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山葡萄结果枝不同时期摘心对果实品质和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以酿造冰红山葡萄酒新品种"北冰红"及酿造干红山葡萄酒新品系94-7-759、8-8-168、2001-6-135为试材,进行结果枝不同时期摘心试验。结果表明:留1~2片叶摘心,由于摘心强度大,4个品种(品系)均表现果实成熟度差、坐果率、果穗重、果实含糖量、出汁率和产量低,果粒重、果实总酸含量、"青绿粒"和冬芽萌发率高。留6~7片叶摘心,坐果率、产量和总酸较高,果粒重、含糖量和出汁率偏低、果穗松散,而且增加夏季修剪的用工量。留3~5片叶摘心,果穗重、含糖量和出汁率高,总酸含量低,坐果率和产量中等。特别是留4片叶摘心,表现果穗大、果穗上"青绿粒"少、结果枝冬芽末萌发,果实总酸含量低、含糖量和出汁率高。4个品种(品系)适宜摘心保留叶片数量是在结果枝最上端一个花序留4片叶摘心。  相似文献   

山葡萄定向栽培技术研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
于2003~2008年研究山葡萄生产主栽品种双红、双优和左优红的定向栽培技术。筛选出适宜硬枝嫁接砧木品种为"贝达"。适宜的株行距和架式是0.75 m×3.0 m、单株保留1个主蔓的小棚架。左优红掐除花序尖1/5和疏果粒后,果实含糖提高0.8%、增产11.1%。果实采收后及时进行秋施有机肥、开花前7~10 d追施速效N肥补充树体营养、8月上旬追施二铵和硫酸钾、叶片连续喷布2次0.3%磷酸水溶液,可促进枝蔓和果实成熟,高产和为第2年丰产打下良好的基础。结果枝摘心适宜的时期是开花前7~10 d、双红和双优在结果枝最前端花序留3~4片叶摘心,左优红留4~5片叶摘心。双优、双红和左优红适宜的单株留果量为50~70个。  相似文献   

中国农业科学院特产研究所于2005~2010年研究出酿造冰红山葡萄酒新品种“北冰红”10项定向栽培技术,分别为:建园适宜的地势是缓坡地块;硬枝嫁接砧木1 a生“贝达”葡萄条、硬枝扦插适宜的生根剂是萘乙酸或吲哚丁酸150mg/kg浸泡插条基部5 cm处6 h;适宜的架式和密度是0.75 m×3.0 m单株保留1个主蔓的小棚架;结果枝适宜摘心时期是树开花前7~10 d;适宜保留叶片数量是在结果枝最前端花序留4片叶摘心;掐除花序尖1/5和疏果粒后,增加果粒和果稳重量,提高果实含糖量和增产;适宜施肥时期和施肥量是果实采收后秋施有机肥、植株萌芽期667m2施尿素15.0 kg+过磷酸钙7.5 kg+15kg硫酸钾,开花前7~10 d,667m2施尿素20 kg+过磷酸钙10 kg+硫酸钾20 kg,果实着色期施二铵7.5 kg+硫酸钾15 kg;花期喷布0.3%硼酸水溶液+0.5%砂糖水溶液,可增糖提高坐果率和产量;适宜的留果量为单株保留50果穗,1 hm2产量控制24 t左右,12月采收树上冰冻果实12 t左右;生理落果结束后,开始喷布等量的波尔多液180~200倍预防霜霉病害,进入雨季交替喷布市售新型杀菌剂交替啧布25%精甲霜灵2 500倍液、50%金科克4 000倍液、72%霜霉威600倍液.  相似文献   

2016—2017年,以丰产期‘砂糖橘’为试材,研究其落果觃律及环割(剥)对其生理落果、秋梢萌发与成花的影响。结果表明:丰产期‘砂糖橘’开花期在4月上旬,开花期间无落蕾、落花现象;第1次生理落果出现在4月21日至5月23日,历时33 d;第2次生理落果出现在5月16日至7月10日,历时56 d;第1次生理落果末期与第2次生理落果前期约有6 d重叠;第1次生理落果率在60%以上,第2次生理落果率在30%以上,自然坐果率5%左右。在2次生理落果即将开始前环割和环剥的坐果率与产量均极显著高于对照,其中环剥处理3和处理4坐果率偏高、结果量大、果实变小、秋梢萌发量少且弱、成花率低,不宜应用于成年树保果;在2次生理落果前各环割1次(处理1)可提高单果重、中果比率、商品果率、秋梢数量以及秋梢成花率,保果效果较佳。  相似文献   

