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2010年12月20日,农业部向黑龙江省委省政府发来贺信,祝贺黑龙江粮食产量超千亿斤。近日,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理回良玉就黑龙江省粮食生产取得的成绩作出重要批示,他指出,“黑龙江省今年粮食总产达千亿斤,这是国家粮食安全建设上的一大喜事,是今年我国粮食生产和农业工作的一大亮点,为全国粮食生产实现“七连增”作出了重大贡献。”  相似文献   

2009年以来,黑龙江省加快实施千亿斤粮食产能工程,突出抓好松嫩和三江两大平原农业综合开发试验区建设,在气象条件不利、各类灾害多发情况下,粮食生产连续6年夺得丰收,据农委提供的数据,2009年总产超过870.6亿斤,比上年增加25.6亿斤,再创历史新高。  相似文献   

来自国家统计局黑龙江调查总队日前的调查结果,“十二五”期间黑龙江省粮食增产任务艰巨、难度加大,农业基础设施薄弱、农业靠天吃饭的局面还没有根本改变,要巩固、提升粮食生产能力,面临种植结构的制约、提高单产的难度加大、耕地保护和水资源短缺的约束日益突出、种粮边际效益有可能递减、气象条件不稳定性等诸多挑战。为此专家建议要提早谋划,找准对策,巩固和提高千亿斤粮食产能工程成果。  相似文献   

“十一五”以来,在省委、省政府和农业部的正确领导下,垦区紧紧围绕国家新增千亿斤粮食生产能力规划和黑龙江省千亿斤产能工程,深入实施总局党委提出的“三步走”百年垦区发展战略,克服了严重自然灾害的影响和国际金融危机的冲击,  相似文献   

2022年,吉林省启动实施“千亿斤粮食”产能提升工程,为深入实施“藏粮于地、藏粮于技”战略、在更高水平保障粮食和重要农产品稳定安全供给贡献吉林力量。“千亿斤粮食”工程明确以粮食生产能力为目标,实现的关键是农业现代科技集成落地与土地适度规模化的结合,通过加速实施土地规模经营、高标准农田建设、农业科技攻关应用和推广“梨树模式”扩面提质等措施,在当前吉林省粮食总产800亿斤的水平上再提高25%左右,力争到2030年粮食综合能力达到1 000亿斤。  相似文献   

通过对5年来黑龙江省院县农业科技合作共建实施的调查研究,阐述其产生背景,发展过程,取得成效,应用前景,体制机制等,科学剖析科技园区、专家大院、致富项目、科技培训4个模式的运作方式和作用机理,全面系统进行影响性分析,为黑龙江省千亿斤粮食产能工程和新农村建设提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是全国闻名的产粮大省,有“北大仓”之称。为稳定粮食产量,实现“千亿斤”粮食产能工程,从容应对各种突发性自然灾害,进一步推进种子储备制度在黑龙江省是完全有必要的。本文根据生产实际,提出了几点关于进一步推进种子储备制度的建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是全国闻名的产粮大省,有“北大仓”之称。为稳定粮食产量,实现“千亿斤”粮食产能工程,从容应对各种突发性自然灾害,进一步推进种子储备制度在黑龙江省是完全有必要的。本文根据生产实际,提出了几点关于进一步推进种子储备制度的建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江省千亿斤粮食产能工程引进了一批国外大型农业机械,这些机械技术先进,性能可靠,节能环保,有利于提高粮食产量。凯斯大型农业机械以其独到的技术领先优势,成为引进机械中的佼佼者。自2011年2月开始,近千台凯斯大功率农业机械,陆续运往黑龙江省农机合作社和黑龙江垦区有关农场,助力黑龙江省千亿斤粮食产能工程建设。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农业科技合作共建被农业部确定为全国农技推广十大模式之一,农业科技合作共建源于黑龙江省农业科学院科技帮扶十弱县,从体制机制创新入手,与县(市、区)签约共建,双方共赢。农业科技合作共建在加快现代农业建设的过程中,促进了农民素质提升和粮食增产、农民增收、农业增效,也为巩固千亿斤粮食产能和推进社会主义新农村建设进程做出了突出的贡献。  相似文献   

