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钟晟  胡菁 《中国饲料》2021,(4):132-135
乡村振兴战略对乡村经济发展具有十分重要的战略性意义,本文从饲料业入手,深入分析饲料企业对乡村经济的推动作用。乡村振兴战略意义重大,但目前乡村饲料业还是以小规模经营为主,加工方式主要采用小作坊加工,产销模式也较为传统,使得饲料业在对乡村经济发展推动作用中存在一些问题,如带动能力不足、经营规模较小、缺乏一体化战略思路、产销模式过于传统等,这些问题对乡村经济发展的阻力不言而喻。基于以上原因,本文提出加强饲料企业对乡村经济发展的带动作用,加大乡村饲料企业的经营规模,建立一体化的战略思路及创新产销模式等建议,希望能使饲料企业得以发展的同时,对乡村经济发展产生推动作用。  相似文献   

生猪产业是云南省农业农村经济的支柱产业,也是云南打造世界一流“绿色食品牌”的重点产业,开展地方猪品牌建设意义重大。分析了云南省生猪养殖企业和15家地方猪养殖企业产品品牌建设基本情况,针对云南省地方猪品牌建设中存在的有影响力区域公用品牌缺乏、品牌推广针对性和系统性不强、产品品牌定位不够清晰等问题,提出了品牌定位差异化、产品生产多元化、营销手段花样化、生产品种良种化、生产过程标准化的发展建议,以期为云南省地方猪产业发展和猪肉品牌升级打造提供参考。  相似文献   

盱眙县发掘资源优势,把龙虾作为特色产业,举办中国龙虾节,带动了一系列相关产业的发展,改变了当地的农业产业结构和就业结构,增加了就业和收入,增强了地方经济实力;并通过特色产业的品牌效应,带动了旅游等服务业的发展,吸引了外来投资,加速了工业化进程。通过总结盱眙县的经济发展实践,为落后地区的区域经济发展提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国岩溶地区农业持续发展战略问题与对策研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
我国岩溶地区存在许多发展经济的困难 ,如水土流失严重 ,石漠化加剧 ;人口过度增长 ,贫困面大 ;农耕土地质量差 ,农业生产水平低 ;半年干旱 ,地表水缺乏 ;地方交通不便 ,商品经济发展滞后 ;教育文化落后 ,科技普及困难等。同时也存在巨大潜力 ,如水热资源、生物资源、能源、矿产资源丰富 ,旅游资源独具特色 ,以及地缘优势。在制订农业发展战略目标时 ,应坚持以下原则 :可持续发展的大农业原则 ;以生态经济区域为依据、分类指导的原则 ;占有市场一定份额的大产业原则 ;国内和国际大交换原则 ;提高全民素质的大科技原则。为中国岩溶地区农业持续发展提出 5项重大建议 :加大对岩溶地区扶贫攻坚的支持力度 ,分类指导 ,着力解决特困地区、特困乡村和特困农户的脱贫问题 ;建立以林为主的生态恢复与重建示范工程 ;建立以草地畜牧业为主的资源开发利用产业化示范工程 ;适当加大政策倾斜力度 ,支持岩溶山区支柱产业发展和基础设施建设 ;将“岩溶地区农业持续发展的战略问题与对策研究”列入国家重点攻关研究项目和国家级农业发展综合示范工程项目 ,组织协同攻关  相似文献   

张樱  张海波 《中国饲料》2021,(2):98-101
当前国民经济已从高速发展状态转变为高质量发展状态,此时经济发展重心也开始转移到农业等内需发展动力强劲产业上来,因此,农村金融作为直接接触内需产业的基础金融服务体系,其发展健康与否关系到农业及相关饲料企业的经济效益,因此,本文对农村金融发展模式进行研究,找到农村金融发展模式与饲料企业经济效益提升的关系,对今后发展乡村经济,实施乡村振兴战略具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

韩琼 《青海草业》2013,22(2):31-33
随着草原旅游业在海北各地的不断繁荣和旅游业对地区经济贡献的不断增长,处理好草原保护和经济增长的关系,是草地资源的可持续利用和草原旅游的可持续发展的保证。本文通过对海北地区草原旅游现状分析,提出草地资源保护与草原旅游可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

