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大量文献表明,酸化剂、吸附剂、尿酶抑制剂能减少氨的挥发和恶臭物质的排放,但这些添加剂仅能提供短期抑制,必须反复添加才能维持其作用。微生物制剂能利用粪便中未消化的营养物质繁殖,但如果不很好地了解畜禽粪便中微生物的发酵活动,该添加剂的作用效果值得怀疑。通过综述添加剂在畜禽粪便污染治理当中的应用,指出今后应开展如下工作:建立标准化程序评估添加剂的有效性;研究不同添加剂安全、经济、有效的作用剂量;评估在畜禽舍内使用添加剂后对畜禽、饲养员健康状况的影响;评估使用添加剂处理后的畜禽粪便在还田时对农业生态系统的影响。  相似文献   

兽用抗生素和微量重金属作为饲料添加剂广泛用于畜禽养殖业,但超量使用是导致畜禽粪便中高浓度抗生素和重金属残留的根本原因。随着我国畜禽养殖业的规模化发展,畜禽粪便中残留的四环素类抗生素和重金属(铜、锌、砷)及其复合污染对生态环境和人类健康构成了巨大的潜在威胁。针对这种状况,总结了我国四环素类抗生素(包括四环素、土霉素和金霉素)和微量重金属元素(铜、锌、砷)在畜禽粪便中的残留量及其区域分布特征,并概述了这两类物质在畜禽粪便生物处理过程(堆肥和厌氧消化)中的转化、降解及其影响。畜禽粪便中残留的抗生素和重金属可导致环境中出现耐药菌与抗性基因,是环境与健康领域的又一重大挑战,其影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

我国畜牧业粪便废弃物的污染及其治理对策的探讨   总被引:74,自引:1,他引:74  
我国集约化养殖业的迅速发展带来的大量畜禽粪便废弃物已经造成了严重的环境污染。对污染现状 ,及畜禽粪便中的主要污染成分氮、磷、矿物质元素、恶臭物质、生物病原和药物添加剂对环境的危害进行了综述 ,指出饲料配方不合理是畜禽粪便废弃物中主要污染成分含量过高的重要原因。探讨了污染治理对策 ,认为应该提高饲料原料质量 ,合理饲料配方 ,使用绿色添加剂 ,并改进饲料制造工艺 ,以提高饲料中营养物质的利用率 ,减少畜禽粪便排放量并降低其有害成分含量。应通过技术手段对畜禽粪便进行有效处理并加以综合利用 ,如经过适当处理后作为肥料、燃料和饲料加以利用 ,这对于减轻畜禽粪便污染 ,减少资源浪费 ,改善生态环境具有重要意义  相似文献   

物料比例和堆放时间对水葫芦沼气发酵中产气量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了在沼气能源开发中水葫芦与畜禽粪便不同混合比例和打捞后的堆放时间对产气量的影响。研究结果表明:30%水葫芦与畜禽粪便混合处理产气量>40%水葫芦与畜禽粪便混合处理产气量>50%水葫芦与畜禽粪便混合处理产气量;水葫芦打捞后堆放30 d再进行发酵的产气量显著高于堆放15、45 d的产气量。综合考虑到水葫芦处理量与产气量,在生产上推荐打捞后自然堆放30 d后,用40%水葫芦与畜禽粪便混合使用。  相似文献   

在饲料中使用饲料添加剂不仅能提高动物生产性能及饲料利用率,还可以增加养殖效益。但含药物成分饲料添加剂的使用,可使药物残留于畜禽产品中,进而危害人类健康。因此,功能性饲料添加剂的研究是当前畜牧业生产的热点问题。文章综述了应用较为广泛且效果较好的5类功能性饲料添加剂,并对其在不同畜禽养殖中的作用作以总结。  相似文献   

