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旨在研究微小miR-502(cfa-miRNA-502)在犬乳腺癌组织中的表达情况及其临床意义。采用实时定量PCR方法检测30例犬乳腺癌组织及癌旁正常组织中miR-502的表达水平,分析miR-502表达与犬乳腺癌组织临床病理特征(年龄、肿瘤大小、组织学分级和转移)的关系。结果显示:与癌旁组织相比,犬乳腺癌组织中miR-502的表达水平显著升高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);miR-502表达与犬乳腺癌的组织学分级与转移有关(P<0.05),但与年龄和肿瘤大小无关(P>0.05)。本研究提示miR-502在犬乳腺癌组织中表达上调,其表达与犬乳腺肿瘤的发生、发展有一定关系,miR-502可能作为犬乳腺癌诊断的肿瘤标记物。  相似文献   

将36只健康雄性小型杂种犬随机平均分为模型组与对照组,模型组犬右后肢膝关节使用改良后的前十字韧带切断法诱导骨关节炎,对照组仅做切开右后肢膝关节囊后缝合处理。在造模后第4、8、12周对2组犬进行关节活动度检查、肉眼检查、X射线检查与K/L分级评分。结果显示:随造模时间延长,模型组犬膝关节肿胀、活动受限,出现跛行,肉眼检查观查同X射线结果一致呈加重表现,为关节间隙变窄、骨赘增多、软骨下骨密度升高,与对照组比较均差异显著(P<0.05)。X射线对中晚期骨关节炎病变敏感,为骨关节炎预后及治疗提供一种安全、简便的方法。  相似文献   

前十字韧带断裂(CrCL)是犬(尤其是大型犬)的常见病。表现为膝关节不稳定所引起的持续性跛行。临床上可分为急性和渐进性断裂。渐进性断裂为间歇性跛行,最终发展为完全断裂。前十字韧带断裂的治疗,恢复关节稳定性是治疗重点。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同饲喂水平对育成生长期雄性北极狐生长性能、血清生化指标及机体能量沉积的影响。试验选取46只85日龄,平均体重为(3 198±281)g的健康雄性北极狐,其中6只北极狐作为试验初屠宰试验对照,另外40只北极狐随机分成4组(每组10个重复,每个重复1只),分别为自由采食组(AL)(I组)、自由采食量的80%组(IR80)(II组)、自由采食量的60%组(IR60)(III组)和自由采食量的40%组(IR40)(IV组)。预试期7 d,试验期55 d,通过饲养试验、血清学试验、屠宰试验并结合化学分析方法来评定生长性能、血清生化指标及机体能量沉积的各项指标。结果表明:1)IV组100日龄体重极显著低于I和II组(P<0.01),与III组差异不显著(P>0.05),IV组115日龄、130日龄、145日龄体重和平均日增重(ADG)极显著低于其他3组(P<0.01),3组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。随饲喂水平降低,平均干物质采食量(ADMI)呈极显著降低趋势(P<0.01),III组料重比(F/G)极显著低于I和II组(P<0.01),与IV组差异不显著(P>0.05)。2)IV组血清葡萄糖(GLU)显著高于III组(P<0.05),与I和II组差异不显著(P>0.05);IV组血清胆固醇(CHO)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)极显著高于其他3组(P<0.01),I、II和III组间差异不显著(P>0.05);IV组血清总蛋白(TP)和白蛋白(ALB)显著高于I和III组(P<0.05),与II组差异不显著(P>0.05);对血清甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、球蛋白(GLOB)、免疫球蛋白A(IgA)、M(IgM)和G(IgG)、补体3(C3)和补体4(C4)、胰岛素(INS)均无显著影响(P>0.05)。3)随饲喂水平减少,毛皮脂肪沉积及其产热显著降低,I和II组显著高于III和IV组(P<0.05),II组毛皮增重和沉积总能量显著高于IV组(P<0.05),与I和III组间差异不显著(P>0.05);IV组胴体增重极显著低于其他3组,3组间差异不显著(P>0.05);对毛皮蛋白沉积及其产热、胴体脂肪沉积及其产热、蛋白沉积及其产热和胴体沉积总能量均无显著影响(P>0.05)。采取适当限饲(IR60)降低了育成生长期北极狐血清中糖脂类指标含量,保证了机体正常的生长和健康状态,提高了饲料转化效率,进而增加了养殖生产效益。  相似文献   

犬膝关节前十字韧带(CrCL)在正常情况下能够限制胫骨向前移动及向内旋转。对于强度减弱或发生变性的韧带,过度创伤是导致其断裂最常见的原因。前十字韧带断裂是犬,尤其是大型犬的常见病。目前该病的发病率呈上升趋势,但报道较少,对本病的诊断与治疗缺乏足够的认识,常延误了最佳的治疗时机,造成不必要的损失。  相似文献   

旨在研究不同饲喂水平对冬毛生长期雄性北极狐生产性能、器官发育及机体能量沉积的影响。本试验选取46只161日龄,平均体重为(7 285±5.77)g健康的雄性北极狐,其中6只北极狐作为试验初屠宰试验对照,另外40只北极狐随机分成4组(每组10个重复,每个重复1只),分别按照自由采食组(AL,I组)、自由采食量的80%组(IR80,II组)、自由采食量的60%组(IR60,III组)和自由采食量的40%组(IR40,IV组)4个水平饲喂,预饲期7 d,试验期67 d,通过饲养试验、屠宰试验并结合化学分析方法来评定生长性能、毛皮品质、器官发育及机体能量沉积的各项指标。结果表明:1)随饲喂水平降低,平均干物质采食量(ADFI)呈极显著降低(P<0.01),II组平均日增重(ADG)极显著高于IV组(P<0.01),显著高于III组(P<0.05),与I组差异不显著(P>0.05);饲喂水平对北极狐末重和料重比(F/G)无显著影响(P>0.05),但II组末重略高于其他组,F/G略低于其他组。2)饲喂水平极显著影响了北极狐鲜皮长(P<0.01),I组极显著高于III和IV组,与II组无显著差异(P>0.05);随饲喂水平降低,体长、干皮长、针毛长和绒毛长均呈降低趋势,但各组间均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。3)饲喂水平显著影响了北极狐心脏重和心脏指数(P<0.05或P<0.01),II组心脏重显著高于III组(P<0.05),与I组和IV组差异不显著(P>0.05),IV组心脏指数极显著高于I组(P<0.01),显著高于III组(P<0.05),与II组差异不显著(P>0.05),而饲喂水平对肝、肾、肺和脾重及其脏器指数均无显著影响(P>0.05)。