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The development of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock (known as Land Transport Standards and Guidelines) is the first in a series of projects to develop consistent animal welfare standards and guidelines in Australia. The project represents an evolution in the way in which animal welfare policy is developed in Australia. The standards will be the animal welfare requirements that must be met under law for livestock welfare purposes, and the guidelines are the recommended practices to achieve desirable animal welfare outcomes.The development work has been carried out under the auspices of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). The project is part of the AAWS vision for national standards that are maintained and enforced in a consistent, cost-effective manner and that reflect contemporary scientific knowledge, competent livestock husbandry, and mainstream community expectations. The development process for the standards and guidelines is laid out in a business plan that provides for effective and transparent stakeholder consultation and a public consultation period before final recommendations on the standards and guidelines are made to the government.This paper discusses the process and philosophies for development of the standards and guidelines and gives an overview of the content. After 6 reference group meetings, the Land Transport Standards and Guidelines went to public consultation on March 29, 2008 for a 60-day period. After revision, complete consensus was not achieved in 2 additional meetings; the major unresolved issue is the measures relating to the transport of bobby calves. An agreement has been reached to further examine the bobby calf situation, and the standards and guidelines have been recommended for government endorsement, which was expected in April 2009.  相似文献   

Research conducted by the Anthrozoology Institute and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory has shown that many working dogs exhibit high levels of physiologic stress in response to kenneling (Hiby et al., 2006, Rooney et al., 2007a). Furthermore, these dogs tend to perform poorly during training, establishing links between welfare and working ability (Rooney et al., 2005, Rooney et al., 2007b). Subsequently, we have been studying how kenneling affects welfare and working ability. Specifically, we have investigated which elements within housing and husbandry influence welfare, which of these seem to be the most important, and how environmental enrichment (e.g. feeding devices) can affect welfare and working ability. This paper draws together results from all of these studies, identifying signs that may be indicative of compromised welfare, and providing guidelines, based on scientific evidence, for how to improve kenneled working dog welfare. It reproduces an unpublished guide designed to primarily inform and advise practitioners who are responsible for caring for, and/or handling working dogs. This paper aims to ensure that practitioners are updated of the most recent advances in working dog welfare, and hence many of the studies summarized here are yet to be published in full, in peer-reviewed journals.  相似文献   

Governments, industry and community groups in Australia are jointly developing a national strategy for animal welfare. This will provide for improved national approaches and help in formulating international animal welfare standards. The strategy will recognise the point that animal welfare concerns the humane use and care of animals and is of concern to the community. Animal welfare is a significant issue for the veterinary profession, as the community expects veterinarians to fill a special role in alleviating animal suffering and pain. Many expectations and concerns influence the development of animal welfare standards. Established processes provide well-defined roles for national bodies such as the Animal Welfare Committee (of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management) and the National Consultative Committee for Animal Welfare.  相似文献   

随着畜牧业的快速发展和国际贸易自由化进程的加快,动物福利对我国畜牧业发展的影响越来越大。阐述了动物福利的概念、实施动物福利的现实意义,指出了我国畜禽福利所存在的问题,并提出了相关改善措施。  相似文献   

Organic farming in Europe has increased during the last decade but the market share is still relatively low with less than 3% of farmed arable land and an even smaller proportion of farm animal species raised in organic livestock production systems. In many aspects, the biological and ethological needs of animals in organic farming systems are better met than on conventional farms. Emphasis is placed on high standards in product quality, animal health and welfare. However, limitations due to the strict organic rules place high demands on management qualifications. Practical experience shows that organic livestock production is certainly no guarantee of good animal health and welfare. It is suggested to develop quality assurance programmes for process quality assessment to ensure a certain level of management standard. Epidemiological studies are needed to evaluate health risk factors for health and welfare problems in organic livestock production. The concept of organic animal farming can only fulfil the criteria for sustainability, if all requirements on animal health and welfare, together with product quality and ecological soundness, are strongly considered and controlled.  相似文献   

Though being controversially discussed in the fore field the new guidelines "Animal Welfare Aspects for the Organization of Pet Markets" of the German Federal Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Affairs create a standard supported by the main associations of both animal welfare activists and keepers of animals concerned by this subject. This standard was created as a means of achieving high animal welfare standards at these markets all over Germany. First practical experience with the guidelines show that their strict application can greatly improve conditions for the animals. It remains a challenge for the veterinary authorities however to develop inspection concepts for each market jointly with the organizer. Inspections at each event followed by appropriate executive measures further help to ensure conditions in accordance with German Animal Welfare legislation. Besides the opportunity of making conditions with the obligatory licence of pet merchants should be taken.  相似文献   

