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The use of predictive modeling software may markedly contribute to the better understanding of the microbial behavior in foods. In this paper, the development and validation of a tertiary model, which provides predictions of microbial growth in foods under dynamic or static temperature conditions, is presented. In particular, the UGPM (Unified Growth Prediction Model) software applies the Baranyi and Roberts (1994) primary model, coupled to a secondary temperature model, in order to simulate growth of a given microorganism during storage of a specific food or food category. The software, intended to be used by both expert and non-expert users, may be a valuable decision support tool for the food industry, by assisting in the management of foods based on their actual shelf-life and microbial safety, thereby limiting the deterministic “best-by” practice for the determination of shelf-life. The latter is commonly based solely on empirical observations and has high uncertainty. This in turn, may result in the rejection of large quantities of unspoiled or safe foods, or even in the distribution of spoiled and unsafe foods, due to ignorance of the effect of temperature abuse on the microbial spoilage and safety of products.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two paradigms of risk communication that guide strategies for communicating food safety issues. Built on the principles of social utility and paternalism, the first paradigm heavily relies on science and technical experts to determine food safety regulations and policies. Risk communication, in this context, is a unidirectional process by which experts from the industry or government regulatory agencies inform or alert potentially affected publics about the hazards they face and the protective actions they can take. However, public trust and confidence in government and industry have considerably declined. Experts are being questioned about the objectivity of their assessments of risks. Policy makers are being challenged on such risk management decisions as tolerance guidelines, food labeling laws, and emergency warning systems. Concomitantly, some segments of the public, especially consumer advocates and environmental groups, are demanding increased input into the decision making process as they call for the recognition of lay perceptions and interpretations of risk as a legitimate counterpart to technically-assessed risk. Hence, instead of the linear, persuasion-oriented communication process, there are evolving efforts to shape risk communication into a more dialogical, interactive, and democratic exchange of information among different stakeholders (i.e., technical experts, government policy makers, industry, interest groups, and the general public). Reflecting a more Jeffersonian approach, this second paradigm argues that decisions about food safety are so complex and multi-dimensional that they must not be left to experts alone. However, both paradigms present ethical dilemmas. Determining the risks and relative safety of foods is not a totally objective and concise process. Since it involves social, economic, political, and personal values, how can the public not be involved in the exchange of ideas and information concerning food risks and safety? On the other hand, can we afford to let public opinion govern decisions pertaining to food risks and safety without consideration for the merits of scientific risk assessment? This paper raises questions regarding some assumptions of these two risk communication paradigms, and explores and discusses some of the salient ethical questions inherent in each framework.  相似文献   

Traditional African American foods, also referred to as “soul food,” are often given a blanket label of “poor food choices.” The cultural value of these ethnic foods may be disregarded without sufficient study of their nutrient content. This study showed that of the various foods perceived as traditionally African American by the local sampled population, greens were the most often identified as such by 78% and the most frequently consumed (22%) by the subjects. 37% perceived chitterlings as a traditional food, yet only 30% consumed them, and only on an occasional basis. Okra, yams, and black-eyed peas had relatively high consumptions but were not often perceived as traditional African American foods. The latter may suggests a lack of historical food facts, relating to indigenous African foods or may indicate the mainstreaming of these foods. Cowpeas or black-eyed peas, okra, sesame seeds, and watermelon seeds were originally brought to North America from Africa. The literature contains scant information on this particular topic, which leaves unanswered: (1) the current consumption of traditional foods by African Americans, (2) certain availability of these foods; and (3) the positive contributions to the diet that these foods may contribute. The author recognizes that “African American” is the most appropriate and preferred term used widely today, to refer to African descendants in North America, however “Black” and “Black American” will be used interchangeably, to reflect consistency of literature cited herein. First, this article will define traditional African American foods and relate their historical significance. Secondly, it will present data on current food consumption from a sample population of African Americans surveyed in San Diego. Lastly, this article will explore possible applications of the research itself.  相似文献   

