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<正>目前,全球气候变暖、生物多样性丧失、毁林与森林退化等环境问题威胁着人类生存,备受全球关注。这些问题大部分是由于人们缺乏环保意识和环境保护知识造成的。因此,解决环境问题的关键是公众要正确认识人与环境的关系,进而形成自觉保护环境的意识,并付诸于环境保护行动。同时,要强化学习环境知识的力度,培养具有生态文明素质的专业人才。高校作为未来社会发展的人才输送基地,应加强大学生的绿色教育,增强大学生的绿色意识,  相似文献   

李意德 《热带林业》2002,30(1):13-20
综述了目前热带森林资源的现状和变化,分析了热带毁林的成因,并根据国家重点野外科学观测试验——海南尖峰岭热带林生态系统定位研究站及其他热带地区的研究成果,从热带毁林的角度探讨了热带森林生态系统的生态环境保护功能。热带毁林不仅导致林地蓄水、调洪补枯、保护森林生态系统的营养循环、调节气候等生态功能失效,而且对生物多样性保护、大气温室气体含量增加等全球性的生态环境问题产生巨大的影响,说明了保护热带森林的重要性。  相似文献   

国家林业局将规范树木移植针对目前一些地方在树木移植中出现的乱采滥挖林木、毁林毁地问题 ,国家林业局将出台相关规定 ,对树木移植行为进行规范 ,制止乱采滥挖行为。乱采滥挖林木行为的存在 ,对一些地方 ,尤其是农村、山区的森林植被和生态环境造成了破坏。国家林业局现已对一些有关省 (区、市 )林业部门提出要求 ,限期对乱采滥挖、毁林毁地问题进行全面清理整顿 ,依法打击毁林毁地、破坏森林资源违法犯罪行为 ,制止这类现象的发生。国家林业局正就规范树木移植问题征求有关方面意见 ,并计划部署开展全国范围的清理整顿和专项打击工作。国…  相似文献   

近些年,田阳县部分乡镇农户脱贫心切,急功近利,在林区内不经批准毁林种甘蔗、木薯,共毁杂木林、残次林和灌木林面积39204亩,仅玉凤乡就毁林33500亩。毁林种蔗、种木薯,短期给农户增加了收入,然而,森林资源遭受了严重破坏。对此,田阳县也曾实施退耕还林,但进展缓慢。 这引起党中央、国务院的关注。1995年,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理姜春云和林业部部长徐有芳、中央政治局常委、国务院副总理朱镕基先后视察百色,路经田阳时都提出了批评:“这是不顾生态效益的短期行为。” 中央和林业部领导的批评,引起了田阳县乃至百  相似文献   

指出了全球生物多样性丧失加剧,但各国并无有效应对措施。由《生物多样性公约》及其下属的《名古屋议定书》构成的调整生物遗传资源的生物多样性公约机制,即CBD机制,被寄予厚望。但是,由于生物遗传资源自身所具有的属性及利用方式上的特点、生物科技的飞速发展对生物遗传资源需求和使用方式的巨大影响、企业战略及运营模式的改变,对CBD机制在国际和国内实施提出了新的挑战。中国是生物遗传资源大国,也是世界贸易体系中的重要一员。同时,中国又是生物多样性丧失严重的国家之一。因而,中国对于CBD机制面临挑战的应对之策,不仅事关我国长远的发展,也是CBD机制在全球范围内有效实施的重要体现。探讨了CBD机制的运行机制、面临的挑战和中国应对3个方面的内容。  相似文献   

巢湖流域湿地环境质量问题及其生态重建对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对环巢湖流域湿地的现状调查,发现巢湖及其流域存在着水质污染、富营养化、农药残留入湖、毁林开荒、水土流失、防浪林丧失、崩岸严重、湖水封闭、水生生态环境恶化等诸多问题。提出除结合工程治理措施外,应大力营造水源涵养林、低丘冈地水土保持林、巢湖平原圩区防护林、建设环湖园林生态隔离带等生物防治措施,意在为巢湖流域水环境综合治理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

海南岛热带森林生物多样性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性是生态学研究中一个重要的领域,海南岛热带林有很高的生物多样性。阐述海南岛热带林生物多样性的意义和研究进展,介绍海南岛热带林物种多样性、遗传多样性、生态系统多样性和景观多样性特点,结合生物多样性锐减的现状提出了相应的保护建议。  相似文献   

制止农村牧区聚众毁林的对策盛勤聚众毁林在农村牧区,特别是边界地区发生次数多、损失大,严重影响这些地区的经济建设。聚众毁林往往涉及民族问题,且有上升势头,影响安定团结,为此提出以下对策。一、加强农村牧区的法制宣传教育“打防并举,标本兼治,重在治本”是林...  相似文献   