4)随饲喂水平降低,毛皮增重、毛皮脂肪沉积及其能量沉积、毛皮沉积总能量、胴体脂肪沉积及其能量沉积、胴体蛋白沉积及其能量沉积和胴体沉积总能量均呈降低趋势,但饲喂水平对毛皮、胴体能量沉积各项指标均无显著性影响(P>0.05)。采用适当限饲(IR80)不影响冬毛生长期北极狐机体器官的正常发育,能够保证其体重增长及毛皮品质,提高了饲料转化效率,且还降低了机体能量沉积过度带来的肥胖风险。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究日粮中长期添加藤茶提取物对肥育猪血清游离氨基酸、胴体性状和肉品质的影响。选用平均初始体重为30 kg的三元杂交(杜×长×大)去势公猪90头,随机分成3个处理组,分别为对照组(CON组,饲喂基础日粮)、植物精油复合物组(A组,基础日粮中添加0.03%植物精油复合物)、藤茶提取物组(B组,基础日粮中添加0.03%藤茶提取物),每组6个栏,每栏5头猪。试验猪体重达到130 kg左右出栏称重,每栏挑选最接近该栏平均体重的猪进行采血、屠宰,以A组为阳性对照。结果表明:①与CON组比较,B组的血清游离氨基酸中必需氨基酸赖氨酸(Lys)、蛋氨酸(Met)、异亮氨酸(Ile)等的含量显著升高(P<0.05),组氨酸(His)的含量显著降低(P<0.05),非必需氨基酸谷氨酸(Glu)、丙氨酸(Ala)、脯氨酸(Pro)等的含量显著降低(P<0.05);与A组比较,B组的血清游离氨基酸中必需氨基酸Met、苏氨酸(Thr)含量显著升高(P<0.05),His含量显著降低(P<0.05),非必需氨基酸均不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。②与CON组比较,A、B组猪的腹脂重均显著提高(P<0.05),但A、B组之间腹脂重不存在显著差异(P>0.05);宰前重、胴体重、屠宰率、背膘厚、眼肌面积等3组间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。③宰后背最长肌肉色、pH、滴水损失、大理石评分、肌内脂肪和剪切力3组间均无显著差异(P>0.05);与CON组比较,B组肌肉嫩度评分显著提高(P<0.05),A、B组的肉汤清浊度评分均显著降低(P<0.05),而肌肉外形、气味、异味、多汁性、肉汤鲜度评分在3组间无显著差异(P>0.05);3组的肌纤维直径和密度均无显著差异(P>0.05)。综上,日粮中长期添加0.03%藤茶提取物可以显著改变肥育猪血清游离氨基酸组成,并一定程度改善猪肉嫩度;长期添加藤茶提取物或植物精油复合物对肥育猪胴体和肌肉性状均无显著改善效果,且均易造成腹部脂肪沉积。  相似文献   

【目的】研究饲粮中添加不同水平地衣芽孢杆菌BCG对肉鸡生长性能和健康的影响,探究其对肉鸡的益生作用效果,为其在实际生产中的应用提供理论依据。【方法】采用单因素试验设计,选取180只体重相近(42.62 g±0.82 g)、健康状况良好的1日龄爱拔益加(AA)肉仔鸡,随机分为3个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复10只鸡。对照组(CT组)饲喂基础饲粮,地衣芽孢杆菌处理组(BCG1和BCG2组)分别在基础饲粮中添加1.0×108和1.0×109 CFU/kg地衣芽孢杆菌。试验鸡分1~21和22~42日龄2个阶段饲养,试验期为42 d。在21和42日龄时以重复为单位对各组肉鸡空腹称重并统计各阶段采食量,计算平均日增重(ADG)和平均日采食量(ADFI);每个重复选取2只鸡采集血液,测定血常规、血清生化和免疫指标;42日龄时屠宰并分离肠道,观察小肠形态结构,测定肠绒毛高度(VH)和隐窝深度(CD),计算绒毛高度与隐窝深度比值(VH/CD)。【结果】①与CT组相比,42日龄时,BCG2组肉鸡体重显著提高(P<0.05);在22~42日龄,BCG2组肉鸡ADG和ADFI均显著提高(P<0.05),其ADG显著高于BCG1组(P<0.05);在1~42日龄,BCG1和BCG2组ADG和ADFI均显著提高(P<0.05),且两组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。②21日龄时,与CT组相比,BCG2组肉鸡血清免疫球蛋白A (IgA)、IgM和IgG含量均显著提高(P<0.05),内毒素(ET)活性显著降低(P<0.05),且血清IgA和IgM含量均显著高于BCG1组(P<0.05);在42日龄时,饲粮中添加BCG对血常规指标和IgA、IgM及IgG含量均无显著影响(P>0.05)。③42日龄时,BCG2组空肠VH显著高于CT组(P<0.05),VH/CD显著高于CT和BCG1组(P<0.05)。【结论】地衣芽孢杆菌BCG能够提高肉鸡生长性能,增强肉鸡前期体液免疫和肠道屏障功能,改善肉鸡肠道形态结构,以添加1.0×109 CFU/kg地衣芽孢杆菌的益生效果更佳。  相似文献   

旨在研究低蛋白日粮补充天冬氨酸对断奶至育肥阶段猪生长性能、血液生化指标和游离氨基酸、养分表观消化率以及肉品质性状的影响。选取20头45日龄,体重相近((10.93±0.79) kg)的健康三元杂交(杜×长×大)断奶仔猪,随机分成两组,每组10个重复,每个重复1头猪,仔猪单栏饲养,试验期84 d。对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型低蛋白基础日粮,试验组饲喂在基础日粮中添加0.5%天冬氨酸的试验饲粮。结果表明:1)添加天冬氨酸可显著提高猪断奶阶段平均日增重(P<0.05)并极显著降低料重比(P<0.01),但在育肥和生长阶段对生长性能无显著影响(P>0.05);2)添加天冬氨酸可显著提高断奶阶段血清白蛋白水平和碱性磷酸酶活性(P<0.05),但对生长和育肥阶段血液生化指标均无显著影响(P>0.05);3)添加天冬氨酸可显著降低断奶阶段血清中Pro、Met、Thr、Asp、His、Tyr含量(P<0.05)和提高Lys水平(P<0.01),生长阶段血清中Asp、Lys含量和育肥阶段Asp、Thr含量显著降低(P<0.05),对其他氨基酸含量无显著影响(P>0.05);4)天冬氨酸处理可使育肥猪总能、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分、粗纤维表观消化率极显著升高(P<0.01);5)天冬氨酸处理可有效提高熟肉率(P<0.01)和背最长肌中MyHC1的mRNA表达水平(P<0.05)。综上可知,低蛋白日粮全程添加0.5%天冬氨酸可有效提高猪断奶阶段的生长性能,有利于促进其后期肌纤维的发育和改善其肉品质性状。  相似文献   

