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The effect of a widely distributed phytoplankton bloom triggered by volcanic ash from Alaska (Hamme et al., 2010. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37) on juvenile Fraser River sockeye is discussed in terms of the timing of ocean migration and trophic structure of the Gulf of Alaska. Our hypothesis is that the occurrence of a massive diatom bloom in the Gulf greatly enhanced energy ascendancy in the ocean at a time of year when adolescent sockeye migrated from the coast in 2008. We contend this increase in food availability was an important factor for the survival and growth of juvenile sockeye which led to one of the strongest sockeye returns on record in 2010 of 34 million, compared with perhaps the weakest return on record of 1.7 million the previous year.  相似文献   

The importance of interspecific competition as a mechanism regulating population abundance in offshore marine communities is largely unknown. We evaluated offshore competition between Asian pink salmon and Bristol Bay (Alaska) sockeye salmon, which intermingle in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, using the unique biennial abundance cycle of Asian pink salmon from 1955 to 2000. Sockeye salmon growth during the second and third growing seasons at sea, as determined by scale measurements, declined significantly in odd‐numbered years, corresponding to years when Asian pink salmon are most abundant. Bristol Bay sockeye salmon do not interact with Asian pink salmon during their first summer and fall seasons and no difference in first year scale growth was detected. The interaction with odd‐year pink salmon led to significantly smaller size at age of adult sockeye salmon, especially among younger female salmon. Examination of sockeye salmon smolt to adult survival rates during 1977–97 indicated that smolts entering the ocean during even‐numbered years and interacting with abundant odd‐year pink salmon during the following year experienced 26% (age‐2 smolt) to 45% (age‐1 smolt) lower survival compared with smolts migrating during odd‐numbered years. Adult sockeye salmon returning to Bristol Bay from even‐year smolt migrations were 22% less abundant (reduced by 5.9 million fish per year) compared with returns from odd‐year migrations. The greatest reduction in adult returns occurred among adults spending 2 compared with 3 years at sea. Our new evidence for interspecific competition highlights the need for multispecies, international management of salmon production, including salmon released from hatcheries into the ocean.  相似文献   

In spite of a relatively optimistic pre‐season forecast, the total return of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) in 2009 was the lowest recorded since quantitative records began in the late 1940s. A plausible mechanism is proposed that links a sequence of extreme oceanic and climatic events to poor marine survival. It began with record‐setting snow packs in the coastal mountain range during the winter of 2007 that led to the development of unprecedented oceanographic conditions in the spring of 2007 from Queen Charlotte Strait in central British Columbia to Southeast Alaska. When combined with equally extreme atmospheric anomalies in the region in the spring of 2007, with a winter wind regime persisting through July, a coastal surface ocean with characteristics that are known to be associated with lower marine survival was established. Most of the sockeye salmon that were expected to return to the Fraser River as adults in 2009 passed through this atypical ocean as juveniles on their migration to the open ocean in 2007. A trophic gauntlet hypothesis is proposed as a new paradigm to describe the oceanic environment faced by sockeye salmon after they emigrate northward from the Strait of Georgia. The hypothesis identifies a new type of high nutrient low chlorophyll region that can explain how oceanographic extremes at critical locations along the migration route beyond the Strait of Georgia can reduce marine survival in some years.  相似文献   

The productivity of Fraser River sockeye salmon has declined in recent years, with 2019 being the lowest return on record. The cause of the decline is still not fully understood; however, bottom‐up drivers and trophic interactions during the early marine migration are considered to be important contributing factors. McKinnell et al. (Fisheries Oceanography, 23, 2014 and 322) developed a “trophic gauntlet hypothesis,” proposing that low biological productivity leads to an energy deficit from poor foraging opportunities in migrating salmon. When combined with poor foraging conditions in typically productive waters elsewhere on the migration, low marine survival may result. Our study examined prey availability and stomach fullness of juvenile sockeye salmon along the 120 km stretch of the coastal migration through the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait to determine whether this section of the migration is indeed food limited. We observed low stomach fullness throughout tidally mixed waters, providing empirical support for the trophic gauntlet hypothesis. Zooplankton abundance was high in these regions so it appeared that unfavourably small prey size may have been the cause of low foraging success. We also observed foraging hotspots at both ends of the gauntlet, indicating that such areas may be key feeding grounds for migratory salmon.  相似文献   