2019-2020年,在广西桂林对4~5年生的香橙砧沃柑落蕾落花落果及果实生长发育进行了观察.结果表明,落蕾时间开始于开花前7 d,历时20~40 d,落蕾量为5%~6%;开花后第2 d开始落花,落花量为0.7%~0.9%;第1次生理落果开始于谢花期,落果时间长达44 d,落果量为60%~62%;第2次生理落果开始于5...  相似文献   

<正>1摘心时间对结果新梢,一般在盛花前3~5d摘心,最晚在初花期进行。对落花落果比较严重的品种,如巨峰、紫玫瑰等,可在花前8~10d摘心。第1次摘心后叶片达不到所需数量的新梢,长出副梢后,留足叶片,在副梢上进行第2次摘心。  相似文献   

2015—2016年在广西桂林对3~4年生迟熟沙糖桔(华晚无籽沙糖桔)的落蕾落花落果情况及环割对生理落果的影响进行观察。结果表明,在桂林,除病虫害引起的落蕾落花外,迟熟沙糖桔无落蕾落花现象;第一次生理落果出现在4月下旬初期至5月下旬末6月上旬初期,历时40d左右,落果占总果量的67.58%~70.86%;第二次生理落果出现在5月中下旬至7月中旬初期,历时49~58d,落果占总果量的21.78%~26.16%。生理落果结束后,着果率6.26%~7.36%。第一次生理落果末期与第二次生理落果前期约有10d重叠。在生理落果高峰期遇日最高气温超过31.0℃天气时会引起当日或次日异常落果。在两次生理落果前或第二次生理落果前进行主干环割,能减少生理落果,提高着果率。  相似文献   

葡萄新梢必须摘心。通过摘心,节省新梢生长所需的大量养分,促进叶片增厚、花芽饱满、枝条充实,这对提高葡萄的坐果率、产量和品质至关重要。1摘心时间对结果新梢,一般在盛花前3~5天摘心,最晚在初花期进行。对落花落果比较严重的品种,如巨峰、紫玫瑰等品种,可在花前8~10天摘心。凡第1次摘心后,叶  相似文献   

从单穗、单株和植株群体三个方面调查分析了石硖龙眼的雌雄花开花特性,结果表明:石硖龙眼的雌雄花交替开放顺序是雄—雌—雄,植株群体的花期和雌雄花开放相遇时间比单穗和单株的长,更有利于授粉受精;雌花在开花后18~22d为落花高峰期,雄花在开花后10~14d、14~18d和18~22d分别出现3个落花高峰。开花后25~41d落果最多,出现第1个落果高峰,50~65d出现第2个落果高峰。  相似文献   

苹果生理落果临界期的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南昌地区气候高温多湿年均温为17-18℃,以6、7、8三个月气温最高;月均温为27.97℃。年降雨量为 1,742.6毫米,以4、5、6三个月降雨最多。在这样的气候条件下,苹果幼树表现生长过旺而延迟结果,结果树则生理落果又甚为严重。据1962年调查7年生倭锦典型树开花1,210朵中只着果7个,座果率0.57%,另一红玉典型树开花864朵中生理落果后着果113个,座果率13.07%,采前又落果17个,座果率降为11.1%。上饶、邓家埠、九江等地也有发生类似严重的生理落果现象。因而有必要研究苹果的生理落果时期及提高座果率的农业技术措施。 试验从1962年3月至1964年7月在江西共产主义劳动大学总校芭茅陵果园进行。试验地为丘陵坡地红壤,系由第四纪红色粘土发育而成,土层较厚,pH值5.4-6.2,有机质含量1.2%。品种为1956年定植的红玉和倭锦(砧木为沙果)。编号观察红玉四株,倭锦两株,每6—7天统计全株落花落果数目,测量20根新梢的生长量,计算2个主枝上新叶数目的增加情况,测定10个果实的横径,并观察其种胚发育情况。在农业技术措施方面设有冬季修剪、夏季摘心、环状剥皮和施肥等处理。现将初步结果概述如下:  相似文献   

在新疆阿克苏地区,以3a生灰枣为试材,自5月10日至7月10日在枣树展叶期,对新生枣头进行7次摘心,研究摘心对枣树枝条生长及产量的影响.结果表明:每个当年新生枣头保留2~3个二次枝能使枣头一次枝粗度平均达到1.2 cm,显著高于对照的0.9 cm.吊果比达到0.96~0.99,株产达到0.40~0.46 kg,比对照增加0.33~0.27 kg.可见摘心于抑制枣树枝条加长生长,促进加粗生长,提高枣股质量,抽生木质化枣吊,形成大量花芽,提高坐果率和产量.  相似文献   

