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为明确福建省致病疫霉的群体结构及其变化特点,对2001—2007年分离自11个市(县)的番茄和马铃薯产区的致病疫霉菌株进行交配型、甲霜灵敏感性及生理小种测定。交配型测定的187个菌株中,181株为A1交配型,1株为A2交配型,1株为A1,A2交配型,1株为自育交配型,其余3株交配型未知。对187个菌株的甲霜灵敏感性测定结果表明,高抗、中抗和敏感菌株分别占97.3%、2.1%、0.5%。生理小种测定结果表明,供试的11个抗性基因均可被克服,其毒性频率在3.3%~100%之间,51个菌株存在30个生理小种,其中小种3.7出现频率最高,为13.7%,是福建省优势生理小种类型;其次为小种3.4.7,发生频率为9.8%。  相似文献   

由大丽轮枝菌引起的黄萎病是我国棉花和茄子的主要病害之一,对棉花和茄子的生产造成巨大损失。为了研究大丽轮枝菌的群体遗传变异以及对棉花和茄子的交互致病性,本文对分离自江苏省的63个棉花黄萎菌和10个茄子黄萎菌进行了培养、遗传和致病特性分析。根据菌株在PDA培养基上生长时形成微菌核的多少来划分培养类型,结果菌核型占83.6%,成为主要的培养类型。用PCR技术检测菌株的致病类型、交配型以及是否具有无毒基因Ave1,结果落叶型菌株占86.3%,为优势种群,但是10株茄子黄萎菌100%都是非落叶型菌株;供试的所有江苏菌株交配型都是MAT1-2型,并且都没有无毒基因Ave1。选择江苏省的6个棉花黄萎菌和4个茄子黄萎菌在室内苗期接种棉花和茄子,进行交互致病性测定,结果这10个菌株都可以侵染棉花和茄子,而且来源于不同寄主作物的菌系之间致病力分化明显,表现在不同菌株对同一寄主的致病力不同,同一菌株对不同寄主的致病力也不同。研究结果为深入研究大丽轮枝菌群体遗传结构和制定黄萎病防治措施提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

 为了探究不同年代的大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)菌株生物学特性和遗传多样性方面的差异,本文以我国黄河流域和长江流域主产棉区6个省的不同年代大丽轮枝菌菌株为研究对象,观察培养性状,测定致病类型(致病力、落叶型),同时采用ISSR指纹图谱分析其遗传多样性。结果显示,不同年代大丽轮枝菌之间菌丝生长速率无显著差异,但菌核型菌株所占比例有减少趋势;2007~2009年和2017年的菌株全部为落叶型菌株,而1983~2000年的菌株中落叶型菌株仅占28.6%,表明随着年代的推移,黄河流域和长江流域的落叶型菌株所占比例呈上升趋势;不同年代菌株之间致病力存在显著差异,1983~2000年、2007~2009年和2017年的菌株中强致病力类型菌株分别占21.4%、25.0%和38.9%,仅有的5株弱致病力类型菌株均为1983~2000年的菌株;与2000年后的菌株相比,1983~2000年的菌株,Nei′s基因多样性指数为0.205 1,Shannon信息指数为0.299 0,表现出更丰富的多样性,利用NTSYS软件和Structure软件对ISSR指纹图谱进行聚类分析,两种方法均将所有供试菌株分为4个类群,且聚类结果与致病力和不同年代之间均具有一定的相关性,与地理来源无明显相关性。本研究结果表明,过去30年间我国黄河流域和长江流域棉田黄萎病菌落叶型和强致病力类型菌株所占比例逐渐升高,且不同年代和不同致病力的菌株在遗传上有差异,为进一步探究大丽轮枝菌的遗传与进化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

