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The public needs no reminder that deadly infectious diseases such as FMD could emerge in any country at any moment, or that national food security could be compromised by Salmonella or Listeria infections. Protections against these risks include the knowledge that appropriate and equivalent veterinary education will enable detection and characterization of emerging disease agents, as well as an appropriate response, wherever they occur. Global veterinary leadership is needed to reduce the global threat of infectious diseases of major food animal and public health importance. We believe that the co-curriculum is an excellent way to prepare and train veterinarians and future leaders who understand and can deal with global issues. The key to the success of the program is the veterinarian's understanding that there is a cultural basis to the practice of veterinary medicine in any country. The result will be a cadre of veterinarians, faculty, and other professionals who are better able (language and culture) to understand the effects of change brought about by free trade and the importance of interdisciplinary and institutional relationships to deal effectively with national and regional issues of food safety and security. New global veterinary leadership programs will build on interests, experience, ideas, and ambitions. A college that wishes to take advantage of this diversity must offer opportunities that interest veterinarians throughout their careers and that preferably connect academic study with intensive experiential training in another country. At its best, the global veterinary leadership program would include a partnership between veterinarians and several international learning centers, a responsiveness to the identified international outreach needs of the profession, and attention to critical thinking and reflection. The global veterinary leadership program we have described is intended to be a set of ideas meant to promote collaboration, coalitions, and discussion among veterinarians and veterinary educators who may be intrigued by the concept. The impact of the program can be summarized as follows: Outreach Programs: The global veterinary leadership program will establish new partnerships between veterinarians and veterinary college faculty as they supervise the international internships and see a relationship between their goals and the value of food safety to this country. Strategic Opportunity: The program will build on the critical role that US veterinarians and veterinary colleges already play in strengthening the safety of free trade in this hemisphere. Diversity in an Age of Specialization: The program will combine a global orientation, language ability, and access to comprehensive, research- and economic-related work/study opportunities to expose veterinarians to the expanding world market for veterinary expertise. New Linkages Through Corporate Partners: Through the success and high visibility of current research and education programs, most veterinary colleges are well positioned to engage industry, government, and university leaders in ways to use the proposed program to increase the flow of new ideas and talent into the world food enterprise. International Funding: A new partnership among veterinarians, industry, government, and university leaders can coordinate strong multilateral requests for funding from national and international sources. An Interdisciplinary Strategy that Benefits Veterinary Medicine: The program will combine the diverse veterinary research and education system with our strong national and international network of collaborators to provide globally competent veterinarians who will be needed for the corporate and public opportunities of the future.  相似文献   


The honour of being President gives one the opportunity of repaying the Association and the profession for the right to practise veterinary science in an environment which they have helped to create. It also gives the President the opportunity of a close association with other groups of people who are directly associated with our profession for it has been said that no man is an island and this is exceptionally so as far as the veterinary profession is concerned. While we are individuals, some more so than others, it is only as a cohesive organization that we can survive and progress. It is sometimes forgotten that the President and Council of the Association are elected by veterinarians, to make decisions on behalf of the veterinary profession. It is sometimes forgotten that the President and Council of the New Zealand Veterinary Association are veterinarians who are affected by decisions made, just as much as any colleague. To make a decision is to invite criticism; time will prove many decisions to be wrong, but there is a great satisfaction when a decision made proves to be the right one. I believe that a correct decision made is progress and this is the subject that I choose to discuss with you. I could talk about the past but that was yesterday and it is argued that there is no guidance in the past, for the problems of the future. I could talk about the future, but the future is tomorrow, so I will confine myself to the present and the problems associated with making progress in our present environment. I have said that the Veterinary Association is not an island, that its future, present and past are intricately tied to the farming endeavour of New Zealand as are many other organizations. I have had the, pleasure over the last 18 months of sitting on a ministerial committee called “The Committee of Veterinary Development”. As many will know, this committee was established at the request of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. Of major concern to us was the representations on this committee, for it consisted of administrative officers of the Department of Agriculture, Federated Farmers, the New Zealand Veterinary Association, and an independent chairman.  相似文献   