Obtaining reliable estimates of marine survival is essential for understanding anadromous salmon population dynamics. Two common approaches to estimating marine survival are (a) dividing abundance of returning adult salmon abundance by abundance of smolts from the same cohort, or (b) tagging a portion of the migrating smolts and estimating the return rate of tagged adults. This study compared these two approaches to estimating marine survival for coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), across multiple years in three California streams. Abundance‐based survival estimates were higher than tag‐based estimates; average estimates for the two techniques differed from 1.5‐fold to 7.4‐fold across streams. One likely cause for these divergent estimates is migration of juveniles from natal habitat before smolt trapping begins, resulting in an underestimate of smolt abundance and an overestimate of marine survival rate for the abundance‐based method. Estimates of marine survival obtained from abundance estimates and tag returns are not directly comparable.  相似文献   

The length and weight of Russian sockeye ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) returning to the Ozernaya River (Kamchatka) was substantially reduced in years when the ocean abundances of Kamchatkan pink ( O. gorbuscha ) and sockeye salmon were high. We found that the density-dependent reduction in sockeye growth on a per-capita basis was greater for sockeye than for pink salmon. However, the overall effect of pink salmon abundance on sockeye growth was greater because of the higher numerical abundance of pink salmon. The strongest statistical relationships were found for sockeye from separate age groups; pooled data combining all age classes were statistically insignificant. We estimate that, if pink salmon were absent, the most strongly affected age group of sockeye salmon (2.1 males) would weigh twice as much at maturity than if pink salmon populations from eastern and western Kamchatka were both simultaneously at peak observed abundances. Trophic competition in the ocean between pink and sockeye salmon can therefore have a significant influence on the productivity of sockeye populations for the most strongly affected age groups. These effects are large enough that they should be explicitly considered in the management of salmon populations.  相似文献   

The eruption of the Kasatochi volcano in August 2008 stimulated an anomalously high phytoplankton bloom in the otherwise iron‐limited subarctic Pacific ocean. It has been proposed that this increased production may have been responsible for record returns of some Pacific salmon stocks in the following years. Here, we investigate the potential effect of volcanic‐induced iron fertilization on the entire ecosystem, from phytoplankton through to top predators, using a fully‐coupled end‐to‐end ecosystem model. Our simulations indicate that the volcanic iron fertilization could only stimulate modest increases, at most 10%, in the standing stock biomass of upper trophic level species, including fisheries targets such as Pacific salmon. Propagation of energy to higher trophic levels depends on the timing of the eruption, with more efficient crustaceous zooplankton pathways being favored earlier in the growing season and less‐efficient gelatinous zooplankton pathways dominating during later months. However, effects were of modest magnitude for all eruption timings, and the strong level of connectivity within the food web makes the preferential stimulation of a single salmon stock implausible. This adds additional support to evidence suggesting that the Kasatochi eruption did not play a large role in subsequent high salmon returns and questions the value of much smaller‐scale artificial fertilization for fisheries. Indeed, the onset of macronutrient limitation coupled with the highly‐connected nature of the food web exert strong controls on the fisheries response to even complete removal of iron limitation in the subarctic Pacific.  相似文献   

Computer simulations were used to investigate whether compass orientation is a sufficient guidance mechanism for sockeye salmon migrating to the Fraser River from their ocean foraging grounds in the north-east Pacific Ocean. Daily surface ocean currents, simulated by the ocean surface current simulations (OSCURS) model, were used to test the influence of currents on the return oceanic migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon. High seas tagging and coastal recover data of Fraser River sockeye salmon were used for the migration simulations. Surface currents were shown to increase the speed of the homeward-migrating sockeye salmon, as well as to deflect the fish in a north-eastward direction. In spite of ocean currents, all Fraser River sockeye salmon were able to reach their destination with a fixed direction and bioenergetically efficient swimming speed when migration was delayed until the last month at sea. Compass orientation alone was shown to be a sufficient direction-finding mechanism for Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

