研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
 采用发达国家已经大量应用的潮水式(Ebb&Flow)底面灌施营养液栽培系统,以盆栽杜鹃品种‘Mission Bell’作为试材,筛选出适合杜鹃盆花无土栽培 基质配方。混有草炭的M1(体积比:草炭土3+蛭石3+珍珠岩3)、M2(草炭土3+蛭石3+砻糠3)和M4(草炭土2+蛭石2+珍珠岩2+著糠2+腐叶土2)基质配方栽培的植株表现较好,尤以M1处理,即‘草炭土3+蛭石3+珍珠岩3’的等量配方为最优,而椰壳并不适合盆栽杜鹃的植株生长。土壤的理化分析和植物体分析结果表明,营养液灌溉处理后基质的pH值基本相同,但EC值的增幅很大,是由封闭系统内营养液中盐分累积所致;盆内基质中的矿质营养元素和阳离子交换量也明显增加;植物体的营养元素含量水平普遍较高,非常符合杜鹃类植物的生长条件与特殊需求。  相似文献   

刘江丽 《现代园艺》2012,(8):197-198
通过对玉案山植物资源的调查,整理出了一些园林应用中观赏价值较高的野生花卉。论述玉案山野生花卉资源在园林中的应用前景,并对现在存在的问题和将来的引种工作,提出一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

在查阅有关资料的基础上,采用样线调查和群落生态学相结合的调查方法,对河池市范围内兜兰属植物的分布数量和生境特征老蚌生珠调查分析。结果表明:河池市兜兰属植物资源丰富,共有6种兜兰属植物分布于全市10个县市区,但分布极不均匀;兜兰属植物生长于河池市石灰岩山地的常绿落叶阔叶林下的岩壁缝隙腐殖土上,所处环境条件脆弱,兜兰植株对环境的依存程度高;特殊的生物学特性、生境的丧失和过度采挖的其致濒的主要原因;在调查分析的基础上,提出了河池市兜兰属植物的保护利用对策。  相似文献   

广东野生蔬菜资源初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
经初步调查研究,广东有野生蔬菜资源144种(不包括可食的野生菌类,蕨类和藻类),分布于54个科,有一年生和二年生草木,多年生草本,灌木和乔木,陆生和水生植物,按照野菜的科属关系和食用器官进行分类,提出近期可开发的野菜。  相似文献   

历山自然保护区自然条件复杂多样,植物资源丰富。现对该保护区菊科野生观赏植物资源进行细致的调查研究。结果表明:该保护区有菊科野生观赏植物41属、66种,分别占该保护区野生菊科植物总属数的93.18%、总种数的84.62%,少种属优势最强。分析了该保护区菊科野生观赏植物的观赏特性和园林用途,并对其开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

Among the different urban green spaces, wastelands are valuable spaces for conserving urban biodiversity. By hosting wild and spontaneous vegetation, wastelands can promote the contact citizens have with nature. However, lack of regular management can lead to negative perceptions. In this study we assessed perceptions, valuations and uses of wastelands by residents in two cities in the centre of France. We tested whether preferences for wastelands depended on where wastelands were located in the city, plant community characteristics or resident characteristics. The study investigated 18 wastelands, in three successional stages (initial grassland, intermediate grassland and shrubbery stages) and located in three categories of distance from the city centre (downtown, suburban, periurban). Vegetation was sampled in each wasteland and several plant community metrics were calculated. A total of 72 residents (4 per wasteland) living in the vicinity of the wastelands were interviewed about their use, valuations and perceptions of wastelands. Based on qualitative and quantitative analyses, the results highlighted that a significant proportion of residents (36%) conducted various activities in wastelands and that perceptions and valuations of wastelands were diverse, ranging from either negative (when wastelands were perceived as wild or abandoned areas) or positive (when wastelands were considered as natural and recreational). Valuations strongly depended on the successional stage, with intermediate grassland-like wastelands being preferred. We found no effect of wasteland location in the city, whereas resident characteristics (age and gender) marginally influenced valuations. This study provides new insights into the determinants of perception and valuations of urban wastelands. Particularly, we suggest that intermediate grassland-like wastelands could be easily integrated into urban planning both for recreational activities and conserving biodiversity. Alternatively, awareness of the value of initial grassland-like and shrubbery wastelands should be raised to improve their acceptability.  相似文献   

茅台酒生态功能保护区野生种子植物资源调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用野外调查、标本采集和文献查阅统计分析法,对茅台酒生态功能保护区野生种子植物资源进行了调查研究和分类总结。共发现种子植物101科、279属、411种。根据用途将茅台酒生态功能保护区野生种子植物资源分为:药用植物资源、观赏植物资源、食用植物资源、材用植物资源、工业植物资源、保护和改造环境植物资源六大类十六小类。并对茅台酒生态功能保护区野生种子植物资源开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

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