This review addresses the diagnosis of insensibility and death in various species so as to evaluate the validity of the current criteria used to judge death in hunted whales by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The only other species in which official criteria of death have been formulated is humans and these are controversial with the kernel of the debate being the definition of brain death. In slaughter animals, the moment of insensibility is regarded as the most important criterion and the issue has received scientific interest related to the pre-slaughter stunning. During hunting of terrestrial wildlife, the moment of death is usually regarded as the moment the animal falls and does not move. Based on the data presented in the present paper, it is concluded that when death in whales is solely determined on the basis of the IWC criteria, which in practice are based on immobility, a significant proportion of animals will be recorded as being sensible and alive when they are actually unconscious and the time to death (TTD) will be overestimated. If the criteria are used in conjunction with a postmortem examination, the recorded TTD will be closer to the real TTD and can be used for comparison of methods and performance.  相似文献   

This study examines how processes of modernization affect hunting ethics, including commodification, cosmopolitanism, demographic shifts, technological innovation, and invasive species. The impact of such change processes has been documented in indigenous hunting societies, but not in postindustrial Western hunting communities. Instead, wildlife ethics are often seen as a private matter or a static inheritance from past generations, and not as researchable from a perspective of change. The underexposure of research on ethics in this context is explained as taking place within a framework of ethical subjectivism to the detriment of opening up ethics to a needed conversation as the context for hunting changes in modernity. This study uncovers the hunting ethics of contemporary Swedish hunters in response to modernization and reveals new lines of moral demarcation and emerging taboos for right and wrong hunting. It concludes by considering the virtue of hunting taboos for wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

探讨乡村地区旅游开发影响下土地利用变化及调控问题,重点分析非理性旅游资源开发导致乡村地区大量农用土地的非农化,从而引起土地利用与土地覆被的极大变化,同时指出乡村地区大量农用地的非农化,不利于乡村地区土地资源可持续利用和新农村建设。在分析土地非农化决策主体行为的基础上,提出乡村旅游开发中土地可持续利用的调控对策。  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the status of the large native rangeland mammals in the eastern and southern African countries focusing on conservation strategies that will benefit the animals, their rangeland habitats, and the people who live in this region. Eastern and southern African rangelands are renowned for supporting a globally unique diversity and abundance of large mammals. This wildlife legacy is threatened by changing demographics, increased poaching, habitat fragmentation, and global warming, but there are reasons for optimism. After sharp declines from 1970 to 1990 across Africa, wildlife populations in some countries have subsequently increased due to incentives involving sport hunting and ecotourism. National parks and protected areas, which have been critically important in maintaining African wildlife populations, are being increased and better protected. Over the past 50 years, the number of parks has been doubled and the areas of several parks have been expanded. The major problem is that no more than 20% of the national parks and reserves set aside for wildlife are adequately protected from poaching. The southern African countries where wildlife has recently thrived have robust hunting and ecotourism programs, which economically benefit private landowners. Considerable research shows rural communities dependent on rangelands can be incentivized to participate in large mammal conservation programs if they can economically benefit from wildlife tourism, sport hunting, and the legal sale of animal by-products. Community-based wildlife conservation programs can be economically and ecologically effective in sustaining and enhancing African wildlife biodiversity, including rhinos, elephants, and lions. Low-input ranching wild ungulates for meat and hunting may be an economically viable alternative to traditional range livestock production systems in some areas. However, in many situations, common-use grazing of livestock and wildlife will give the most efficient use of rangeland forages and landscapes while diversifying income and lowering risk.  相似文献   

四川民族地区的乡村旅游以凉山模式为代表,表现出了惊人的发展速度。在借鉴西南其他民族地区的乡村旅游发展模式的基础上,对四川民族地区进行了区位分析,明确乡土性的区位特征,从游牧发展的过程中认识乡村发展的特性,并对两种不同区位类型的乡村旅游升级发展作出区分。  相似文献   

我国草田轮作的历史、理论与实践概览   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大力推行草田轮作对我国农业结构调整及农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究概括了我国从作物连作制出现到草田轮作的发展历史;归纳了草田轮作的增产、减少病虫害及杂草危害、改土肥田、保持水土等生态效益和经济效益;总结了我国南亚热带地区“黑麦草→水稻”轮作等7个主要草田轮作模式;以草地农业理论为指导,结合我国粮食安全、农业结构调整、水土保持和农牧民致富需求阐述了大力推行草田轮作的现实必要性;从政策保障、理论指导和技术支撑3个方面论述了实行草田轮作的可行性;分析了我国2次“种草高潮”的经验得失,提出了今后应重点加强农业结构优化研究、草田轮作模式构建与示范以及满足草田轮作需要的作物及牧草品种选育等建议。  相似文献   