<正>5月22日是第23个国际生物多样性日,今年联合国《生物多样性公约》制定的主题为“从协议到协力:复元生物多样性”,旨在促进支持《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》的行动。所谓“协议”,是为庆祝去年在《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)第二阶段会议上通过的“昆明—蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”(以下简称“昆蒙框架”)。这一主题旨在纪念“昆蒙框架”的顺利通过和全球对保护生物多样性达成历史性共识的同时,也表明保护生物多样性,从纸上的目标到现实的行动,需要汇聚我们每一个人的力量。  相似文献   

闽北生物多样性保护现状、丧失原因及其对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
系统分析了闽北生物多样性丧失的原因和保护现状及保护过程中存在的问题,提出了加强生物多样性保护对策。  相似文献   


Illegal logging is a global concern, associated with severe negative environmental, social and economic impacts, such as deforestation, degradation of biodiversity and loss of government revenues. Despite recent international efforts to combat illegal logging activities, the problem remains widespread. While the academic literature on the subject is extensive, little systematic research has been devoted to analysing the causes of illegal logging. Here, this knowledge gap is addressed with a cross-national assessment of factors hypothesized to impact illegal logging. The logistic regression analysis conducted in this study corroborates some widely held beliefs, but also provides some new insights on the factors that are important for whether illegal logging is likely to be a problem. It is shown that, besides physical-geographic characteristics, a number of factors relating to the level and speed of a country’s economic-institutional development are associated with illegal logging. These include gross domestic product per capita, economic growth, voice and accountability, rule of law and control of corruption. The findings also have implications for existing policies to tackle illegal logging activities.


Biodiversity in Asia is reviewed here from both scientific and socio-economic perspectives. Biodiversity in Asia has been very high, for historical and climatic reasons; however, this situation has been changing rapidly, due to population growth and economic development. The forest biodiversity in this region has both global and local value, yet it is seriously threatened. As natural capital, biodiversity functions in a variety of ways: production and regulation functions have global value, while habitat and information functions have social and cultural value, as well as local importance. Sustainable forest management is dependent on the regulatory functions of the ecosystem and biodiversity. Sometimes the functions of forests or biodiversity make conflict. Moreover, biodiversity has an information function related to sustainability via local knowledge and culture. Levin’s (1999) proposals are helpful as a conceptual framework for developing sustainable management for Asian forests.  相似文献   

中国生态环境的主要问题及其对策( 英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国生态环境的主要问题可以概括为 :自然环境先天不足 ,水土流失严重 ,荒漠化面积呈扩大趋势 ,水资源紧缺、污染严重 ,森林覆盖率低、增长缓慢 ,生物多样性减少 ,大气污染严重 .为改善生态环境 ,中国各级政府采取了加强法制、强化监督与监测、增加环境治理资金及提高技术水平等一系列对策  相似文献   

森林生物多样性保护原理概述   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
热点地区的分析,为我们确定生物多样性保护的策略和优先等级提供了依据;由于人类的剧烈干扰,现在地球上有许多物种和生态系统都处于濒危的境地,热带雨林的生物多样性丧失最为严重;热点地区虽然在地球上所占的面积很小,但却拥有大量的物种,这些地区的生物多样性丧失应特别引起我们注意;每个物种灭绝的难易程度不同,稀有种和长寿命种特别易于灭绝,而关键种一旦受到威胁,依赖于其生存的许多物种也会有灭绝的危险。遗传多样性的丧失也是生物多样性丧失的重要方面,种群内遗传多样性的丧失主要来源于奠基者效应、统计瓶颈效应、遗传漂变和近亲交配4种因素。物种的概念影响到对物种的保护,物种保护应包括物种内遗传多样性的保护;种群的动态调节机制和源—汇种群动态对于生物多样性保护具有重要的意义。种群生存力分析是了解物种濒危机制的崭新手段。群落中的种间关系和自然干扰体系是生物多样性保护中应考虑的重要方面。人为的生境破碎与自然景观的异质性不同,生境破碎会造成边缘效应和拥挤效应等一系列的生物学后果。  相似文献   

海南岛热带森林的变迁及生物多样性的保护对策*   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
海南岛是我国森林生物多样性最高的地区之一,全岛的野生植物种类约占全国的11.6%。而由于人口的增长,工农业生产和经济建设的飞速发展,热带森林遭到了很大程度的破坏,森林覆盖率已由1950年的35.4%下降到1990年的7.9%,全岛受国家和地方重点保护的珍稀濒危动动有102种,植物93种,已灭绝的植物1种,许多物种的生存目前受到了严重的威胁。文中分析了海南岛热带森林的变迁情况、毁林原因和生物多样性锐减的现状,并提出了保护海南岛热带森林及其生物多样性的措施和建议。  相似文献   

