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光皮树是一种很适宜在赣南生长的木本油料树种,通过对光皮树的调查阐述其形态特征及生物学特性,并对不同土壤类型生长的光皮树进行土壤化验和叶片营养成分诊断,总结出光皮树的繁育栽培技术。  相似文献   

供应光皮树种苗光皮树是珍贵的生物柴油、保健食用油树种,其种子出油率达33%,为国家再生能源重点发展项目。现提供光皮树一年生苗350万株,2年生大苗30万株,嫁接苗38万株。  相似文献   

<正>供应光皮树种苗光皮树是珍贵的生物柴油、保健食用油树种,其种子出油率达33%,为国家再生能源重点发展项目。现提供光皮树一年生苗350万株,2年生大苗30万株,嫁接苗38万株。  相似文献   

粤北地区光皮树种质资源生态调查及其开发利用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
光皮树是我国新发掘的一种珍稀、优质、理想的多用途乡土木本油料树种,尤其适合石灰岩山地种植,是石漠化地区良好的生态恢复造林树种。根据2008和2010年对粤北地区(主要在乐昌县境内)进行的两次资源调查结果,发现粤北地区光皮树资源亟待保护。现存光皮树的分布类型主要包括树龄在200年以上的散生古树、天然小群体和人工小群体三种类型。以生长和果实产量为主要目标经济性状,共收集粤北地区光皮树种质资源45份。根据文献资料以及最新试验数据,文章对光皮树的开发利用进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

为了打破光皮树种子的休眠,探索光皮树胚离体培养技术,以光皮树成熟胚为外植体,采用单因素试验设计,就消毒方法、低温处理、激素组合与浓度对其胚发育的影响问题进行了离体培养试验。结果表明:光皮树种子去木质化外种皮,于0.1%HgCl2中浸泡10 min后在无菌条件下剥取胚接种,不仅能有效控制污染,而且能保证胚的存活率;在4℃下冷藏3 d有利于胚的萌发;在含有0.4 mg/L的KT的MS培养基上,胚的萌发率最高,达83.33%,且无菌苗生长健壮,根系发育良好。  相似文献   

土层厚度与坡向对光皮树生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将江西于都种源光皮树1年生苗木在不同立地条件下进行试验,分析了苗木生长特性。试验结果表明:不同土层厚度、坡向对光皮树树高、地径、生物量影响明显。在土层厚的立地条件下,各项生长因子都要高于土层薄的立地,集中体现在生物量上,土层厚度低于40 cm地段仅为高于80 cm地段的39%;在不同坡向方面,东北向为最适合光皮树苗期生长的方位。  相似文献   

我国生物柴油树种选择与评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本文对生物柴油树种进行了筛选与评价,认为珍稀树种、优质干果树种、出种率低的树种、优质食用油料树种、大面积造林具有困难的树种不宜选作生物柴油树种.初步筛选文冠果、花椒、黄连木、乌桕、油桐、光皮树、麻疯树、绿玉树、椰子、油棕等10种作为生物柴油树种.分别对以上树种的形态特征、生态习性、苗木培育、栽植方法、病虫害、自然分布、种子产量、利用年限、目前的应用、含油量、提炼的生物柴油性质及与0号石化柴油燃料特性对比等做了调查和评价.对生物柴油树种发展的制约因子如黄连木种子小蜂、文冠果"千花一果"、麻疯树等产生的有毒物质进行了探讨.以花椒为例,对生物柴油林的经济效益进行了评估.  相似文献   

乡土树种石笔木播种育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对赣南优良乡土树种石笔木的种子预处理、种子主要参数测定、以及对苗木物候、苗木根系生长、苗木生长节律进行研究,从而得出石笔木实用的、较为系统的播种育苗技术。  相似文献   

引言海南岛热带树种资源丰富,各树种特性不同,苗木生长速度差异极大。了解苗木生长速度,掌握苗木生长规律,可为苗期试验,决定造林苗木的播种季节等提供依据。笔者于1963—1965年、1973—1983年在海南岛尖峰岭热林所苗圃进行苗木生长规律研究。共作了69个树种299种次的苗木生长过程观察,取得了25万多个观察数据,初步掌握了热带树种苗木生长规律,现将资料整理如下。一、研究材料和方法研究所用苗木均为用种子繁殖的裸根实生苗。所用种子大部分采自海南岛尖峰龄、坝王岭和吊罗山等三大林区以及屯昌县、崖  相似文献   

