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ABSTRACT:   Common silver biddy Gerres oyena were collected monthly between November 2002 and November 2005 in Okinawa Island of southern Japan. The seasonal reproductive cycle of this species was investigated using the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and through histological observation of gonads. Temporal variation in the GSI reflected gonadal development from histological observations; ovary development occurred from March to September and testes development occurred between March and August. Maximal development was observed in April and May in both sexes. While mean values for hepatosomatic and lipidosomatic indices decreased markedly in females relative to males during gonadal development, mean condition factors decreased with gonadal recrudescence in both sexes. The minimum standard length (SL) at sexual maturity was 89.7 mm for females and 81.4 mm for males and the size at which 50% of individuals were sexually mature was 104 and 92 mm SL in females and males, respectively. The power relationships of batch fecundity (BF) versus standard length (SL, mm) and body weight (BW, g) of females can be expressed as BF  = 46.7 × e1.64 SL and BF  = 19 697 × e0.49 BW , respectively.  相似文献   

Embryonic mortality, egg production and the spawning stock biomass of Pacific anchovy, Engraulis japonicus , off Southern Korea during 1983–1994, and their biological response to oceanographic features in spring and summer, were analysed. The instantaneous mortality rate (IMR) of embryonic stages decreased in spring and increased in summer, with a range of 0.33–1.23 day–1 in spring and 0.78–1.69 day–1 in summer. Egg production in summer was three times that during spring and production was low in the late 1980s. Mean lengths of yolk-sac larvae and adult females were greater in spring than in summer, whereas spawning fraction and spawning stock ratio (spawning biomass:adult biomass) were lower in spring than summer. Estimated mean spawning stock biomass ranged from 141 × 103 to 380 × 103 MT in spring and from 221 × 103 to 557 × 103 MT in summer. Statistically, the seasonal and long-term trends of embryonic mortality, egg production and spawning stock biomass of Pacific anchovy can be explained largely by spring warming, summer cooling and by less abundant zooplankton in the late 1980s.  相似文献   

Much of the uncertainty in managing highly migratory pelagic species results from the scarcity of fisheries-independent data relevant to determining long-term trends in abundance, migratory movements, and the relative importance of different spawning grounds. To address these issues, we used an ichthyoplankton-based method to quantify the overall level of spawning of sailfish ( Istiophorus platypterus ) and blue marlin ( Makaira nigricans ) in the Straits of Florida (SF). We estimated that during the 2 years (2003–2004) of the study, 4.60 × 1011 sailfish eggs and 4.49 × 1011 blue marlin eggs were produced on an annual basis in this region. These egg production values, when combined with estimates of annual fecundity for each species and the most recent stock assessment estimate of total biomass, indicate that about 2.1% of Western Atlantic sailfish spawning and 1.6% of Atlantic-wide blue marlin spawning occurs in the SF. Additionally, pop-up satellite tags deployed on sailfish at the start of the spawning season revealed their short residency times in the SF, suggesting that a large (≈13%) transient portion of the sailfish population is responsible for the SF egg production. Overall, this study provides a critically needed fisheries-independent method of quantifying spatial and temporal trends in the abundance of highly migratory species. The application of this methodology in the SF indicated that above-average levels of sailfish and blue marlin spawning occur in this area and, possibly more importantly, that the SF is a migratory bottleneck for these species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Reproductive biology of the common ponyfish Leiognathus equulus was described based on 958 specimens caught by otter trawlers in the south-western waters off Taiwan and landed at Tungkang and Linuan fishing ports from March 2000 to February 2001. Macroscopic appearance of the ovary, gonad-somatic index, oocyte diameter frequency distribution, and histological examination suggested that the spawning season of the common ponyfish in south-western Taiwan waters is from May to August. Eight stages of oocyte development were determined based on histological examination, and ovarian development can be divided as immature, early maturing, late maturing, mature and spent stages. The sex ratio of 0.52 was not significantly different from 0.5 using χ2 test, but females were overwhelmingly more when fork length (FL) was greater than 170 mm. The relations between fecundity (F), batch fecundity (BF), and body weight (BW) were estimated to be F =−5328 + 1.2946 BW ( n  = 132, P  < 0.05) and BF = −11.26 + 0.2748 BW ( n  = 25, P  < 0.05), respectively. Mean fecundity and mean batch fecundity (± standard error) were estimated to be 129 955 ± 79 343 and 28 160 ± 14 698, respectively. Sizes at 50% maturity estimated from the Logistic model were 162 mm FL and 158 mm FL for females and males, respectively.  相似文献   

