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中农106号黄瓜 特征特性 中农106号是中国农科院蔬菜花卉研究所最新推出的黄瓜新品种。该品种中熟,以主蔓结瓜为主,植株生长势强。瓜色深绿,瓜长35厘米左右,刺瘤密、白刺、瘤小,无棱、少纹,口感脆甜,瓜条商品率高,品质佳,丰产性好。抗霜霉病、白粉病、病毒病等病害。耐热,适宜春、夏、秋季露地栽培。  相似文献   

“津优21号”是由自交系F8-1与G27-16-2配制而成的杂交一代黄瓜新品种。该品种植株生长势强,抗霜霉病、白粉病、枯萎病,丰产、耐低温弱光,瓜条长32cm,棒状,深绿色,棱刺瘤明显,商品性好、品质佳,单瓜重200g左右,黄瓜产量5000kg/667m^2以上,较对照津春2号增产20%左右。  相似文献   

绿衣天使黄瓜已获国家植物新品种保护权。该品种为华南型黄瓜一代杂交种,皮色翠绿有光泽,刺白色稀少,瓜把短,果长20cm左右,瓜条顺直,整体性好,适合超市销售。  相似文献   

黄瓜新品种——纳杰V-23 该品种是从以色列引进的国际精品良种,无限生长型,对温度适应性好,耐弱光,抗病能力强,不易化瓜,成瓜生长快,瓜条顺直,瓜把较短,果肉厚,心腔小,刺瘤中等且密,瓜长35cm左右,单瓜重280 g左右,瓜深绿色,瓜头无黄线;商品价值高,666.7m2产15 000kg左右,适宜春秋大棚及秋延迟大棚种植。  相似文献   

水果型黄瓜是近几年推广的黄瓜新品种,与普通黄瓜相比,具有瓜型短小、表皮光滑、强雌性、果皮薄、心室小等特点。一般瓜长12~18cm,横径2~3cm,无刺无瘤,易清洗,瓜码密。每株结瓜60条以上,最多结瓜达85条。果肉比重大.风味浓郁、品质好,脆嫩多汁,清香爽口,主要以生食为主,可蘸些甜面酱,也可做沙拉。  相似文献   

杨升  张桂芝  王岭  田丽美  李德泽  李响 《种子》2019,(10):122-123,131
耐寒绿美是2009年从北京井田农业科技有限公司引进的黄瓜杂交种。该品种为早熟密刺型。主蔓结瓜,瓜条长棒形,腰瓜长24~26cm,节成性好,刺瘤密,瓜条顺直,瓜把短、瓜色深绿油亮、无瓜棱,瓜腔小,果肉淡绿色,口感清香,平均产量80439.5kg·hm^-2左右。适宜在黑龙江省日光温室春抢早栽培。  相似文献   

1种植基础水果型属葫芦科一年生蔓生植物,瓜长13~18cm,直径2~3cm,它一般表皮上没有刺,而且口味甘甜,主要用来生食,作为一种新菜品,水果黄瓜一面世,就受到了市场的欢迎。水果黄瓜植株属于雌性系,每个节间都有瓜,瓜码密,其生长势旺,坐果能力强,丰产潜力很大。从播种到商品瓜采摘50d左右,每年可种植2~3茬,适宜秋冬加温温室及春大棚种植。最近这些年,水果黄瓜发展比较迅速,全国各地都有栽培。水果黄瓜对环境并没有特殊要求,一般来说,能种植普通黄瓜的地方,都能种植水果黄瓜。黄瓜是喜温作物,最低温度应该在12℃以上,冬天可以采用温室大棚栽培。另外,它是比较喜欢光照的,所以光照条件要比较好,水肥如果再跟上去,它的产量还是很可观的。与普通黄瓜相比,水果型黄瓜产量少一些,但是它的产值  相似文献   

一品秀绿是青岛德龙种子公司2000年从日本引进的黄瓜新品种,经过二年多的种植示范,各种性状表现良 好,经济效益非常可观,是目前春秋保护地及春露地栽培的理想品种。植株生长势中等,分枝少,以主蔓结瓜为主,雌性强,每节均可结瓜,瓜条顺直、圆筒形,瓜长20cm左右,瓜横径约3cm,单瓜重128g,  相似文献   

麦茬黄瓜是在夏初播种,在炎热的盛夏收获.由于夏季高温多雨对黄瓜生长不利,易遭受病虫危害,一般这茬黄瓜产量较低。经生产实践证明,津绿5号黄瓜适宜春夏季栽培,其特点是抗病性强,高抗霜霉病、白粉病、枯萎病,生长势强.丰产性好,以主蔓结瓜为主,侧蔓有一定的结瓜能力。该茬口在春末夏初直播或育苗,每666.7  相似文献   