Sweden has a long history of detailed and progressive legislation related to animal welfare for laboratory, farm and companion animals. Previously, these issues have been the responsibility of the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SBA). As a growing proportion of the public opinion and the political establishment felt that the animal welfare related issues were not given proper attention at the SBA, a political decision was recently made to separate animal housing, management and welfare from the SBA and create an independent Animal Welfare Agency. This Agency was formally launched on January 1st 2004. The government has commissioned the Agency to improve animal welfare by evaluating, enforcing and developing legislation. The agency should consider scientific evidence when writing new legislation. Also, the Agency incorporates an external Animal Welfare Council, which, among other things, discusses ethical aspects in relation to existing or proposed legislature. The new Agency must deal with a diversity of public expectations. Animal rights groups have high expectations regarding new and stricter legislation, for example related to fur animals, while some farmers fear that production aspects may be completely lost in discussions about improving welfare standards for farm animals.  相似文献   

The Welfare Quality® project has developed an operational definition of farm animal welfare, which consists of 12 criteria grouped into four principles (‘good feeding’, ‘good housing’, ‘good health’ and ‘appropriate behaviour’). As part of a larger survey, 204 farmers, 72 vegetarians, and a representative sample of 459 adult citizens in Flanders (Belgium) scored the importance of each of the 12 criteria on a 1–10 scale, and divided 100 points across the four principles according to the perceived relative weights for farm animal welfare. These data were analysed to verify quantitatively whether (1) the grouping of 12 criteria into the four principles, and (2) the relative weights used by Welfare Quality® for aggregating the 12 criteria into an overall welfare judgement correspond with the perception of these three stakeholder groups from a region and setting not previously covered by Welfare Quality® studies. Moreover, the effects of various socio-demographic variables on the importance allocated to the welfare criteria and principles were investigated. Vegetarians and females gave consistently higher importance scores to all 12 criteria as compared with farmers, citizens and males, respectively, particularly for the (criteria belonging to the) principle ‘appropriate behaviour’. Farmers allocated more weight to ‘good feeding’ than did vegetarians or citizens. These differences confirm that farmers view animal welfare more in terms of biological functioning (instead of affective states or natural living) as compared to other citizens, and vegetarians in particular. As the concept has a different meaning to different people, any operational definition of animal welfare is unlikely to match equally well with the perception of every single stakeholder group or person. The structure of the Welfare Quality® operational definition with the 12 criteria aggregated into four principles, corresponds well with the opinion of the stakeholders as they judged all 12 criteria as rather important to extremely important for farm animal welfare. Factor analysis restricted to contain four factors confirmed the grouping of the criteria into the correct principles. Exploratory factor analysis using Eigenvalues > 1 as extraction criterion indicated, however, that from the citizen perspective two principles (‘good feeding & health’ and ‘appropriate behaviour & housing’) rather than four would suffice. The main discrepancy with the Welfare Quality® approach concerns the aggregation procedure: the stakeholders did not consider all four principles as equally important, and the relative importance allocated to criteria corresponded poorly across principles. Some of these discrepancies were consistent across the three different stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

Ectoparasite infestations of sheep can result in serious animal welfare and financial losses. Many of the veterinary medicines used in their control can be harmful to humans and other species. These undesirable side-effects mean that trade-offs may be necessary and make it difficult to determine ‘the best’ control strategy. This problem is common to many animal health/welfare concerns, and must be addressed if progress is to be made under the Animal Health and Welfare Strategy for Great Britain. This paper describes an approach to such cases using a disease model to identify the financially optimal ectoparasite control strategies at the farm level for Scottish conditions in a climate of changing control restrictions. Our approach takes a wider systems perspective than is usual in cost-benefit studies of animal disease. The findings demonstrate that both flock size and ectoparasite risk are determinants of optimal control strategies. In addition the benefits of livestock biosecurity practices (isolation and treatment of incoming stock) for the control of sheep scab are demonstrated. The importance of dip products for the effective control of ectoparasites is discussed and possible implications if these become unavailable or the cost of their usage increases. Interdependence between stakeholders is highlighted, indicating a need for regional co-operation between farmers and a more integrated approach to control of some farm animal diseases.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to consider the ethics of stockmanship, particularly from the perspective of the nature and extent of the duties of stockpeople to their farm animals. It will consider what science tells us about the impact of stockmanship on the animal, particularly the welfare of the farm animal. The effects of human-animal interactions on the stockperson will also be considered, since these interactions affect the work performance and job satisfaction of the stockperson and thus indirectly affect animal welfare. Animal ethics is broader than animal welfare and includes economic as well as philosophical, social, cultural and religious aspects. This paper is predicated on the view that farm animals can suffer, and that animal suffering is a key consideration in our moral obligations to animals. Housing and husbandry practices affect farm animal welfare and thus farmers and stockpeople have a responsibility to provide, at minimum, community-acceptable animal housing and husbandry standards for their animals. The farmer's or stockperson's attitudes and behaviour can directly affect the animal's welfare and thus they also have a responsibility to provide specific standards of stockmanship for these animals. However, research suggests that the behaviour of some stockpeople is not as correct as it might be. Such situations exemplify the inevitably unequal human - domestic animal relationship, and this inequality should be considered in analysing the boundary between right and wrong behaviour of humans. Thus ethical discussion, using science and other considerations and involving stockpeople, livestock industries, government and the general public, should be used to establish and assure acceptable stockperson competencies across the livestock industries. Training programs targeting the key attitudes and behaviour of stockpeople presently offer the livestock industries good opportunities to improve human-animal interactions.  相似文献   