Quantitative real time PCR, recently developed in molecular biology, is applied in this paper to quantify the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in infected shrimp tissue. The WSSV content in moribund shrimp of all species tested ( Penaeus stylirostris, P. monodon, P. vannamei ) ranged from 2.0 × 104 to 9.0 × 1010 WSSV copies μg–1 of total DNA ( n =26). In whole moribund post-larvae, 4.3 × 109 WSSV copies μg–1 of DNA were detected which is equivalent to 5.7 × 1010 WSSV copies g–1 of post-larvae. The comparison of WSSV content between different tissues showed that muscle and hepatopancreas tissues contained 10 times less virus than gills, pleopods and haemolymph. With inocula of known virus content, bioassays by immersion challenge showed that a minimum of five logs of WSSV copies was necessary to establish disease in the challenged shrimp. In contrast, five logs of WSSV copies injected into shrimp muscle produced a LT-50 of 52 h. This real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique is sensitive (four copies), specific (negative with DNA from shrimp baculoviruses and parvoviruses), dynamic (seven logs) and easy to perform (96 tests in <4 h).  相似文献   

We examined seasonal, annual variation and horizontal distribution of zooplankton in the Sea of Japan from 1966 to 1990. Zooplankton was most abundant in the spring. The spring maximum appeared in February–March and in April–May in the southern and eastern parts of the study areas, respectively. In the summer and autumn, a secondary peak was most conspicuous in the eastern part. The difference between the estimated biomass at night and day was large in the spring and small in summer and autumn. The biomass in the offshore southern area peaked about every 3 years between 1966 and 1983, and increased abruptly in 1990. The density in the area north of 39°N or 40°N was high. Total biomass estimated in the upper 150 m layer in the Sea of Japan (106 km2) was 9.5 × 106 t in the daytime and 16.6 × 106 t at night.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A total of 414 fish (female, 59.3–275.0 mm and male, 61.0–220.0 mm standard length) were collected from December 2000 to March 2002 around Okinawa Island, Japan, for the determination of sex, spawning season, maturity and fecundity. Monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index (GSI) exhibited similar trends for both sexes and the mean GSI maintained a high level between February and May. Furthermore, the percentage frequency of hydrated oocytes and the spermatozoic activity suggested that main spawning occurred between February and May. Some hydrated oocytes were found throughout the year, with a GSI value greater than 1.0, suggesting that sporadic spawning occurred. Length at first maturity was determined for females and males as 120 and 113 mm standard length, respectively. Almost 50% and 100% males were matured at the end of their 0 and 1 year of age group, respectively. In contrast, no females were found to be mature at 0+ age group, and almost 60% of females were mature at 1+ age group. At ages over 2 years, all males and females were found to be mature. Batch fecundity (BF) of 33 females was related to standard length, and the relationship between standard length and BF was expressed by the exponential equation: BF = 269.5e0.020954SL.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   To understand the mechanism of the behavioral response in the capture process of how fish recognize fishing gear and then how they can avoid the gear, the visual acuity of Pacific saury Cololabis saira was investigated by histological examination of the retina of individuals in the size range of 75–365 mm fork length (FL). The contour map of cone density distribution shows that the highest cone density is located in the temporal area of the retina, which indicated the visual axis as the forward direction. The visual acuity (VA) depends both on the focal length of the lens and the number of cones in the retina. The lens diameter increased linearly from 1.40 to 4.73 mm with fish growth, while the cone density decreased gradually from 765 to 378 cells/0.01 mm2. Our results show that the visual acuity increases proportionately from 0.057 to 0.140 for individuals ranging in FL from 75 to 365 mm as expressed by the equation VA  = 0.0065 ×  FL 0.5271 ( r 2 = 0.9624).  相似文献   