粤北石灰岩山地的造林树种及造林技术   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过调查和种植试验,选出了10种适合粤北石灰岩山地造林绿化树种,并将其中经济价值较高的任豆、菜豆树、光皮树、柏木、阴香5个树种分别介绍其生长特性和育苗、造林技术。  相似文献   

非洲破布木是埃塞俄比亚的本土商业木材树种,在自然种群中,存在着巨大的品种变异。由于当地苗圃优良种质资源匮乏,筛选优良母树建立种子园非常必要。该研究从其不同的自然种群中,采集了大量的供试种子样品,对其种子外部特征和在苗圃中发芽率和种苗生长表现,进行了观察;方差分析显示,在所有的研究属性中,不同种源显示出较大的属性差异性,同时初步筛选出适合种子园所需的优树。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of framework trees, planted in 1998, and bird community on the natural recruitment of tree seedling species in a forest restoration experiment designed to test the framework species method of forest restoration established by Chiang Mai University’s Forest Restoration Research Unit (FORRU-CMU). Tree seedlings establishing beneath five framework tree species: Erythrina subumbrans (Hassk.) Merr., Hovenia dulcis Thunb., Melia toosendan Sieb. & Zucc., Prunus cerasoides D.Don and Spondias axillaries Roxb., were surveyed. Five trees of each species were selected in the 8-year-old trial plots. Birds visiting each tree were observed to determine possible seed dispersal activities. Thirty-six tree seedling species were found beneath the selected trees, of which 11 were wind-dispersed and 25 were animal-dispersed. The population density of animal-dispersed tree seedlings was higher than the wind-dispersed seedlings beneath all selected framework trees. The sample plots beneath P. cerasoides supported the highest population density of tree seedlings. Forty-nine bird species were recorded visiting the framework trees between July 2006 and June 2007. Non-frugivorous birds were recorded more frequently than the frugivorous birds. The effects of birds on seedling recruitment were different among each of the selected framework tree. Bigger trees, which attracted high number of birds by providing food resources, roosting and nesting sites may increase the seed deposition more than smaller trees with fewer attractants.  相似文献   

我国林木良种繁育现状及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章对我国林木良种繁育的现状及发展趋势进行了综合评述。从80年代起,我国进行了大规模的林木良种基地建设,并对40多个主要造林树种,开展了不同水平的遗传改良,取得了显著成效。林木良种繁育工作,充分利用种源、林分和个体选择的结果,按照自然区划和树种特点,建立不同层次的种子生产基地。当前存在的主要问题是园址选择不尽合适,繁殖材料选择、配置不当,经营管理粗放,产量较低,在种子园建设中,对实生种子园有所忽略  相似文献   

25种优良阔叶树种育苗技术研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对吉安双江林场和南昌树木园3年生25个优良阔叶树种的育苗试验,表明采用常规育苗方法可培育出供生产用的合格苗木,但各树种在育苗时的种子催芽方法不尽相同,播种时间有所差异,同时对苗木的根系及苗木的产苗量进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

We studied seed germination and early seedling growth of Pinus densata to explore the range of variability within the species and to inform afforestation practices.Phenotypes were evaluated at a forest tree nursery under conditions that support Pinus yunnanensis, one of the presumed parental species of P. densata. Seeds were collected from 20 open-pollinated trees within each of eight autochthonous populations representing the natural distribution of P. densata in China to assess variation in germination traits and early seedling growth, and to examine the relationships among these traits. Results showed that seeds from all populations germinated and seedlings established successfully. There were significant differences among populations in 13 of 14 traits evaluated. Seed germination and early seedling growth were strongly related to seed size and seed weight. Bigger seeds germinated earlier and faster than small seeds, and seedling size was positively correlated with seed size. Some germination traits were strongly and significantly correlated with climatic variables associated with the provenance of the studied populations. Based on these observations, we conclude there were large, significant, and biologically important differences among P. densata populations in seed germination and seedling growth traits. The observed variability probably reflects a high degree of adaptive differentiation among populations that is likely to be relevant for future afforestation.  相似文献   