To examine the efficacy of juvenile salmon research as a tool for forecasting adult returns, the results from a study on the early marine life stage of juvenile chum salmon, conducted in the Nemuro Strait during 1999–2002 (i.e., 1998–2001 brood years), were compared with the return rates of adult salmon. Among the four brood years, the 2000 brood year (i.e., salmon migrating to the sea in 2001) was previously reported as showing higher abundance, higher growth rate and better somatic condition during the coastal residency period. Consequently, we expected it to have the highest return rate, under a hypothesis that juvenile survival in coastal residency regulates brood-year strength. Contrary to this expectation, the 2000 brood year had almost the lowest return rate. Alternatively, a statistical model in which sea surface temperature during the first year of marine life and size at release were utilized as explanatory variables reconstructed the actual variability in return rates more accurately than that based on the early marine life stage. Possible reasons for the discrepancy between the results of the juvenile salmon research and adult returns are discussed, and we suggest improvements for future research on juvenile salmon.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus spp., Salmonidae) of the Puget Sound region of Washington State, USA, have experienced recent and longer‐term (multidecadal) variability in abundance while supporting robust fisheries. As part of the post‐season salmon management process, population‐specific estimates of total adult abundance to Puget Sound (Strait of Juan de Fuca) for pink (O. gorbuscha), chum (O. keta), coho (O. kisutch), sockeye (O. nerka), and Chinook (O. tshawytscha) salmon and steelhead trout (O. mykiss) are calculated annually. We compiled annual estimates of body mass, abundance and survival of hatchery‐ and naturally produced salmon from 1970 to 2015 to compare spatial and temporal patterns across species. Average weights of adult salmon and steelhead returning to Puget Sound, with the exception of coho salmon, have decreased since the 1970s. Temporal trends in abundance, survival and productivity varied by species and origin (hatchery vs. naturally produced). Generally, abundance and survival rates of natural‐origin species decreased whereas those of hatchery‐produced species did not, which is in contrast with other studies' general conclusions of decreasing survival among Puget Sound salmonids. Species diversity has decreased in recent years, with salmonids that rely on a short freshwater rearing phase in the natural environment (hatchery‐produced fish and naturally produced pink and chum) representing >90% of total returns in most years. This new information reveals patterns of body size, abundance, survival and productivity across species, life history and rearing type over the past 45 years and, in doing so, demonstrates the strength in multidecadal, multifactor time series to critically evaluate salmonid species.  相似文献   

We tested whether variations in stock characteristics (spawner and smolt abundance) and biotic conditions (prey variability, predation, competition) during the early marine period explained variations in the return of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to Great Central and Sproat lakes, adjacent lakes on the west coast of Vancouver Island. There are two freshwater age groups in each lake; fish spend 1 or 2 yrs in freshwater after hatching. We tested the influences of stock and biotic factors on the return of each of the two age groups from each of the two lakes. Results of regression analyses showed that prey biomass variability best explained the variation in return for all lake‐age groups. Euphausiid (Thysanoessa spinifera) and cladoceran (Evadne) prey biomass variability explained between 0.75 and 0.95 (adjusted R2) of the variation in return. There appear to be instances of a mismatch between the seasonality of prey productivity and the apparent critical period of feeding for juvenile sockeye.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented two main migratory routes of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) through the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, and large interannual variability in marine survival rates of the Chilko Lake stock. Simulation models were used to explore the influence of surface currents on the migratory route of juvenile sockeye salmon (smolts) through the Strait of Georgia. We used a model of downstream migration to generate daily numbers of Chilko Lake sockeye salmon smolts entering the Strait of Georgia, based on daily counts of smolts leaving the rearing lake. A numerical hydrodynamic model (driven by surface wind, tide, and Fraser River discharge) hindcasted surface currents in the Strait of Georgia on a 2 km × 2 km grid. A smolt migration model simulated fish moving through the Strait with different compass-oriented migratory behaviours (i.e. swimming speed and directional orientation) within the time-varying surface advection field. Results showed that surface currents within the Strait of Georgia can affect the migratory route of sockeye salmon smolts in spite of their large size (8 cm). Wind is the forcing mechanism primarily responsible for determining which migratory route would be used. Under prevailing wind conditions (i.e. toward the north-west), most sockeye salmon smolts would use the eastern migratory route; however, relatively brief south-eastward wind events (lasting about 2 days) would force most smolts into the western migratory route. Given the heterogeneity of food for salmon within the Strait, we hypothesize that wind-driven variability in the annual proportion of smolts that use the western and eastern migratory routes in the Strait of Georgia affects early marine survival rates of Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract  Conservation efforts for endangered Snake River sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) have been hindered by high en route adult mortality during their ∼1450 km freshwater spawning migration. Identifying causal factors for this mortality has been difficult given very small (often <10 fish) annual returns in recent decades. However, several hundred hatchery-bred fish returned in 2000 and we intercepted and radio-tagged 31 in mid-migration to monitor behaviours and survival. All fish initially migrated at similar rates, but later-timed fish eventually slowed migration and were far more likely to be unsuccessful. Late-season mortality was strongly associated with water temperatures near tolerance thresholds (21–24 °C). The data also suggest increased risk for fish in poor initial condition (i.e., with injuries or parasites) and probable recent selection against late-timed salmon. Results parallel temperature- and condition-related adult mortality in Columbia and Fraser River sockeye salmon populations and demonstrate the potential vulnerability of marginal southern populations to regional climate warming.  相似文献   

