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麻将龟原产美洲,其肉鲜美可口,营养丰富,可当作美味佳肴.麻将龟的药用价值也很高,其肉有益阴补血之功,可治久咳咯血、血痢、痔血、筋骨疼痛等,其血可治跌打损伤、脱肛等,并且其观赏价值很高,是名贵的观赏宠物.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒(AfricanSwinefevervirus,ASFV)感染家猪和各种野猪(非洲野猪、欧洲野猪等)引起一种急性、热性、高度接触性动物传染病。世界动物卫生组织(OIE)将其列为法定报告动物疫病,我国将其列为一类动物疫病。其病毒是非洲猪瘟科非洲猪瘟病毒属的重要成员,病毒特性类似虹彩病毒科和痘病毒科。病毒粒子的直径为175~215nm,呈20面体对称,有囊膜。基因组为双股线状DNA,大小170~190kb。该病毒是唯一的DNA虫媒病毒,可在钝缘蜱中增殖;基因组大;基因多变;对环境抵抗力强:60℃可存活20min、56℃可存活70min、25℃可存活数周、4℃可存活一年以上、冻肉内可存活数年甚至数十年。未熟的肉品(制品)、腌肉及泔水中可长时间存活;脂溶剂和消毒剂可以将其破坏。  相似文献   

旱獭是松鼠科体型最大的地栖啮齿动物。其皮是制裘的名贵原料;其肉可供食用;其油、心、肝、胆、膀胱、爪可入药;其尾毛是制毛笔、毛刷的上品;旱獭还是科研、教学、医学上常用的实验动物。因此,旱獭集毛皮动物、药用动物、实验动物、观赏动物于一体,具有多用途和较高的经济价值。  相似文献   

吴茱萸又名米辣子、臭辣子树等,其果实成熟后性热味苦寒,可降逆止呕、散热止痛。使用吴茱萸与其他辅药配伍可在羊病治疗中发挥积极作用,该组方所含药物在农村特别是山区较为常见,可就地取材,不仅十分方便,而且经济实惠。目前,肉羊市场需求旺盛,其中山区散养羊更是供不应求。采用吴茱萸防治羊病可节约诊疗费用,  相似文献   

1寄生虫病 犬绦虫以犬为终末宿主,其他动物如猪、羊、牛、马、兔等为其中间宿主。绦虫的成虫对犬的致病性不强,其幼虫对中间宿主的致病性较强,不仅可机械性引起肠腔阻塞、肠壁膨胀、肠卡他等,而且当虫体成团时可堵塞肠管,导致肠梗阻、套叠、扭转,甚至破裂,还因其毒素及其代谢产物可毒害神经中枢,引起犬转圈、呕吐。绦虫不定期排出孕节,可挂在犬的肛门上,易于诊断。  相似文献   

成年蛋鸡、种鸡利用年限较多,可经历几个寒暑交替。其生理习性在一年四季中有很大差异,其差异呈现规律性的循环变化,按照此种规律进行饲养管理,可更好地获得生产效益。  相似文献   

一、波尔山羊杂交羊:波尔山羊或其冻精与当地羊配种,其杂交一代比当地羊增重30%以上,每只羊可增收300~400元,杂交二代,三代,每只羊可增收千元以上。 二、奶山羊:个大、肉多,又可产奶,多产的奶可用来养猪,一举多得。  相似文献   

鸡组织滴虫病又名黑头病或传染性盲肠肝炎,是一种急性原虫病,常见于火鸡、鸡、鹌鹑、鹧鸪、锦鸡、孔雀和珍珠鸡等。家禽的感染率也较高,其中15~60日龄的雏鸡发病后可影响其正常生长,而150日龄以上的蛋鸡发病后可导致其产蛋量下降,但其他症状并不明显。该病多发于夏季,在卫生条件较差或春末、秋初等温暖潮湿的季节也时有发生,如不及时给予治疗,可导致其发病率和死亡率上升,给养殖户造  相似文献   

据农业部提供的信息,以下几种特种玉米在市场上逐渐走俏。 优质蛋白玉米:这类玉米蛋白质品质好,赖氨酸含量高,营养成分易被人畜吸收。用它作饲料,猪日增重可提高30%-50%;用它喂鸡,鸡蛋产量明显提高。 甜玉米:有普通、超甜和加强三个品种。其果穗可煮食或做罐头,小穗可做玉米笋食品。 高油玉米:含油高达7%-9%,用其精炼而成的玉米油味道纯正、营养丰富,对预防心血管疾病有良好作用,可广泛用于食品加工。 糯玉米:所含淀粉易于消化吸收。将它磨成粉状可制多种黏食,用其酿造的黄酒味道十分独特,其淀粉还可用作纺织、…  相似文献   

肉羊的饲料按其来源可分为植物性饲料、动物性饲料、矿物质饲料和特种饲料四大类.植物性饲料按其营养价值、粗纤维含量和适口性等,粗略可分为粗饲料、青绿多汁饲料、精饲料3种.  相似文献   