Six-branched trees were deblossomed on alternate branches and various defoliation treatments given. For the period of 7 to 30 days from the time of treatment, defoliations increased the compound-interest rates of fruit drop. After this period these rates of drop became equal to those of untreated trees and the relative differences in crop numbers established by this time persisted until harvest though the actual numbers still fell. The earlier in the season that the defoliations were applied the greater were the relative differences. The removal of spur leaves from branches bearing fruit caused greater drop than the removal of spur leaves from neighbouring deblossomed branches. The removal of leaves from extension and bourse shoots of fruiting or deblossomed branches had no significant effect upon fruit drop or shoot growth.

The removal of all flowers from alternate branches at mouse-ear caused more shoots to grow from these branches than from branches allowed to fruit. Removal, at pink bud, of spur leaves from either fruiting or non-fruiting branches increased the number of shoots on both branches, but removal deferred till later in the season had no effect.  相似文献   

Flower clusters were removed at full bloom from ten year old ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ trees on M.9 rootstocks, over the whole tree, on alternate branches or on whole sides. Mean fruit weight per tree at harvest was linearly dependent on leaf area per fruit and on light interception per fruit, both relationships accounting for over 90% of the variance. These relationships did not differ between treatments, implying either a mobile pool of carbohydrate or photosynthetic adjustment within the tree to crop load. Measurements of leaf photosynthesis in July and September showed no statistically significant differences in photosynthetic rate of spur or extension shoot leaves on bearing or non-bearing branches. Although the treatments caused no overall effects on shoot growth or leaf area per tree, sides of trees without fruit had greater leaf area and shoot growth than did sides bearing fruit. Fruit mineral composition and percentage dry weight were not affected by treatment except where the treatments significantly altered fruit size. In the following spring, although the treatments did not affect the total number of flower buds produced, branches that were deflowered in the previous spring carried significantly more flower buds than did branches which had cropped.  相似文献   

Single spray applications of 100 ppm of a mixture of the gibberellins A4 and A7 (GA4 + 7) were made on fruiting spurs of the apple cultivar Cox's Orange Pippin to investigate the effect on set, June drop and growth of fruits, as well as on shoot development and flower-bud formation on the bourses. Applications were made from 1 to 50 days after full bloom following partial hand-pollination of flowers, i.e. two stigmas per flower pollinated. In another experiment applications were made from 1 to 20 days after full bloom following complete (five stigmas per flower) or partial (two stigmas per flower) hand-pollination, after open pollination, or on emasculated flowers.GA4 + 7 only temporarily increased fruit set after open pollination or after effemination of flowers, and then only after application 1 day after full bloom. GA4 + 7 did not affect the very high fruit set after complete or partial hand-pollination. Both latter pollination treatments induced an equally high fruit set.GA4 + 7 reduced June drop significantly whenever fruits were left after first drop, except after early applications following open pollination. GA4 + 7 was effective in June-drop reduction up to 40 days after full bloom, i.e. until the onset of the June drop.Fruit size was not clearly affected by GA4 + 7. The smaller fruits obtained in some cases after GA treatment could be explained by assuming that maturity was reached by fruits that would have abscised without an exogenous GA4 + 7 supply. GA4 + 7 also increased seed abortion. Fruit length was increased by GA4 + 7 only for applications made up to 20 days after full bloom.GA4 + 7 stimulated bourse-shoot development to some extent. Flower-bud formation on the bourses was not clearly affected by GA4 + 7, but was markedly influenced by the presence of fruits.That GA4 + 7 reduced June drop so much in spite of a slight promotive effect on bourse-shoot growth and a slight abortive action on seeds suggests that these gibberellins may be specific stimuli for apple-fruit growth after actual fruit set is achieved.  相似文献   

应用4000倍和5000倍的BR-120、800倍和1000倍的PP-2003于盛花期和幼果喷施桃树两次,座果率显著增加,分别比对照提高51.52%、36.49%和33.11%、48.82%;枝梢长度和粗度显著或极显著增加,分别比对照增长40.96%、24、40%和20.14%、51.24%;叶片叶绿素含量和净光合速率显著或极显著增加,其中叶绿素含量与净光合速率呈直线相关,相关系数达0.9882,达极显著水平。生产上可用于提高桃树座果率和促进枝梢的生长。  相似文献   

Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] trees developed necrotic areas in the leaves late in the growing season. July samples indicated that leaf P (0.114% DW) and K (0.62% DW) were low, but other elements were within accepted sufficiency ranges. Relationships between leaf P and K concentrations with nut quality and return bloom were determined. Trees were rated for leaf necrosis 1 October using a 1 (none)–5 (severe) scale. Fruit were harvested and analyzed for weight/nut, kernel weight, and kernel grade. Leaflet pairs collected 1 October from fruit bearing shoots were analyzed for N, P and K. Return bloom was determined on branches that bore fruit the previous year. Necrosis ratings were positively related to leaf N and negatively correlated with weight/nut; kernel, shuck and leaf P concentrations; and kernel and leaf K concentrations. Leaf, kernel and shuck P concentrations were positively correlated with weight/nut and percentage number 1 kernels. Leaf K was positively correlated with return bloom and weakly negatively correlated to weight/nut. Phosphorus was the primary element limiting fruit development and K shortage substantially reduced return bloom. Data support minimum pecan leaf standards in July for fertility recommendations of 1.0% K and 0.14% P.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this work was to improve fruit quality, break alternate bearing and reduce hand thinning using fewer chemicals in fruit crops. A device was constructed for mechanical thinning, which consisted of three independent horizontal rotors with ropes and freely adjustable angles on a frame, mounted on a front three point hitch and powered by the tractor hydraulics. This can be adapted to any fruit tree trained as spindle, Solaxe, (tall) vertical axis or fruit wall (le mur fruitier) irrespective of rootstock employed. Rotor speed varied from 300 to 460?rpm at either 5 or 7.5?km/h tractor speed. Eight-year-old or twelve-old apple trees cvs. ‘Gala’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ were mechanically thinned in 2007 between pink bud and full bloom (flower bud stages 6–8 or F1–F2) near Bonn, Germany; non-thinned and hand-thinned apple trees of the same block and variety served as control. Mechanically thinned flowering branches showed a similar amount of ethylene efflux (0.4–0.6?ppm C2H4/branch) as non-thinned flower branches, preventing potentially unexpected subsequent fruit drop, except for those removed by the rotors. The impact of the horizontal rotors on the branches was from the upper side and removed excessive flowers right to the tree trunk viz. the centre of the tree canopy, where fruits of lesser quality are expected leaving 2–3 flowers per cluster. Leaf damage was less than??10%, even at the fast rotor speed of 420?rpm, which was associated with negligible wood injury. Mechanical thinning induced firmer and sweeter fruit, i.e. tastier apples with longer shelf life, relative to control fruit from non-thinned apple trees. The greatest efficacy in terms of final fruit quality in the grading/sorting was achieved by a rotor speed of 360?rpm at a tractor speed of 5?km/h: Fruit mass increased by up to 20?g and the proportion of fruit larger than 70–75?mm by 10–30% compared with the fruit from non-thinned trees. Mechanical thinning with this newly constructed device led to a 10–20% reduction in yield, but increased returns due to better fruit size and colouration in apple with the potential to overcome alternate bearing.  相似文献   


Shade and chemical thinning treatments were applied to mature ‘Royal Gala’/M.26 apple trees either alone or in combination to study their effects on the pattern of abscission and growth of spur fruit. Natural fruit drop occurred in two distinct waves in both years; the first wave peaked 20 d after bloom (DAB) at a weekly abscission rate of c 15% in both years. The second wave of fruit drop in 2001 occurred earlier and was more intense than in the previous season. Application of NAA as a bloom thinner increased the maximum weekly abscission rate during the first wave of fruit drop in both years. Chemical fruit thinning treatments (Carbaryl in 2000, BA or delayed lime sulphur in 2001) had no effect on abscission or growth of spur fruit. Covering trees with 80% shade cloth for 3 d (2000) or 5 d (2001) stimulated a wave of fruit abscission that peaked c 10–15 d after removal of the cloth. Shade during the period from 20–25 DAB stimulated more fruit drop than earlier shade treatments, resulting in weekly abscission rates as high as 70%.There were no additive effects of combining thinning chemicals and shade treatments on abscission of fruit from spurs. However, additive effects of shade and thinning treatments were observed when measured as whole-tree crop density values, indicating that abscission of fruit from one-year wood was stimulated when low light conditions preceded application of (fruit) thinning chemicals. Shading trees from 34–39 DAB in 2000 resulted in a transient reduction and subsequent increase in the rate of dry-matter accumulation in fruit that were retained. Considerable challenges lie ahead in developing models of fruit growth that can account for the inter-dependent effects of light and crop load on fruit abscission and development that exist within an orchard environment.  相似文献   

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