三江平原主要土壤资源利用现状及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
三江平原是国家重要的商品粮基地之一,为探索三江平原粮食持续增产潜力,就三江平原地区主要土壤资源在农业方面的利用现状及对策作了剖析,认为三江平原地区主要土壤类型多样,尤其是农业后备土壤资源,无论是在黑龙江省内还是中国国内都优于其他地区,具有较大的开发潜力。针对三江平原主要土壤资源的利用现状,为达到粮食持续增产的目的,搞好水利建设是该地区粮食增产的前提;种植优势作物是粮食增产的保证;改良中低产土壤是粮食增产的关键。  相似文献   

“中国粮仓”——黑龙江省粮食生产分析与发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年黑龙江省的粮食总产量突破1 000亿斤,对稳定国内粮食市场供应和保障国家粮食安全发挥了重要作用。面对新形势下黑龙江省耕地面积急剧增长、粮食播种面积逐年扩大,总产逐年增加,农垦现代农业发展迅速等新特点,文章从种植业角度进行分析,针对当前黑龙江省发展"千亿斤"产能背后的一些深层次问题,如种植单产低、种植效益低、种植结构不合理、抗自然灾害能力弱、生态资源消耗严重、个别农产品对外依存度高等,提出了优化种植业结构、通过技术集成提升农田生产能力、提高防灾减灾能力、积极发展粮食深加工用技术、大力发展生物质产业等发展策略,从而确保黑龙江省粮食高产、稳产,实现农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Improving crop water productivity is necessary for ensuring food security. To quantify the water utilization in grain production from multiple perspectives, gross inflow water productivity (WPg), generalized agricultural water productivity (WPa), evapotranspiration water productivity (WPET) and irrigation water productivity (WPI) were examined in this study. This paper calculated and analyzed the temporal and spatial variation in these water productivity (WP)indices in the irrigated land of Heilongjiang Province.The results showed that almost all of the municipal WP indices increased from 2007 to 2015.The four indices showed large differences in scientific connotation and numerical performance, and their degrees of spatial variation were ranked as WPI>WPa>WPg>WPET.The spatial patterns of WP indices in different years were similar;the central and southern regions on the Songnen Plain and the eastern region had high WP values,while those of the northern region were low.Each WP index was used to evaluate the relationship between the input of water resources and the output of grain between different regions. Most cities had the potential to improve WP by reducing the input of irrigation water.Furthermore,the results provided recommendations to decision makers to plan for efficient use of water resources in different cities.  相似文献   

Irrigation water became the limiting factor to the persistent improvement of grain production. Based on the data from Gannan County, a semiarid area in the west of Heilongjiang Province, the present situation of the development and utilization of water resources and the suitable water saving irrigation mode were analyzed by using SPA model, which was significant to the efficient and rational utilization of water resources and the improvement of agriculture productivity. The result showed that the model could be applied well to the assessment of development and utilization of water resources and the multi-project optimal selection. Through calculation, it could be found that the utilization of water resources in Gannan County was still in the primary stage, and the integration technology of the optimized water saving irrigation should be combined to support the sustainable development of agriculture in the semiarid area.  相似文献   

多年的地下水超采,导致华北平原已成为世界上最大的“漏斗区”,农业可持续发展压力巨大。综合考虑耕地资源持续利用和国家粮食安全,减少高耗水作物如冬小麦的种植面积,加快农业结构调整步伐是当务之急。根据已有研究成果,比较分析了华北平原冬小麦和马铃薯的水分亏缺量,推算出华北地下水漏斗区马铃薯替代小麦种植,每年可节约水资源总量达(3.47~7.35)×108 m3,同时在一定的技术支持下,能够提高粮食产量水平。这将有利于在保障国家粮食安全的基础上,逐步缓解地下水资源衰变的态势。  相似文献   