 为了探究不同年代的大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)菌株生物学特性和遗传多样性方面的差异,本文以我国黄河流域和长江流域主产棉区6个省的不同年代大丽轮枝菌菌株为研究对象,观察培养性状,测定致病类型(致病力、落叶型),同时采用ISSR指纹图谱分析其遗传多样性。结果显示,不同年代大丽轮枝菌之间菌丝生长速率无显著差异,但菌核型菌株所占比例有减少趋势;2007~2009年和2017年的菌株全部为落叶型菌株,而1983~2000年的菌株中落叶型菌株仅占28.6%,表明随着年代的推移,黄河流域和长江流域的落叶型菌株所占比例呈上升趋势;不同年代菌株之间致病力存在显著差异,1983~2000年、2007~2009年和2017年的菌株中强致病力类型菌株分别占21.4%、25.0%和38.9%,仅有的5株弱致病力类型菌株均为1983~2000年的菌株;与2000年后的菌株相比,1983~2000年的菌株,Nei′s基因多样性指数为0.205 1,Shannon信息指数为0.299 0,表现出更丰富的多样性,利用NTSYS软件和Structure软件对ISSR指纹图谱进行聚类分析,两种方法均将所有供试菌株分为4个类群,且聚类结果与致病力和不同年代之间均具有一定的相关性,与地理来源无明显相关性。本研究结果表明,过去30年间我国黄河流域和长江流域棉田黄萎病菌落叶型和强致病力类型菌株所占比例逐渐升高,且不同年代和不同致病力的菌株在遗传上有差异,为进一步探究大丽轮枝菌的遗传与进化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为明确福建省部分马铃薯产区晚疫病菌群体结构,2017年-2019年在龙海市、福安市、霞浦县共分离获得96株马铃薯晚疫病菌。采用对峙培养法、鉴别寄主法和PCR-RFLP法对这些菌株的交配型、生理小种及线粒体DNA (mtDNA)单倍型进行分析。交配型测定结果显示,除了福建省福安市有5株(5.21%)为A1交配型外,其余91株(94.79%)均为自育型,未发现A2交配型及A1A2型菌株。从96个菌株中检测出16个生理小种类型,龙海市和福安市的优势生理小种均是可克服11个显性抗病单基因的1.,霞浦县的优势生理小种为1.。供试菌株均至少含有6个毒性基因。mtDNA单倍型共检测出3种类型,其中55个菌株(龙海市22株、福安市8株、霞浦县25株)为Ⅰa型,占57.29%,32个菌株(龙海市2株、福安市25株、霞浦县5株)为Ⅱa型,占33.33%,9个菌株(福安市7株、霞浦县2株)为Ⅱb型,占9.37%。研究结果表明,福建省马铃薯晚疫病菌群体遗传多样性日趋复杂。  相似文献   

为明确沙打旺Astragalus adsurgens黄萎病病原菌的种类及其生物学特性和遗传多样性,结合形态学特征和分子生物学方法对分离自疑似感染黄萎病沙打旺植株的病原菌进行鉴定,并依照柯赫氏法则进行致病性验证,同时在室内条件下对病原菌的生物学特性进行测定,分别利用大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae生理小种和交配型特异性引物对病原菌的生理小种和交配型进行PCR分子鉴定。结果表明,共分离到13株病原菌菌株,其形态学特征和培养性状基本相似,经鉴定引起沙打旺黄萎病的病原菌为大丽轮枝菌。该菌具有较宽的温度和酸碱度适应范围,最适生长和产孢的温度为25℃,最适生长和产孢的pH范围分别为pH 7~9和pH 6~7;该病原菌生长和产孢的最适碳源为可溶性淀粉和D-甘露醇,最适生长氮源为牛肉膏和胰蛋白胨,最适产孢氮源为甘氨酸。分离获得的13株大丽轮枝菌菌株均属于2号生理小种和MAT1-2-1交配型,表明无性繁殖可能是大丽轮枝菌的主要繁殖形式。  相似文献   

为合理利用葡萄抗性品种以及田间病害综合治理,采用离体叶盘接种法分别对2018年和2019年自宁夏回族自治区银川市、石嘴山市和吴忠市采集的43株葡萄霜霉病菌Plasmopara viticola菌株进行致病型鉴定及聚类分析,并对17个主栽葡萄品种进行抗性评价及聚类分析。结果表明:2018、2019年供试菌株致病力和供试葡萄品种抗性之间均存在显著差异,菌株平均病情指数与发病率呈显著正相关,皮尔逊相关系数r和回归系数R2分别介于0.45~0.96和0.20~0.92之间;2018、2019年供试菌株的强致病力菌株和弱致病力菌株分别为CS-YL和VI-BYDD、RG-JSJG和CS-YM;2018年和2019年供试菌株致病型被划分为强、中、弱3种类群,2年所占比例分别为10.00%、15.00%、75.00%和34.78%、39.13%、26.09%;供试17个葡萄品种的抗性类型可被划分为感病、抗病、高抗3种类群,2年所占比例均为17.65%、29.41%和52.94%。不同葡萄品种对不同菌株的抗性类型多样化。表明宁夏回族自治区葡萄霜霉病菌菌株致病力分化明显,不同菌株的致病型与其地域来源无关,不同葡萄品种的抗感程度不同。  相似文献   