消费者食品安全性意识与认证食品的支付意愿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用延吉市消费者的食品安全性意识调查资料,采用一般统计方法测定消费者对食品安全的认知度,估算认证食品的支付意愿(Willingness To Pay,WTP).结果表明,消费者对食品认证的认知度和信任度都比较低.但通过认证的食品在确实能保证食品质量安全的前提下,消费者对绿色食品的支付意愿为28.8%,GAP认证农产品的支付意愿为18.5%,HACCP认证食品的支付意愿为17.6%,有机食品的支付意愿为17.2%,无公害食品的支付意愿为16.2%.说明消费者对认证食品的支付意愿还是比一般食品要高,消费者即便多支付价格也愿意购买高品质安全食品.因此,建议加强食品安全宣传力度,提高消费者食品安全意识及对认证食品的认知度和接受度.  相似文献   

随着数据密集型科研范式变革的不断深入,如何应用先进的信息技术推动农业领域海量数据融入实际应用场景、引领农业科技创新体系可持续发展,已成为当前农业科研机构科研信息化发展所面临的首要问题。为推动农业科研创新,通过分析数据密集型科研环境下科研活动所面临的新问题和新需求,以信息化支撑能力建设为视角,从信息化基础环境、科研大数据中心、智能化装备和新型科研平台4个维度探讨构建数据密集型科研范式变革下的科研信息化发展路径框架模型。基于此路径框架模型,提出了面向科研人员数据能力提升与创新需求的信息化重点建设举措和发展方向,以期能够全面提升科研信息化在农业科研创新与管理过程中“融入环境,嵌入过程”的能力,促进未来农业科研机构科研信息化从支撑辅助到引领发展的转变。  相似文献   

运用Cite Space信息可视化软件对2 027篇CSSCI论文进行科学图谱分析,探讨国内食品安全研究的特征、演化以及研究热点与前沿。结果表明,2000—2016年食品安全研究发展经历了从"数量"到"质量"、从"卫生"到"安全"、从"监管"到"治理"的过程。食品安全监管体制、食品安全标准、食品安全风险交流、农业标准化、食品供应链是目前研究的前沿领域。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲土壤重金属预警与决策支持信息系统设计   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以珠江三角洲农业地质调查项目为基础,综合应用数据库、GIS、RS、计算机网络和现代农业检测技术及土壤重金属污染研究方法,为建立一个集数据储存、管理、应用、发布为一体的珠江三角洲土壤重金属预警与决策支持信息系统,提出了总体设计和数据库设计架构。土壤重金属预警与决策支持信息系统有利于珠江三角洲区域土壤环境质量调查、监控以及土壤污染风险评估工作的展开,进一步实施土壤污染修复与治理,为政府部门科学决策和管理监控提供一个先进的信息平台,也为企业投资管理和公众食品安全咨询提供一个开放的窗口,使土壤重金属的调查成果在最大限度上为社会和生产服务。  相似文献   

农药残留对食品质量安全的影响越来越明显,对食品农药残留的检测方法及技术提出了更高的要求。本研究主要阐述了中国食品中农药残留的来源和危害,并对食品中农药残留的检测新技术进行综述,以期为食品中农药残留的检测及新技术发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

财政支持公益性农业科研创新发展问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农业科技创新对粮食安全、农业持续发展、社会稳定等具有决定性意义。文章阐述了加强公益性农业科研创新发展的必要性,分析了制约公益性农业科研创新发展的因素,提出了加大农业科研投入力度、健全农业科研管理体制、完善公益性农业科研学科体系、加强科研人才培养等提升公益性农业科研创新能力的对策。  相似文献   

食品化学是食品科学与工程、食品质量与工程等专业必修的一门专业基础课,也是一门理论与实践并重的课程。课程实习是食品化学教学的重要组成部分。因此,本文构建一种食品化学课程实习与科研相结合的教学模式,目的是让学生运用所学食品化学理论知识解决生产实际中的问题,掌握科研的规律和方法,提升学生理论联系实际、总结归纳、缜密思考等能力,为其以后从事科研提供实践经验。  相似文献   

史萍  周利 《安徽农业科学》2018,46(12):230-231,234
为提高教学质量,激发食品专业学生对仪器分析课程学习的积极性,探讨了研究型范例教学对该课程教学效果的影响。教学改革过程中,在授课内容上,改变原来过多陈述性、单纯的原理和数据分析部分的内容,而将仪器结构、原理融入到一系列当前广泛应用于食品质量、食品安全检测的典型仪器、典型研究案例中;教学方法上,结合主题教学法,以典型范例或研究案例设计探究性课堂教学,采用互动式讨论等多种方法帮助学生增强对课程内容的理解和掌握,全面培养学生的创新能力。教学实践表明,研究型范例教学有效提高了学生的学习兴趣,收到了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

