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广东省稻田杂草控制效果及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭亮  李奇  姬静华  林芳源  胡飞 《植物保护》2017,43(4):158-166
为了解常规管理条件下对广东稻田杂草的控制效果及其影响因素,于2015年对粤东、粤西、粤北地区及珠江三角洲的早、晚季稻田杂草进行了调查分析。结果表明:在常规控制措施下稻田中综合草害指数与水稻产量呈负相关,推荐剂量的除草剂不能有效控制稻田杂草的危害,特别是在早季需要辅以人工措施对稻田杂草进行管理。稻田杂草对除草剂产生了不同程度的抗药性。化学除草剂成本低,水稻种植者目前仍可以通过更换除草剂品种和加大剂量对杂草进行控制。化感抑草品种的推广需要在品质和产量上进一步满足生产的需要。在杂草耐药性增加、环境和政策要求减少化学除草剂投入的双重压力下,选育具有化感抑草效果的水稻品种,结合农艺措施,应该成为今后稻田控草的发展方向之一。  相似文献   

53%苯噻苄WP防除水直播稻田杂草试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
53%苯噻苄WP是目前防除抛栽、移栽稻田杂草的一种除草剂,为探索其在水直播稻田的施用技术及对水稻的安全性,我们进行了田间小区试验.  相似文献   

抛秧田杂草的发生与除草剂防效   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻抛秧栽培是近几年新发展的水稻栽培新技术,它便于机械化操作,降低了劳动强度,提高了劳动生产率。由于水稻抛秧田在立苗阶段田间不建水层,极有利于杂草的发生,并对化除效果有一定影响。而且抛秧田的稻根开始是裸露在地面,稻苗对除草剂的反应也有异于常规栽插稻田。为此,1995年作者对抛秧稻田的杂草消长、化除效果及除草剂  相似文献   

利用旱直播稻自身的竞争及化感作用,评价旱直播稻品种(品系)对杂草的抑制作用。采用田间小区试验方法,评价旱直播稻对杂草的竞争能力和耐受能力。通过测定旱直播稻特征化感次生物质含量计算出的化感指数来评价其化感潜力;在旱直播稻播种后45 d,杂草生物量与旱直播稻的生物量成显著负相关、与相对竞争强度成显著的正相关。旱稻品系‘HF04’和‘HF011’对杂草的抑制作用最强,前者抑草能力强表现在竞争力,后者抑草能力强表现在耐受杂草竞争力和化感作用。  相似文献   

53%苯噻酰·苄WP是江苏省苏研公司研制的苯噻酰草胺与苄嘧磺隆的复配剂,是目前防除抛栽、人工移栽稻田杂草的一种除草剂.为了探索其在机械插秧稻田的施用技术、除草效果及对水稻的安全性,2004年进行了田间小区试验,现将试验情况小结如下.  相似文献   

除草醚、丁草胺可有效地控制稻田稗草、异型莎草等一年生禾本科杂草和莎草科杂草,但由于连年使用,致使稻田杂草群落发生了明显的演化,矮慈姑、丁香蓼、眼子菜、陌上菜、节节菜等阔叶杂草逐步上升为主要恶性杂草,对水稻发生不同程度的危害。又随着苄黄隆等除草剂的推广应用,部分稻区的稗草、千金子等禾本科杂草又有所回升。显然除草剂单剂已不适应农业生产发展的需要,广大农村迫切要求杀草谱广的一次性除草剂。稻草敌可湿陛粉剂是江苏省农科院农业现代化研究所近年来开发成功的一次性稻田除草剂,经过1993年多点田间药效试验和大面积示范应用,肯定该产品具有高效、广谱、经济、对水稻安全等特点,可有效地防除移栽稻田一年生和多年生单、双子叶杂草,一次用药,可保全季无草害。  相似文献   

