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开心果学名“阿月浑子”,为漆树科黄连木属落叶小乔木,是珍贵木本油料树种之一。其果实具有很高的经济价值,在国际市场上属紧俏商品。我国除新疆喀什有少量栽培外,其他地区均无规模栽培。目前国内市场供应的开心果全部依赖进口,因此,发展国产开心果势在必行,近年来甘肃陇南林科所已初步引种成功。开心果适应性较强,能  相似文献   

<正> 阿月浑子(Pistacia vera L.),又称开心果。在古代,西亚、小亚细亚和地中海国家就知道开心果是一种奢移品。在美国加利福尼亚州,尤其是San Joaquin河谷,它已经成为一种大家公认的经济作物。十年来的试验表明,开心果在加州河谷中段的所有地方,以及其它环境条件类似的地方生长良好。必须强调指出,开心果生长缓慢,从定植到有经济收入约需5—6年。  相似文献   

莫希 《湖南林业》2014,(5):36-36
开心果 单是名字听了就让人心情放松。开心果学名绿元宝,不仪好看,还能吸收电脑辐射。开心粟喜欢温暖与湿润的环境,最好放在通风处,可经常向叶面喷水,但不要让盆中有积水。  相似文献   

经过3年(次)连续进行春、夏、秋季芽接开心果的试验,结果表明:夏季接活率比春季高18.0个百分点,比秋季高42.7个百分点;春季接活率比秋季高24.7个百分点,秋季接活率仅为34.0%。夏季芽接后到成活需要8d,春季需要半月,秋季所需更长。夏接可比春季多繁育1/3倍的果苗,比秋接多1.25倍;春接比秋接多2/3倍。以夏接为主、春接次之繁育开心果,可早接多育果苗,扩大栽植开心果面积,加快开心果示范园的建设步伐。  相似文献   

正喜欢吃开心果的人大有人在,里面的果仁吃完以后,绝大多数的人都会把果壳丢掉。作为同样喜爱开心果零食的人,肉丁为大家分享一种废物利用开心果壳做手工的方法,将一颗颗可爱小巧的开心果壳DIY制作成漂亮小花,点亮你的家!首先你先要将开心果仁吃掉,留下一地果壳。所需材料和工具:开心果壳、黑色珠扣、废吸管或写完的圆珠笔芯、胶枪、白纸、圆规、剪刀。  相似文献   

<正>开心果又名阿月浑子,漆树科,是一种珍贵的木本油料树和干果树。果仁含脂肪54.6%~60%,蛋白质18%~25%,糖份9%~13%,具有特香味,可鲜食、炒食和盐渍。种仁风味甘甜、酥脆醇芳、愈嚼愈香,具有提神醒脑、开心解郁的神奇功效。坚果可治心脏病、肾炎、肺炎、肝炎等多种传染性疾病;外果皮可治皮肤病、妇科病和内外伤口的止血。开心果油可滋阴补肾,治疗结核病,因此,开心果又被人们誉为"人参果",在超市每千克售价40~80元,产品供不应求。  相似文献   

开心果嫁接试验初报   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
开心果(PistaciaVeraL)又称阿月浑子,别名胡榛子,属于漆树科黄连木属(Anacardiaceae)。它是一种适宜在干旱半干旱丘陵山地栽培的经济树种。开心果的果实种仁含有多种营养物质,其中脂肪62%(90%是不饱和脂肪酸,70%为油酸,20%为理想的亚油酸)。蛋白质含量约占22%,种子含糖量很低,大约只有8%左右。开心果的种子可鲜食、炸烤、盐腌、制糖果。是当今世界著名干果之一。针对太行山低山丘陵区干旱少雨、土层瘠薄的特点,“七五”期间我们选用了抗逆性强的黄连木为绿化材料之一。为了提高造…  相似文献   