冀祥  高爱琴  李卿  高栋 《中国畜牧兽医》2020,47(10):3224-3231
本试验旨在研究性别对苏尼特羊屠宰性能和肉品质的影响。从苏尼特左旗改良站种羊场放牧群中选取体况相同、6月龄苏尼特羊24只(公母各半),测定其屠宰性能和肉品质。屠宰试验结果显示,公羊骨重和骨肉比显著高于母羊(P<0.05),母羊净肉重和净肉率则显著高于公羊(P<0.05)。肉质性状测定结果表明,苏尼特母羊的滴水损失显著低于苏尼特公羊(P<0.05),其余指标则差异不显著(P>0.05)。肌肉常规营养成分结果表明,公羊肌内水分含量显著高于母羊(P<0.05),母羊粗脂肪含量则显著高于公羊(P<0.05),其他指标差异不显著(P>0.05)。氨基酸测定结果表明,苏尼特母羊肌肉必需氨基酸比率显著高于公羊(P<0.05),形成肉品香味的前体氨基酸含量在公母羊间无显著差异(P>0.05)。不同部位脂肪酸含量测定结果表明,公羊皮下脂肪中饱和脂肪酸比率显著低于母羊(P<0.05),肌内脂肪和尾脂中饱和脂肪酸比率公母羊差异不显著(P>0.05);母羊尾脂中单不饱和脂肪酸比率显著高于公羊(P<0.05),皮下脂肪和肌间脂肪中单不饱和脂肪酸比率在公母羊间差异不显著(P>0.05);公羊肌内脂肪中多不饱和脂肪酸比率显著高于母羊(P<0.05),而在皮下脂肪和尾脂中多不饱和脂肪酸含量在公母羊间差异不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,性别对6月龄苏尼特羊屠宰性能和肉品质均有一定影响。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the incidence of caudal cruciate ligament (CaCL) damage in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR). Study Design: Prospective clinical study. Animals: Dogs (n=24) admitted for surgical stabilization of the stifle after CCLR and 8 healthy dogs with intact cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) and CaCL studied as controls. Methods: Preoperative radiographs and stifle joint images (arthrotomy, 6; arthroscopy, 18) were collected from dogs with CCLR. Severity of arthritis, synovitis, CCL damage, and CaCL damage were assessed using numerical rating scales. The CaCL was probed to determine whether minor fraying or a full thickness defect in the ligament was present. Data collected from the study population were compared with the control population of dogs. Results: The CaCL was damaged in 21/24 (88%) of dogs with CCLR; 6/24 (25%) had a full thickness defect in the CaCL. Severity of stifle synovitis and severity of damage to the CaCL were positively correlated (P<.05). Conclusions: The CaCL is damaged in a high percentage of dogs with CCLR. A significant and positive correlation exists between the degree of synovitis present and the extent of CaCL damage. Clinical Relevance: In dogs with CCLR, cruciate ligament pathology typically involves both the CCL and CaCL. As the severity of synovitis and the extent of CaCL damage are related, this observation supports the hypothesis that stifle synovitis may contribute to CCL and CaCL degeneration and subsequent damage.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that small quantities of microbial material within synovial joints may act as a trigger for development of synovitis. We have previously identified an association between intra-articular bacteria and development of inflammatory stifle arthritis and cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) in dogs, and now wished to quantify bacterial load and markers of synovitis in dogs with and without stifle arthritis and CCLR. Joint tissues were collected from dogs with CCLR (n=51) and healthy dogs with