Yearling Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were sampled concurrently with physical variables (temperature, salinity, depth) and biological variables (chlorophyll a concentration and copepod abundance) along the Washington and Oregon coast in June 1998–2008. Copepod species were divided into four different groups based on their water‐type affinities: cold neritic, subarctic oceanic, warm neritic, and warm oceanic. Generalized linear mixed models were used to quantify the relationship between the abundance of these four different copepod groups and the abundance of juvenile salmon. The relationships between juvenile salmon and different copepod groups were further validated using regression analysis of annual mean juvenile salmon abundance versus the mean abundance of the copepod groups. Yearling Chinook salmon abundance was negatively correlated with warm oceanic copepods, warm neritic copepods, and bottom depth, and positively correlated with cold neritic copepods, subarctic copepods, and chlorophyll a concentration. The selected habitat variables explained 67% of the variation in yearling Chinook abundance. Yearling coho salmon abundance was negatively correlated with warm oceanic copepods, warm neritic copepods, and bottom depth, and positively correlated with temperature. The selected habitat variables explained 40% of the variation in yearling coho abundance. Results suggest that copepod communities can be used to characterize spatio‐temporal patterns of abundance of juvenile salmon, i.e., large‐scale interannual variations in ocean conditions (warm versus cold years) and inshore‐offshore (cross‐shelf) gradients in the abundance of juvenile salmon can be characterized by differences in the abundance of copepod species with various water mass affinities.  相似文献   

To understand the interplay between habitat use and contemporary anadromous Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., distributions we explored the habitat associations of three species, pink (O. gorbuscha), chum (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in streams of the Wood River system of Bristol Bay, Alaska, where sockeye salmon (O. nerka) are numerically dominant. We developed models to investigate the occurrence of nondominant salmon in relation to habitat characteristics and sockeye salmon density, using four decades of salmon presence and abundance data. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of nondominant species increased with watershed drainage area and stream depth and decreased with sockeye salmon density. The range of occurrence varied from nonexistent to perennial for the other species in sockeye‐dominated streams. Increasing watershed area resulted in larger stream habitat area and deeper habitats, allowing for the sympatric occurrence and persistence of all salmon species. The relationships between habitat and the presence of these Pacific salmon help define their requirements but also remind us that the patterns of presence and absence, within the overall ranges of salmon species, have yet to be fully understood.  相似文献   