Abstract - The possibility of using indices to quantitatively predict short-term growth rates of juvenile three-spined sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) was assessed. A range of weight-specific growth rates ( G W) was obtained in experiments with individual sticklebacks fed enchtraeid worms at different daily rations over 21 days. There was a strong, positive correlation between G W and the RNA : DNA ratio in white muscle ( r 2  = 0.90) and lipid concentration (as percentage dry weight) of the carcass ( r 2  = 0.92). There were smaller, but significant correlations between G W and the percentage of dry matter in the carcass ( r 2  = 0.67), and the residuals from the weight–length relationship ( r 2  = 0.49). Regressions relating growth to RNA : DNA ratio and lipid concentration offer a means of estimating short-term growth rates in natural populations. A test of such predictions using the results from a 56-day experiment on stickleback growth suggested that predictions from percentage lipid were biased and inefficient, while predictions from the RNA : DNA ratio were unbiased but inefficient. Predictions from percentage lipid were higher than from the RNA : DNA ratio.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The dolphin fish, Corphaena hippurus Linnaeus, is one of the most important migratory fishes on the east coast of Taiwan. Present results are based on an investigation of 1439 specimens caught using long-line and driftnet, and set net collected monthly between September 1996 and September 1997. The sex ratio of female to male and female combined was 65%, demonstrating a female predominance. Oocytes became mature and transparent when they attained 1.0 mm in diameter. The total number of oocytes per ovary was estimated to range from 2.78 × 105 to 23.48 × 10>5, but batch fecundity was noticeably lower than the total number of ovarian eggs, ranging 5.3–32.7% (average 30.1%), and the relative fecundity ranging 10–344/g bodyweight (mean 111/g bodyweight). Minimum body size at sexual maturity was estimated to be 51 cm for both sexes. Dolphin fish spawned throughout the year with reproductive activity peaking in February to March. It is suggested that the dolphin fish has an extended spawning season, during which it lays eggs almost continuously.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The age, growth and maturation of the redbelly tilapia Tilapia zillii introduced into the Haebaru Reservoir on Okinawa-jima Island were studied using 2197 specimens ranging from 7.3 to 168.0 mm standard length (SL). The spawning season was estimated to be from April to August, with a peak in April and May. The first maturation sizes of females and males were estimated to be 38.1 and 33.0 mm SL, respectively. The opaque zones in otoliths that form annually were found to correlate with the spawning season. Maximum ages of females and males were 7 and 6 years, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth formulae were expressed as: L t  = 99{1 − exp[−0.67( t  + 0.09)]} for females and L t  = 155{1 − exp [−0.36( t  + 0.12)]} for males. Males grew to be larger than females from the first year onward. Populations of this species are characterized by early maturation life history parameters and are thought to adapt and become established quickly after being released into new water systems. Furthermore, extermination activity in winter is thought to be an effective strategy before the newly recruited fish begin breeding in the warmer months.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflammus is one of the most common Lutjanus species landed and consumed on Okinawa Island, Japan. Using 901 fish (29.9–304.2 mm in standard length; SL) obtained from fish markets or caught by angling, the age, growth, maturation size and maturation age were estimated. Each opaque zone formed on the otolith every year correlated with their spawning and was thought to be an annual ring. The main spawning season was estimated to be from April to July, which peaked in May and June, with a few mature fish collected in August and September. Maximum ages were observed as 24 years for both sexes and L (mm SL), K and t0 (years) of the von Bertalanffy growth formula were estimated to be 276, 0.144 and −5.22 for females and 247, 0.227 and −3.18 for males, respectively. First maturation size and age were estimated to be 175 mm SL and 2 years for both sexes. A faster growth rate up to 2 years will allow reproduction at a young age and provide many chances for spawning throughout their long life. Furthermore, the possibility exists that populations would easily recover if regulations were established.