畜牧业中的动物福利问题越来越为人们所关注,评估动物福利是提高畜禽福利的基础。行为是评价动物福利最容易理解和最通常使用的指标,特别是异常行为的出现。应激相关生理表征也说明动物处于不适环境。但福利评估是一个复杂而棘手的问题,其他很多指标也可用于福利评估,特别是情感状态。论文较为全面地介绍了动物福利常用的评估指标和新的评估手段。  相似文献   

The land-based livestock industries in Australia face particular challenges in assuring high animal welfare standards due to large land areas and stock numbers, climatic extremes and relatively low inputs in terms of manpower and infrastructure. These factors make a major contribution to welfare issues associated with nutrition, health, mustering and handling, and transportation. In addition, welfare is seriously compromised by the invasive procedures that are conducted on livestock, such as castration, dehorning, mulesing and tail-docking. At least partial solutions to welfare issues associated with nutrition, health, mustering and handling are available now and should be universally adopted. There are potential solutions available for castration and dehorning, which require some further research and development. Genetic technologies can also provide a solution for dehorning, mulesing and tail-docking. Inevitably, all livestock experience transportation, and research and development is required to determine optimal practices for Australian conditions in order to minimise the negative impacts on animal welfare.  相似文献   

Animal-welfare issues are often controversial and frequently have an emotional component. Veterinarians have extensive knowledge, experience, and scientific perspective and are arguably the professionals best suited to advise and develop recommendations on animal welfare. The development of an Animal Welfare Act (AWA) teaching module is a first step toward educating veterinary students about animal welfare. This article presents the current development status of this curriculum project, which is intended to be a valuable addition to the evolving veterinary education on animal welfare.  相似文献   

近年来全球因人兽共患病引发的公共卫生事件频繁发生,对世界经济的发展和全球公共卫生安全带来了严峻挑战,此已引起国际社会的高度关注。有专家指出:人类对动物“严酷的剥削与过度的利用”,是造成了人禽(人畜)共患流行性疾病不断暴发的原因。本文阐述了动物福利与畜牧生产的关系和非福利因素对动物生理健康的影响。以期引起全社会关注和促进动物福利事业的发展,积极为畜牧生产中的动物创造一个精神上协调一致、生理上完全健康的生存状态,减少动物疫病(特别是人兽共患病)的发生与流行,保障畜牧业的发展与公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

