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随着科学技术的不断创新,通讯事业飞速发展,千家万户都安上了电话,家畜繁育改良工作也由过去在繁育中心坐家配种转变为主动到农户家中服务,母畜保定就成了当前比较棘手的问题.为了解决母畜保定问题,我们采用了以下几种方法仅供参考.  相似文献   

二十世纪前半期一、意大利蜂的引入1903 ̄1920年,西方蜂种(主要是意蜂)及新养蜂法先传入福建、广东、香港、天津、北京等地,不久也传入黑龙江省。民国初年的养蜂情况《珠河县志》有以下记载:"民国初年,西洋蜂种及养蜂法传来以后,  相似文献   

(一)病因类型 1.消化不良型:母猪产前精料喂的过多,或突然更换饲料,加重胃肠负担,引起消化不良.此病常发于分娩之后,体温正常,食欲不振,粪便先干后稀,有的病猪喜欢喝点成汤,有的吃点鲜块茎和生米等食物,但数量不大,严重者食欲废绝.  相似文献   

随着年关临近,为了确保产区农民收入稳定增长,近日,政府有关部门出台了东北储备粮收购计划。在该重大利好政策拉动之下,我国部分产区玉米价格有望触底反弹,但受市场供应依然充足、需求整体依旧偏弱影响,国内玉米市场行情涨跌两难,具体分析如下:  相似文献   

1 配种准备期的管理 1.1营养供给原则 要维持本身的需要,使其肥胖度适中,外形匀称.另外,补充由于繁殖而消耗的营养物质,供给冬毛生长所需的营养物质.建议日粮标准是:10~11月份,鱼肉类10%~15%,动物副产品5%~10%,谷物70%,蔬菜10%.食盐2.5%,骨粉5%~10%,12月到明年1月份,鱼肉类20%~25%,动物副产品5%~10%,谷物'70%,蔬菜10%,酵母5%~8%,食盐2.5%,骨粉5%~10%,维生素A、B适量.给饲标准:10~11月份每只每日550~700g;12月份到明年1月份每只每日400~500g.  相似文献   

非洲菊:又名扶朗花,菊科,大丁草属,多年生草本植物;原产非洲南部,性喜温暖,阳光充足和空气流通的环境,不耐寒,忌炎热,生长适温20 ̄25℃,喜疏松、肥沃、排水良好且富含有机质的微酸性土壤。园艺品种花色丰富,有白、红、粉、黄等色系。兼有切花和盆花类型。彩色马蹄莲:天南星科多  相似文献   

<正>河南省地处黄河中下游,蚕业生产历史悠久。建国50年以来,尤其是近20g间,经过“七·五”至“八·五”的迅速发展和“九·五”、“十·五”的稳步调整,河南蚕业生产规模基本稳定,生产水平得到提高。目前全省桑园面积1.67万hm~2,年产桑蚕茧6000t,与建国时相比,桑园面积和蚕茧产量分别增长了24倍和42.2倍,与改革开放初期的1978年相比,分别增长了2.25倍和4.18倍;蚕业深加工等综合产值达到10亿元,农民收入达5亿元,出口创汇8600多万美元。“九·五”、“十·五”期间,河南茧丝绸业保持着北方诸省(山东、陕西省除外)生产、出口主要基地和传统优势产业、出口创汇大户的地位。蚕业生产已成为不少平原和山区农民脱贫致富奔小康的支柱产业。 1 “九·五”、“十·五”实际生产情况 1.1 实际生产情况 1.1.1 生产规模保持基本稳定桑蚕生产在经历了1995年“全面下滑”桑园规模大幅度缩减后,“九·五”期间,全省蚕茧的总产和年产量也相应减少,但集中产  相似文献   

孟俊英 《养猪》2008,(2):74-75
在丹麦,人们已经提出一个分组饲养妊娠母猪的新观念,名叫"最佳猪栏",它把群饲设备与单独饲喂和铺有稻草、排水良好的地面结合在一起,见图1.对这种设计的研究显示,给妊娠母猪建成一个既有饲喂/休息的去处,又有一个铺垫良好的躺卧处的猪栏-所占面积总量与配备给群饲母猪的电子饲喂系统的场地所使用的面积相当.  相似文献   

商机无论大小,从经济意义上讲一定是能由此产生利润的机会.商机表现为需求的产生与满足的方式上在时间、地点、成本、数量、对象上的不平衡状态.旧的商机消失后,新的商机又会出现.没有商机,就不会有"交易"活动.商机转化为财富,必定满足五个"合适":合适的产品或服务,合适的客户,合适的价格,合适的时间,合适的渠道.目前我们能认识的商机大致可归结为14种:  相似文献   

夏秋季节龟活动较多,或运输中腹甲损伤,或池子粗糙引起磨损龟甲后而导致龟甲内局部红肿发炎,多数常见于腹甲内部有出血斑块,并向四周浸润扩散,严重时可波及整个龟甲,引起败血症而死亡.池中水质差、消毒少、水底氧气少时易产生大量单孢杆菌是引起此病的元凶.  相似文献   

Complications in late gestation are challenging problems for the equine clinician and are causes of considerable distress to owners. Health problems in a pregnant mare in each stage of gestation can adversely affect the pregnancy. It is important to obtain a thorough history and perform a detailed and systematic examination of the pregnant mare so that the mare may be classified as normal or high-risk. However, even after a thorough examination, practitioners may face problems with the interpretation and assessment of risk. Normal mares should foal in the stable or pasture. Mares classified as having a high-risk pregnancy need to be monitored precisely for signs of oncoming foaling with attendance of trained personnel when labour begins. A valuable method for monitoring of the high-risk mare is assessing fetoplacental well-being. Fetoplacental well-being is most accurately assessed with ultrasonography as well as several available hormone profiles. We are proposing our scoring system of the mare's health, which may be useful in the assessment of risk during pregnancy and help clinicians to decide whether sending the mare to the clinic is reasonable or unnecessary.  相似文献   