阿月浑子及其引种前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阿月浑子是一种珍贵的干果树种和木本油料树种,果实的商品名称叫“开心果”。其口感芳香酥脆,风味佳,畅销国际市场。近几年有关阿月浑子的介绍在国内期刊上始见报道。有关科研、生产单位亦开始进行阿月浑子的研究及国外引种工作。随着我国经济发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,对开心果这一优质果品的需求量将越来越大,而目前国内市场全部靠进口。因此有必要有计划、有规模地研究和发展阿月浑子果树。本文就阿月浑子的生物学特性、经济价值、原产地及分布、栽培现状及存在问题和我省引种发展前景谈一些认识和看法。1 生物学特性阿月浑子…  相似文献   

开心果嫁接育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开心果为阿月浑子(PistaciaveraL .)的商业名称 ,为漆树科 (Anacardiaceae)黄连木属 (PistaciaL .)落叶小乔木 ,是世界珍贵的木本油料果树 ,果实有很高的经济价值 ,畅销世界各地。它具有抗旱、抗寒、耐热、耐瘠薄、抗风、抗污染的优良特性 ,原产亚洲中部及西南部海拔 50 0~ 2 0 0 0m的干旱山坡及半沙漠地区 ,在我国仅局限于新疆南部的喀什、疏附县等地有少量栽培。陇南地区白龙江干热河谷地带具有适宜开心果生长的“夏干” (即夏季高温干燥 )气候特点 ,且本区有丰富的黄连木资源可作其嫁接的砧木。因…  相似文献   

阿月浑子,维吾尔语称“皮斯坦”,商品名称“开心果”。  相似文献   

俄罗斯森林资源与木材生产分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据俄罗斯森林资源与木材生产发展状况, 探讨了俄罗斯森林资源的特点, 总结了俄罗斯木材生产面临的主要问题, 提出了俄罗斯林产品的品种和产量走势, 分析了俄罗斯森工行业和木材生产的发展机遇, 展望了中俄森林资源合作开发与林产品贸易和林业双边合作的发展前景。  相似文献   

食用菌生产具有投入少,见效快,效益高的特点,江夏区发展食用菌生产具有一定的优势,生产形势较好,但也存在一些问题,笔者提出了发展食用菌生产的一些建议。  相似文献   

本文探讨了不同森林带林分的生产力及影响产量的因素。研究结果表明,不同森林带林分生产力差异显著,热带山地雨林产量最高,常绿季雨林稍次,山顶苔藓矮林最低;同带间不同森林类型差异不显著。由于尖峰岭的天然林已达成熟阶段,干形变化不大,因此,影响林分总产量的主要因素是林分的平均直径、树高和密度。次生林目前尚处于中幼龄阶段,产量较低,如能加强管理,可获高产。大面积的次生林是一不可忽视的后备资源,应加强管育,促使早日成材。  相似文献   

容器育苗质量调控技术研究评述*   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
综述了国内外容器育苗发展现状及研究进展.分别从育苗容器、育苗基质、水肥调控、化学调控、生物调控技术等方面对苗木质量的影响出发.阐述了苗木培育理论和调控技术的研究现状,提出了目前我国在容器育苗中存在的问题和建议。  相似文献   

A decentralized seedling production is regarded as the most effective means of providing smallholders with planting materials. However, the sustainability of smallholder nursery operation is constrained by several factors, including the limited availability of germplasm, lack of technical skills and low seedling demand low viability of seedling market. The government nursery sector could complement the weaknesses of the smallholder nursery group but government nurseries are not operating effectively to enhance the availability of high quality seedlings of a wide species base for smallholder forestry. Seedling production in government nurseries is quantity-orientated with low emphasis on the production of high quality planting materials. Germplasm used in seedling production is mostly collected from unselected sources and seedlings produced are mostly of low physical quality. The species selection in government nurseries is heavily based on the availability of germplasm which resulted in the production of a few species which are commonly raised on private nurseries. The duplication of species of most seedlings raised in government nurseries with those produced in private nurseries and the far distance of government nurseries from the villages has resulted in low uptake of seedlings by smallholder tree farmers. For the government nursery sector to become more effective in providing support in the present paradigm of decentralized seeding production, a change from its production system and a broadening of the role it plays is needed. The social mobilization on seedling production as a scheme of implementing the Green Philippines Program has led the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to acknowledge the seedling production activity of private individual and communal nursery groups. This can be an opportunity for organizing the private and government nursery sectors to promote the operational effectiveness of the overall forest nursery industry.  相似文献   