谈基于Web的设施农业气象信息监测与预警系统   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
提出了基于Web的设施农业气象信息监测与预警系统。即实时采集温室中气象数据,通过GPRS无线专网自动传输到服务器上,并且在Internet网络上实时发布实时气象监测信息、监测图片、温室气象预警信息、天气预报等服务。该系统用ASP、ADO、FushionChart等技术将实时资料、历史资料、气象预报信息等以Flash动画的形式显示;方便用户直观地了解温室的实时气象信息、及时掌握温室的气象预警、预报信息。为农户科学管理温室、科学种植提供科学依据。  相似文献   

食品质量安全可追溯系统研究与应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品质量安全是目前备受瞩目的热点问题,可追溯系统能够帮助消费者、政府、食品供应者在市场交易中获取足够的商品信息,从而改善市场中信息传递效率低和消费者"逆向选择"的状况,缓解食品安全问题出现后消费者对企业和政府存在的担忧和不信任问题。从可追溯系统的内涵和记录形式、可追溯系统中消费者、供应者和政府行为以及可追溯系统的设计方法等方面进行归纳总结,通过对比分析国内外已有研究中的不足,指出今后我国食品质量安全可追溯系统的研究方向,以期为后续研究提供一些新视角。  相似文献   

Despite a growing population and increasing demands of that population for improved diets, it appears that the world is not close to universal famine (3, 53). There is enough food now produced to feed the world's hungry (54). That people are malnourished or starving is a question of distribution, delivery, and economics, not agricultural limits. The problem is putting the food where the people are and providing an income so that they can buy it. As to the future, there are clouds on the far horizon. Only increased scientific and technological innovation, coupled with a change in human behavior and in national policy with regard to increased investments in agricultural research, can avert a growing food and population crisis. Only scientists develop new technology. Only farmers produce food. Motivation and incentives are important both for scientific discovery and food production. Agricultural research is also a process. There is no finite beginning or end. It is a continuing search to unravel mysteries. We must force the pace of agricultural development, but technology must be tailored to local conditions. Thiscan be done by scientists who also know how to farm. Individual dedication and sustained government commitments are important. Rapidity of information transfer and of acceptance of technology is also crucial (55). There is a wide gap between progress in research and the point of application for human benefit (Table 5). What accounts for the vast time differences in rapidity of technology acceptance? The current avalanche of new knowledge coupled with problems of food, feed, and fiber supplies, and issues of availability, preservation, protection, renewability, and costs of resources should bring to the front the urgency of rapid information transfer and reassessment of information systems for agricultural and other renewable resources.  相似文献   

由于近年来食品安全事件的频频爆发,食品添加剂成为消费者最为担忧的食品安全风险因素。事实上,合法合理使用食品添加剂是维护食品安全的需要,没有食品添加剂我们只能消费品种有限、保质期短的加工食品,食物变质腐败将是更不安全的因素。我国食品安全问题错综复杂,超范围、超量使用食品添加剂及非法添加非食用物质虽然不是食品添加剂本身的问题,也的确造成了一定的食品安全隐患,需要通过完善法律法规和标准体系建设、加强监管和企业自律等方式进一步保证食品添加剂的科学合理使用,维护食品安全,造福人民身体健康。  相似文献   

自1994年首个转基因植物产品番茄商业化以来,转基因技术、研发、产业等均取得了飞速进展,本文分析了转基因食品目前的研发、获批情况,种植推广、安全性评价等状况及我国转基因食品获批、消费、管理状况,提出了在目前转基因食品安全争论和贸易壁垒形势下的对策和建议。  相似文献   

