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抗营养因子存在于饲料中,抗营养因子阻碍动物吸收饲料中的营养成分,进而导致动物体出现病变,对动物繁殖性能和生长产生影响。因此,必须要将饲料中的抗营养因子消除,保证饲料中的营养成分被有效利用,降低养殖的生产成本。下面,笔者就浅谈饲料中抗营养因子的危害作用及消除方法。  相似文献   

饲料抗营养因子是影响营养物质在动物体内消化利用和导致动物代谢性疾病的主要因素。为深入了解饲料抗营养因子消除方法,文章对饲料中抗营养因子的种类、抗营养作用机理及其消除方法的研究情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

经过对几种现行饲料调制过程中抗营养因子消除和营养成分改变情况的比较分析,得知热喷法和膨胀法消除抗营养因子的效率显著,养分损失都比较少;发酵法能消除多种抗营养因子的抑制作用;酶制剂法不论在去除抗营养因子和改善饲料饲用品质方面,还是在生产中大规模应用方面,都是一种高效、实用、有开发前景的饲料调制方法。  相似文献   

饲料中的抗营养因子及其消除方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗营养因子的概念不断的变化更新。Gontzea和Sutzescu(196 8)将抗营养因子定义为 :植物代谢产生的并以不同机制对动物产生抗营养作用的物质。Huisman等 (1990 )指出 ,抗营养因子的作用主要表现为降低饲料中营养物质的利用率、动物的生长速度和动物的健康水平。总之 ,将饲料中对营养物质的消化、吸收和利用产生不利影响的物质以及影响畜禽健康和生产能力的物质 ,统称为抗营养因子。研究饲料中的抗营养因子对提高动物饲料的利用率和饲料报酬、开发新的饲料资源、减少环境污染 ,有重大意义。消除饲料中抗营养因子的方法有物理法、化学法、生…  相似文献   

经过对几种现行饲料调制过程中抗营养因子消除和营养成分改变情况的比较分析,得知热喷法和膨胀法消除抗营养因子的效率显著,养分损失都比较少;发酵法能消除多种抗营养因子的抑制作用;酶制剂法不论在去除抗营养因子和改善饲料用品质方面,还是在生产中大规模应用方面,都是一种高效,实用,有开发诉饲料调制方法。  相似文献   

饲料中抗营养因子的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
饲料是发展畜牧业的物质基础,但有些饲用植物在生和与生产、加工、贮存过程中往往产生一种以不同机制对动物产生抗营养作用的物质——抗营养因子(ANFS),其主要作用是降低饲料中营养物质利用率,从而影响动物健康与生长,现在虽对某些抗营养因子的研究已取得一定成果,并已有可能降低甚至消除其抗营养作用,但其对饲料营养价值的影响仍很严重,不可忽视,本文就抗营养因子的主要有害作用,将抗营养因子分为五类,分别就其主要存在的饲料原料,作用原理,消除方法做一综述。1抑制蛋白质消化和利用的抗营养因子抑制蛋白质消化和利用的…  相似文献   

目前饲料中常用的酶种主要有淀粉酶、果胶酶、蛋白质酶、纤维素酶、木聚糖酶、植酸酶、β-葡聚糖酶、甘露聚糖酶和糖化酶等。(一)饲料酶制剂的主要作用1.消除日粮中的抗营养因子。植物性原料存在一些非淀粉多糖、果胶、植酸纤维素聚合物,使动物消化道中内容物和黏度增加,影响动物对有效营养成分的消化和吸收,酶制剂中的多种酶特别是β-葡聚糖酶、果胶酶、植酸酶和纤维素酶,能将这些物质分解为小分子物质,而降低了消化道中物质的黏度,有效消除这些抗营养因子的不良影响。  相似文献   

饲料是动物生产的物质基础,现在配合饲料中百分之九十以上的组成成分为植物性饲料。然而植物性饲料中经常会含有一种或多种抗营养因子。本文主要论述了植物性饲料中抗营养因子的危害及其消除方法。  相似文献   