<正>春节前,笔者在济阳曲堤镇走访大棚黄瓜种植户,发现这里的黄瓜"瓜打顶"很普遍,每到一个大棚,几乎80%以上的黄瓜都有瓜打顶现象。瓜农都知道,黄瓜一旦出现"瓜打顶"就要出现长期的"歇秧"现象,如果得不到及时纠正,黄瓜可能近一个月不结瓜。眼看就要过年了,今年好不容易等来了黄瓜节前的好价钱,没想到黄瓜价格涨了,黄瓜却没了,这可愁坏了我们的瓜农。  相似文献   

为了明确草莓内源SA(Salicylic acid, 简称SA)含量与其抗病性的关系,并探索人们从草莓等植物性食物中摄取SA的总量,本研究用HPLC分析比较了露地与设施栽培条件下五个对白粉病抗性不同的草莓品种果实的SA含量。结果表明,所测五种草莓红熟期果实内源总SA含量差别明显,露地栽培条件下为1.904µg/g~5.023µg/g,设施栽培条件下为1.068µg/g~4.201µg/g,与各品种的抗白粉病能力无明显相关性。草莓果实中SA均以结合态为主,五个品种结合态SA含量是游离态SA的4~20倍。游离态SA和结合态SA含量都随着果实的成熟而逐渐下降。说明草莓果实中内源SA含量不仅受基因型的影响,并且受栽培环境和成熟度的影响。  相似文献   

大白菜传统育种方法受到资源数量所限,品种选育难度持续增大,四倍体大白菜因基因型丰富、剂量高、抗性强、资源范围广,利于新优品种选育。河北省农林科学院经济作物研究所(原蔬菜花卉研究所)以四倍体材料新413为父本,翠绿5-3-2-2-1为母本进行杂交,培育出抗病、优质的四倍体大白菜杂交一代新品种“多维462”。生长期70~75d,株型中等,竖心,株高45cm,叶球重3kg。一般亩产6000kg,净菜率80%,适口性好、品质极佳。高抗病毒病、软腐病、霜霉病,抗逆性强,全国各地均可栽培。适合作为礼品菜、特菜、超市用菜,是无公害蔬菜、出口商品菜和中国北方秋早熟大白菜种植的理想品种。  相似文献   

洪法水  李燮和 《种子》1991,(4):15-18
小麦新品系“农鉴1号”具有耐肥性强、分蘖力强、籽粒蛋白质含量高、早熟等优良特性。这些特性均与该品系体内硝酸还原酶活力(NRA_s)变化规律密切相关。苗期低的NRA_s,使该品系具有较强的耐肥性;分蘖期较高的NRA_s,可促进和增加分蘖;孕穗至开花期低的NRA_s,有利于花和幼果的生长,使籽粒饱满;灌浆盛期高的NRA_s,决定了该品系蛋白质含量高的特性;灌浆高峰期后,NRA_s的急剧衰减,促进了该品系的早熟。  相似文献   

在露地栽培条件下,设置5个复合肥施用量处理,探讨使用万植牌有机无机复合肥(N-P-K=15-15-15)栽培黑花生"中花9号"的适宜施肥量。结果表明:三峡库区采用万植牌有机无机复合肥露地栽培"中花9号"的适宜施肥量为40kg/667m~2,荚果产量可达249.5 kg/667m~2,饱果产量218.0 kg/667m~2,籽仁产量170.3 kg/667m~2,饱满籽仁产量可达126.6 kg/667m~2。  相似文献   

Rolf Stegmark 《Euphytica》1991,53(2):87-95
Summary A partially downy mildew resistant pea line was back-crossed to a susceptible cultivar with more pods per node and lower seed weight. Breeding lines with different degrees of infection in a greenhouse test were selected. These lines and the two parental lines were investigated in field trials and tested in the greenhouse for four generations. Significant genetic variation among lines was found for infection of seedlings in greenhouse tests, and infection of pods, pod set and seed weight in field-trials. Infection of seedlings in the greenhouse was correlated with infection of pods in the field. In greenhouse tests, the non-genetic variance component was large in comparison with the genetic component and a significant genotype trial interaction was found. Significant repeatability was obtained for downy mildew on seedlings and pods, number of pods per node and seed weight. An unfavourable correlation between susceptibility to downy mildew and number of pods per node was found. No single breeding line showed the ideal combination of good resistance, high number of pods per node and small seeds. However, one line showing better resistance than the susceptible parent, with smaller seeds and more pods per node than the resistant parent was found. The susceptible parent also carries some resistance factor that is not present in the resistant parent.  相似文献   