 2013-2016年,对我国内蒙古、河北、甘肃、黑龙江、山西、宁夏和云南7省(自治区)53县市245块马铃薯种植田黄萎病的发生、病样采集和病原分离开展了研究工作,通过分子生物学方法鉴定了病原菌分类地位,并通过温室试验研究了主要病原菌大丽轮枝菌的致病力分化情况。结果表明:(1)我国北方6省(自治区)内蒙古、河北、甘肃、黑龙江、山西和宁夏属于马铃薯黄萎病病区,云南省属于无病区;(2)引起我国马铃薯黄萎病的病原菌为大丽轮枝菌和黑白轮枝菌两种,占比分别为75.5%和24.5%,大丽轮枝菌为相对优势病原菌种类;(3)根据病原菌种类可将我国北方6省(自治区)病田划分为大丽轮枝菌病田、黑白轮枝菌病田及两菌混生病田。其中甘肃为大丽轮枝菌病田,宁夏为混生病田,山西为大丽轮枝菌病田和混生病田,内蒙古、河北和黑龙江3种病田均存在。两菌混生病田中各类病原菌属于单独侵染致病。(4)聚类分析表明来自甘肃、河北和内蒙古3省(自治区)马铃薯的82个大丽轮枝菌菌株在马铃薯上的致病力至少可以分为3个聚类组,相应菌株的病害发展曲线下面积(AUDPC)均值聚类组间存在显著差异,相应可分为强、中、弱3个致病力类型,并确定了相应95%置信区间,其中强致病力菌株在3省(自治区)供试病原菌中所占比例分别为3.33%、21.74%和10.34%。  相似文献   

陕西棉花黄萎病菌致病力分化及其遗传多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用生物学培养性状、致病力测定和ISSR分子标记方法研究15个棉花黄萎病代表菌株的遗传变异.结果表明,供试菌株的生长速率、孢子产量与致病力的强弱呈正相关.致病力测定结果显示,致病力强的Ⅰ型有7个菌株,占46.67%,平均病情指数大于36.1;致病力弱的Ⅱ型有3个菌株,占20.00%,平均病情指数在21以下;致病力中等的Ⅲ型有5个菌株,占33.33%,平均病情指数在20~28之间.用4条ISSR引物对这些菌株进行PCR扩增,共得到623个条带,具多态性的有425条.聚类分析和相似系数分析结果显示,在0.55遗传相似水平下,供试菌株分为2个遗传类型,遗传类型与菌株致病力类型存在明显的相关性,与菌株地理来源也具有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

落叶型棉花黄萎病菌的致病力分化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为明确我国长江流域和黄河流域主要植棉省落叶型菌系的致病力差异,选用4个抗性不同的陆地棉品种银瑞361、豫棉21、冀棉228和冀棉11作为鉴别品种,在温室可控条件下,采用苗期移苗蘸根接种法,对不同植棉省32个落叶型黄萎病菌的致病性进行了测定,并根据供试菌系在鉴别品种上病情指数进行聚类分析。苗期接种14 d后,抗、感品种间的病情指数差异较大,是落叶型菌系病情指数调查的合适时间。32个落叶型菌系致病力差异显著,可分为3个类型。第Ⅰ类型只有1个菌系,致病力弱;第Ⅱ类型菌系占供试菌系的62.5%,平均病情指数为36.8,致病力中等;第Ⅲ类型菌系占供试菌系34.4%,平均病情指数52.7,致病力较强,4个鉴别品种均表现感病。研究表明来源于不同植棉省菌系的平均致病力有一定差异,且来源于同一植棉省的落叶型菌系可归属于不同的致病类型。  相似文献   