<正>1饲料中为什么添加酶制剂?1.1补充内源酶的不足(主要针对幼龄动物),提高动物对饲料的消化吸收能力。1.2消除饲料中的抗营养因子,提高饲料可消化利用性。抗营养因子是指植物性饲料原料中存在以不同机制影响动物对其营养物质消化利用的物质的总称。由于这些抗营养因子通常都是多聚糖类,包括纤维素、半纤维素等,因此又称为非淀粉多糖,就是我们通常所说的NSP。2关于酶制剂效果的问题当前饲料中使用酶制剂已经是非常普  相似文献   

饲料中含有抗营养因子,如大豆含有蛋白酶抑制因子——凝集素、皂素等,大麦和小麦含有β-葡聚糖、阿拉伯木聚糖等,这些抗营养因子会抑制酶的活性、降低饲料消化率。消除饲料中的抗营养因子可提高消化率,如加热可使抗营养因子灭活、用酸或碱处理可脱去棉酚等;同时,加工处理可以改变淀粉在整个消化道的消化部位和消化程度,从而影响营养物质的吸收利用。饲料的处理对饲料营养成分的消化吸收有着重要的影响,合理地对饲料进行加工处理,有利于提高家畜对营养物质的消化,提高其生产性能,促进养殖业健康高效发展。  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factors (IGF) are important mediators of growth, lactation, reproduction, and health. Considerable information on their role in ruminant animals has been learned in the past several years, but the precise mechanisms of their action are not known. The exact biological response of target cells is undoubtedly determined by the developmental state of the cell and synergism with other growth factors. Overall, somatomedins and their binding proteins seem to be major links between cellular developmental processes and nutrient supply. The mechanism by which nutrients control biological actions of somatomedins is not known but clearly involves the synthesis of IGF, as well as their binding proteins and receptors. In ruminants, severe feed restriction decreases circulating concentrations of IGF-I, whereas subtle alterations typical of those that occur in production systems have minimal effect. However, the responses of IGF to somatotropin are affected by modest alterations in nutritional status, including differences in nutritional status that are typically encountered in animal production systems.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), defined as impaired growth and development of the mammalian embryo/fetus or its organs during pregnancy, is a major concern in domestic animal production. Fetal growth restriction reduces neonatal survival, has a permanent stunting effect on postnatal growth and the efficiency of feed/forage utilization in offspring, negatively affects whole body composition and meat quality, and impairs long-term health and athletic performance. Knowledge of the underlying mechanisms has important implications for the prevention of IUGR and is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of livestock production and animal health. Fetal growth within the uterus is a complex biological event influenced by genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors, as well as maternal maturity. These factors impact on the size and functional capacity of the placenta, uteroplacental blood flows, transfer of nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus, conceptus nutrient availability, the endocrine milieu, and metabolic pathways. Alterations in fetal nutrition and endocrine status may result in developmental adaptations that permanently change the structure, physiology, metabolism, and postnatal growth of the offspring. Impaired placental syntheses of nitric oxide (a major vasodilator and angiogenic factor) and polyamines (key regulators of DNA and protein synthesis) may provide a unified explanation for the etiology of IUGR in response to maternal undernutrition and overnutrition. There is growing evidence that maternal nutritional status can alter the epigenetic state (stable alterations of gene expression through DNA methylation and histone modifications) of the fetal genome. This may provide a molecular mechanism for the role of maternal nutrition on fetal programming and genomic imprinting. Innovative interdisciplinary research in the areas of nutrition, reproductive physiology, and vascular biology will play an important role in designing the next generation of nutrient-balanced gestation diets and developing new tools for livestock management that will enhance the efficiency of animal production and improve animal well being.  相似文献   

功能性低聚糖是一种新型、绿色饲料添加剂,它能够增殖有益菌、抑制病原菌,从而调节肠道微生态系统;可被有益菌利用产生短链脂肪酸、维生素等,为动物提供营养;同时也能够改善脂类代谢和促进日粮中一些矿物质的吸收。本文对功能性低聚糖的种类、应用、作用机理、影响应用效果的因素、应用过程中存在的问题及推广应用前景进行了全面论述。  相似文献   

