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正目前在我国野生动物饲养生产中已经在普遍使用颗粒饲料,而且对于颗粒饲料的生产和使用技术也相对比较成熟,在壮大畜牧业的发展过程中发挥了不可小觑的作用。本文主要针对野生动物颗粒饲料的生产工艺和配方进行分析论述,以期对野生动物颗粒饲料的质量和饲养水平具有实际生产意义。1颗粒饲料的优点通常颗粒饲料都是通过蒸汽加以处理之后淀粉糊化从而产生了部分糊精,同时使蛋白呈软化状态而软化纤维。这样,最终在动物采食之后可以提高其对饲料的消化率。  相似文献   

圈养野生动物营养研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢春雨 《野生动物》2011,32(6):345-348
动物营养学是一门阐明营养物质摄入与生命活动之间关系的科学。目前,动物营养学在家畜家禽养殖研究上较为深入,而在圈养野生动物中只在近几十年才取得一些成果。本文主要在野生动物营养研究方法、野生动物营养评价方法和圈养野生动物营养需求三个方面进行阐述,并结合家畜家禽的研究进展进行综述。很多野生动物营养研究是基于家畜家禽的研究,但野生动物又有别于家畜家禽,因此圈养野生动物营养的科学与均衡应该是野生动物饲养工作中的最主要问题。  相似文献   

人畜共患病是指人和脊椎动物由共同病原体引起,又在流行病学上有所关联的疾病。人畜共患病又称"动物源性疾病",其病原除了源于家畜、家禽和饲养的宠物外,还可源于野生动物、鸟类、水生动物等。人畜共患寄生虫病与人类生活、生产的很多领域都密切相关,例如饲养家畜  相似文献   

近几年来,国内外关于“动物福利”的意识和观念出现越来越普及和越来越增强的趋势,影响也日益广泛,特别是对人类饲养利用的动物家畜家禽,如何做到既能够合理利用又能够保障动物福利尤为关注。畜牧业是我国重点发展的产业,家畜家禽运输是畜牧业生产、加工、销售中的一个重要环节。全世界每年有上千万头家畜和上亿只家禽被运输到屠宰场屠宰或异地饲养,我国每年也有大量家畜家禽或在国内运输或出口到其他国家和地区。这些家畜家禽在本国国内或国与国之间进行运输,  相似文献   

1特种经济动物的概念及品种介绍特种经济动物是指具有特定经济用途和一定经济价值及不同生物学特性的动物,主要包括珍贵的毛皮动物、药用动物、特种禽类、水产类、部分观赏动物等,既有驯养的、可开发利用的,也有受保护的濒危野生动物。有人认为,凡是有经济价值和稀少的动物全是特种经济动物,由此产生了除传统家畜以外人们饲养或试养的动物都属特种养殖范围的错误认识。还有人认为,除了家畜家禽和野生动物外,并不存在什么“特种动物”,也不存在“特种养殖”,人们所说的特种动物就是野生动物等。在此有必要分清家畜(禽)与野生动物、驯养动物这…  相似文献   

从农业部动物冠状病毒疫源调查组获悉,我国SARS病毒起源研究工作已取得突破,研究表明SARS病毒来自野生动物,与家畜家禽和宠物无关。调查组采集了59种动物共1700份动物样品,主要包括与人类有过接触或可能接触的各种家畜、家禽、野生动物、水生动物和宠物。专家们从蝙蝠、猴、果子狸和蛇等数种野生动物体内检测到冠状病毒基因,已测出的病毒基因序列与SARS病毒基因序列完全一致。据此,调查组认为SARS病毒或类SARS冠状病毒可能存在于部分野生动物体内。研究还确定,家畜家禽和宠物中的冠状病毒的基因组群与SARS病毒的基因组群不同。因…  相似文献   