Aggressiveness of Verticillium dahliae isolates from three vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) was tested on potato and tomato. VCG4B was the most aggressive to potato and VCG2A was the most aggressive to tomato; VCG2B was the least aggressive to both potato and tomato. In potato, disease incidence, symptom severity and colonization index of stem segments were significantly higher in plants inoculated with VCG4B isolates than in those inoculated with VCG2B and VCG2A isolates. Inoculation with VCG4B and VCG2A decreased plant height and fresh weight more than inoculation with VCG2B. In tomato, VCG2A caused significantly more severe symptoms than either VCG4B or VCG2B. The colonization index in tomato plants inoculated with VCG2A was also significantly higher than in those inoculated with VCG4B and VCG2B. Similar patterns of relative aggressiveness were observed in potato and tomato when the pathogenicity of isolates of various VCGs, each originating from a specific host (cotton, potato or eggplant), was compared.  相似文献   

During 2005 to 2007, eggplant fields in 19 provinces from three different regions (western, southern and southeastern Anatolia regions) of Turkey were surveyed for Verticillium wilt. Sixty-seven isolates of Verticillium dahliae from wilted eggplants were collected and used for vegetative compatibility analysis using nitrate non-utilizing mutants and reference tester strains of vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) 1A, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A and 4B. Among all isolates, 33 (12 from western, 15 from southern and six from southeastern Anatolia) were assigned to VCG2B, 23 (four from western, eight from southern and 11 from southeastern Anatolia) to VCG2A, six (four from southern, one from western, and one from southeastern Anatolia) to VCG4B and five (one from western, one from southern and three from southeastern Anatolia) to VCG1A, whereas VCG3 and VCG4A were not defined among isolates. In order to test if there is a correlation between VCG and pathogenicity in V. dahliae, pathogenicity of 30 isolates, representing the four multimember VCGs, were tested on Solanum melongena cvs. ‘Kemer’ and ‘Aydın Siyahı’ in an unheated greenhouse. All isolates were found to be pathogenic on both cultivars and there was no difference in susceptibility between the two cultivars. VCG4B isolates collectively led to higher vascular discoloration index (VDI) on both cultivars and higher disease severity index (DSI) on ‘Kemer’ compared with other VCGs. Similarly, VCG1A caused lower VDI on both cultivars and lower DSI on ‘Kemer’. Isolates within each of VCGs 1A, 2A and 4B caused similar VDI on both cultivars. Isolates of VCG2B were found to vary in their VDI values on both cultivars. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first report of natural infections of eggplant by VCG1A.  相似文献   

Complementary auxotrophic nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants were used to investigate vegetative compatibility within 27 strains ofVerticillium dahliae isolated from several hosts originating from Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. Using about 500nit mutants generated from these strains, three vegetative compatibility groups, 1, 2 and 4, were identified. Simultaneously, virulence of each strain was assessed on cultivars ofGossypium hirsutum, G. barbadense andG. arboreum, based upon Foliar Alteration Index (FAI) and Browning Index (BI) estimation. The strains in VCG1 were of both the cotton-defoliating pathotype and race 3 (on cotton) but were non pathogenic on tomato; those in VCG2 and VCG4 were of the nondefoliating pathotype and belonged to different races on cotton and on tomato. Hyaline mutants deriving from parental wild-type strain showed differences in pathogenicity but were always assigned to the parental VCG. A relationship was established between VCGs and the taxonomic position of host plants. Data fromnit pairings indicated that the sub-populations ofV. dahliae (VCGs) may not be completely isolated genetically.  相似文献   

Black dot, caused by Colletotrichum coccodes, is a common disease of potato in Turkey, affecting tuber quality and yield. The objectives of the current study were to characterize vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) of C. coccodes isolates from three regions in Turkey, and to assess the correlation between VCGs and aggressiveness of isolates on potato. A total of 147 C. coccodes isolates were recovered from plants showing typical black dot symptoms on stolons, roots and stems. The frequency of nitrate non‐utilizing (nit) nit1/nit3 and NitM phenotypes were 79% and 21%, respectively. Complementation between nit mutants of the isolates and eight European/Israeli EU/I‐VCG tester isolates was used to characterize the VCGs. Amongst the tested isolates, 33.3% were assigned to EU/I‐VCG6, 21.8% to EU/I‐VCG8, 15.7% to EU/I‐VCG4. EU/I‐VCG1, EU/I‐VCG3, EU/I‐VCG5 and EU/I‐VCG7 were classified at 1.4%, 3.4%, 4.8% and 5.4%, frequency, respectively. No isolate was assigned to EU/I‐VCG2 group, while 21 isolates (14.3%) were not assigned to any of the EU/I‐VCGs. The pathogenicity tests indicated significant differences in aggressiveness of the isolates with respect to sclerotia density on potato tissues. The highest densities of sclerotia on roots and crown were obtained with EU/I‐VCG6 isolates and the lowest with EU/I‐VCG1, EU/I‐VCG3 and EU/I‐VCG5 isolates. The results demonstrate that there is significant VCG diversity among C. coccodes isolates from potato plants in Turkey.  相似文献   