In May 2007 a working group passed a guideline, which deals with requirements for the indoor keeping of dairy cows to perform Article 2 of the animal welfare legislation.The guideline should support the local district veterinary authorities and the stockman in the animal welfare judgement both of new and rebuilding as well as already existing stables. Whereas for new buildings minimum standards for the protection of cows are put together and beyond that additional recommendations for more "cow comfort" are given, for old buildings only standard values are presented. The guideline mentioned especially those aspects, which from previous experience always gives cause for discussion. For example: size and construction of cubicles, width and floor design of passageways or the relation between the number of animals and the number of feeding places and cubicles. All together the guideline enables the local district veterinary authorities in Lower Saxony to judge the keeping of dairy cows following equal standards.This leads to confidence in planning and investment for the livestock owners.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Significant potential threats to the health and welfare of horses exist in Ireland when supply exceeds demand and the identification system for horses is not yet robust. Objectives: To secure engagement with stakeholder groups and determine their perception of equine welfare in Ireland and encourage the development of inclusive, rather than imposed, policy solutions. Methods: A 3 round, web‐based Policy Delphi incorporating novel vignette methodology was conducted from November 2007–March 2008 to canvass opinion (in both quantitative and qualitative forms) on the perceived most significant equine welfare issues. Vignettes (narratives depicting potential compromise to equine welfare) were employed. Quantitative data were collected in the form of scoring on a 9 point Likert scale with labelled end‐points, qualitative information as text subsequently analysed for themes. Results: All 44 respondents completed all rounds. Major equine welfare issues were identified as welfare of horses during the disposal process and at unregulated gatherings. Assessed quantitatively on a 9 point Likert scale (0 = minimal; 8 = maximal), respondents scored the desirability and feasibility of improving standards, median 8 and 6, respectively, for both issues identified. Basic themes identified in respondents' quotes as reasons to raise equine welfare standards were ideological, protection of animal welfare, safe‐guarding the reputation of the equine industry and safety (of people, horses and environment). Themes for reasons for low standards were societal norms, fiscal pressures, indolence, indifference and ignorance. Themes underpinning potential means for achieving meaningful change (solutions) were legislation, enforcement, education/training, fiscal remedies, increasing awareness and a combination of these. Conclusions: Mechanisms aimed at raising standards must be based on an understanding of motivational drivers for currently low standards. Potential relevance: The challenge is to translate the findings and this heightened awareness into meaningful change to the benefit of horses and those who care for them.  相似文献   

Public and consumer pressure for assurances that farm animals are raised humanely has led to a range of private and public animal welfare standards, and for methods to assess compliance with these standards. The standards usually claim to be science based, but even though researchers have developed measures of animal welfare and have tested the effects of housing and management variables on welfare within controlled laboratory settings, there are challenges in extending this research to develop on-site animal welfare standards. The standards need to be validated against a definition of welfare that has broad support and which is amenable to scientific investigation. Ensuring that such standards acknowledge scientific uncertainty is also challenging, and balanced input from all scientific disciplines dealing with animal welfare is needed. Agencies providing animal welfare audit services need to integrate these scientific standards and legal requirements into successful programs that effectively measure and objectively report compliance. On-farm assessment of animal welfare requires a combination of animal-based measures to assess the actual state of welfare and resource-based measures to identify risk factors. We illustrate this by referring to a method of assessing welfare in broiler flocks. Compliance with animal welfare standards requires buy-in from all stakeholders, and this will be best achieved by a process of inclusion in the development of pragmatic assessment methods and the development of audit programs verifying the conditions and continuous improvement of farm animal welfare.  相似文献   

Equine Welfare and Carriage Horse Companies have been recently highlighted as matters of public concern, although little data exists to describe working conditions, municipal regulations, and veterinary attention. In light of the current pandemic of unwanted horses in this country, it is prudent for the veterinary community to identify objective measurements of satisfactory equine welfare in the carriage horse industry to regulate and maintain working horses in sound conditions. Retrospective data from a carriage company in South Carolina was collected from 2009 to 2012. Variables included days in work, hours and/or tours worked, veterinary charges, management practices, and environmental conditions. City veterinary reports were also reviewed for all five local carriage companies. The average number of days in work per animal ranged from 163 to 188 per year. On average, each animal performed 4.6 hour long tours per working day, resulting in an average 865 tours per year. Each animal cost on average $2.00 per day in veterinary costs, and $0.84 of each animal's tour went toward veterinary bills. Welfare among carriage horses is a subject on which equine veterinarians should be well versed; not only to answer questions from clientele but also to promote good working and living conditions for these animals in an effort to stem the number of unwanted horses in America. The carriage company reported in detail here provides acceptable welfare for their animals. Prospective studies are needed to collect objective, evidence-based data regarding stress levels in the animals.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is being accorded an increasingly important role in today's civil society. Within the EU, this has been enshrined within the specific “Protocol on Protection and Welfare of Animals” annexed to the EC Treaty, obliging Member States and the EU Institutions to pay full regard to the welfare of animals when formulating and implementing Community legislation. There is a growing body of EU legislation on this issue, founded on sound scientific principles (including the role of EFSA in providing independent scientific advice), taking account of public concerns, stakeholder input and possible socio-economic implications. Recent CAP reforms also testify to animal welfare's growing stature in policy-making, with the introduction of the principle of cross-compliance regarding eligibility for direct payments and additional financial incentives for producers to achieve higher standards. Animal welfare is being increasingly perceived as an integral element of overall food quality, having important knock-on effects on animal health and food safety. On a worldwide level, the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) has embarked on an initiative to develop global animal welfare guidelines and standards mandated by 167 member countries and the issue remains on the agenda for future WTO negotiations. Consumers demand higher standards of animal protection and it is incumbent upon policy-makers and legislators to respond accordingly.  相似文献   

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