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Over the past two decades, the American education system has experienced profound challenges due to long-term and sustained declines in federal and state funding, coupled with rapid and innovative progress in the development of advanced educational technologies. Concurrently, employers are increasing their expectations and outputs from their employees and as a result, working professionals are seeking affordable opportunities to upgrade their skills for career advancement while maintaining full time job responsibilities. Responding to these challenges, both public and private educational institutions have developed innovative online courses and curricula creating fully accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs often at lower cost than in campus-based degree programs. These courses and programs enable working professionals and other non-traditional learners to realize their aspirations for advanced training, and breach the traditional barrier for those disadvantaged by limited time or distance. Agroforestry, the intentional mixing of trees with crop and/or animal production systems to create economic, environmental, and social benefits, is gaining recognition as an integral component of multifunctional working landscapes. While gradually gaining attention, widespread agroforestry illiteracy remains and the need for a cadre of well trained professionals is essential to support its continued growth. Short courses and workshops are helpful, but professionals and landowners alike across the U.S., Canada and overseas are seeking more comprehensive graduate degree or certificate programs. A web-based, asynchronous M.S. degree and/or a graduate Certificate will help to fill this void. Presently, there are no comparable comprehensive graduate programs in agroforestry elsewhere in the U.S. To meet the current and future needs of the agroforestry profession, The Center for Agroforestry at the University of Missouri has created an online graduate certificate and master’s degree program in agroforestry. Initial student evaluation data reveals that online agroforestry courses compare favorably with face-to-face courses. This program will serve as a model for other institutions interested in developing online programs in agroforestry and related disciplines.  相似文献   

CATIE has been involved in agroforestry training at the MS level, short courses for professionals, and in-service training since 1976. Approximately one hundred MS degrees with theses in agroforestry subjects have been awarded during this period, and well over one hundred professionals have participated in short courses. Almost all of these activities have been funded by various short-term projects. Although CATIE has maintained a staff with experience in agroforestry research and training throughout this period, the dependence on short-term funding has resulted in changes in the personnel available to give courses. These changes have, however, to some degree reflected changes in the concepts of what areas within agroforestry should receive the greatest emphasis. The training program at CATIE has always maintained a strong on-farm orientation, but long-term experiments established at CATIE over the past twenty years are employed to give more basic training in research methodology.  相似文献   

A telephone survey of 39 U.S. and Canadian University forestry schools accredited with the Society of American Foresters, conducted in November 1988, showed that 25 had courses in tropical and international forestry, and 14 university faculties had been conducting research in agroforestry. Field-oriented training in agroforestry is also offered in North America, especially for voluntary and relief organization personnel. Many of the agroforestry courses have been established recently in response to desires of students with international interests and/or experience. Most of such courses are integrated programs, initiated by forestry faculty, and most of these are seminars or colloquia incorporating the experience of both faculty and students with focus on systems and issues rather than technical proceses. Ideas for agroforestry course content offered by North American forestry faculty include: integration of social and technical aspects of agroforestry and social forestry, involvement of multidisciplinary teams, focus on managing marginal, lands and consideration of the importance of agroforestry systems in North America and other temperate zones.  相似文献   

The Latin American Plant Sciences Network (Red Latinoamericana de Botánica-RLB) is a consortium of Centers of Excellence in Latin America designed to increase innovative scientific capacity in the plant sciences by providing graduate level training to students throughout the region. Training centers are located in Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, with headquarters at the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. During the initial five-year period, the Network has trained 70 graduate students (Doctoral, Master, and short-term trainees); has supported 67 research projects, 21 graduate courses, and 48 scientific events; and has provided minor infrastructure to the training centers for a total cost of US$1,245,645 (including Network administration and coordination). The Network has had a major impact in breaking isolation among the Latin American countries and stimulating collaborative scientific efforts. The Network's experience is of relevance to the promotion of agroforestry research and education in the region.  相似文献   