根据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》第二条、第三条的规定,除家畜家禽以外,人工饲养、合法捕获的其他动物也是动物防疫法调整的范围,也就包括野生动物在内。当动物卫生监督机构接到野生动物捕获者、驯养繁殖者或者饲养者对野生动物的检疫申报时,如何甄别其合法与非法?是否作出受理决定?是摆在动物卫生监督机构面前必须要熟悉掌握的问题。  相似文献   

我国SARS病毒起源研究工作取得突破 ,研究结果表明 ,SARS病毒来自野生动物 ,而与家畜家禽和宠物无关。这是记者从农业部动物冠状病毒疫源调查组获悉的。调查组采集了 5 9种动物共 170 0份动物样品 ,主要包括与人类有过接触或可能接触的各种家畜家禽、野生动物、水生动物和宠物。专家们从蝙蝠、猴、果子狸和蛇等数种野生动物体内检测到冠状病毒基因 ,已测出的病毒基因序列与SARS病毒基因序列完全一致。据此 ,调查组认为 ,SARS病毒或类SARS冠状病毒可能存在于部分野生动物体内。研究结果还确定 ,家畜家禽和宠物中的冠状病毒的基因组群…  相似文献   

1、特种养殖的涵义 特种经济动物简称特种动物,泛指具有较高的经济价值和特殊用途及不同生物学特性的一类动物.大体包含毛皮动物、药用动物、观赏动物、特禽与珍禽等,既有驯养的、可开发利用的,也有受保护的濒危野生动物.简言之,除了一般的家畜家禽外,都可归纳入特种动物的范畴之内.繁殖、饲养、保护和开发利用特种动物的产业称之为特种养殖业,其主要目标是依据市场需要发展驯养的特种动物,以求获得最大的经济效益;根据人民生活水平的提高,开发利用、扩大生产观赏动物的饲养,以拓展旅游业的内容;在<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约>的原则下,大力提倡饲养繁育野生动物,或回放自然或供科学研究或供人们观赏,以保护、扩展种群.  相似文献   

人畜共患病是指人和脊椎动物由共同病原体引起,又在流行病学上有所关联的疾病。人畜共患病又称“动物源性疾病”,其病原除了源于家畜、家禽和饲养的宠物外,还可源于野生动物、鸟类、水生动物等。人畜共患寄生虫病与人类生活、生产的很多领域都密切相关,例如饲养家畜猪、牛、羊等可以感染肝吸虫、弓形虫、猪囊虫等。猪可以做为保虫宿主或中间宿主,可将寄生虫直接或间接传染给人,造成人畜共患寄生虫病的流行。  相似文献   

饲料是动物赖以生存及生产畜产品的物质基础,是畜禽生产上开支最大的一项,而影响饲料产品质量的因素却是多方面的。以育肥肉牛为例,总结了育肥肉牛饲料的加工工艺,并探讨了饲料品质评定的指标和方法,以期在提升饲料质量的前提下促进畜禽业的发展。  相似文献   

Proliferation of disease pathogens capable of affecting humans, domestic livestock and wildlife increasingly threatens environmental security and biodiversity. Livestock and wild animals in proximity to human beings are often in the chain of transmission and infection. Globalization of industrial livestock production (especially poultry upon which so much of the burgeoning human population depends) often permits transcontinental disease spread. Rapidly expanding (and often illegal) international trade in wild and domestic animals and their products are increasingly involved in the emergence of new diseases that may have the ability to transmit among humans, livestock and wildlife. Rapidly increasing urbanization has led in many places to overcrowded townships that rely on “bushmeat” for sustenance and has contributed to the emergence of virulent zoonotic pathogens. The emergence and proliferation of pathogens are exacerbated by anthropogenic transformation of natural landscapes in order to increase agricultural and livestock production. This paper posits that data gathered by veterinary ecologists should be interpreted and used by other disciplines. The importance of a thorough knowledge of the “natural history” (ecology) of the disease agent and its human, domestic and wild hosts is stressed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The domestic animals/wildlife interface is becoming a global issue of growing interest. However, despite studies on wildlife diseases being in expansion, the epidemiological role of wild animals in the transmission of infectious diseases remains unclear most of the time. Multiple diseases affecting livestock have already been identified in wildlife, especially in wild ungulates. The first objective of this paper was to establish a list of infections already reported in European wild ungulates. For each disease/infection, three additional materials develop examples already published, specifying the epidemiological role of the species as assigned by the authors. Furthermore, risk factors associated with interactions between wild and domestic animals and regarding emerging infectious diseases are summarized. Finally, the wildlife surveillance measures implemented in different European countries are presented. New research areas are proposed in order to provide efficient tools to prevent the transmission of diseases between wild ungulates and livestock.  相似文献   