邓永进  刘志军  邓丽 《草业科学》2010,27(9):155-160
内蒙古地处温带,草原资源丰富,地形地貌多样,夏季日温差大,构建草原避暑度假目的地对内蒙古旅游业的发展与草原资源的保护具有重要的意义。本研究在分析草原避暑度假地与传统避暑度假地优劣势的基础上,认为内蒙古草原避暑度假地具有夏季日温差大、空气干爽、空间开阔、地势起伏适宜、视野开阔等特征,进而结合草原避暑度假目的地开发过程中存在的地区经济发展不平衡、旅游发展水平相对滞后、草原环境承载力较小、基础设施落后等问题,指出内蒙古构建草原避暑度假目的地应实现从以量占优到以质取胜、从草原特色到主题创新、从品牌经济到品牌旅游3个转变,并从加大基础设施投入、提升接待设施水平、保护草原生态环境、提倡旅游环保与节能等方面阐述了开发内蒙古草原避暑度假旅游的对策和措施。  相似文献   

The leading direct cause of the loss of biodiversity is habitat alteration and disruption. If we are to address this cause directly, we need to find ways of changing the behavior of rural people. Experience has shown that this is done most effectively through the use of economic instruments, ranging from taxes that discourage over‐exploitation, to direct payments for conservation activities carried out by rural land‐owners or those occupying the land. In many parts of the world, governments provide incentives such as tax breaks to private land‐owners. Other countries recognize specific use rights on particular parts of the land, enabling the land‐owners to earn appropriate benefits. Since many protected areas have resident human populations, it is especially important that they be encouraged to contribute to the objectives of the protected area, and economic incentives offer an important way of doing so; they might, for example, be given employment in the protected area or in associated tourism activities. Direct payments to farmers for conserving watersheds is becoming increasingly popular, in both developed and developing countries. Improved conservation will require both removing perverse subsidies and developing a wide range of approaches for rewarding land‐owners for biodiversity conservation activities.  相似文献   

Avitourism is one of the faster growing subsectors of ecotourism, recognized for its economic value. Much of our current understanding of the economic value of avitourism revolves around bird festivals, migration events, or well-known birdwatching sites. Birdwatchers are a diverse group, some of whom competitively seek vagrant birds (i.e., birds outside their normal geographic range). The economic value from these unpredictable and transient birdwatching events remains poorly known. Using the travel cost method in a readily-quantifiable environment, we estimated that a vagrant Black-backed Oriole in Pennsylvania, United States of America, stimulated travel activity valued at about $223,000 USD or about $3,000 per day over 67 days. Some birdwatchers value rare birds, contributing significant time and financial resources to their viewing. Identifying such significant real economic value from avitourism can help to evaluate competing costs in debate over human land-use scenarios.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that adults lacking previous hunting experience and family support for hunting comprise a growing proportion of new hunters. Empirical evidence of such a trend is lacking. Furthermore, hunting motivations and constraints for these “nontraditional path hunters” (NTPHs) have not been well documented. We articulate a strategy for identifying potential NTPHs in New York, describe socialization mechanisms initiating NTPHs into hunting, and explore motivations and constraints of these hunters. Data were collected using a Web-based survey of 3,605 NTPHs identified among 2014 Sportsman Education course graduates in New York. We found that many NTPHs were initiated by friends and co-workers, and their motivations and constraints were similar to traditional hunters. These findings suggest that NTPHs are not a panacea to the trend of declining numbers of hunters in New York.  相似文献   