normal stifles (n=9). Arthritis was assessed radiographically in CCLR dogs. Bacterial load was assessed using qPCR and broad-ranging 16S rRNA primers. qRT-PCR was used to estimate expression of the T lymphocyte antigen receptor (TCR Vβ), CD3?, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), IL-4, IL-17, and TNF-α genes. Severity of synovitis was assessed histologically. Bacterial load was increased in arthritic stifles, when compared with healthy stifles. Histologic synovitis in arthritic stifles was mononuclear and was significantly correlated with bacterial load (1 of 2 primer sets) (S(R)=0.49, p<0.001). In arthritic stifles, expression of TRAP in synovium was increased relative to healthy stifles. Expression of pro-inflammatory genes was not correlated with bacterial load, histologic inflammation, or radiographic arthritis. Translocation of bacterial material to the canine stifle is related to the presence of joint inflammation. The lack of a strong positive correlation suggests that bacterial load is unlikely to be a primary pro-inflammatory factor. However, dysregulation of immune responses within synovial tissues may be dependent upon an environmental microbial trigger.  相似文献   

In the human and veterinary orthopaedic literature it has been implied that intercondylar notch stenosis is a mechanical factor in cranial cruciate ligament rupture and intraarticular graft failure. The patients in this study were classified as normal (32), unilateral cruciate rupture (23), or bilateral cruciate rupture (17). The dogs were placed under general anaesthesia and both stifles were scanned via computed tomography (CT) as previously described. Three CT slices at predetermined levels were evaluated within the notch. Measurements included opening notch angle, notch width and height, condyle width, and notch width index (notch width/condyle width) at two different heights within the notch. Intercondylar notch measurements at the most cranial extent were significantly more narrow in unilateral and bilaterally affected stifles when compared to the normal population. Significant differences were noted in the opening notch angle (ONA), notch width index (NWI), NWI at two thirds notch height (NWI2/3), and tibial slope index (TSI). No significant differences were noted between unilateral and bilateral affected stifles. Increased mechanical contact of the cranial cruciate ligament with a stenotic intercondylar notch may predispose the ligament to mechanical wear and structural weakening. Intercondylar notch measurements have been used as a tool to predict the risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury in young human athletes, and to assess the risk factors for intra-articular graft replacements. Our findings may be useful in developing similar predictive models using stifle CT scans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine craniocaudal laxity of the stifle joint of dogs when joints were positioned in tibial compression or neutral position. SAMPLE POPULATION: 19 normal stifle joints in 10 clinically normal dogs, 29 stifle joints with varying injury to the cranial cruciate ligament (10 complete ruptures alone, 10 complete ruptures with concomitant damage to the medial meniscus, 6 partial ruptures alone, and 3 partial ruptures with concomitant meniscal tearing), and 19 unaffected contralateral stifle joints in those 29 dogs. PROCEDURE: Relative displacement of bony landmarks was measured on paired lateral radiographs (neutral and tibial compression positions). Two measuring techniques were customized for use in dogs. RESULTS: The first technique failed to distinguish results in normal stifle joints from those in stifle joints with partial deficiency of cranial cruciate ligaments. Significant differences were found for joints with complete rupture, compared with stifle joints in clinically normal dogs. The second technique detected differences between normal stifle joints and injured joints with partial or complete rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. Significant differences were not detected between joints with partial versus complete rupture. Adjusting data to account for size of dog did not improve results. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A wide range in measurements of laxity was found for stifle joints with intact cranial cruciate ligaments. Differences in degree of damage to the ligament and medial meniscus cannot be deduced from the amount of relative displacement measured on radiographs. Pathologic changes to the cranial cruciate ligament will not necessarily induce detectable changes in laxity of stifle joints in dogs.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional clinical study compared inflammation, including expression of the chemokine interleukin (IL)-8 and intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), in the stifle joints of 4 control dogs and 23 dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR). The CCL, synovial membrane, meniscus, cartilage, and synovial fluid from the affected stifle joints of all the dogs were examined. Inflammatory cell counts were performed on the synovial fluid, and the tissues were processed for histologic study and immunohistochemical detection of IL-8 and ICAM-1. The synovial fluid from the stifle joints of the dogs with CCLR had an increased percentage of neutrophils (P = 0.054) and a decreased percentage of lymphocytes (P = 0.004) but not macrophages compared with the fluid from the control dogs. There was accumulation of inflammatory cells and increased expression of IL-8 and ICAM-1 in the vascular endothelium of the synovial membrane and the CCL of the dogs with CCLR. The increase in inflammatory