我国的燕麦草生产和贸易   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
草食家畜饲喂燕麦(Avena sativa)草,对于提高粗饲料利用效率、维持乳蛋白率、抑制奶牛产后病和代谢病、延长奶牛产奶时长、降低饲养成本、增加产奶量、增加日增重等方面有重要作用,正逐步被更多牧场所认可和重视。近年来,我国燕麦草生产规模正逐步扩大,燕麦草进口量明显增加。本研究在阐述我国燕麦草生产和贸易发展基本情况的基础上,基于自回归移动平均模型(ARMA),对我国燕麦草的总产量和进口量进行预测,在此基础上,分析了我国燕麦草生产和贸易未来趋势,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

畜禽良种在畜牧产业发展中发挥核心作用,是区域畜牧业发展的物质基础,也是各国畜牧业科技竞争的焦点。现代畜禽良种繁育技术是由一系列技术组成的技术群,在畜牧业生产中的应用有助于提升优质种畜禽使用效率,加快区域畜禽养殖的良种化进程,提高畜禽生产性能。介绍了主要畜禽良种繁育技术及在我国的应用现状,分析了现代畜禽良种繁育技术对畜禽群体饲草料转化效率及良种选育效率的影响,从经济学视角探讨了现代畜禽良种繁育技术与养殖场投入及产出的关系,以期为我国建立现代畜禽良种繁育体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a bacterial systemic infection which affects domestic animals and wildlife, as well as humans. Many wild animals act as reservoirs of leptospires. Nevertheless, the real role of wildlife animals as source of infection to livestock and humans, as well as the most important reservoirs and leptospiral strains remains unclear. This systematic review assesses the available data about wildlife and their biomes in Latin America, concerning to leptospiral infection. In addition, we discuss the development of the research on leptospirosis in wildlife in this region. After the application of exclusion criteria, 79 papers were analyzed, comprising 186 species, 122 genus, 53 families, and 19 orders from four classes. Mammals were the most studied class, followed by Amphibian, Reptile, and Aves. The Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup was predominant in most biomes and many orders. A small number of antigens detected the majority of seroreactive animals of each class, and a smaller panel may be used at microscopic agglutination test. Further studies must always consider edaphoclimatic conditions besides only host class or species, in order to obtain a broader understanding of the wild epidemiological cycle of leptospirosis in the region. In conclusion, direct and indirect evidences demonstrate that leptospirosis is largely widespread among wildlife in all biomes of Latin America. Moreover, more research on the role of wildlife on the epidemiology of leptospirosis and its impact on livestock and public health are required, particularly focusing on direct detection of the agent.  相似文献   

The presence of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Tanzania is a major obstacle to the development of the national livestock industry because of its adverse effects on livestock production and on trade of animals and animal products into lucrative export markets. FMD is endemic in Tanzania, the affected area is extensive and lack of funding makes eradication unrealistic. Uncontrolled livestock movements, the presence of large populations of wildlife in regular contacts with livestock, and the general lack of enthusiasm for FMD control among the key stakeholders, are some of the factors favouring the persistence of FMD in Tanzania. This review examines the epidemiology, dynamics and socio-economic significance of FMD in the national herd. Various control options available in Tanzanian context are also explored.  相似文献   