The Australian Master TreeGrower (MTG) program was launched in 1996 as an agroforestry extension initiative of The University of Melbourne. The program included a short course for landholders that provided knowledge and practical skills but also had a strong focus on developing the information and peer networks that would provide them, and their community, with on-going support as they implement their agroforestry activities. Since 2010 the MTG has been delivered by The Australian Agroforestry Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation, and integrated with the Peer Group Mentoring (PGM) concept developed by a regional farmer group in Australia. The PGM trains, then pays, past Master TreeGrowers to support other landholders as they design and develop their own agroforestry projects. More than 100 MTG courses have been run across Australia involving over 2000 landholders and more than fifty partner organisations. Independent evaluation shows that participants enthusiastically support the program, increase the area of tree cover on their land, adopt more intensive or purposeful management practices, are more inclined to want to grow trees for a mix of both public and private good outcomes, and, actively encourage others in their community to do the same. This paper reviews the development and delivery of the MTG and PGM in Australia and explores whether the models are transferable to developing countries. To date four MTG courses have been conducted in Africa (Uganda (2) and Niger (2)), seven in Indonesia and one in Timor-Leste. Whilst the structure of the international MTG courses was different to that commonly adopted in Australia the content was similar in that they included: information to support the development and implementation of agroforestry designs that reflect their particular interests and aspirations; a review of market opportunities for agroforestry products and services, training in tree and forest measurement, education in tree growth and silviculture; and, encouragement, guidance and support to encourage landholders to share their experience with others in their community. The response suggests that the MTG, originally developed for Australian farmers, may represent a very different model of agroforestry extension to what is commonly offered to farmers in developing countries, and that it may be worth developing in regions where farmers believe they have relatively secure land tenure and are able to make long-term land management decisions regarding tree establishment and management.  相似文献   

The Agroforestry Center for Sustainable Development was established by the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico, in 1991 with the expectation of developing itself into a Center of Excellence in Agroforestry education, training, and research in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. The Center's program for the initial five-year period includes development of a graduate program at Masters level, establishment of a field research station, and setting up a library and documentation unit with a well-stocked library of agroforestry literature. Environmental protection, sustainability issues, social equity, participatory research (involving resource-poor farmers), and interdisciplinary emphasis are some of the key guiding principles of all Center-sponsored activities. Active collaboration will be sought between the Center and various national and international agencies that have programmatic emphasis in the region. The proposed graduate (MS) program will consist of one-year of course-work followed by a second year of thesis research. Structure and curriculum of several supporting courses have been drafted.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art of agroforestry research and education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Integrated land uses, many now referred to as agroforestry, have a long history in Europe. In the past, the main trend was the movement of agricultural and pastoral activities into forests. The introduction of trees into non-forested (or once forested) lands is a much more recent occurrence, particularly the cultivation of high value fruit and nut trees in the Mediterranean countries, hedgerows/windbreaks in northwestern Europe and windbreaks in eastern Europe and the southern Soviet Union. Environmental concerns of intensive agriculture are increasing the demand for alternate production systems such as agroforestry. Education and training in agroforestry in Europe is very diverse because of the country specific issues regarding land use.  相似文献   

Agroforestry has been incorporated in education and training programs at an unprecedented level since 1982. A survey of educational institutions conducted by ICRAF in 1987 revealed that agroforestry is found as an option for specialization in undergraduate as well as in postgraduate M.Sc, diploma programs in forestry, agriculture, natural resources, and others. Courses and special seminars in agroforestry are organized in degree programs. Full undergraduate and postgraduate programs in agroforestry are being formulated and implementation started in quite a few universities, and many students are choosing agroforestry-oriented research projects for their dissertations. A good setting for higher degree training in agroforestry requires, however, staffing from combined faculties of at least agriculture, animal science and forestry; faculty commitment to a farming systems approach; and inter-departmental cooperation in teaching and research. It was difficult to asses whether these and other elements are present in existing programs where agroforestry has been incorporated. Emerging trends indicate that traditional forestry programs are broadening the scope of the discipline (from forests to integrated land-use systems) while agriculturists are recognizing that trees play important roles as soil improvers and protectors, fodder, food, fuel and other domestic and commercial purposes. New institutional structures are evolving to allow for educational programs with coursework and research projects spanning many disciplines. Nondegree training in agroforestry has seen an upsurge of activities equal, if not larger, to that in education. Attempts are being made by different institutions worldwide to inventory training opportunities; still the collection and dissemination of information is difficult. Efforts are needed at the international, regional, and national levels, to address training issues that if addressed collectively can improve the quality and effectiveness of human resource development efforts. ICRAF's approach to promote agroforestry research through education and training is an example of an action program currently under application.  相似文献   