We have studied male flower production and relative illumination in clonal sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) forests planted at densities of 1,500/ha, 3,000/ha, and 5,000/ha, to clarify the effects of forest management on male flower production. Both the relative illumination and male flower production decrease as the stand density increases. The lowest position at which male flowers are formed decreases as the density of the stand decreases. High thinning intensity promotes male flower production and light pruning is ineffective to reduce male flower production. Therefore, traditional management methods used in sugi forests (i.e. planting at high density, frequent light thinning, intensive pruning and short rotation) are ideal strategies for limiting male flower production.  相似文献   

Some non-timber forestry products, such as mushrooms, have not typically been included in forest management plans, creating a scenario whereby timber production is the main objective and fungal resources are an afterthought. However, in certain forests, wild mushrooms reach a significant level of production. This paper researches a strategic forest management plan that would include the production of both timber and mushrooms as principal objectives while still adhering to constraints normally considered within forest management. A case study is provided featuring two main groups of edible wild mushrooms, where the two aforementioned objectives have been optimised individually. Lacking a satisfactory solution for the decision-maker, a model based on multi-criteria decision analysis (compromise programming) has been constructed to yield more attractive solutions. Information regarding mushrooms is based on the actual amount collected in the forest and not on potential production. Measured in monetary terms, mushroom production can be easily compared with timber production. Income associated with mushroom production is equal to approximately 20 % of that generated by timber throughout the planning horizon when final inventory and regulation constraints are imposed.  相似文献   

基于AIP公司的生产实践,对中小型制造企业生产异常情况的成因、分类及影响进行了归纳、分析和探究。针对由中小型制造企业生产中的诸多因素所导致的生产异常情况不能及时反馈和处理这一难题,以及生产效率和交货期等难以管控的现状,设计了一套对生产过程异常情况进行控制的可行性方案,构建了一种用于车间生产异常事件信息实时采集、快速分析、趋势预判和综合查询信息管理系统。该异常管理系统已被AIP公司成功应用,实践证明它可以全面提高中小型制造企业对生产异常情况处理的及时性、有效性,使生产异常问题的处理实现了规范化、标准化和信息化。这不仅为AIP公司创造了良好的经济效益,而且也为其他中小型制造企业解决此类问题提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

赵晏林 《林产工业》2019,46(1):66-72
随着用户对家具产品多样化和个性化的需求增多,传统的单一对象流水线生产严重阻碍了企业的发展,因此研究多品种小批量环境下的家具混流生产模式具有必要性。笔者以某家具企业为研究对象,在单一对象流水线生产现状分析的基础上,以该公司M类产品D、E、F进行混流生产线平衡分析与改善,构建产品作业顺序图,应用启发式算法求解出合理的混流生产线,最终混流生产线比原有的单一流水线效率提升在30.01%~43.96%之间,分别节约人均人工成本1.2、1.76万元/a和1.11万元/a。结果表明,混流生产线对企业成本、柔性化生产和适应市场需求等具有积极作用。  相似文献   

Models were developed to predict understory vegetation response to multi-nutrient fertilization at six conifer-forested stands in the inland Northwest United States. Equations are presented to estimate how fertilization as well as other factors impacting understory production in the inland Northwest change total understory vegetation production and the production of three individual lifeforms (shrubs, forbs, and grasses and grass-likes). Overstory stand density was found to have the greatest impact on understory production, and regardless of factors such as fertilization or precipitation, large stand densities will limit understory production. At lower stand densities, multi-nutrient fertilization as well as greater amounts of precipitation will increase understory production. These factors were also found to be synergistic; thus, greater amounts of precipitation increase the effects of multi-nutrient fertilization on understory production. For sites of the same stand density, Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] was shown to have a greater negative impact on understory production than ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.). The models predict that multi-nutrient fertilization of ponderosa pine stands will produce increases in understory production across a broader range of stand densities.  相似文献   

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