Genetical studies on mildew resistance were carried out with Hordem spontaneum derived lines. A total of 28 lines (66 %) showed monofactorial segregation for mildew resistance, For 14 lines, a bifactorial mode of inheritance was found. In total fifty six mildew resistance genes take part in the inheritance of mildew resistance of the H. spontaneum derived lines, while the presence of known genes for mildew resistance (i.e, Ml-a.9 and Ml-p) was established only in two cases. Independent segregation from the Ml-a locus was found in 10 mbnofaetorial segregating lines, The genes conditioning mildew resistance in barley lines derived from the accessions 1B-54B, RS 170-47, RS 20-1. 1B-86B, RS 145-39 and 1B–152B of H. spontaneum were closely linked or alleles to the Ml-a locus, but shown to be different from 15 previously identified Ml-a alleles. It is suggested that these genes should be designated Ml-a16, Ml-18, Ml-19 Ml-20 and Ml-a21 respectively. No recombinants were found in test crosses when both parents carried genes/alleles of the Ml-a locus. In addition, polymorphism has been observed also for the Ml-a locus. In 4 lines mildew resistance was conditioned by two dominant complementary genes. For one of the 2 genes, conditioning mildew resistance of line RS 42-8 × OrioL a new locus was found located near the centromere of the long arm of chromosome 5, and should be designated Ml-i The potential use of H. spontaneum genes for mildew resistance in barley breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Tomatoes are the most important vegetable, globally as well as in Germany. Outdoor tomato production is seriously impaired due to increasing infections with evolving late blight (Phytophthora infestans) populations. Within organic agriculture, research is being conducted to develop regionally adapted and open pollinated cultivars of outdoor tomatoes with late blight field resistance. In the present experiment, three crosses, including wild, cocktail, and beefsteak tomatoes, were selected for field resistance against late blight in F2 at one location per cross. The comparison of positive and negative selection in F3 revealed the selection of single F2 plants to be efficient in all three crosses. F2 selection has proved to be a robust and efficient tool for breeding programs. The correlated response to selection in other traits, including yield, fruit weight, days to maturity, harvest period, and plant height, depended on the cross. It was evident that selection for desired traits combined with field resistance against late blight is promising, even in wide crosses. The most undesired attribute of wild tomatoes is the formation of shoots on leaves and in inflorescences. No correlation was observed between field resistance and shoot formation, allowing the selection of genotypes with improved field resistance and yield, but without morphological disadvantages.  相似文献   

莫桑比克 60个腰果品系对腰果白粉病的抗性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究莫桑比克腰果品系对白粉病的抗性,筛选出对白粉病具有抗性的腰果品系.在莫桑比克楠普拉省,调查了白粉病在60个腰果品系果实上的为害状况.结果显示,同一条件下,各腰果品系坚果上的白粉病为害程度差异很大.其中,品系AC34和4.2VM受白粉病的为害程度最低,其次为AZA 17/79、B4、H1和M96-2.3VM,其余品系的坚果为害率和为害指数相对较高.根据笔者调查中腰果对白粉病抗性的评价标准,60个腰果品系中,分别有高抗品系6个、抗性品系1个、中抗品系9个、感病品系21个、高感品系23个.感病品系和高感品系共占调查总数的73.3%,说明莫桑比克推广种植的腰果品系对白粉病抗性普遍较差.  相似文献   

Summary Ten barley mutants and five Ethiopian barley lines representing 11 independently arisen powdery mildew resistance genes in the ml-o locus were tested at the seedling stage to cultures of the powdery mildew fungus from Europe, Israel, USA. Canada, and Japan. They were resistant with infection type 0/(4) in all tests. They were also resistant to field populations of the pathogen when scored in disease nurseries at more than 78 locations in 29 countries in Europe, the Near East, North and South America. New Zealand, and Japan. This indicates that the 11 genes confer the same, world-wide spectrum of powdery mildew resistance. They have no effect on several other barley diseases such as stripe rust and leaf rust.Part of the research reported here was carried out under IAEA Research Agreement No 1043 and Research Contract No 139-74-1 BIO DK with the European Atomic Energy Community.  相似文献   

大麦DNA导入小麦诱导抗白粉病变异的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本试验利用外源DNA导入技术,研究了大麦DNA导入小麦品种后,D_1,D_2和D_3代的抗白粉病变异株(系)在不同条件下的抗性表现及产量构成、籽粒蛋白质和氨基酸含量的变化。试验结果表明,导入外源DNA的D_1代小麦檀株出。现了抗白粉病等多种变异类型,其中免疫和高抗白粉病变异株古2.77%,且抗性能够向子代传递,其D_2代在大田自然发病和温室接菌条件下,有5个株系抗性保持稳定,8个株系有分离,其中一个株系在D_2和D_3代抗性均稳定。在田间D_2代有2个稳定株系(D_2-20,D_2-29)的籽粒粗蛋白质含量,比受体分别高20.3%和15.76%,17种氨基酸总量分别高23.4%和27.5%。在温室这些性,状的数值也明显高于受体。  相似文献   

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