运用经济学理论、SPSS实用统计分析中的因子分析方法,分别对重庆市3个经济区中的6个区县土地利用经济效益状况进行了分析,可知土地利用经济效益水平存在着明显的地区性差异。同时,研究了上述3个经济区的特点及提高土地利用经济效益的对策,在此基础上总结了重庆市提高农地、农村、城市土地利用经济效益的措施以及未来的城市发展方向。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the importance of genetic and environmental sources of variation for results of behaviour tests recorded at juvenile and breeding performance tests in the Hovawart dog. For these analyses behaviour test results of 1882 (juvenile evaluation), respectively 929 dogs (breeding performance test) born in 1995 to 2000 had been used. Variance component estimation was performed for the traits appearance, play instinct, hunting affinity, group of people, shoot, acoustical and optical influences and temperament using multivariate linear animal models and Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML). The models included test-year-season, sex, litter size, age and inbreeding coefficient of the animal as fixed effects. Additive genetic effects of the animal, permanent environmental effect of the litter and the effect of the kennel were considered as random factors.The sex of the dog was significant for appearance, play instinct, hunting affinity, acoustical and optical influences of juvenile evaluation and for the traits temperament, play instinct, hunting affinity, acoustical and one of the optical influences of breeding performance test.The age of the dog at test significantly influenced the traits play instinct, hunting affinity and acoustical influences of juvenile evaluation and optical influences and hunting affinity of breeding performance test. All traits with exception of hunting affinity and group of people were significantly affected by the test-year-season. The inbreeding coefficient was significant for appearance of juvenile evaluation and play affinity of breeding performance test. The effect litter size did not influence any of the traits significantly.The estimated heritabilities for the behaviour traits of juvenile and breeding performance test ranged from h2 = 0.01 to h2 = 0.13, respectively h2 = 0.01 to h2 = 0.14, with standard errors of up to 0.03. The additive genetic correlations between most of the traits were moderately to highly positive (r(g) = 0.20 to r(g) = 1.0, respectively r(g) = 0.29 to r(g) = 1.0). Negative additive genetic correlations were only found for a few traits of juvenile (r(g) = -0.02 to r(g) = -0.58) and breeding performance test (r(g) = -0.28 to r(g) = -0.83). Progress in breeding for the behaviour traits investigated here may only be meaningful when information from all relatives is used in an animal model instead of selection based on the phenotype of the single animal.  相似文献   

The human risk of infection with larvae of Toxocara canis was estimated in people from the Marche region of Italy. This region includes both urban and rural areas and its inhabitants frequently keep dogs for company, hunting, as guardians or shepherds. T. canis infection was diagnosed in 33.6% out of 295 dogs examined. Nearly half of the dogs (48.4%) living in rural areas were found T. canis positive, compared to about one-quarter of the dogs (26.2%) from urban areas. Analysis by provenance and role revealed the highest infection rate in rural hunting dogs (64.7%) and the lowest in urban companion dogs (22.1%). According to questionnaire data, the peridomestic environment, i.e. gardens and dog pens, is the most important defecation site in both rural and urban areas. Since over 40% of the dogs who defecate in dog pens are infected and 24% of urban and 47% of rural dogs who leave their droppings in the house surroundings harbour the parasite, it is clear that these environments may constitute sites of zoonotic risk. Our analysis of soil samples from 60 farms confirmed the high contamination level, revealing positive soil samples in more than half of the farms. Substantial egg contamination was also found in urban areas, as 3/6 parks examined were Toxocara spp. positive. Finally, our serological findings indicate that human infection actually occurs in the area: 7 out of 428 adults examined (1.6%) had very high levels of antibodies to T. canis antigen, suggesting a previous contact with the Larva migrans of the nematode.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data indicate that infection of cattle with chlamydiae such as Chlamydophila (C.) pecorum, C. abortus, C. psittaci and Chlamydia suis, is ubiquitous with mixed infections occurring frequently. The apparent lack of association between infection and clinical disease has resulted in debate as to the pathogenic significance of these organisms, and their tendency to sub-clinical and/or persistent infection presents a challenge to the study of their potential effects. However, recent evidence indicates that chlamydial infections have a substantial and quantifiable impact on livestock productivity with chronic, recurrent infections associated with pulmonary disease in calves and with infertility and sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Data also suggest these infections manifest clinically when they coincide with a number of epidemiological risk factors. Future research should: (1) use relevant animal models to clarify the pathogenesis of bovine chlamydioses; (2) quantify the impact of chlamydial infection at a herd level and identify strategies for its control, including sub-unit vaccine development; and (3) evaluate the zoonotic risk of bovine chlamydial infections which will require the development of species-specific serodiagnostics.  相似文献   

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