Management of large trunk wounds begins with good wound management and bandaging. When a healthy wound bed exists and adequate tissue is present, the wound is closed. Fortunately, there is an abundance of loose trunk skin in most animals, and wound closure can be accomplished by simple reconstructive techniques, such as undermining and tension or "walking sutures." Nevertheless, some wounds and areas of the torso may require more advanced tension-relieving techniques, skin stretching, and tissue implants or flaps to achieve tension-free closure and successful wound healing. Use of these techniques allows wound closure and good cosmetic results for even those wounds that initially may seem foreboding.  相似文献   

贵州优良禾本科牧草苇状羊茅及利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莫本田  罗天琼 《四川草原》1997,(2):23-27,45
苇状羊茅为禾本科羊茅属多年生草本植物,是一种极具开发利用价值的高产优质野生牧草。经过5年的引种驯化和栽培利用试验,结果表明:苇状羊茅生态适应性强,生长势好,分蘖能力强,生长速度快,再生能力强,耐刈牧,年可刈割5~6次,且四季青绿;适口性较好,营养价值高,粗蛋白质含量为7.55%~21.69%,粗脂肪含量为3.19%~5.42%;生产性能好,年鲜草产量为73.3~104.8t/ha。适于在贵州大部分地区生态条件下推广种植,是贵州建立刈牧兼用型优质人工草地的理想禾本科牧草品种  相似文献   

The complete blood cell count: a powerful diagnostic tool.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In conclusion, the CBC can be a powerful diagnostic tool. Appropriate evaluation of all aspects of the CBC can lead to a specific diagnosis or assist in ruling out many diseases. To gain the full benefit of the CBC, it must be used in conjunction with a good history and physical examination as well as with additional components of the minimum database, which include a chemistry panel and urinalysis.  相似文献   

Feline diabetes is a multifactorial disease with genetic and environmental factors, including diet, excess body weight, and physical inactivity, involved in its pathogenesis. Although type 2 diabetes is most common in cats, most cats are insulin-dependent at the time of diagnosis. If good glycemic control can be achieved early after diagnosis, a substantial proportion of diabetic cats go into clinical remission. Diabetic remission may be facilitated by using a low-carbohydrate-high-protein diet combined with a long-acting insulin, such as glargine, administered twice daily. Rather than just controlling clinical signs, these new treatment modalities make curing feline diabetes a realistic goal for practitioners.  相似文献   

The goal of any method of fracture repair should be the early return of total limb function and the prevention of fracture disease. This can be accomplished through adhering to the basic principles of good patient and fracture assessment, choosing the correct method of fracture repair, and appropriate patient care. The complications of external coaptation can be minimized by appropriate patient and fracture assessment as well as correct cast and splint application. Choosing external coaptation as a method of fracture repair can be rewarding as long as the appropriate steps are taken to ensure success.  相似文献   

Etomidate and telazol.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
These two drugs, etomidate and Telazol, have different pharmacological properties. The good properties of these drugs should be employed in specific patients and procedures to be performed (Table 3). There is no ideal injectable agent available yet for clinical practice. This in itself makes practice quite interesting because of the continuous process of rationalizing and determining the best drug for a specific condition and patient.  相似文献   

从龙牧803(Medicago sativa L.cv.Longmu 803)苜蓿群体中选择优秀单株,通过无性扦插繁殖,3次混合选择、开放授粉及品种比较试验、区域与生产试验,历经12年育成龙牧807苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.cv.Longmu807)新品种。该品种株型直立,在黑龙江省地区4月中下旬返青,生育期120 d左右,开花期株高75.7~105.3cm,成熟期株高98.5~133.8 cm。2年生干草产量为11739.14 kg·hm-2,比对照龙牧803苜蓿(9797.99 kg·hm-2)增产17.10%;种子产量284.60 kg·hm-2,比对照(230.00 kg·hm-2)增产18.25%。初花期粗蛋白含量19.38%,适口性好,饲用品质优良。其抗性强,生态适应性广,适宜在黑龙江省各地及毗邻省区推广种植。  相似文献   

羊茅属牧草的生物学特性分析及其利用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
羊茅属牧草是具有良好适应性和较高产量的重要牧草 ,现已广泛地发展为草坪草和饲草 ,对苇状羊茅、草地羊茅及紫羊茅、羊茅等种和品种进行生物学特性方面的研究 ,为今后的生产和利用作好准备。  相似文献   

Specific details on surgical procedures, although not covered here, are available in other references. Factors enhancing the overall cosmetic appearance obtained with procedures are emphasized, providing information that should allow veterinarians to offer clients a good cosmetic appearance and effective treatment for disfiguring ocular problems in their horses. Questions regarding procedures should be addressed to your referral ophthalmologist or, in the case of a corneoscleral prosthesis, the ocularist assisting.  相似文献   

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