cells in the stifle joints of dogs with CCLR may therefore be due to increased expression of IL-8 and ICAM-1 in the synovial membrane and the CCL after the injury. These data may help in understanding the mechanisms of inflammation associated with CCLR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of a lateral suture technique (LST) on tibial plateau angle (TPA) measurement and to compare TPA with functional outcome in dogs treated for cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) rupture with LST. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Dogs (n=34) with unilateral CrCL instability. METHODS: All dogs had lameness examination, survey stifle radiographs, and force plate analysis before and at 6, 12, 24, and 48 weeks after surgery. Radiographic osteoarthritis (OA) scores and lameness scores were assigned using previously reported methods. Preoperative radiographs were performed in all dogs, and postoperative serial radiographs were performed in 6 dogs for measurement of TPA. Differences in TPA measurements were evaluated with a random effects repeated measures model. The significance of LST on TPA measurement was established in 6 dogs and the effect of TPA on vertical impulse, peak vertical force, progression of radiographic scores, and lameness score were analyzed by general linear models in all dogs. Differences were considered significant if P<.05. RESULTS: Significant differences were not noted between pre- and serial postoperative measurements of TPA. A significant correlation was not established between TPA and postoperative vertical impulse, peak vertical force, lameness score, or radiographic OA scores. CONCLUSIONS: TPA values were unchanged after LST and TPA does not affect outcome measures in dogs treated with LST. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: TPA has no predictive value on clinical outcome in dogs treated with LST for stabilization of CrCL deficient stifles.  相似文献   

The patellar ligament angle (PLA) was assessed in 105 normal stifle joints of 79 dogs and 33 stifle joints of 26 dogs with a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). The PLA of stifles with complete CrCL rupture was significantly lower than that of normal stifles, particularly at a flexion angle of 60~80° in both plain and stress views. If the PLA was <90.55° on the stress view with a 60~80° flexion angle, the dog was diagnosed with a complete rupture of the CrCL with a sensitivity of 83.9% and specificity of 100%. In conclusion, measuring the PLA is a quantitative method for diagnosing complete CrCL rupture in canines.  相似文献   

O bjectives : To make an objective assessment of the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of meniscal damage and cranial cruciate ligament disease in the canine stifle by comparing magnetic resonance imaging findings with surgical findings.