饲料添加剂是全价配合料的重要组成部分,能促进畜、禽健康生长、充分发挥生产性能,防制某些疾病的发生,提高饲料利用率。饲料添加剂如果正确使用,便能发挥其应有的作用 ;如果使用不当,不仅增加饲养成本,反而影响畜禽生长。使用添加剂的误区误区一:把饲料添加剂看成万能妙药群众对饲料添加剂中的营养成分、使用作用、添加的条件等科学知识缺乏认识,误认为:不管在什么条件下使用添加剂都可以收到理想效果,片面追求“舍本求末”做法,忽视了良种、饲料成分、管理这三个畜牧生产的基本要素。使用添加剂必须要有满足畜禽生长所必需的最…  相似文献   

畜禽养殖废弃物中有机胂残留对环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机胂饲料添加剂对畜禽有明显的促生长作用,而进入动物机体的有机胂主要以原形从粪便排出。为此对畜禽养殖废弃物中的有机胂进入环境后,在土壤和土壤水系中的转化、吸附、迁移特性及国内外对环境中不同形态砷的检测方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

有机胂饲料添加剂对畜禽有明显的促生长作用,而进入动物机体的有机胂主要以原形从粪便排出。为此对畜禽养殖废弃物中的有机胂进入环境后,在土壤和土壤水系中的转化、吸附、迁移特性及国内外对环境中不同形态砷的检测方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)污染问题及环境调控   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
抗生素在畜禽养殖业的大量使用造成抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)污染日益严重。动物体内诱导出的抗性菌株随粪便排出后,通过基因水平转移进入土壤进而污染土壤和地下水环境。堆肥作为一种将粪便资源化的优良传统方法,能否有效去除畜禽粪便中的ARGs而防止环境污染值得探讨。通过总结畜禽粪便ARGs污染现状,粪便堆肥过程中微生物群落结构变化与影响微生物变化的因素以及堆肥可能对粪便中ARGs造成的影响,提出将堆肥作为去除畜禽粪便中ARGs的一种有效手段,利用堆肥产生的高温去除抗性菌株和抗性质粒等,并且考虑加入能直接灭杀肠道微生物的化学抑制剂(如石灰氮、胺类、吲哚等),实现降低畜禽粪便ARGs丰度的可能。据此强调开展畜禽粪便中ARGs研究的必要性,认为将堆肥和ARGs研究结合起来,可以有效地降低这种新型污染物的污染水平。  相似文献   

王胜林 《饲料博览》2000,(11):11-13
抗生素对养殖业的发展发挥了十分有益的作用,但同时也伴随着有关抗药性和安全性的问题。为减少抗药性对畜禽生产的负面影响,一方面饲料厂家可配伍使用或轮换使用各种药物性添加剂 ;另一方面使用新型的抗生素。 硝呋烯腙 (Nitrovin)是 20世纪 70年代中期发现的一种新型抗生素。实践证明,用于畜禽饲料中,可促进动物生长,提高饲料利用率,改善饲料报酬,防治畜禽腹泻,并能促进色素在畜禽体内的沉积,而且能持续维持高效能的作用。硝呋烯腙抗菌敏感性高,安全性好,而且可以和多种抗生素配合使用。在欧洲共同体法定的饲料添加剂品种中,…  相似文献   

Utilization of Chinese Herbal Feed Additives in Animal Production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The experimental knowledge on efficacy,possible modes of action and aspects of application of Chinese herbs as feed additives for animal production are reviewed in this article.Chinese herbs commonly contain protein,carbohydrate,fat,vitamins,and mineral which are necessary nutrients to the growth of animal.Polysaccharide,organic acid,alkaloids,and essential oils involved in Chinese herbs can improve the immune function of livestock.Currently,numerous studies have demonstrated anti-oxidative and anti-microbial efficacy and the assumption that Chinese herbs may improve the flavor of meat,which has been confirmed by some observations,but the mode of this action is still unclear.Moreover,several observations support the hypothesis that herbal feed additives may favorably affect gut functions (e.g.,enzyme activity,microbial eubiosis) in vitro.Such effects may explain a considerable number of practical studies with livestock reporting improved production performance after providing herbal feed additives.In summary,available evidence indicates that herbal feed additives may have the potential to add to the set of non-antibiotic growth promoters for use in livestock,such as organic acids and probiotics.However,a systematic approach toward the efficacy,mode of action and safety of herbal compounds used as feed additives for animal production seems to be required in the future.  相似文献   