Veterinary public health (VPH) issues have received increased attention over the last few years as a result of the rising threat of emerging zoonoses (i.e., those due to globalized trade in animal and animal products and to changes in livestock production systems and the environment). The international dimension of VPH is gradually becoming recognized, and there is a growing need for veterinarians with experience in this field. In order to familiarize (future) veterinarians with the international dimension of VPH, the Department of Public Health and Food Safety of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, has been organizing a course in Veterinary Public Health and Animal Production for over the last 10 years. This course has been intended for Dutch as well as foreign final-year veterinary students and recent veterinary graduates. By bringing together participants from different countries, the course reinforces the international dimension of the issues addressed through the exchange of experiences by the participants themselves. The present article provides information about this course on Veterinary Public Health (VPH): it discusses logistics, didactical approaches, the course program, and the use of information and communication technology (ICT). Special attention is given to the intercultural aspects of higher education, all of which play an important role in the efficient exchange of knowledge between lecturers and students. International courses are an important tool to enable participants to interact in a multicultural environment and address issues that demand international cooperation and a global public health focus.  相似文献   

Veterinary science plays a crucial role in society and it is important that veterinarians are involved. However, there are concerns about a growing gap in the quality of veterinary science compared with other biomedical sciences, and about falling recruitment of veterinarians into research. Andrea Nolan and Massimo Palmarini, on behalf of the rcvs Research Subcommittee, discuss these concerns and the steps being taken to encourage more veterinary graduates into a career in research.  相似文献   

In Korea, there are 10 veterinary schools and about 500 new veterinarians are produced annually. Veterinary education is 6‐year‐system composed of pre‐veterinary (2 yrs) and veterinary course (4 yrs). Total of 28 to 33 subjects are taught in professional curriculum, including 21 of 23 subjects recommended by the World Veterinary Association (WVA) as minimum requirements for veterinary education. Only economics and botany are excluded. Currently, 6648 veterinarians are active in the profession in Korea; about 31% of these in clinical practice and 69% in non‐clinical areas. Korea has 3.5 million pets, 10.4 million livestocks, 105 million chickens, and 0.5 million other animals. In general, 630 livestock units (LU) are covered by each veterinarian. With improvement of economic status and life style change, the number and variety of species of companion animals are expanding, accordingly. Also the importance of molecular biology is recognized and included in the professional curriculum. In these changing times, it is believed that gross anatomy, histology and embryology are essential integral component of found in veterinary education. But the teaching hours of histology, embryology and gross anatomy have reduced 15% during last 5 years due to new subjects. Total teaching hours in professional curriculum is about 4100 hours (pre‐clinical 29%, paraclinical 32%, clinical course 38%). Average 200 hours are allocated for gross anatomy, histology and embryology lecture and average 250 hours for laboratory practice. The number of students per class ranges 40–80 depending on schools. The ratio of male and female students is 6–4, and the teaching faculty and students 1–22. The Korean Association of Veterinary Anatomists (KAVA) recommend one cow, five dogs, two pigs, five goats and 20 chickens per 20 students to be used for the dissection. The students are evaluated using various types of exam such as assignments, written and oral tests. Recently some schools are beginning to adopt block lectures and/or PBL.  相似文献   

The veterinary profession is rich in opportunities that are ignored. The veterinary profession should evolve to a new level--to more broadly include all aspects of public health. Veterinary education, even in its current classical mode, provides a rich base for multiple careers. With expansion, there will be a wealth of opportunities for veterinarians to be leaders in many phases of business and society.  相似文献   

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the agrarian sector in the former member states fell into a steep decline, and veterinary training and education came to a standstill. Before the collapse, veterinary care was free, but thereafter few could afford to pay for the services of a veterinarian. Veterinary science became an unpopular study and attracted less motivated students. However, some veterinarians started Private Veterinary Units (PVU) and became successful. It will take time for veterinary training and education to catch up with modern developments. In the meantime, the establishment of a Private Veterinary Unit connected to the Veterinary Faculty could play an important role in accelerating the availability of competent veterinarians.  相似文献   