M ethods : Magnetic resonance images of 18 stifles from 18 dogs which had undergone magnetic resonance imaging for the investigation of stifle disease were reviewed. For every stifle, the menisci and cranial cruciate ligaments were assessed according to predetermined criteria. The magnetic resonance imaging findings were compared with the reported surgical findings and the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) were calculated using the surgical findings as the gold standard. Kappa analysis was used as an objective measure of agreement between surgical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. For 11 stifles, meniscal evaluation by three different observers was used to measure interobserver agreement using Kappa analysis.
R esults : Magnetic resonance imaging was demonstrated to be an accurate technique in the detection of meniscal injury (k=0·86), with excellent interobserver agreement (k=0·89 to 1·0). Disruption of cranial cruciate ligament continuity and an increase in ligament intensity were found to be useful criteria in the diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament rupture.
C linical S ignificance : Magnetic resonance imaging offers a non-invasive alternative to exploratory surgery in the evaluation of cranial cruciate ligament and meniscal disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure and compare activities of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3); as well as sulfated glycosaminoglycan (S-GAG) content in synovial fluid from dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) and dogs with clinically normal stifles. To determine whether correlations exist between demographic and disease-related variables and these synovial markers. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs with CCLR (n=23) and Beagles with normal stifle joints (n=21). METHODS: Synovial fluid activities of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha) were determined by bioassay. MMP-3 activity was measured using fluorogenic substrate. S-GAG contents were determined by dimethylmethylene blue dye-binding assay. Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare results from CCLR joints with normal controls. Spearman's rank correlation test was used to evaluate associations between demographic and disease-related markers and synovial markers. RESULTS: Mean values for synovial markers were significantly higher in CCLR joints compared with controls. IL-1beta and MMP-3 were positively correlated with lameness duration. CONCLUSIONS: Activities of proinflammatory cytokines, MMP-3 activity and S-GAG contents were significantly elevated in synovial fluid from canine stifle joints with naturally acquired CCLR. These results indicate that there is joint inflammation and increased release of GAGs into synovial fluid, suggesting that these inflammatory changes are associated with depletion of proteoglycan from articular cartilage. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Medical and surgical treatments designed to decrease joint inflammation and breakdown of proteoglycans may be of value in the management of CCLR in the dog.  相似文献   

Giacomo  Gnudi  Dr  Vet  Med  Giorgio  Bertoni  Prof  Dr  Vet  Med 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2001,42(3):266-270
Ultrasound is a useful technique for the study of normal and pathologic stifle joints, in particular for soft tissue examination. The aim of this study was to evaluate sonography for examination of stifle joints affected by cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Forty-two medium to giant breed dogs were studied. Tibial compression radiography was performed. A 7.5 MHz transducer with an incorporated 2 cm thick standoff was employed. Sagittal and midsagittal images were collected. The stifle was positioned in maximum flexion during sonography. Sonographic findings were compared with pathologic findings at surgery. Ultrasound was useful in evaluating the presence of fibrous tissue within the joint due to repair processes. It was observed in 70% of stifles with radiographic evidence of chronic osteoarthritis. In 19.6% of the joints it was possible to identify the ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. Ultrasound was not an accurate test for cruciate rupture evaluation, but was specific for the soft tissue pathologic changes which were observed consequent to joint instability.  相似文献   

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