桑树作为传统中药材的来源,具有抗炎、杀菌等作用,这与桑树各部位中含有多糖、多酚、生物碱等生物活性成分有关。桑叶具有易采集及生物量大的优点而得到了最多关注。桑叶中多糖、多酚等生物活性物质具有降血糖、降血脂、增强免疫、增加抗氧化能力的作用,因此桑叶或其提取物应用于动物生产中对动物的健康有积极影响。桑叶粗蛋白含量高、氨基酸比例均衡,可替代一部分蛋白原料应用于畜牧生产中。但桑叶中抗营养因子含量较高,因此以发酵或青贮后饲喂动物为宜。综述了桑生物活性成分对动物糖脂代谢、抗氧化能力及免疫力的影响,并通过总结桑叶在畜禽及水产动物生产中的研究进展,阐述了桑叶在改善肉质、调节动物机体免疫及提高动物抗氧化能力等方面的作用。  相似文献   

贾涛 《北京农业》2007,(33):47-54
盐酸克伦特罗酶联免疫反应测试盒适用于尿样、组织和饲料等样品中克伦特罗残留的定量检测。克伦特罗作为一种主要的β-兴奋剂应用于畜禽肉制品生产中,用以提高肌肉和脂肪的比例并加快生长速度。由于克伦特罗可作为肌肉舒缓剂用于人类疾病治疗,在畜禽中过量残留可能会对消费者造成危害,为此,被禁止在食品生产中应用。根据美国FDA和WHO规定,在肌肉和脂肪中克伦特罗的含量不能超过0.2ng/g,在肝脏和肾脏中其含量不能超过0.6ng/g。与传统的HPLC或GC-MS方法相比,酶联免疫方法具有操作简便、灵敏度高、成本低的优点。盐酸克伦特罗酶朕免疫反应测试盒为养殖者和政府监督管理部门提供了更准确快速检测克伦特罗残留的方法,该试剂盒的特点包括4方面,第一,该试剂盒的提取方法能达到75%~95%以上的回收率,可以不需用有机溶剂并在10~30min之内完成提取过程。第二,高灵敏度(0.05ng/g);低检测下限(肉类/脂肪0.025ng/g,尿液0.05ng/ml,饲料0.2μg/kg)。第三,检测过程只需不到2h。第四,高重复性。  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂在畜禽上应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,全世界正在兴起一场绿色生态农业革命,中草药制剂在促进动物生长和提高动物免疫功能方面具有独特优势,合理搭配使用对动物无任何毒副作用。中草药饲料添加剂作为一种纯天然的绿色添加剂,是一种既无抗药性和耐药性,也无药害残留、无污染的一类天然产品,具有抗病保健、抗毒素、提高机体免疫力和生产性能、调整胃肠机能等特点。主要阐述了中草药饲料添加剂对畜禽生长、免疫、消化酶活性和肉质品质的影响,可为中草药添加剂在饲料中的合理应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

清洁生产作为经济和环境协调发展的一项战略措施,应用于畜牧业在为人类提供安全优质畜产品的同时,还可实现畜禽养殖粪污及其污染物的减排,减少畜牧业对周边环境的污染。本文从饲料调配和饲养管理等方面综述了与畜禽养殖污染物减排相关的清洁生产技术,说明采用低蛋白氨基酸平衡日粮、精准化调配饲料、选择易消化饲料原料、合理应用饲料添加剂、加强环境调控、强化粪污产生管理和优化粪污资源化利用等措施能实现源头减排粪污及污染物的效果,为畜禽养殖污染防控提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

The rapid development of biotechnology has provided a greater understanding of the biological functions of major candidate genes that have important functions regarding economic traits, and new materials for livestock breeding have been obtained through gene editing (GE) and embryo manipulation with the purpose of improving quality and output and reducing the costs and risk of disease. Public concerns, particularly over safety risks and production performance, must be addressed. Evaluation is the most important component of the regulation of gene-edited livestock and is a crucial guarantee of public safety before the marketing of gene-edited animal products. Here, the system of evaluation of gene-edited livestock is discussed in terms of public safety and production performance. The search for safe and ethical applications in the GE of livestock, a case-by-case evaluation strategy, and classification and simplification are used in order to promote a more efficient, objective, comprehensive and operable evaluation system.  相似文献   