A population of 84?V. dahliae isolates mainly originating from Crete, Greece, was characterized in terms of pathogenicity and virulence on different hosts, in parallel with morphological/physiological characterization, vegetative compatibility grouping and mating type determination. Tomato race 2 was found to have supplanted race 1 and was more virulent on a tomato-susceptible cultivar than race 1. Using a differential host classification system which tests pathogenicity to tomato, eggplant, sweet pepper and turnip, 59 isolates were assigned to tomato, 19 to eggplant, one to sweet pepper and five to tomato-sweet pepper pathogenicity groups. All isolates from Crete fell into VCG subgroups 2A, 2B and 4B, while a remarkably high incidence of bridging isolates (compatible with two or more VCGs) was recorded. The tomato-sweet pepper pathogenicity group was morphologically quite distinct from the others, while conidial length and pigment intensity were discriminatory parameters among VCGs 2A, 2B and 4B. PCR-based molecular marker Tr1/Tr2 was reliable in race prediction among tomato-pathogenic isolates, except for members of VCG 4B, while the application of markers Tm5/Tm7 and 35-1/35-2 was highly successful for tomato-pathogenic isolates. E10 marker was related to VCG 2B, rather than to pathogenicity groups. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the ITS2 region, and two novel molecular markers, M1 and M2, proved useful for the fast and accurate determination of major VCGs 2A, 2B and 4B, and can be used for high-throughput population analyses in future studies. The mating type was unrelated to VCG classification and probably does not control heterokaryon incompatibility in V. dahliae.  相似文献   

Isolates of Verticillium dahliae were collected from affected trees (Acer spp., Tilia spp. and Robinia spp.) and soils in Belgian ornamental nurseries. Nitrate non-utilizing mutants were produced and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were classified based on complementation tests with reference tester strains. Of the 30 isolates analysed, 12 were classified as VCG2B and 18 as VCG4B following the American classification. In order to distinguish VCG2B from VCG4B, specific polymerase chain reaction primers were designed based on the sequence of a VCG2B-associated Direct Amplification of Minisatellite-region DNA (DAMD) band generated with the core sequence of the phage M13 minisatellite DNA. Using this test, amplification products were generated for all the VCG2B isolates characterized in this study. In contrast, no signal was seen on ethidium–bromide agarose gel for VCG4B isolates. Pathogenicity tests were carried out in a glasshouse on maple-rooted cuttings inoculated with conidial suspensions of V. dahliae belonging to both groups (VCG2B/VCG4B). Some strains proved to be highly aggressive, while others did not. However, these different behaviours were not correlated with the VCGs.  相似文献   

A collection of 30 strains of Verticillium dahliae, recovered during 2004–2006 from 12 cultivars of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) in five districts of İzmir province in Turkey, was assigned to vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) based on pairings of complementary nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants induced on a chlorate-containing medium. Of these strains, nine were assigned to VCG1, seven to VCG2A, 11 toVCG2B and one to VCG4B. The remaining two strains could not be tested for vegetative compatibility because of their inability to yield nit mutants. Pathogenicity tests conducted by the root-dip method, demonstrated that wilt of chrysanthemum in Turkey is caused by V. dahliae, and most strains in VCG1 were significantly more aggressive to chrysanthemum than those in VCGs 2 and 4B. This is the first known study in the world of the VCGs of V. dahliae isolates from chrysanthemum.  相似文献   

