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马、驴是重要的草食家畜,在人类的历史变迁和生产生活中扮演重要角色。马、驴的初始功能主要以役用为主,多用于乘骑或驮运物品。随着机械化程度和交通方式的进步,其役用功能逐渐降低甚至消失。现代马产业主要以竞技、休闲娱乐及副产品加工为主,而驴产业则以皮、肉、乳及其生物制品的开发利用为主。马经济性状主要包括体型、毛色、竞赛能力、疾病、极端环境适应能力等,在驴上更关注生长、皮用和泌乳等性状。随着基因组学和生物信息学的发展,马、驴主要经济性状相关基因的发掘更为有效和精准:如与马体重、体尺相关的基因被定位于LCORL/NCAPG基因区域;MSTN基因与骨骼肌的发育相关,进而影响马竞赛性能;与设特兰矮马、德保矮马矮小性状相关的主要基因分别为HMGA2和TBX3基因;ACAN基因突变会导致设特兰矮马侏儒;DMRT3基因突变影响马的步态特征;KIT基因与白斑毛表型相关,MC1R基因是控制栗色毛的主要基因,ASIP基因与黑色毛相关;EDNRB基因突变会导致致死白色马驹综合征;EPAS1基因和线粒体NADH6基因在高原适应性进化中起重要作用。作者对马、驴主要经济性状相关功能基因的研究进展进行综述,并对功能基因组学研究进行展望,以期为今后开展马、驴分子遗传育种研究提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

德保矮马是我国汉代(公元25-220年)史书中所称"果下马"的后裔,是我国最矮的著名地方马种资源之一,是中国矮马的代表,与英国设特兰矮马一起被成为世界上两大矮马源流。多年来,德保县作为国家级德保矮马资源保护区,在下大力气抓好德保矮马资源保护的同时,全力打造德保矮马特色品牌,推进德保矮马特色产业发展。笔者总结了多年来德保矮马资源保护与产业开发实践经验,主要分析德保矮马产业发展现状、存在的困难和问题及发展前景,并提出今后德保矮马产业发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

德保矮马是我国最矮的著名地方马遗传资源之一,以德保县为主产区。德保矮马正从役用向运动娱乐方向转变。注重管理体系、技术体系和文化体系的综合建设,将有助于德保矮马保护和开发利用工作取得显著成绩,推进产业水平进一步提升。  相似文献   

德保矮马是一种世界稀有的、中国微型马的代表品种,与英国的雪特兰矮马并称为世界两大矮马源流。由于多年来在德保矮马主产区,农户都是以传统方式进行饲养管理,条件差,技术落后不规范,对德保矮马的资源保护与发展极为不利。2006年主产区的德保矮马群体数量不足1 000匹,保种选育工作任重道远。笔者在近几年来结合实施《德保矮马种质资源保护技术研究项目》中,总结出德保矮马饲养管理技术并在主产区推广应用,取得良好效果。2011年末,主产区德保矮马群体规模达2 056匹,建立了德保矮马核心群,培育出后代成年体高75cm~80cm的德保矮马2匹,81cm~90cm的有26匹,群体质量得到进一步优化,为德保矮马种质资源保护、种群发展和地方旅游特色产业开发打下了坚实基础。本文对德保矮马的主要特性、饲养管理技术要点、推广主要措施和效果进行阐述。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的发展和科技进步,驴产业发展呈现新的趋势,其功能与作用也逐步转变,由役用向肉用、药用、乳用、保健及生物制品开发等多用途的"活体经济"转变,现代驴产业正在形成. 一、发展驴产业的必要性 1.驴产业是民生产业.我国养驴历史悠久,驴品种资源丰富,主要分布于新疆、甘肃、内蒙古等省区,存栏数量曾一度长期居于世界首...  相似文献   

矮马(The pony),亦称小型马,其结构和生物学特性与普通马没有什么区别。矮马娇小活泼,聪明灵敏,性情温驯,易于管理,费用较低,不仅可作役用和实验用动物,而且作为一种游乐玩赏动物,博得了越来越多妇女、儿童、旅游者的喜爱。据北京滨河公园介绍,1985年该园因备有矮马共接待儿童10万多人次,收入10万余元。国外情况,恐甚于此。 矮马是现代养马业中的一个重要课题,本文仅概括有关资料对矮马情况作一概略介绍。  相似文献   

旨在对德保矮马(Debao pony)X染色体的选择信号进行筛选。本研究利用Illumina公司开发的马芯片Equine 65KSNP BeadChip,对德保矮马、伊犁马、蒙古马进行X染色体扫描,获得2 339个SNPs位点。通过群体分化系数FST法和XP-EHH两种不同的方法,分别以伊犁马和蒙古马为对照群体对德保矮马进行X染色体选择信号检测。结果,筛选到两个受到较强选择区域4.0~39.9和87.1~123.5Mb,包含64个"离群位点"。通过基因注释筛选到PHEX、BCOR、PNPLA4和GPC3等与生长和骨骼发育相关的基因。研究结果发现,德保矮马的选育过程中X染色体很多与生长相关的基因受到了强烈的选择,其中部分在马中未见报道,可以作为研究矮小性状的重要候选基因。  相似文献   