灭草王具有高效、广谱、低毒、施药期长、对水稻较安全等特点,可有效地防除稻田一年生和部分多年生阔叶杂草及莎草科杂草,对禾本科稗草和千金子有一定的抑制作用。1991年我市引进国产灭草王进行小区试验和小面积示范,现小结如下: 一、材料和方法 (一) 供试除草剂:10%灭草王超微可湿性粉剂(江苏省激素研究所产);10%新得力超微可湿性粉剂(美国杜邦公司提供);10%稻无草可湿性粉剂(如东农药厂产)。 (二) 试验设计:小区试验设在移栽稻田,禾本科稗草和阔叶杂草发生基数均较高,6月21  相似文献   

不同施肥方式对稻麦轮作制稻田杂草群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示不同施肥(纯施化肥、有机肥配施化肥、秸秆还田配施有机无机肥、有机无机复混肥)对稻—麦两熟制区稻田杂草的影响,以南京农业大学连续4年固定施肥金坛试验田为材料,于2014年水稻收获前进行了杂草群落调查,研究不同施肥、秸秆还田水稻田间杂草种类、密度、高度和杂草多样性指数的差异。结果表明:试验水稻田共记录杂草16种,分属7科、11属。稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli)、鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、多花水苋(Ammannia multiflora)、水苋菜(A.baccifera)、陌上菜(Lindernia procumbens)广泛分布于各试验田块。长期施肥可减少稻田杂草种类及发生密度。其中阔叶杂草和莎草科杂草在试验设定的各施肥措施下其种类和密度均显著下降,但株高显著增加;禾本科杂草种类、密度和株高几乎不受影响。秸秆还田配施化肥、有机肥配施化肥、有机无机复混肥+穗肥尿素和纯施化肥的田块中,杂草群落多样性指数低、均匀度指数相对较低,优势度指数较高,容易使单一优势杂草种类暴发,造成较严重危害;秸秆还田配施有机肥化肥、有机无机复混肥一次施用的稻田环境中,杂草群落多样性指数较高,均匀度指数较高,优势度指数较低,杂草群落结构较复杂,群落相对较稳定,且杂草密度较低,对水稻的生长危害较轻。  相似文献   

曹旦  戴伟民  强胜  宋小玲 《杂草科学》2011,29(3):14-21,29
无论何种杂草稻密度和移栽措施下,杂草稻生长受到明显抑制,栽培稻生长没有受到明显影响,移栽不仅较好地抑制了杂草稻的发生,同时保证水稻产量,使产量达到3 496.65 kg/hm2。旱直播对杂草稻出苗率影响较小,造成杂草稻密度过高,栽培稻产量严重降低,较移栽下降了1 011.15 kg/hm2。水直播对杂草稻出苗抑制作用要明显优于旱直播,使得杂草稻出苗率较旱直播下降9.14%,但是水直播对杂草稻出苗后的生长抑制不明显,使得杂草稻发生量达到1 219.35 kg/hm2,栽培稻产量仅为1 829.85 kg/hm2。随着杂草稻密度的增大,对自身种群的影响主要表现为个体地上部分干生物量显著降低和抽穗时间的推迟;其对栽培稻的影响主要表现在栽培稻剑叶宽、分蘖数、有效穗数、地上部分干生物量、穗长、每穗饱粒数、每穗总粒数、千粒重和实际产量等方面随着杂草稻密度的增加而逐渐降低。综合考虑各方面因素,可以在杂草稻发生较为严重的田块使用移栽措施,在杂草稻发生中等的田块使用水直播措施,并且适当提高栽培稻播种量。在杂草稻发生较少的田块使用旱直播措施,从而达到成本和收益的平衡。  相似文献   