棉粕是一种仅次于豆粕的优质植物性蛋白原料,蛋白质含量高,氨基酸种类丰富,但由于含有多种抗营养因子而限制了其在饲料中的应用。利用微生物发酵法处理棉粕可以有效降低其抗营养因子含量,还能提高发酵底物中小分子肽、消化酶、有机酸、益生菌等的含量,从而提高其营养价值。发酵棉粕在动物生产中有较为广泛的应用,在生长育肥猪日粮中使用5%~10%的发酵棉粕替代豆粕,对猪的采食量、日增重和料肉比等指标均没有显著影响,且可降低饲料成本;在鸡日粮中添加5%~15%的发酵棉粕可以提高鸡群免疫力,降低发病率,从而节约用药成本,并可改善鸡肉、鸡蛋的品质;发酵棉粕还可作为反刍动物精料补充料中的蛋白质原料,其所含的营养物质可通过促进瘤胃微生物的生长繁殖从而增加反刍动物对粗饲料的利用率;在水产饲料中用发酵棉粕代替鱼粉和豆粕,不仅可以降低饲料成本及饵料系数,还可以改善水质,提高水产动物体内消化酶含量,从而提高营养物质的消化吸收率。作者综述了发酵棉粕的营养价值,并总结了其在动物生产中的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

1. Infectious diseases reduce productivity and diminish animal welfare. 2. Appropriate nutrition may aid in minimising the incidence of diseases by enhancing immunity. 3. An understanding of the pressures imposed by evolution that underlie poultry nutrition as well as those which underlie immunity provides focus to the field of nutritional immunology. Additional understanding is provided by knowing the specific cellular mechanisms by which diet affects immunity, and how these mechanisms pertain to specific nutrients and pathogens. 4. These approaches indicate that higher inclusion rates of all nutrients are not always better and that the traditional ideas of adding a surfeit of specific nutrients to improve immunity does not usually serve us well. 5. Understanding the nuances of nutrition and immunity is important for optimising bird health and productivity, and will be an important contributor towards fulfilling the consumer's conflicting demands for more natural production and better animal welfare.  相似文献   

乳酸菌属于兼性厌氧性革兰阳性菌,可产生乳酸、酶等多种活性因子,具有维持肠道内菌群平衡、提高机体免疫力、促进营养物质吸收等多种功能,是当前作为动物饲料添加剂最受关注及应用最广泛的益生菌之一。概述了乳酸菌的生物学特性及其在动物营养中的应用,旨在为动物营养的试验研究和生产实践提供一定的科学理论依据。  相似文献   

The role of nutrition in canine hip dysplasia is a multifactorial as the disease itself. Large and giant breeds primarily are at risk for the disease. Rate of growth, feeding methods, feed consumption, specific nutrients, and electrolyte balances within the diet have all been shown to influence hip dysplasia. Known nutritional risk factors are rapid weight gain and excessive calcium supplementation. Nutritional factors with less secure roles in their influence on the disease process are vitamin C, protein, and carbohydrates. There exists a need to identify further and control the various nutritional factors in the diet that influence canine hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

在配合饲料前获得准确的饲料原料的营养价值对高效的动物生产至关重要。由于当前缺乏快速而廉价的饲料检测技术,营养学家和畜禽生产者都依据饲料数据库对原料的营养价值进行估测。但是现有的饲料数据库中存在信息不完全,过时或者参考的价值有限等问题。畜牧业需要一个包含大量的饲料原料营养价值的动态数据库。这种数据库可以通过低成本饲料配方提高饲料的利用效率。通过建立这类数据库,研究人员也可以挖掘饲料原料的营养价值及其影响因素。这种动态数据库同时可以作为一种参考数据库用于比较各种饲料原料的营养价值。  相似文献   

Trace nutrients and fat, as important nutrients for animal metabolism, are vital for the growth and development of animals.Importantly, they can regulate gene expression in different ways and levels.The alteration of animal gene expression can affect the animal's nutritional requirements and growth performance by changing the nutrient metabolic pathway and efficiency.With the development of animal nutrition and molecular biology, the mechanism of nutrients regulating gene expression is gradually revealed.In this paper, the effects of trace nutrients and fat regulating gene expression were reviewed aiming to provide a theoretical basis for the determining of animal nutrients requirement more accurately and scientifically.In addition, the application prospects of nutrients regulating gene expression were also discussed.  相似文献   

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