矮小同源盒基因(SHOX)突变是儿童身材矮小的重要原因。贵州矮马的体高和前膊长较小,但不清楚马基因组中是否有SHOX基因。本研究采用PCR和RT-PCR方法 ,从贵州矮马血液和心脏中克隆SHOX基因F1和F2片段;经测序研究贵州矮马SHOX基因的多态性。结果表明:从贵州矮马基因组中克隆到F1片段279 bp,从心脏总RNA逆转录得到F2片段216 bp,分别对应于人SHOX基因外显子2和外显子3区域;片段F2编码72个氨基酸,其中Ser16为磷酸化位点,且含有DNA结合结构域N端的45个氨基酸;片段F1对应于马参考基因组未定位的Scaffold 118中,推测马SHOX基因可能位于X染色体的短臂末端;从SHOX基因2个片段的序列中找到6个变异位点,但贵州矮马群体中各SNP位点的分布频率与伊犁马之间没有明显差异;矮马个体中存在SHOX基因的单核苷酸变异,可能参与骨的发育调节。本研究结果表明,马基因组中存在SHOX基因,且有转录活性,SHOX基因外显子2和3的序列保守,基因的变异可能参与个体的骨发育调节。  相似文献   

猪脂肪性状因能影响肉质和育肥效率而占有重要的地位,与此同时,猪被视为研究人类肥胖症和代谢症候群等诸多疾病的模型动物。当前人类,由于脂肪过度沉积而蔓延全球的肥胖症已演变为一个十分严峻的问题,因此,比较基因组学的运用将会为遗传上研究脂肪和肥胖带来新的视点。脂肪性状是由多个微效基因控制的数量性状,这些遗传因子的相关系数在0.5左右。对猪全基因组扫描显示有500多个数量性状基因座(Quantitative Trait Locus,QTL)跟脂肪形成有关;进一步研究表明:与之相关的多个候选基因多态性已分析出来,包括基因编码的LEP及其受体LEPR、IGF2、FABP3、FABP4、MC4R及FTO。在这些因子中,对猪脂肪形成起到关键作用的是IGF2;与人类肥胖症最为密切的是FTO,然而,该基因对猪脂肪形成作用并不是十分明显。随着功能基因组学的发展,逐步揭示出更多跟脂肪沉积和油脂代谢相关的基因。近年来,以RNA干扰为主的表观基因组学被认为是获得与脂肪沉积相关基因的重要途径。总之,就现有研究成果来看,脂肪性状多态性的遗传背景是高度相关的。  相似文献   

 马毛色是品种鉴定和个体识别的重要依据。马 KIT 基因位于3号染色体,KIT 基因突变影响马毛色及毛色的分布。对德保矮马和哈萨克马69个个体的 KIT 基因21个外显子及部分内含子直接测序,共发现了5个SNPs,其中1个位于5'-UTR区(g.91214T>G),1个位于内含子20 (g.171356C>G),另外3个分别位于外显子15、20和21(g.164297C>T;g.170189C>T;g.171471G>A,p.Ala960Thr)。用PCR-RFLP方法对69个个体进行分型,发现外显子15有3种基因型TT、CT、CC;外显子20有3种基因型TT、CT、CC;外显子21有2种基因型GG与GA,且均为野生型占优势。德保矮马 KIT 基因多态性比哈萨克马更丰富。  相似文献   

动物福利是国内外学者热议的话题,也是标准化生产和畜产品质量安全的重要影响因素。动物福利体现在饲养、养殖环境、健康、行为等各个环节中。马驴作为中国重要的草食家畜,在精准扶贫和乡村振兴中发挥着重要作用。该文阐述了马驴养殖的经济价值,对中国马驴养殖福利现状和动物福利在马驴养殖中的相关影响因素进行探讨,为宣传、提升马驴养殖福利提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Therapeutics are often administered to donkeys based on dosage and intervals recommended for horses because very few drugs have donkey‐specific label indications. Yet differences between donkeys and horses in drug distribution, metabolism and elimination have been noted for most therapeutic agents studied. These differences can be partially explained by the donkey's unique physiology. Since their ancestors evolved in a desert environment, the modern donkey exhibits qualities that allow them to tolerate dehydration better than the horse and recover more quickly from its effects. Fluid balance and body water compartment partitioning differ from the horse and may have implications regarding drug distribution. Since donkeys are preferential browsers, differences in diet may have influenced evolutionary differences in metabolic disposition of drugs. It is important to acknowledge these differences when designing dose regimes for donkeys based on horse protocols in order to avoid either lack of efficacy or toxicity.  相似文献   