水稻是江苏省主要的粮食作物,常年栽种面积约为220万hm~2,其栽种方式已经由传统的人工移栽转变为机械化移栽和直播种植。杂草是影响水稻高产稳产的主要生物因子,目前江苏省稻田杂草发生种类多、数量大、出苗时间长、危害严重,草害已经成为威胁江苏省水稻安全生产的最主要因素。江苏省稻田草害严重的主要原因有以下几点:(1)水稻的栽种方式多样,田间生态条件适宜杂草发生;(2)田间管理粗放,化除质量没有得到保证;(3)杂草的生态适应性强,气候条件不适宜化除,抗耐药性杂草迅速蔓延。为了解决上述问题,建议采取以下对策:(1)加强调查,监测田间草情;(2)精耕细作,提高农田的平整度和保水性能,并针对田间草情,选用针对性强(主要危害杂草和抗性杂草种群)、抗性风险低、施药适期宽、兼有土壤封闭和茎叶处理作用、持效期长的除草剂品种及配方;(3)在施药前后及时提供除草剂充分发挥药效的最佳条件基础上,适期选用高效、精准施药机械用药,控制稻田草害。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A number of techniques, including cultural management, allelopathy and bioherbicide, have been considered as alternatives for synthetic herbicides, but successful weed control will require the careful integration of these multiple techniques. This study was conducted to assess the use of allelopathic rice varieties in combination with cultural management options on paddy weeds, in order to develop an allelopathy-based technique to reduce herbicide use in paddies. RESULTS: The weed-suppressive effects of the rice varieties tested varied highly with allelopathic trait, planting pattern and cultural management including planting density, flooding depth and duration and supply of nitrogen. Allelopathic rice varieties PI312777 and Huagan-1 demonstrated much stronger weed suppression than the non-allelopathic variety Huajianxian under the same planting pattern and cultural management. Their weed-suppressive effect was increased with cultural management options. In particular, if integrated cultural management options of allelopathic rice varieties included a low-dose (bensulfuron-methyl, 25 g AI ha(-1), a third of the recommended dose) herbicide application, the emergence and growth of most weeds found in paddy fields was completely controlled. No grain yield reduction for allelopathic varieties occurred under integrated cultural management options, whereas with the non-allelopathic variety a reduction of up to 45-60% was measurable even with the low-dose herbicide application. CONCLUSION: The allelopathic potential of rice varieties will likely have a great impact on paddy weed control if integrated with cultural management options and application of low doses of herbicides. Therefore, it is feasible to reduce herbicide input in paddies if allelopathic rice is grown under integrated cultural management practices.  相似文献   

Α three‐year, non‐irrigated field study was conducted in 1998, 1999, and 2000 at the Southern Weed Science Research Unit farm, Stoneville, MS to study the effects of rye cover crop residue, soybean planting systems, and herbicide application programs on the control, density and biomass of several weed species and soybean yield. The soybean planting systems comprised 19 cm rows with high plant density, 57 cm rows with medium plant density, and 95 cm rows with low plant density. The herbicide programs evaluated were pre‐emergence, postemergence, pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and no herbicide. Flumetsulam and metolachlor were applied pre‐emergence, and acifluorfen, bentazon, and clethodim were applied postemergence. The presence or absence of rye cover crop residue and a soybean planting system did not affect weed control of the species evaluated (browntop millet, barnyard grass, broadleaf signal grass, pitted morningglory, yellow nutsedge, Palmer amaranth and hyssop spurge), when herbicides were applied, regardless of the application program. In addition, rye cover crop residue was not an effective weed management tool when no herbicide was applied, because density and biomass of most weeds evaluated were higher than a no cover crop residue system. Among soybean planting systems, narrow with high plant density soybeans reduced density of grasses, broadleaf weeds and yellow nutsedge by 24–83% and total weed biomass by 38%, compared to wide with low plant density soybeans. Although weed pressure was reduced by narrow with high plant density soybeans, herbicide applications had the most impact on weed control, weed density and biomass. All herbicide programs controlled all weed species 81–100% at two weeks after postemergence herbicide applications, in comparison to no‐herbicide. Density of grasses and all broadleaf weeds as well as total weed biomass was lower with the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence program than these programs alone. Soybean yields were higher in the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and postemergence only programs than the pre‐emergence alone program. Planting crops in narrow rows is one cultural method of reducing weed pressure. However, even with the use of this cultural practice, prevalent weed pressure often requires management with herbicides.  相似文献   