Freshwater growth of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) depends upon the quality and quantity of prey and interactions with potential competitors in the foraging environment. To a large extent, knowledge about the ecology of lake‐rearing juvenile sockeye salmon has emerged from studies of commercially important runs returning to deep nursery lakes, yet information from shallow nursery lakes (mean depth ≤ 10 m) is limited. We examined seasonal and ontogenetic variation in diets of juvenile sockeye salmon (N = 219, 30–85 mm) and an abundant potential competitor, threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus; N = 198, 42–67 mm), to understand their foraging ecology and potential trophic interactions in a shallow Alaska lake. This study revealed that adult insects made up 74% of all sockeye salmon diets by weight and were present in 98% of all stomachs in Afognak Lake during the summer of 2013. Diets varied temporally for all fishes, but small sockeye salmon (<60 mm) showed a distinct shift in consumption from zooplankton in early summer to adult insects in late summer. We found significant differences in diet composition between sockeye salmon and threespine stickleback and the origin of their prey indicated that they also separated their use of habitat on a fine scale; however, the two species showed overlap in size selectivity of zooplankton prey. Considering that aquatic insects can be a primary resource for juvenile sockeye salmon in Afognak Lake, we encourage the development of nursery lake carrying capacity models that include aquatic insects as a prey source for sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical techniques using an antiserum to cod somatolactin (SL) demonstrated the presence of SL cells in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary in Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. The cells were small in yearling fish. Two groups of maturing fish were studied. In the spring run salmon collected in April and May during the upstream migration, the SL cells appeared stimulated. In September, during spawning, SL cell stimulation was maximal with indices of hypertrophy and degranulation often more marked in females than in males. In the other group, salmon of the fall run collected in the Pacific Ocean in August had well developed gonads, large gonadotropes and abundant SL cells. In spawning salmon (September) the SL cells were stimulated, mainly in females. However, the final stimulation was less intense than in spring run spawning fish. The SL cells were smaller, without evident granule release, but still abundant in spent salmon of the fall run caught at the end of November. Various factors (time spent in rivers before spawning, starvation, decalcification, stress, hypothalamic influences) were considered which might explain differences between spring and fall run salmon. These observations suggest that SL may play a role in the control of gonadal maturation in chinook salmon as it may also do in sockeye and chum salmon previously studied, and that SL cells may be sensitive to the ambient salinity.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined the site fidelity of spawning adult sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) by tagging and releasing fish in the same stream reach (controls) and displacing them among different but nearby sites ( c . 50 m away). Three sites – two above a stream junction ('upper' reach and 'pond') and one below ('lower' reach) – allowed us to compare the behavior of salmon in the presence and absence of olfactory cues and habitat similarity. Most controls of both sexes (90%) remained in the immediate vicinity of the tagging and release site. When displaced downstream, where the odors of both the upper reach and the pond were detectable, most salmon returned to their former site (65%). Displaced sockeye were more likely to return to the pond from the lower reach than from the upper one ( P  = 0.05), consistent with olfactory orientation and the hypothesis that salmon prefer certain habitats. Salmon displaced from the upper to the lower reach were much more likely to return than those displaced to the pond ( P  < 0.01), consistent with the role of odors in orientation and inconsistent with the habitat choice hypothesis.  相似文献   

In recent years, returns of adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka to the Columbia River Basin have reached numbers not observed since the 1950s. To understand factors related to these increased returns, we first looked for changes in freshwater production and survival of juvenile migrants. We then evaluated productivity changes by estimating smolt‐to‐adult return rates (SAR) for juvenile migration years 1985–2010. We found SAR varied between 0.2 and 23.5%, with the highest values coinciding with recent large adult returns. However, the largest adult return, in 2012, resulted not from increased survival, but from increased smolt production. We evaluated 19 different variables that could influence SARs, representing different facets of freshwater and ocean conditions. We used model selection criteria based on small‐sample corrected AIC to evaluate the relative performance of all two‐ and three‐variable models. The model with April upwelling, Pacific Northwest Index (PNI) in the migration year, and PNI in the year before migration had 10 times the AICc weight as the second‐best‐supported model, and R2 = 0.82. The variables of April ocean upwelling and PNI in the migration year had high weights of 0.996 and 0.927, respectively, indicating they were by far the best of the candidate variables to explain variations in SAR. While our analyses were primarily correlative and limited by the type and amount of data currently available, changes in ocean conditions in the northern California Current system, as captured by April upwelling and PNI, appeared to play a large role in the variability of SAR.  相似文献   

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