全球人工林环境管理策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球人工林为木材生产和缓解贫困做出了重要贡献, 在减缓和适应气候变化中起到了非常重要的作用。文中在介绍全球人工林资源的基础上, 分析了人工林对生物多样性、水分循环、养分循环和碳循环的影响和相互作用机制, 提出了人工林环境管理策略, 即建立人工林多功能经营制度、通过森林认证助推人工林可持续经营、充分利用REDD+机制提高人工林固碳效应的政策推动策略, 加强生物多样性保护、降低人工林对水循环负面影响、提高人工林的养分循环、促进人工林生态系统碳循环的生态系统完整性策略, 以及保育高保护价值区域策略和鼓励利益相关者参与人工林规划与管理策略。  相似文献   

This article proposes an approach to one of the most prominent problems for the establishment of a REDD + regime — namely reference level determination. We have developed a standardised approach for the consideration of national circumstances in REDD + reference levels, which applies the global curve of forest cover development as the benchmark for accounting of avoided deforestation. The approach draws on the identification and empirical quantification of a global deforestation curve which was created by applying the forest transition concept (Köthke et al., 2013). By the underlying regression model the most relevant national circumstances were identified as the average of 140 countries. These national circumstances represent the development stages of the individual countries, from which their future forest cover development in the global average can be determined.By applying national data for estimating the corresponding average development the article identifies national reference levels for 86 REDD + target countries which are still in their deforestation phase. It is estimated by how much actual deforestation in each country deviates from the mean deforestation curve; the period considered is 2005–2010. This is the first time a uniform global deforestation pattern was used to determine the consideration of national circumstances in REDD + reference levels. The quantitative results provided here may be an important basis for further policy discussions about reference level determination.  相似文献   

The Andes of Ecuador are known for their outstanding biodiversity but also as the region with the highest deforestation rate in South America. This process is accompanied by accelerating degradation and loss of environmental services. Despite an extraordinary richness in native tree diversity, more than 90% of all forest plantations established in Ecuador consist of exotic species, primarily Eucalyptus spp. and Pinus spp. This is mainly due to the lack of information about the autecological and synecological requirements of the native species.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation is one of the important ecosystem services that has been negatively impacted by anthropogenic activities. Natural forests (NF) harbor some of the highest species diversity around the world. However, deforestation and degradation have resulted in reduced forest land cover and loss of diversity. Homegarden agroforestry (AF) systems have been proven to be an intermediary for biodiversity conservation. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of home garden AF practices to conserve tree species diversity in Bangladesh and compare them with tree species diversity in NF. A total of nine locations were selected for this synthesis from published literature which comprised of five AF sites and four NFs. Shannon?CWeiner Diversity Index (H) was similar for home-garden AF (3.50) and NF (2.99), with no statistical difference between them. Based on non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination analysis, the AF and NF plots showed distinct separation. However, Bray?CCurtis dissimilarity index ranged from 0.95 to 0.70 indicating nearly no overlap in species composition to significant overlap between AF and NF. Based on our results, we conclude that AF can serve as an important ecological tool in conserving tree species diversity, particularly on landscapes where NF fragments represent only a small fraction of the total land area. Creating and maintaining AF habitats in such human dominated landscapes should be part of the biodiversity conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Tropical forest cover change along with increasing fragmentation has detrimental effects on the global biodiversity. In the current study change in both forest cover and fragmentation of Koraput district have been assessed in the past three decades(1987-2017) and future decade(2017-2027), which has been modelled using logistic regression showing a gradual decrease in the forest cover and increase in fragmentation. The long term deforestation rates from 1987 to 2017(current period) and from 1987 to 2027(predicted period) were found to be-0.018 and-0.012, respectively. Out of the total geographical area, 2027 number of grids(1 km2) out of 8856 grids were found to have shown extinction of forest in the study period. The conversion of forested lands into other land uses has been one of the major causes of deforestation in Koraput, especially because of the increasing mining activities and establishment of three major industries namely National Aluminium Company(NALCO), Damanjodi, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL), Sunabeda and Ballarpur Industries Limited(BILT). The forest fragmentation reveals a negative trend, recording highest conversion from large core fragments to edge(191.33 km2) and the predicted period has also shown the same trend of negative change, which poses serious danger to the structure of the forests. Out of all the landscape matrices calculated, number of patches will increase to 214 in 2027 from 93 in 1987. In the test between geographically weighted regression(GWR) and ordinary least square regression(OLS), GWR was the better fit model for drawing a spatial relationship between forest cover and fragmentation changes. The study confirmed that the forest cover change has impacted the forest fragmentation in the study area. The programmes like REDD + should be implemented along with the experiences of Community Forest Management and the joint forest management should be intensified at community level in order to develop better management practices to conserve habitats in biodiversity rich areas.  相似文献   

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