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Juvenile bigeye scad Selar crumenophthalmus were caught from the wild by hook and line and reared over 3 yr to establish a spawning broodstock of this species. The size at first maturity for captive males and females was 19-cm and 25-cm fork length (FL). Natural spawning of captive individuals occurred during the first year in captivity. The broodstock were observed to spawn repeatedly throughout their second and third years in culture. This species is a multiple spawner producing approximately 96 × 103 to 121 × 103 eggs/spawning group, 5 to 10 times per year. Stocking densities of 1–8 individuals/m3 were found to be suitable for natural spawning to occur. Collectively, the results indicate that this species exhibits notable potential for artificial propagation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This study assessed the stock-recruitment relationship (SRR) for the Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus in the North-western Pacific. Of the 20 SRR models investigated, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was the minimum (AIC = 551.2) when the data were separated into two groups (A and B) and the log-normal distribution was applied as the error term. Group A was constructed with SRR data from 1976–1987 and 1992–2004. Group B consisted of data from 1988–1991. The AIC minimum model was R  = 22.8 S  ×  e ε for Group A, where R , S , and ε denote the recruitment of sardine (individual number of 0-year old fish), spawning stock biomass (SSB), and error term, respectively. This model indicated that recruitment was proportional to the SSB and that no density-dependent effect operated over the range of SSB investigated (51 000–11.3 million t). Recruitment was markedly higher (lower) when the sea surface temperature (SST) of the Kuroshio Extension area in February was low (high). The essential SRR can simply be expressed as R  = 22.8 S  ×  e ε with the level of recruitment deviating from the model to a greater or lesser degree depending on the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Values for the digestible contents of nutrients in diets and feed ingredients are of utmost importance in nutritional strategies for fish. Prediction from dietary composition would eliminate lengthy, tedious and demanding digestibility experiments with fish. Apparent digestible lipid (DL) content [range 7.6–353.4 g kg−1 dry matter (DM)] in compound diets can be predicted with high accuracy ( n  = 610; studies =127; fish species = 34; R 2 = 0.9515; RMSE = 16.9504) from dietary crude lipid (CL) content (range 12.0–388.7 g kg−1 DM) by the linear regression equation DL =−2.7303 + 0.9123 CL. Validation of this equation against 65 values from 15 independent studies presented R 2 and mean prediction error (MPE) values of 0.9947 and 0.0671, respectively. The corresponding equation for 37 individual feed ingredients evaluated in 24 studies with 18 fish species ( n  = 180) was found to be DL = −1.5824 + 0.8654 CL ( R 2 = 0.9717; RMSE = 8.3765). However, validation of the latter is currently hampered by a lack of independent values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Phytoplankton used in fish hatcheries is mass-cultured in the open air and usually contains large numbers of bacteria. In commercial fish production, the phytoplankton cultures are usually added into the larval rearing tanks; however, the numbers and types of bacteria introduced into the rearing tanks simultaneously are unknown. In this study, the bacterial community structures in Nannochloropsis sp. cultures were analyzed by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A direct viable count (DVC)-FISH analysis was also performed as DVC is useful for the detection of actively growing cells. Total numbers of bacteria in Nannochloropsis sp. cultures ranged from 7.72 × 105−2.39 × 106 cells/mL. High proportions of the total bacteria (31.6–53.6%) in the Nannochloropsis sp. cultures showed growth potential. DVC-FISH analysis revealed that α-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga – Flavobacterium cluster were abundant in the bacterial community of actively growing cells. Thus, the high growth potentials of the distinct bacterial communities in Nannochloropsis sp. culture must influence the bacterial communities in larval rearing tanks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   An apparatus to measure the locomotor activity of aquatic benthic organisms at variable low light levels was developed and the diurnal behavioral pattern of the abalone Haliotis discus discus was measured at various low light intensities. During the experiment, abalone were exposed to 12 h light–dark cycles of complete darkness, 0 µmol/m2/s throughout the 12 h dark cycle and, during periods I (days 1–8) and III (days 19–26), the 12 h light cycles were set at 10 µmol/m2/s. During period II (days 10–17), abalone were exposed to a light level