A major worldwide trend toward the use of agroforestry and other sustainable agricultural systems has heightened the need for training. Such training is currently underway on every continent. This paper addresses the general principles and practices of training in agroforestry focusing on who needs training, what training is required, and designing training programs. The breadth and depth of training required by the various clientele groups — villagers, politicians, technicians, and professionals — are quite different. Politicians require broad but rather shallow training in agroforestry making them aware of the physical and biological constraints, as well as the social and economic aspects of agroforestry. Villagers require applied, hands-on training but teaching principles also enables them to develop and modify their own systems. Technicians and professionals both need more in-depth and thorough training consisting of both principles and practices. Spaid's approach to training involves the 4-D program: Define, Design, Develop and Deliver. Another model for training, the critical events model, emphasizes the need for feedback and evaluation in every stage of the training program. If a series of well-defined steps is followed, valuable, efficient, effective training programs that further the understanding and practice of agroforestry can be a reality.  相似文献   

This article is a review of ICRAF's efforts over the past six years to strengthen the capability of national institutions in developing countries for the diagnosis of land management problems, identification of agroforestry potentials and research priorities, and design of appropriate agroforestry systems. The article highlights the development of the programme structure and organization as well as the main accomplishments. The evolution of the focus of T&E in support of ICRAF's collaborative research activities is based on the conviction that it is mainly by strengthening national research capabilities that appropriate agroforestry technology will be generated in response to countries' needs.Since 1982, the Council has organized seven international training courses which were held in Kenya as well as regionally and in-country; twenty-two resident trainees completed 3- to 6-month internships at ICRAF and project sites; and four research fellows/visiting scientists undertook long-term agroforestry research alongside ICRAF's multidisciplinary team, bringing the total number of researchers directly trained by ICRAF to over 250. Training modules and training materials were also developed to be used by other institutions in teaching agroforestry-related topics.Principal Training Officer, ICRAF  相似文献   

India is perhaps the world leader in development of agroforestry education, training and research. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research sanctioned an All-India Coordinated Research Project on agroforestry in 1983, to be headquartered in Delhi but with research centers in 20 other locations countrywide. The agricultural universities in India have a major role to play, with all institutions having agroforestry teaching programs by 1990. At this point there is a great shortage of faculty trained in agroforestry. Demand for qualified graduates with this training is only going to increase.  相似文献   

Most of the existing agroforestry courses have arisen opportunistically and tend to be based on the form that agroforestry takes, rather than on the way agroforestry practices function. Yet agroforestry research is beginning to supply ideas and information about the core issues (e.g., how woody and non-woody intercrops behave in terms of environmental resource capture, and how this can be influenced by the biology of the plant components and management). Similarly, recent socioeconomic research on agroforestry issues reveals dynamic systems of resource access, use, and control at various levels of human organization over time. It is true also that, because they were undertaken with different objectives in mind, the concepts derived from many decades of research in ecology, agriculture, and forestry still need to be reshaped for agroforestry situations. Likewise, socioeconomic content needs to move towards teaching the dynamics of decision-making, innovation, and change rather than describing static situations. This reshaping process itself offers exciting possibilities for educators who, thereby, could influence the course of research.These issues are briefly discussed in relation to the integration and development of research and teaching, and the needs of students and agroforestry professionals for educational and training courses. A draft proposal for the future of agroforestry at Cornell University is also outlined as a model for implementing such an approach.  相似文献   

This special issue features papers contributed by presenters at the 12th North American Agroforestry Conference held June 4–9, 2011 in Athens, Georgia, USA. The conference brought together agroforestry researchers, educators, practitioners, and students to highlight agroforestry research, implementation, policy, education, and entrepreneurial opportunities across North America. Eight papers cover topics ranging from adoption of silvopastoral systems across eco-regions and countries; economics of pine straw production; and timber and alley crop production in the Southeastern U.S.; reduction of sublimation of snow with shelterbelts in Canada, carbon offset incentives for agroforestry practices; consumer and market dynamics for chestnut and elderberry specialty crops; and web-based graduate degree and certificate programs in agroforestry.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture should involve the successful management of resources for agriculture to satisfy changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of the environment and conserving natural resources. The rapid depletion of forest resources and agricultural sustainability — two major global concerns — could be impacted significantly through agroforestry practices. Widespread application of agroforestry concepts and techniques offers great potential for helping to alleviate critical shortages of fuelwood and contributing to sustainable farming systems. There is a vital need to broaden the knowledge base of the subject of agroforestry in order to provide a more substantive basis for effective teaching and training programs. In a typical university organization, it is fairly easy to see how interdisciplinary research teams can be brought together to work on agroforestry projects. But how do we structure the education and training programs? The purpose of this conference is to address these issues and to guide the further evolution and development of agroforestry.  相似文献   