Baiting and supplemental feeding of wildlife are widespread, yet highly controversial management practices, with important implications for ecosystems, livestock production, and potentially human health. An often underappreciated threat of such feeding practices is the potential to facilitate intra- and inter-specific disease transmission. We provide a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence of baiting and supplemental feeding on disease transmission risk in wildlife, with an emphasis on large herbivores in North America. While the objectives of supplemental feeding and baiting typically differ, the effects on disease transmission of these practices are largely the same. Both feeding and baiting provide wildlife with natural or non-natural food at specific locations in the environment, which can result in large congregations of individuals and species in a small area and increased local densities. Feeding can lead to increased potential for disease transmission either directly (via direct animal contact) or indirectly (via feed functioning as a fomite, spreading disease into the adjacent environment and to other animals). We identified numerous diseases that currently pose a significant concern to the health of individuals and species of large wild mammals across North America, the spread of which are either clearly facilitated or most likely facilitated by the application of supplemental feeding or baiting. Wildlife diseases also have important threats to human and livestock health. Although the risk of intra- and inter-species disease transmission likely increases when animals concentrate at feeding stations, only in a few cases was disease prevalence and transmission measured and compared between populations. Mostly these were experimental situations under controlled conditions, limiting direct scientific evidence that feeding practices exacerbates disease occurrence, exposure, transmission, and spread in the environment. Vaccination programs utilizing baits have received variable levels of success. Although important gaps in the scientific literature exist, current information is sufficient to conclude that providing food to wildlife through supplemental feeding or baiting has great potential to negatively impact species health and represents a non-natural arena for disease transmission and preservation. Ultimately, this undermines the initial purpose of feeding practices and represents a serious risk to the maintenance of biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, human health, and livestock production. Managers should consider disease transmission as a real and serious concern in their decision to implement or eliminate feeding programs. Disease surveillance should be a crucial element within the long-term monitoring of any feeding program in combination with other available preventive measures to limit disease transmission and spread.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis is present in wild animal populations in North America, Europe, Africa and New Zealand. Some wild animal populations are a source of infection for domestic livestock and humans. An understanding of the potential of each wild animal population as a reservoir of infection for domestic animals is reached by determining the nature of the disease in each wild animal species, the routes of infection for domestic species and the risk of domestic animals encountering an infectious dose. The mere presence of infection in a wild animal population does not of itself provide evidence of a significant wildlife reservoir. Although at times counterintuitive, wildlife populations with high disease prevalence may not necessarily have a role in the epidemiology of disease in domestic livestock. The key concepts used in deciding whether an infected wild animal population is involved in the epidemiology of tuberculosis in domestic livestock is illustrated by reference to six well-researched cases: the feral pig (Suis scrofa) and feral Asian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Australia, white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Michigan, and the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and other species, such as the ferret (Mustela furo), in New Zealand. A detailed analysis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in Ireland and their role as a reservoir of infection for cattle is also presented.  相似文献   

The role of European wild ungulates in the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) is still under discussion. This study describes the geographical distribution and molecular typing of 77 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates belonging either to M. bovis or to M. caprae, cultivated from hunter harvested red deer (Cervus elaphus) and European wild boar (Sus scrofa) in 24 Spanish localities, and compares them with spoligotypes detected previously in humans, livestock or wild animals, as described in the literature. The distribution of the molecular type patterns suggests that the population of M. tuberculosis complex strains isolated from Spanish wild ungulates is spatially structured despite the lack of important geographical barriers and despite the increasingly frequent wildlife translocations. Red deer and the European wild boar can share the same molecular types in localities in which the M. tuberculosis complex was isolated from both species. Strains of bovine and caprine origin do circulate in the same local wildlife populations. Six out of 11 spoligotypes were similar to types described in human cases. The isolation of TB strains in fenced estates from wild animals that have not had contact with domestic livestock for at least the past two decades, strongly suggests that the M. tuberculosis complex is able to survive in these populations. Therefore, wildlife including cervids and the wild boar need to be considered in the epidemiology and control of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

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