Iraq is an agricultural country with a large population of animals: sheep, goats, cattle, water buffaloes, horses, donkeys, mules, and camels. In the 1980s, the successful poultry industry managed to produce enough table eggs and meat to satisfy the needs of the entire population; at one time, the thriving fish industry produced different types of fish for Iraqis' yearly fish consumption. There are four veterinary colleges in Iraq, which have been destroyed along with the veterinary services infrastructure. Understandably, improvements to the quality of veterinary education and services in Iraq will be reflected in a healthy and productive animal industry, better food quality and quantity, fewer zoonotic diseases, and more income-generating activities in rural areas. Thus, if undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs are improved, the veterinary medical profession will attract more competent students. This will satisfy the country's increased demand for competent veterinarians in both public and private sectors. Although Iraq has an estimated 5,000-7,000 veterinarians, there is a need for quality veterinary services and for more veterinarians. In addition, there is a need for the improvement of veterinary diagnostic facilities, as zoonotic diseases are always highly probable in this region. This article provides insight into the status of veterinary medical education and veterinary services in Iraq before and after the 1991 Gulf War and gives suggestions for improvement and implementation of new programs. Suggestions are also offered for improving veterinary diagnostic facilities and the quality of veterinary services. Improving diagnostic facilities and the quality of veterinary services will enhance animal health and production in Iraq and will also decrease the likelihood of disease transmission to and from Iraq. Threats of disease transmission and introduction into the country have been observed and reported by several international organizations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine perceptions of veterinary technical and professional skills among veterinary students and recent graduates. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 281 students and 142 recent graduates from the Ontario Veterinary College. PROCEDURE: A survey was designed and administered to first- through fourth-year students and veterinarians who had graduated either 1 or 6 years before survey administration. RESULTS: Overall response rate was 70%. Learning about technical and professional skills was highly valued. Most participants felt they had not received instruction about professional skills, but those who had felt more competent about them. Perceptions of competence increased slightly with increased comfort discussing emotional veterinary issues with instructors. Neither gender nor increased age was related to increased feelings of competence. Almost all fourth-year students felt competent and comfortable about examining an animal with the client present, assessing suffering, diagnosing parvovirus infection, performing surgery, and working as group members. However, many did not feel competent or comfortable about delivering bad news, setting time limits yet providing quality service, helping clients with limited funds make treatment decisions, dealing with demanding people, and euthanasia. Feelings of competence and comfort were closely related but were not identical. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In the interests of best preparing entry-level veterinarians, technical and professional skills need to be emphasized in a learning environment where students feel comfortable discussing emotional veterinary issues. A professional skills curriculum addressing underlying self-awareness, communication, and interpersonal issues, as well as procedural matters, would likely increase the proportion of fourth-year students who feel competent and comfortable about professional skills by the end of their undergraduate training.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the present and future supply of veterinarians in California, in light of changing trends in animal ownership. DESIGN: Database analysis. SAMPLE POPULATION: Human and animal populations, including populations of veterinarians, throughout the United States. PROCEDURES: Data on animal and human populations were compiled from a number of sources, including the US Census Bureau, American Veterinary Medical Association, State of California Department of Finance, and State of California Veterinary Medical Board. The distribution of veterinarians in California was contrasted with other health professionals in California and with that of veterinarians in other states. Recent changes in veterinary medical demographics in California were quantified and used to develop in-state projections about the supply of veterinarians for the next 20 years. RESULTS: Although California is the most populous of the 50 states, only 7 states had fewer veterinarians per capita. Furthermore, California ranked next to last among states in increase of number of veterinarians between 1990 and 1995. Los Angeles County had the smallest per-capita number of veterinarians among 9 populous California counties. During that period, California had a net gain of only 6 veterinarians who were exclusively or predominantly large-animal or mixed-animal practitioners. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: If current trends continue, the per-capita number of veterinarians will continue to decrease in California. To maintain the current ratio of 17.8 veterinarians/100,000 people in California in the future, we estimate that an additional 50 veterinarians above the currently predicted increase will be required annually.  相似文献   