during the 12 h light cycles of 1 × 10−5, 1 × 10−6, 1 × 10−7 or 1 × 10−8 µmol/m2/s and the changes in locomotor activity assessed. At daytime levels of 1 × 10−5 µmol/m2/s, typical behavioral patterns were observed of high locomotory activity during the night-time cycle. However, at lower light intensities, the distinction between day and night activity patterns became less clear and, at intensities lower than 1 × 10−7 µmol/m2/s, the difference between activity during the light and dark cycles became negligible. Based on this, we conclude that the threshold of light level perception in relation to locomotor activity is approximately 1 × 10−7 µmol/m2/s. The significance of these results in relation to the entrainment of behavior in abalone is discussed.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were exposed continuously to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) at 0, 101, 103 or 105 plaque forming units (pfu) L−1 of water to estimate the effects of chronic IPNV exposure on early life stages. Fish density averaged 35 fish L−1 (low density) or 140 fish L−1 (high density), and the tank flow rate was 250 mL−1 min. Virus exposure began at 6 days before hatch and continued until fish were 44 days old. Cumulative per cent mortality, analysis of survival and hazard functions, and discrete-time event analysis were used to explore the patterns of survival and mortality. In eggs and fish exposed to IPNV, mortality significantly greater than in the 0 pfu L−1 exposure did not occur until IPNV concentration was 105 pfu L−1 at low fish density and 103 pfu IPNV L−1 at high fish density. These results suggest that in the natural aquatic environment, where rainbow trout densities are likely to be considerably lower than in this study, mortality resulting from infection with IPNV will very likely not occur when ambient concentrations of virus are ≤103 pfu IPNV L−1. In aquaculture rearing units, trout density is likely to be as high or higher than the densities used in this study. Therefore, continuous inputs of virus at concentrations greater than 101 pfu L−1 may result in IPN epidemics in aquaculture facilities.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The cephalopod receptor of particle motion was identified. In a previous study, it was suggested that statocysts served this function, but there was no direct supporting evidence, and epidermal hair cells had not been conclusively ruled out. Experiments on Octopus ocellatus were conducted using respiratory activity as an indicator of sound perception. Intact animals clearly responded to 141-Hz particle motion at particle accelerations below 1.3 × 10−3 m/s2, and the mean perception threshold at this frequency was approximately 6.0 × 10−4 m/s2. Specimens in which the statoliths had been surgically removed did not show any response for accelerations up to 3.9 × 10−3 m/s2 at 141 Hz, which was approximately 16 dB greater than the mean perception threshold at this frequency. Specimens that had undergone a control operation in which the statoliths remained intact showed positive responses at 2.8 × 10−3 m/s2 for the same frequency stimulus. This indicates that the statocyst, which is morphologically similar to the inner ear system in fish, is responsible for the observed responses to particle motion in O. ocellatus . This is the first direct evidence that cephalopods detect kinetic sound components using statocysts.  相似文献   

The use of wrasse as cleaner fish in farming of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., is now widespread in Scotland, Ireland and Norway, but little is known about the susceptibility of these fish to the common pathogens of cage-cultured salmon. The susceptibility of goldsinny wrasse, Ctenolabrus rupestris L., to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) was investigated. Captive-bred C. rupestris were infected with IPNV-Sp (Shetland strain) using a bath challenge method. Two infection doses were used, low (4.1 × 105 pfu mL−−1) and high (2.4 × 106 pfu mL−−1), with two replicates for each experiment. Bathing times were 1 h for the low dose and 5 h for the high dose. A maximum prevalence of infection (30%) was seen 2 weeks post-infection in replicate 1 of the low dose experiment and was accompanied by low tissue titres. The tissue titres dropped to an undetectable level by 4 weeks post-infection. In the high dose experiment, a high prevalence of infection was seen along with moderate titres in tissues as well as a marked pathological response. Both prevalence and intensity declined rapidly and the fish recovered. In the high dose experiment, faecal titres followed the same pattern as those in the tissues. The implications for the use of wrasse in the farming of Atlantic salmon are discussed.  相似文献   

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