Coat colour inheritance in horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The colours of the horses have long been a subject of interest to owners and breeders of horses as well as to scientists. Though, the colour of horses has little to do with its performance, it is a primary means of identification and also the first indicator of questionable parentage. Probably the ancestral colour of the horse was a black-based pattern that provided camouflage protection against predators. Horse colours are mostly controlled by genes at 12 different loci. The three basic colours of horses are black, bay and chestnut. The genetic control of the basic colours of horses resides at two genetic loci, namely Extension (E) and Agouti (A) loci. Among the basic colours bay is dominant to black and both are epistatic to chestnut. Dilution of basic colours of horses as a result of four colour dilution genes such as cream dilution, dun, silver dapple and champagne resulted in extensive array of possible colours of horses. The most widespread and familiar of the horse colour dilution gene is the one that produces the golden body colour and are called as palomino or buckskin based on the colour of the points. The grey coat colour is due to the presence of dominant gene (G) at the grey locus. Grey is epistatic to all coat colour genes except white and a grey horse must have at least one grey parent. Roan is due to a dominant gene (Rn) at roan locus and this combines with any base colour to produce the various shades of roan pattern. White coat is due to a single dominant gene (W) and it is epistatic to the genes controlling all other colours. White marking in the face and legs are due to genetic and non-genetic factors. Several genes are involved in producing white markings. During recent years, comparative genomics and whole genome scanning have been used to develop DNA tests for different variety of horse colours. Molecular genetic studies on coat colour in horses helped in identification of the genes and mutation responsible for coat colour variants. In future, this will be applied to breeding programmes to reduce the incidence of diseases and to increase the efficiency of race horse population.  相似文献   

The number of donkeys and mules throughout the world is stable, and awareness of their use and concern for welfare, pain recognition and treatment are receiving increasing veterinary interest. Therefore, accurate information about anaesthesia and analgesia in donkeys and mules is important to ever more equine practitioners. Since donkeys are physiologically and pharmacologically different from horses, knowledge on species specific aspects of anaesthesia and analgesia are very important. Mules combine elements from both donkey and horse backgrounds, leading to great diversity in size, temperament and body type. Physiologically, they seem to resemble horses more than donkeys. This review highlights the current knowledge on various anaesthetic and analgesic approaches in donkeys and mules. There is still much information that is not available about donkeys; in many circumstances, the clinician must use available equine information to treat the patient, while monitoring carefully to observe for differences in response to therapy compared to the horse.  相似文献   

Most in vivo studies with equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) have been performed in horses and ponies (Equus caballus) with little published information available detailing the clinical responses of donkeys (Equus asinus) to infection with this virus. Consequently, donkeys were inoculated with two strains of EIAV (EIAV(PV) and EIAV(WY)) which have been documented to produce disease in E. caballus. Four ponies, 561, 562, 564 and 567 and two donkeys, 3 and 5 were infected with EIAV(PV) and one horse (94-10) and one donkey (4) were infected with EIAV(WY). Although the horse and ponies all experienced clinical signs of disease, which in some cases were severe, the donkeys remained asymptomatic throughout a 365-day observation period, except for mild transient reductions in platelet counts. The results from serological assays, virus isolation from plasma and detection of plasma-associated viral RNA by RT-PCR, indicated that initial replication of EIAV(PV) and EIAV(WY) was lower in donkeys than in horses and ponies. This conclusion was confirmed using competitive RT-PCR, in which viral RNA levels in the plasma of EIAV(PV)-infected ponies was up to 100,000-fold higher than in infected donkeys during the first 20 days post-infection (dpi). Similar results were obtained in the EIAV(WY)-infected animals, in which viral RNA burdens in the donkey at 20 dpi were 1000-fold less than in the horse. However, infection of donkey and horse monocyte-derived macrophage cultures with EIAV(PV) demonstrated that these cells in vitro were equally susceptible to virus-induced cytopathic effects and yielded similar levels of progeny virus. This result suggests that factors other than host cell permissiveness mediate the clinical differences observed between horses and donkeys infected with EIAV(PV) or EIAV(WY).  相似文献   

The microhardness of the enamel, primary dentine and regular secondary dentine of seven donkey and six horse incisors was determined with a Knoop indenter at the subocclusal and mid-tooth level. The mean microhardnesses of the donkey incisor enamel, primary dentine and secondary dentine were 264.6 63.00 and 53.6 Knoop Hardness Number, respectively. There was no significant difference between the microhardness of the enamel and primary dentine on the incisors of the donkeys and horses, but the microhardness of the regular secondary dentine of the donkeys' incisors at the mid-tooth level was slightly but significantly less than that of the horses. There was also a difference in the microhardness of the secondary dentine between the subocclusal and mid-tooth levels in both donkey and horse incisors.  相似文献   