Korolev N  Katan J  Katan T 《Phytopathology》2000,90(5):529-536
A collection of 565 isolates of Verticillium dahliae, recovered between 1992 and 1997 from 13 host plant species and soil at 47 sites in Israel, was tested for vegetative compatibility using nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants. Three vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were found and identified as VCG2A (28 isolates), VCG2B (158 isolates), and VCG4B (378 isolates) by using international reference strains. One isolate was heterokaryon self-incompatible. Of the VCG2B isolates, 92% were recovered from the northern part of Israel and 90% of VCG4B isolates were recovered from the south, with some overlap in the central region. Isolates of the minor group VCG2A were geographically scattered among the two major VCGs. Isolates of the same VCG resembled one another more than isolates from different VCGs based on colony and microsclerotial morphology, temperature responses, and, partially, pathogenicity. Different pathotypes were defined among 60 isolates tested, using cotton (cv. Acala SJ-2) and eggplant (cv. Black Beauty) as differentials. All isolates in VCG2A and 86% of the isolates in VCG4B, irrespective of their origin, induced weak to moderate symptoms on cotton and moderate to severe symptoms on eggplant and were similar to the previously described cotton nondefoliating patho-type. In contrast, all cotton isolates in VCG2B caused severe foliar symptoms, stunting, and often death, but little or no defoliation of inoculated cotton plants. These were defined as a cotton defoliating-like pathotype and induced only weak to moderate symptoms on eggplant. We concluded that vegetative compatibility grouping of V. dahliae in Israel is closely associated with specific pathogenicity and other phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt of tobacco could be caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. batatas or f. sp. vasinfectum since f. sp. nicotianae was rejected because there was no evidence of isolates specific to tobacco. Forty isolates of F. oxysporum from soil and plants from tobacco fields in Extremadura (south-western Spain) were characterized by pathogenicity on burley and flue-cured tobacco, for vegetative compatibility group (VCG), and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Isolates from burley were identified as race 1 of F. oxysporum f. sp. batatas based on pathogenicity on tobacco, sweet potato and cotton, and those from flue-cured as race 2. Most isolates from soil were heterokaryon self-incompatible (HSI) and the remaining isolates from soil and tobacco were grouped into four VCGs: VCG 1 (5 isolates from burley), VCG 2 (17 isolates from flue-cured and 4 from soil), VCG 3 (2 isolates from flue-cured) and VCG 4 (2 isolates from soil). This is the first report of the two races and VCGs of F. oxysporum f. sp. batatas in Spain. Analysis of RAPD revealed two clusters (C-I and C-II) related to race and VCGs. C-I included race 1 (VCG 1) isolates from burley and nonpathogenic (VCG 4 or HSI) isolates from soils. C-II included nonpathogenic (VCG 2) and race 2 (VCG 2 or VCG 3) isolates from flue-cured. VCG and RAPD markers were effective in distinguishing race 2 from race 1, suggesting that there are two genetically differentiated groups of F. oxysporum f. sp. batatas on tobacco in Extremadura.  相似文献   

Twenty-one strains of Botrytis cinerea isolated from six plant species on ten sites throughout Israel, as well as a strain from France, were tested for vegetative and mycelial incompatibility, pathogenicity, resistance to the fungicides carbendazim and iprodione, and colony morphology. Selenate-resistant mutants were isolated from the strains as spontaneous, fast-growing sectors arising from restricted colonies on medium amended with sodium selenate with a mean frequency of 0.04 sectors/colony; 81% of the sectors were sulphate non-utilizing (sul) mutants. One hundred and four sul mutants were divided into two complementary groups: resistant (66 mutants) and sensitive to chromate. Based on compatibility reactions between chromate-resistant and chromate-sensitive sul mutants, 12 strains were compatible only with themselves and were each classified as belonging to different vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Nine strains were each compatible with one to three other strains, and were assembled into three multi-member VCGs. Mycelial incompatibility between wild-type strains (barrage), in the form of a zone of dark pigmentation or sparse mycelium with or without dark pigmentation of the agar along the line of confrontation, was observed for 70% of the inter-strain pairings. There was no correspondence in compatibility between strains revealed by two approaches: strains in different VCGs did not necessarily produce a barrage. However, self-compatibility was observed both as heterokaryon formation between complementary sul mutants and as an absence of barrages between mycelia of wild-type strains; wild-type strains belonging to the same VCG did not exhibit strong barrages, although weak antagonistic reactions were observed. Strains in two multi-member VCGs showed the same patterns of resistance to carbendazim and iprodione; the third multi-member VCG contained isolates with different patterns of resistance. Four morphological types were revealed among wild-type strains: conidial (five strains), sclerotial (six strains), intermediate (ten strains), and mycelial (one strain). On bean leaves, conidial strains were more aggressive than sclerotial strains.  相似文献   

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