Veterinary medical education in FADs has been and will continue to be critically important if veterinarians are expected to fulfill the profession's primary obligations to society--those of protecting our animals' health, conserving our animal resources, and promoting public health. It is imperative that curricula and instruction in veterinary schools and colleges provide the depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare all veterinarians, including those in private practice, for their key role in defending against FADs. Development and implementation of governmental and military programs to diagnose, prevent, control, and eradicate FADs will require a dedicated cadre of public sector veterinarians who have a solid educational foundation in FADs and understand the contemporary issues and global challenges we face. Animal-related industries, associations, and organizations will increasingly rely on well-educated veterinarians to help guide them in ways that will protect animals, clientele, consumers, and trading partners from effects of FADs. Agencies and organizations concerned with conservation of animal resources will require veterinary expertise necessary to prevent FADs in a multitude of animal species, including marine animals, wildlife, endangered species, zoologic specimens, and important genetic lines as well as our domestic companion and livestock species. Species affected by FADs also include human beings for those disease agents with zoonotic potential; thus, veterinary education also plays a key role in public health.  相似文献   

Veterinary science is well supplied with abstracting and indexing hournals. Both experience and an investigation undertaken for the Food and Agriculture Organisation indicate that they are comprehensive in scope and subject coverage. Computer operation of information services is now routine, and mechanised alerting and retrospective services are available. A veterinary round table was set up in 1973 by the Commission of the European Communities to attempt to improve veterinary information. The round table is conducting a detailed study of the value of the available machine information systems to veterinarians and is compiling a multi-lingual thesaurus. In addition, it is investigating the need for a new review journal, methods of recording animal disease incidence and variations in the needs of the different types of veterinarians for information. The use of machine information systems is expected to become more widespread in the near future. Many will be available on-line, a method of working which offers great advantages in speed and flexibility of operation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of the arts in the lives of those veterinary students and veterinarians who could be found to be active in one or more of the arts. PROCEDURE: Veterinary students and veterinarians active in the arts were sought by advertisement and personal contact. Respondents each completed a questionnaire, which was analysed using SAS. RESULTS: Of the 55 respondents (43 veterinarians; 12 students), 73% were involved in music, 31% in theatre, 27% in writing and 15% art, but for more than 80% this occupied no more than 10 hours/week, about one quarter of the time for veterinary work. Although most would like to spend more time on the artistic activity, this was generally limited by the need to earn an income from veterinary work. Music and drama provided satisfaction, variety, and relaxation while catering to creative needs. A creative outlet and satisfaction was very important for writers as well, but they also valued the intellectual stimulation. A complex relationship existed between the artistic and the veterinary activities, but the nature of this relationship varied both between type of artistic activity, and the person concerned. CONCLUSIONS: Veterinary science and the arts can complement one another with each making important contributions to the person and the artistic field involved, even though limitations of time for the arts may cause frustration.  相似文献   

The demographic characteristics of the veterinary profession in New Zealand are examined using information supplied by registered veterinarians to the Veterinary Surgeons Board in their applications for annual practising certificates in 1985. Comparisons are made with the veterinary professions in other similar countries, and with the medical and paramedical professions in New Zealand. In 1985 1308 registered veterinarians were working in New Zealand and 304 were overseas, whereas in 1976 the equivalent figures were 748 and 182. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of registered veterinarians in the last 10 years. Eighteen percent of veterinarians were female. The mean age of veterinarians was 38 years, but females in the profession were on average much younger (32 years) than males (42 years). Clinical practice provides employment for 70% of veterinarians: of these 59% work principally with farm animals and 41% with non-farm animals. The remaining veterinarians are employed by Government (22%), University (5%) and Industry (3%). The current demographic structure of the profession has been markedly influenced by the opening of New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in 1963. Differences from other medical professional populations in New Zealand and overseas principally reflect the marked change in the number and sex ratio of graduates entering the veterinary profession since that time. It will take about another twenty years before the population reaches a stable age and sex structure, assuming that current graduation patterns persist throughout that period. Because the structure of the population is changing, considerable caution is needed in predicting future employment trends from data for a single year.  相似文献   