Alginate oligosaccharides(AOS), belonging to the class of functional marine oligosaccharides, are low-molecular polymers linked by β-1,4-mannuronic acid(M) and α-1,4-guluronic acid(G), which could be classically obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of alginate. With low viscosity and good water solubility, as well as anti-oxidant, immune regulation, anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory activities, AOS have been widely used in medical science and functional food, green agriculture and other fields. As new bio-feed additives, AOS have broad potential applications in animal husbandry. In this review, the sources of alginate, chemical structure and preparation methods of AOS, and their biological activities and application in livestock and poultry are summarized. We expect this review could contribute to lay a foundation of application and further research for AOS in livestock and poultry.  相似文献   

蒋荣华  韦信贤 《广西农业科学》2009,40(10):1384-1387
动物产品药物残留不但影响人身健康,还会导致细菌耐药性增强及危害生态环境,已成为国际社会关注的公共卫生问题。文章概述了兽药残留的危害性,提出加大对兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂生产企业的监管力度,从源头保障动物产品质量安全;加大对非法生产和使用禁用药物、添加剂企业的处罚力度;加强对动物、动物产品药物残留的检测,严禁不合格产品进入市场;加快企业诚信体系建设,增强全社会的食品安全诚信意识;开发新的兽药残留检测方法及技术,并在基层中推广应用;推广绿色畜产品生产技术,扶持绿色畜牧业发展;加大对抗生素替代品的投入和研发力度,以绿色兽药和添加剂替代有较高残留量的抗生素或化学合成药物;加大宣传力度,提高人们的安全意识等对策,以促进我国养殖业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Research Progress and Prospect of Life Cycle Assessment in Animal Husbandry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a generally accepted method to evaluate the overall environmental burden and production efficiency during the entire life cycle of a product, which is widely used for production management structure optimization in the enterprises and policy formulation in governments. In recent years, for food safety and environmental protection considerations, more and more studies emphasize that the LCA method should be used in animal husbandry to comprehensively assess the environmental burden and resources consumption during the animal-source food production. In China, LCA research and application of animal husbandry are rare, especially in the northern grassland pastoral area, which are the main livestock produce region, and no LCA research on the local livestock production system has been carried out. This paper reviewed the framework and research status of livestock production LCA methods on the main sections and processes, including (1) the goal and scope definition of livestock husbandry LCA; (2) life cycle inventory (LCI); and (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Through review the domestic and foreign LCA literatures on animal husbandry production, we noticed that the frame and methodology of animal husbandry LCA had been constructed well in developed country. It had an importance instructing significance for the research and practical application of Chinese animal husbandry LCA. However, we also needed to recognize that due to the differences in the specific situations of the livestock industry between domestic and foreign country, foreign LCA experience should not be applied directly in China. First of all, in the northern pastoral areas of China, family farm is the main production system mode of local livestock production, unclear boundaries between herdsmen's life needs and livestock production inputs exist in this system, therefore, it is difficult to apply the foreign experiences directly. Secondly, it is really a challenge to collect the data required for livestock husbandry LCA, which is the biggest restrictive factor of LCA application in livestock production in China. Third, compared with the animal husbandry developed countries, such as European countries, the United States and Australia, due to the gaps in livestock production technology and management methods, the livestock production in the northern pastoral areas of China is affected more by natural factors, such as precipitation, and various marketing factors, including the market supplies and demands. This is also an important issue that must be considered in the research and application of animal husbandry LCA in China. In order to widely practice Chinese livestock husbandry LCA, the following aspects should be improved: (1) the investigation about material input and output of livestock husbandry production in the northern pastoral areas of China should be carried out to collect necessary data; (2) the Chinese animal husbandry LCA database should be established in order to improve the accuracy of livestock husbandry LCA; and (3) we should strengthen the interdisciplinary study to clarify the natural and social driving factors in the development of animal husbandry, and to provide data reference and technology support for the sustainable development of animal husbandry in the northern pastoral areas of China.  相似文献   

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