桉属植物是澳大利亚景观中的主要的乡土植物类群。在欧洲人定居澳大利亚以后,新南威尔士州台地的桉树急剧减少,桉树更新停滞,景观生态系统很难恢复到原初状态。本文介绍了桉树和乡土灌木减少的历史背景,分析了在这一地区幼苗更新减少的原因主要是由于开垦、放牧、火烧、外来物种竞争、枯萎、昆虫和干旱等,总结了桉树更新的可能条件,如幼苗存活的合适条件、充足的种子供应、避免捕食、适当的萌发条件、无放牧环境、机械处理、杂草控制、火烧系统和疾病控制等,借以建议在该地区应怎样保护和促进桉树的更新。参26。  相似文献   

七叶树(Aesculus spp.)是重要的药用经济树种,传统中药娑罗子即为七叶树种子,通常用于治疗胃寒腹胀、小儿疳积、痢疾等病症.国外在18世纪初就将欧洲七叶树(A.hippocastanum L.)种子和幼枝外皮的乙醇制剂用于解热和治疗痔疮、静脉曲张等疾病.  相似文献   

Prunus cerasoides D. Don has been identified as a framework species for restoring evergreen forest in seasonally dry climates. The aim of this study was to develop criteria to select parent trees for supplying seed to forest restoration projects based on seedling performance in the nursery and in the field. Seed progenies were collected from 50 individual parent trees; 13 in Doi Inthanon National Park; 14 in Doi Ang Khang; and 23 in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Criteria were developed for the selection of superior parent seed trees based on nursery and field performance, and a provisional selection of parent seed trees for forest restoration projects has been made based on these criteria. Four standards for selection of superior seed trees were recognised: (i) 70% or greater seedling survival in the field, (ii) a seedling height of 100 cm or taller after the first growing season in the field, (iii) 40% or greater germination in the nursery and (iv) 70% or higher seedling survival in the nursery. Twenty one seed trees met these standards.  相似文献   

枫香人工育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄勇来 《福建林业科技》2006,33(1):33-35,52
采用随机区组设计了枫香不同年龄母树种子品质、不同播种时间(春播、冬播)和不同播种方式(条播、撒播)试验,进行枫香不同育苗方式对比研究。结果表明:不同年龄枫香母树种子产量和种子品质存在显著差异,20年生枫香母树种子千粒重、出籽率及发芽率分别均高于40年生枫香母树种子,因此枫香育苗宜选择20~30年生健壮无病虫害的母树采种。不同播种时间育苗的苗木生长和苗木质量无明显差异,春播苗木生长及苗木质量略优于冬播苗木。枫香条播与撒播育苗苗木生长和苗木质量无明显差异,但条播节省种子。因此枫香育苗宜采用条播,1年生幼苗发育可分为出苗期、幼苗期、速生期、苗木硬化期4个时期。  相似文献   

The effects of microhabitat (shrubs and herbs), plant litter, and seed burial on the regeneration of Liaodong oak (Quercus wutaishanica Mayr) and Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) were studied in three typical stands (Liaodong oak forest, Chinese pine plantation, and grassland) in the Loess Plateau, China. We monitored the establishment and growth of seedlings of these two woody species in sown experimental plots, in which shrubs and herbs, plant litter, and seed burial were manipulated. In the grassland, shrubs and herbs facilitated Liaodong oak establishment, with no effect on the establishment of Chinese pine. In the two forest stands, shrubs and herbs primarily had an inhibition effect on the establishment of these trees. The effects of plant litter were facilitation or inhibition, depending on the target species and the habitat. Seed burial had a positive effect on seedling establishment. In all three habitats, shrubs and herbs had inhibition effects on seedling growth of both tree species. Plant litter and seed burial did not influence seedling growth in either species. Liaodong oak and Chinese pine use different regeneration strategies during early stages of succession and similar strategies during late stages of succession.  相似文献   

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