A novel and brief method of differentiating among horse (Equus caballus) and donkey (Equus asinus) and their hybrids (mule, E. asinus × E. caballus and hinny, E. caballus × E. asinus) with combined analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial gene polymorphism (CANMGP) was reported in the present report. A nuclear gene, protamine P1 gene of donkey was sequenced and compared with the known horse sequence from GenBank while a published equid mitochondrial gene, cytochrome b gene of donkey was compared with that of horse. In each of the two genes, a fixed nucleotide substitution within an exon that could be recognized by Dpn II restriction enzyme was found between the two species. Two pairs of primers were designed for amplifying the fragments within the two genes containing the informative nucleotide positions in 65 horses and 41 donkeys and 38 hybrids and conditions of polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) analysis were optimized. Horse, donkey and mule and hinny had their own specific cleavage patterns after the PCR‐RFLP analysis was performed, which made it very easy to identify them from each other. As multiplex PCR can be conducted with the two pairs of primers and only one restriction enzyme is involved in PCR‐RFLP analysis, the method described in the present study is a convenient way to identify horse and donkey and their hybrids. The idea involved in the method of CANMGP can be also used to differentiate other animal species or breeds and their hybrids.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究疆岳驴催乳素受体(prolactin receptor,PRLR)基因多态性及其与泌乳性状间的关系,探寻可用于疆岳驴选育的分子遗传标记。随机选取120头疆岳驴,对疆岳驴的泌乳性能指标进行测定,并运用PCR-SSCP方法对疆岳驴PRLR基因侧翼区进行多态性分析。结果显示,PRLR基因在疆岳驴群体中存在2种基因型:AA和AB,A为优势等位基因;测序结果显示,PRLR基因的碱基突变位置为g.29764584 C>G,该突变为同义突变,没有导致编码的氨基酸发生改变;经关联分析,PRLR基因AB基因型个体平均日泌乳量显著高于AA基因型(P<0.05),AA基因型个体乳蛋白率显著高于AB基因型(P<0.05),在乳糖率上差异不显著(P>0.05)。疆岳驴PRLR基因突变与泌乳性状存在关联性,推测PRLR基因可以作为疆岳驴乳用型选育的分子遗传标记之一。  相似文献   

In this study, the single nucleotide polymorphism of prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene and its correlation with the lactation traits in Jiangyue donkeys was tested, and the molecular genetic marker of breeding Jiangyue donkeys was explored.120 individuals were analyzed association of PRLR gene polymorphism with lactation traits in Jiangyue donkeys. Genetic polymorphism of PRLR gene flanking region was detected by PCR-SSCP method. The results showed that there was 1 mutation in PRLR gene and 2 genotypes of AA and AB, and allele A was the dominant allele. The SNP g.29764584 C>G was identified of PRLR gene by sequencing, and it was a synonymous mutation, did not cause amino acid changes. Statistical results indicated that the SNP was significantly associated with average daily milk yield and protein percentage in Jiangyue donkey (P<0.05),there was no significant in the lactin percentage(P>0.05). The mutation might be as crucial DNA genetic marker for lactation performance selection in Jiangyue donkeys.  相似文献   

 控制马香槟毛色的CH(Champagne gene)基因家族包含4个候选基因(SLC36A1、SLC36A2、SLC36A3、SPARC),研究发现SLC36A1基因外显子2的突变是造成马香槟毛色的关键位点。为揭示中国马SLC36A1基因遗传多态性,本研究以玉树马和德保矮马共74个样本为研究对象,以马DNA池为模板扩增SLC36A1基因的10个外显子及部分内含子序列并进行测序分析。共发现马SLC36A1基因5个SNPs,分别位于内含子3(g.26699953 A>G, g.26699851 G>C, g.26699850 G>C),外显子4(g.26699562 G>A)及外显子6(g.26697018 C>T)。利用PCR RFLP方法对74个家马样本进行基因分型,发现外显子6的SNP有基因型CC、CT;外显子4的SNP有基因型GG、GA;内含子3的g.26699850 G>C突变有基因型GG、GC;内含子3的另外2个SNPs(g.26699953 A>G, g.26699851 G>C)通过测序,发现有AA、AG、GG与GG、GC、CC基因型。所有5个马SNPs均为野生型占主要优势。由此界定了马SLC36A1基因有9种单倍型(H1 H9),其中H5是最主要的单倍型。德保矮马遗传多样度为0.4190,比玉树马(0.2228)高,表明德保矮马香槟毛色遗传多态性比玉树马更丰富。玉树马与德保矮马的平均单倍型多样度为0.3160,表明其香槟毛色遗传多态性相对较低。  相似文献   

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