With “consumer demand” credited with driving major changes in the food industry related to food quality, safety, environmental, and social concerns, the contemporary politics of food has become characterized by a variety of attempts to redefine food consumption as an expression of citizenship that speaks of collective rights and responsibilities. Neoliberal political orthodoxy constructs such citizenship in terms of the ability of individuals to monitor and regulate their own behavior as entrepreneurs and as consumers. By contrast, many proponents of alternative food networks promote the idea that food citizenship is expressed through participation in social arrangements based on solidarity and coordinated action rather than on contractual and commoditized relationships between so-called “producers” and “consumers.” This paper thus focuses its analysis on the strategies used to mobilize people as consumers of particular products and the ways, in turn, in which people use their consumption choices as expressions of social agency or citizenship. In particular, the paper examines how the marketing, pricing, and distribution of foods interact with food standards to enable and constrain specific expressions of food citizenship. It is argued that narrow and stereotypical constructions of the “ethical consumer” help to limit the access of particular people and environmental values, such as biodiversity, to the ethical marketplace.
Stewart LockieEmail:

Stewart Lockie   is Associate Professor of Rural and Environmental Sociology at Central Queensland University. He is co-author of Going organic: Mobilizing networks for environmentally responsible food production (CAB International, 2006).  相似文献   

【目的】种业发展事关粮食安全、农业持续发展,探索加快广西种业创新之路旨在为政府决策提供参考。【方法】通过调研等方式广泛收集材料,分析广西种业创新的现状及存在问题,结合政策要求和区情实际,提出了广西种业创新的发展对策及建议。【结果】广西种业市场空间广阔、科研实力增强、育种创新成果丰硕、品种引进筛选成绩突出、基础设施不断完善、供种能力明显提升。目前还存在种业科技创新能力不足、科技研发基础薄弱、育种技术手段落后、种业服务体系建设滞后、重大突破性的品种少、科技成果转化困难、人才队伍不稳定等突出问题。【建议】提高广西种业创新能力,必须做好引导服务、推进"科企"合作、重视人才培养、加快良种培育中心等创新平台建设、完善种业科技服务体系、大力推进商业化育种、扶持并壮大种业企业。  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of China's economy,rising demand for safety food has been accompanied by frequent food safety scandals. Given that China's farming is dominated by millions of small-scale farms,ensuring food safety is a major challenge facing the public and private sectors. The direct farm(DF) program,initiated in 2008,represents one of the government's major initiatives to modernize the distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables(FFV) and improve food safety. Under the DF program,participating national and international retailers are expected to establish more direct procurement relationships with farm communities. While it is often claimed that greater participation by retailers in the production and post-harvest processing implied the DF program will lead to improved quality,safety and traceability,systematic evidence remains elusive as existing studies are largely narrative,based on case studies,or theoretical inference. Little empirical evidence is available for a broader evaluation of the DF program. This paper aims to fill this gap by assessing the overall performance of a single retailer's DF experience with respect to the procurement and food safety of FFV. We use data from a survey of production managers of 35 DF production bases(PBs) spread across 11 provinces,3 cities and 1 autonomous region in China. The results show a mixture of opportunities and challenges. On one hand,the DF program improves production practices and distribution channels of FFV produced on its PBs,thus facilitating the move of China's food system towards improved food safety compliance. On the other hand,significant heterogeneity in the traceability of food and the ability of DF to meet higher safety standards is evident both across major product categories and across household-operated vs. firm-operated PBs. The paper concludes with policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a content analysis of newspaper articles from Australia, the UK, and the US concerned with a variety of issues relevant to sustainable food and agriculture from 1996 to 2002. It then goes on to identify the various ways in which sustainability, organic food and agriculture, genetic engineering, genetically modified foods, and food safety are framed both in their own terms and in relation to each other. It finds that despite the many competing approaches to sustainability found in scientific and agricultural production discourses, media discourses tend to reduce this complexity to a straightforward conflict between organic and conventional foods. Despite regular reporting of viewpoints highly critical of organic food and agriculture, this binary opposition produces discourses in which organic foods are seen as more-or-less synonymous with safety, naturalness and nutrition, and their alternatives as artificial, threatening, and untrustworthy. Particularly controversial food-related issues such as genetic engineering, food scares, chemical residues, and regulatory failure are treated as part of the same problem to which organic food offers a trustworthy and easily understood solution. Stewart Lockie is Associate Professor of Rural and Environmental Sociology and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health at Central Queensland University. His main research interests lie in the greening of food and agriculture, food commodity networks, and natural resource management. Recent co-edited books include Rurality Bites: The Social and Environmental Transformation of Rural Australia and Consuming Foods, Sustaining Environments.  相似文献   

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