Field studies were undertaken to explore the weed management strategies for transplanted and direct wet-seeded rice in the Dera Ismail Khan district of North-west Frontier Province, Pakistan. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a split plot arrangement. The main plots consisted of two planting techniques (transplantation and direct seeding), while weed control practises assigned to the subplots included the use of the granular herbicide Sunstar 15WG (ethoxy sulfuron), Machete 60EC (butachlor), conventional hand weeding, and the weedy check (untreated control). Data were recorded on weed dynamics and the agronomic parameters of the rice crop. Economic analyses on the data were also run. The weed density and biomass were lower in the transplantation plots than the direct-seeding plots. The herbicides ethoxy sulfuron and butachlor reduced the density over the weedy check, with a density comparable to hand weeding in 2002, but slightly higher in 2003. As a result of weed management by hand weeding and herbicides, the paddy yield and its components were significantly higher for the transplanted method compared to the direct-seeded method. The comparable yield of herbicides with hand weeding offers an option for the use of herbicides as an alternative management tool. In light of our findings, it is concluded that for good economic returns, rice crops may be transplanted rather than direct-seeded. The herbicides ethoxy sulfuron and butachlor offer a weed control cover comparable with hand weeding under the transplantation method, while butachlor is good for controlling weeds even under the direct-seeded conditions in the agroclimatic conditions of the area.  相似文献   

陈国奇  陆永良 《植物保护》2021,47(4):166-173
当前我国水稻田登记的除草剂活性成分组合共204种, 包括55种单剂和149种复配剂?在总结各种稻田除草剂应用技术要素的基础上, 提出稻田除草剂选用中具有普遍性的6个关键问题, 包括:水稻栽培方式?稻田除草剂施用时期?施用方法?稻田主要禾本科杂草种类?稻田非禾本科主要杂草类型?田间杂草生育期; 基于各种除草剂品种对应上述6个问题上的应用特点, 开发了“稻田除草剂选用参考系统”, 该手机软件共1.8 MB, 可以在安卓手机上安装使用?该软件可以根据用户在上述6个问题上的选项组合, 直接获得适用除草剂品种清单; 也可以根据用户输入除草剂名称所含字词, 检索相关的除草剂品种清单?此外, 软件中列出了每种除草剂的使用技术要点?  相似文献   

The management of weeds in Malaysian rice fields is very much herbicide‐based. The heavy reliance on herbicide for weed control by many rice‐growers arguably eventually has led to the development and evolution of herbicide‐resistant biotypes in Malaysian rice fields over the years. The continuous use of synthetic auxin (phenoxy group) herbicides and acetohydroxyacid synthase‐inhibiting herbicides to control rice weeds was consequential in leading to the emergence and prevalence of resistant weed biotypes. This review discusses the history and confirmed cases and incidence of herbicide‐resistant weeds in Malaysian rice fields. It also reviews the Clearfield Production System and its impact on the evolution of herbicide resistance among rice weed species and biotypes. This review also emphasizes the strategies and management options for herbicide‐resistant rice field weeds within the framework of herbicide‐based integrated weed management. These include the use of optimum tillage practices, certified clean seeds, increased crop competition through high seeding rates, crop rotation, the application of multiple modes of action of herbicides in annual rotations, tank mixtures and sequential applications to enable a broad spectrum of weed control, increase the selective control of noxious weed species in a field and help to delay the resistance evolution by reducing the selection pressure that is forced on those weed populations by a specific herbicidal mode of action.  相似文献   