The demographic characteristics of the veterinary profession in New Zealand are examined using information supplied by registered veterinarians to the Veterinary Surgeons Board in their applications for annual practising certificates in 1985. Comparisons are made with the veterinary professions in other similar countries, and with the medical and paramedical professions in New Zealand. In 1985 1308 registered veterinarians were working in New Zealand and 304 were overseas, whereas in 1976 the equivalent figures were 748 and 182. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of registered veterinarians in the last 10 years. Eighteen percent of veterinarians were female. The mean age of veterinarians was 38 years, but females in the profession were on average much younger (32 years) than males (42 years). Clinical practice provides employment for 70% of veterinarians: of these 59% work principally with farm animals and 41% with non-farm animals. The remaining veterinarians are employed by Government (22%), University (5%) and Industry (3%). The current demographic structure of the profession has been markedly influenced by the opening of New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in 1963. Differences from other medical professional populations in New Zealand and overseas principally reflect the marked change in the number and sex ratio of graduates entering the veterinary profession since that time. It will take about another twenty years before the population reaches a stable age and sex structure, assuming that current graduation patterns persist throughout that period. Because the structure of the population is changing, considerable caution is needed in predicting future employment trends from data for a single year.  相似文献   


One of the obvious points of life today is the rapid pace of technological change. The veterinary profession worldwide, and in New Zealand, is not immune from such change. Most of the changes that professionals are now learning to live with are changes that they themselves helped to bring about. Over the last twenty years, and especially over the last ten years in New Zealand, the demand for veterinary skills and advice has increased dramatically. Prior to 1937, veterinary science in New Zealand was an infant profession. Since then the first stage was “selling” farmers an awareness of what veterinary science could do for them. The second stage saw the formation of the Veterinary Services Council, in which efforts were made to ensure equitable distribution of veterinarians, especially in rural areas. The third stage was trying to cope with demand. Today, numbers are reaching the stage at which we can afford the luxury of more detailed planning. The aim is to ensure that all facets of the potential of veterinary science for increasing live-stock production, furthering animal welfare, and in quality control of human food-stuffs, are adequately and efficiently exploited. This is the stage at which multi- disciplinary co-operation will have to be seriously considered.  相似文献   

The work of farm animal practitioners will change in the coming years as a result of the White Paper on food safety. Both government and the Royal Veterinary Association of the Netherlands are working on an accreditation system for veterinarians. The veterinary practitioner is a link in the chain to achieve safe products. Where in the past emphasis was on the individual animal, it will now be on the herd or flock. The veterinarian will officially determine the health status of the farm, which in turn will play a role in the inspection procedures at the slaughterhouse. This form of farm management will become compulsory for all stockholders within the framework of the Veterinary Network for Supervision. In turn, these developments will affect the veterinary medicine curriculum. New subjects such as quality management will become increasingly important.  相似文献   

Changing demands from society and the veterinary profession call for veterinary medical curricula that can deliver veterinarians who are able to integrate specific and generic competencies in their professional practice. This requires educational innovation directed by an integrative veterinary competency framework to guide curriculum development. Given the paucity of relevant information from the veterinary literature, a qualitative multi-method study was conducted to develop and validate such a framework. A competency framework was developed based on the analysis of focus group interviews with 54 recently graduated veterinarians and clients and subsequently validated in a Delphi procedure with a panel of 29 experts, representing the full range and diversity of the veterinary profession. The study resulted in an integrated competency framework for veterinary professionals, which consists of 16 competencies organized in seven domains: veterinary expertise, communication, collaboration, entrepreneurship, health and welfare, scholarship, and personal development. Training veterinarians who are able to use and integrate the seven domains in their professional practice is an important challenge for today's veterinary medical schools. The Veterinary Professional (VetPro) framework provides a sound empirical basis for the ongoing debate about the direction of veterinary education and curriculum development.  相似文献   

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