With the development of China’s market economy, the international grain supply situation is increasingly tense, and the grain has been regarded as an important international strategic resource in the international market. Due to the reduction of international grain output and expected inflation, the gap between maize supply shortage and increasing demand is apparent in China, so that China is described as a worrying importer country. By using SWOT analysis belonging to the field of enterprise strategic management, this paper analyzed the current maize industry development in Heilongjiang Province as an entry point, the strength, weakness and opportunity and threat were put forward. Thereby, the developing principles and strategies were proposed to stimulate the maize industry development in Heilongjiang Province, which would lay a good foundation of 50 billion kilograms grain production capacity by 2015 in China, as well as the economic development and local farmers’ income increase.  相似文献   

吉林松嫩平原区地下水动态及其驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为开展吉林松嫩平原区地下水动态研究提供理论依据。[方法]分析了吉林松嫩平原区地下水动态及其驱动因素。[结果]自20世纪60年代以来,吉林松嫩平原区气温逐渐升高,平均气温累计上升2℃;降水量逐渐减少,特别是西部地区降水量减少的趋势更加明显;同时地下水开采量不断增加,2008年达到28亿m3。在多种因素驱动下,区域地下水水位发生明显变化,潜水水位在西北部扇形地下降尤为明显,其他地区较为稳定,部分地区有所回升;承压水水位总体下降较快,个别地区有所回升。[结论]研究区地下水环境的总体恶化趋势不可避免,但可通过制定科学规划、合理开采地下水资源来减缓恶化进程,实现区域地下水资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

郭晓东  张晶  田辉  朱威  张梅桂 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(21):12844-12846
[目的]为开展吉林松嫩平原区地下水动态研究提供理论依据。[方法]分析了吉林松嫩平原区地下水动态及其驱动因素。[结果]自20世纪60年代以来,吉林松嫩平原区气温逐渐升高,平均气温累计上升2℃;降水量逐渐减少,特别是西部地区降水量减少的趋势更加明显;同时地下水开采量不断增加,2008年达到28亿m3。在多种因素驱动下,区域地下水水位发生明显变化,潜水水位在西北部扇形地下降尤为明显,其他地区较为稳定,部分地区有所回升;承压水水位总体下降较快,个别地区有所回升。[结论]研究区地下水环境的总体恶化趋势不可避免,但可通过制定科学规划、合理开采地下水资源来减缓恶化进程,实现区域地下水资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

粮食生产离不开农业资源的投入,而资源的稀缺性给粮食生产带来不稳定因素。基于黑龙江垦区农业资源利用现状和粮食生产现状的分析,得出粮食生产对农业资源利用的潜在影响;进一步对粮食生产中农业资源利用存在的问题进行分析,得出粮食稳定生产所需农业资源的利用潜力,进而明确耕地资源、水资源、农业生态资源和科研开发创新转化资源对粮食稳定生产的意义。  相似文献   

Rice growth requires a large amount of water, and planting rice will increase the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources. Paddy field fallowing is important for the sustainable development of an agricultural region, but it remains a great challenge to accurately and quickly monitor the extent and area of fallowed paddy fields. Paddy fields have unique physical features associated with paddy rice during the flooding and transplanting phases. By comparing the differences in phenology before and after paddy field fallowing, we proposed a phenology-based fallowed paddy field mapping algorithm. We used the Google Earth Engine(GEE) cloud computing platform and Landsat 8 images to extract the fallowed paddy field area on Sanjiang Plain of China in 2018. The results indicated that the Landsat8, GEE, and phenology-based fallowed paddy field mapping algorithm can effectively support the mapping of fallowed paddy fields on Sanjiang Plain of China. Based on remote sensing monitoring, the total fallowed paddy field area of Sanjiang Plain is 91 543 ha. The resultant fallowed paddy field map is of high accuracy, with a producer(user) accuracy of 83%(81%), based on validation using ground-truth samples. The Landsat-based map also exhibits high consistency with the agricultural statistical data. We estimated that paddy field fallowing reduced irrigation water by 384–521 million cubic meters on Sanjiang Plain in 2018. The research results can support subsidization grants for fallowed paddy fields, the evaluation of fallowed paddy field effects and improvement in subsequent fallowed paddy field policy in the future.  相似文献   

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