Since farmers engage in a complex, dynamic process of learning-by-doing, evaluating economic incentives, and assessing risks in deciding whether to adopt agroforestry systems, a multi-pronged research approach is required for a complete analysis of adoption potential and to develop effective technological and institutional interventions. A case study is presented for using multiple approaches to analyse the potential for reforestation and improving livelihoods of small farmers through the adoption of agroforestry systems in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Campeche, Mexico. Specifically, the results from a participatory research project are combined with revealed preference analysis of a household survey to analyse past adoption decisions and preferences, identify limitations, test and evaluate alternatives, and evaluate methods for risk reduction. The participatory research trials suggest that continuous intercropping and line cleaning are equally effective for tree growth, while continuous cropping during the first years offers the additional advantage of early returns to investments through crop production. Farmer participation in the research process, planning of production systems, and annual evaluations, assisted farmers and researchers in identifying limitations, testing and evaluating alternatives, and improving the viability and sustainability of systems. The revealed preference analysis provides insights as to which households are most likely to initially adopt agroforestry systems developed through the participatory research trials. In general, households that originated from the Yucatan Peninsula with more education, more experience both in age of the head of household and technical and project experience, higher incomes, and those that had cleared more forestland were more likely to have experimented with agroforestry systems in the past.  相似文献   

Spices constitute an important sub-sector of the economy of Sri Lanka. Most perennial spices are cultivated in agroforestry types of farming systems. A field survey was conducted covering 127 agroforestry farmers in six divisional secretariats in Matale district during the period of October to December 2002. Technical efficiency of spice based agroforestry systems was estimated in order to identify the potential increase in production without incurring additional costs for farm inputs. The factors affecting technical efficiency and constraints and potential of the agroforestry system were also investigated. According to a stochastic frontier production function using a Cobb–Douglas model, hired labour, organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, land size, and soil conservation measures showed significant positive effects on the agroforestry production. The mean technical efficiency of the spice based agroforestry systems was 84.32%. According to the inefficiency model the efficiency increased significantly as a result of farm visits by extension officers, participation in farmer training, less sloping lands, more experience, and higher diversity of the agroforestry system. Technical efficiency decreased, however, with higher education level of the farmer and with higher off-farm income. Unsustainability of the agroforestry system is seen as a result of a␣range of constraints related to productivity, market, technology and institutions.  相似文献   

国名{造林树种}一’造林方式及生长量}备注日·…::‘“馨双__…一煲忿童筹;嘿哼6万株’当‘产量…力口重物髻翼子矗羹羹、‘材二….按树.….2。竺鬓:;:,收获后萌.芽更‘,年均生长‘…生一 …·…·短轮伐期:伐期l。·,株行足巨3·3。,预计·… 卜、…、卿咖,树高‘sm,年均生长歇。一30ms/ha。{ }}超短轮伐期:伐期l一3年,株行距。.3xo.gm,}用于造纸工业,也适用于 加拿大}白杨{{ }…干物质年均生长量为15t/hao{能源。 {{中短轮伐期’伐翔5一6年,“固氮植物混植,} {{收获后萌芽更新。}一…鬓:羹攫、!方翼二熏轰氨“;!Zt/ha。开展栽植密度、育…  相似文献   

Planning agroforestry research programs requires the participation of people from many disciplines. They may have different interests in allocating financial resources for research purposes and, therefore, the decision-making is complex. Guidelines are needed to improve the decision-making process. Such guidelines may include a list of weighted criteria identified by experts through group processes. This study used a qualitative approach (the Delphi method) to identify criteria to be used when planning agroforestry research programs in the developing countries. The panel of respondents was comprised of agroforestry experts who have experience and expertise in the developing countries. Fourteen (14) criteria were identified in questionnaire 1. These criteria were ranked in questionnaires 2 and 3. A Friedman test of analysis of variance followed by a Mann-Whitney U test of pairwise comparison produced four groups of criteria: group 1, the most highly ranked, comprises local people's needs, sustainability, adoptability and research quality; group 2 includes existing systems and economic criteria; group 3 encompasses biophysical effects, institutional capabilities, partnership and transferability; and group 4, the least ranked, includes diversity of products, tree/crop interface, flexibility and species selection. A Kruskal-Wallis test on each criterion and several respondent characteristics showed that the respondent characteristics of current work, highest degree held, ecosystem experience, geographic area of experience, and number of years experience influenced respondent criteria rankings. The test was not significant for background and respondent origin characteristics.  相似文献   

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