It is becoming apparent that allelopathy plays a significant role in the competitive ability of cereals against weeds; barley, wheat and rice cultivars with high allelopathic activity have been identified. However, direct breeding efforts to improve allelopathy have to date only been reported in rice. In this study, a breeding programme in spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) was evaluated to determine the efficiency of selection of allelopathy and the ability of breeding lines to suppress weeds in the field. The material used originated from a cross between a Swedish cultivar with low allelopathic activity and a Tunisian cultivar with high allelopathic activity. Allelopathic activity was measured as growth inhibition of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) roots when grown together with the wheat cultivars on agar. For screening of F2 populations, a single plant bioassay was used for the first time. In the F6 and F7 generations, three breeding lines with an average improved allelopathy of 20% and one line with an unimproved allelopathy activity, but with the same phenotype as the high allelopathic lines, were tested together with the low allelopathic Swedish parent. The main result from the field study was a 19% average reduction of weed biomass for the high allelopathic lines, but no significant reduction of the low allelopathic breeding line. Early shoot length and early crop biomass (stages 37–39, Zadoks scale) and straw length of the high allelopathic lines were not significantly different from the Swedish parent. A negative effect was that grain yield was reduced by 9% in the high allelopathic lines. It is suggested that the reduced biomass of weeds in plots planted with the highly allelopathic wheat lines is related to differences in allelopathic activity and not differences in plant growth.  相似文献   

The available literature on weed problems and weed control in rice fields in Malaysia is reviewed and suggestions for future research are included. The problem of weed competition with rice is of great economic importance in the country because it causes a 10–35% reduction in grain yield. About US$4.10 million is spent annually on herbicides for rice alone, and this amounts to approximately 7% of the total expenditure on herbicides. The shift in methods of rice culture from transplanting to direct seeding has magnified the weed problem. The problem of weedy rice is particularly acute in the direct-seeding rice areas. Although a number of sulfonylurea herbicides (e.g. cinosulfuron, metsulfuron, bensulfuron and pyrazosulfuron) have been found to be suitable alternatives to the old herbicide 2,4-D, an integrated weed management program must be developed in order to reduce the problem of herbicide resistance in weeds. Weed control methods that are more friendly to the environment and affordable to farmers must be sought. Weed-competitive and allelopathic rice varieties must be produced. The problem of weeds in rice calls for systematic studies on biotechnological methods of control of weedy rice. Detailed studies on the biology and ecology of notorious rice weeds, particularly Oryza sativa L. (weedy rice), Echinochloa spp., Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees, Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl. and Limnocharis flava (L.) Buch. need to be done in order to formulate successful weed control measures.  相似文献   

Allelopathy is a naturally occurring ecological phenomenon of interference among organisms that may be employed for managing weeds, insect pests and diseases in field crops. In field crops, allelopathy can be used following rotation, using cover crops, mulching and plant extracts for natural pest management. Application of allelopathic plant extracts can effectively control weeds and insect pests. However, mixtures of allelopathic water extracts are more effective than the application of single-plant extract in this regard. Combined application of allelopathic extract and reduced herbicide dose (up to half the standard dose) give as much weed control as the standard herbicide dose in several field crops. Lower doses of herbicides may help to reduce the development of herbicide resistance in weed ecotypes. Allelopathy thus offers an attractive environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides in agricultural pest management. In this review, application of allelopathy for natural pest management, particularly in small-farm intensive agricultural systems, is discussed.  相似文献   

不同除草剂对稻田杂草群落演替的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了明确除草剂对稻田杂草群落演替的影响,2001~2004年,连续4年施用7种稻田除草剂控制移栽稻田杂草,每年调查稻田杂草的种类、密度和鲜重,分析稻田杂草种群的变化.结果表明:连续使用同一除草剂对稻田杂草群落演替影响显著,靶标杂草的优势度值与药剂使用年限存在显著的线性或非线性关系:Y=a+bx或Y=ax^2+bx+c;非靶标杂草优势度值与药剂使用年限呈极显著正相关线性关系.不同药剂处理的杂草群落有一定的差异,连续使用二元复配除草剂,杂草群落的均匀度和多样性指数分别为0.40~0.43和1.57~1.84,明显低于单剂处理和对照区,田间主要杂草是陌上菜、水苋、千金子和水莎草,其杂草的鲜重显著低于其它处理.  相似文献   

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