The understanding and application of genetics have grown extremely quickly since it has become possible to sequence the whole genome of an organism. The human genome sequence was completed in 2001 and that of the horse in 2007. The significance of this is that it makes it more feasible to explain how both genetically simple and complex traits are transmitted from one generation to the next and, therefore, to make informed breeding decisions, modify how horses are managed and trained to minimise the risk of disease and injury, and improve methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. The science of genetics/genomics will continue to grow internationally, limited only by the funds available. The application of the science to man, horses and other species raises very complex moral and commercial issues. Thoroughbred breeders are perceived by some as resistant to change, but their apparent intransigence is often based on a genuine concern for the integrity of the breed. By taking control of the application of the advances in genetics, the Thoroughbred industry potentially has the opportunity to improve both the health and performance of Thoroughbreds. If, however, the science is applied in an uncoordinated manner, driven by commercial interests with no underlying concern for the horses themselves, there is a very real risk that breeders, the Thoroughbred breed and individual horses will all suffer as a consequence.  相似文献   

As there is no statistical evidence that saddle fit influences the load exerted on a horse's back, this study was performed to assess the hypothesis that the width of the tree significantly alters the pressure distribution on the back beneath the saddle. Nineteen sound horses were ridden at walk and trot on a treadmill with three saddles differing only in tree width. Kinetic data were recorded by a sensor mat. A minimum of 14 motion cycles were used in each trial. The saddles were classified into four groups depending on fit. For each horse, the saddle with the lowest overall force (LOF) was determined. Saddles were classified as "too-narrow" if they were one size (2 cm) narrower than the LOF saddle, and "too-wide" if they were one size (2 cm) wider than the LOF saddle. Saddles two sizes wider than LOF saddles were classified as "very-wide". In the group of narrow saddles, the pressure in the caudal third (walk 0.63 N/cm(2)+/-0.10; trot 1.08 N/cm(2)+/-0.26) was significantly higher compared to the LOF saddles (walk 0.50 N/cm(2)+/-0.09; trot 0.86 N/cm(2)+/-0.28). In the middle transversal third, the pressure of the wide saddles (walk 0.73 N/cm(2)+/-0.06; trot 1.52 N/cm(2)+/-0.19) and very-wide saddles (walk 0.77 N/cm(2)+/-0.06; trot 1.57 N/cm(2)+/-0.19) was significantly higher compared to LOF saddles (walk 0.65 N/cm(2)+/-0.10/ 0.63 N/cm(2)+/-0.11; trot 1.33 N/cm(2)+/-0.22/1.27 N/cm(2)+/-0.20). This study demonstrates that the load under poorly fitting saddles is distributed over a smaller area than under properly fitting saddles, leading to potentially harmful pressures peaks.  相似文献   

试验选择陕北白绒山羊繁育中心羊场的成年健康母羊(怀孕前期)16只,育成母羊13只,育成公羊13只,空腹称重。测定每只羊1d的采食量,计算其摄入的营养成分含量,并与原苏联绒用山羊饲养标准比较,进行饲养水平评价。结果显示,与饲养标准比较,陕北白绒山羊繁育中心羊场的育成母羊代谢能高2.68MJ,粗蛋白低59.29g,钙低3.00g,磷低1.52g;育成公羊代谢能高3.47MJ,粗蛋白低81.92g,钙低4.42g,磷低2.62g;成年母羊代谢能高2.51MJ,粗蛋白低91.33g,钙低3.09g,磷低1.93g。结合羊的体况综合评价饲养水平基本合理,但尚需要按饲养标准增加粗蛋白、钙、磷等营养物质的供给量。  相似文献   

古浪县北部荒漠草场改良过程中植被变化动态的研究   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
王天河 《草业科学》2005,22(8):14-16
结合古浪县北部荒漠草场生态治理工程,在自由放牧、围栏封育和人工补播条件下,对退化草场的植物种类、植被盖度、生产力水平等进行了初步的调查研究。结果表明:1)随自由放牧时间的延长,草场植被盖度、生产力逐渐下降,植物种类逐渐减少;2)随围栏封育时间的延长,放牧压力减轻,草场植被盖度、生产力逐渐提高,物种丰富度增加;3)人工补播种草加快了草场的恢复演替速度。围栏封育和人工补播使草场植物群落优势种得到加强,沙蒿Artemisia desertorum,沙米Agriophyllum squarrosura,短花针茅Stipa breviflora大量生长,草场植被盖度和生产力大幅度提高,是恢复和改良退化草场的一条行之有效的途径。  相似文献   

The successful co-existence of each Brucella spp. with its preferred host is the outcome of ancient co-evolutionary relationships and selection pressures that often result in a stalemate where the pathogen has evolved to survive within the biological systems of the host, and the host has evolved innate and acquired immune systems which allow controlled survival of infection by the pathogen, ultimately supporting the survival of the host-pathogen system. In general, Brucella spp. have evolved a similar fundamental pathogenesis of facultative intracellular parasitism though the predominant route of natural exposure varies from oropharynx to genital tract, as does the preferred tissue and cellular tropism, e.g. non-professional placental trophoblasts, fetal lung, professional macrophages of reticulendothelial system, and the male and female reproductive tracts. The morphogenesis of the pyogranulomatous lesions stimulated by Brucella reflects the nature of the persistent parasitism, i.e. genome versus genome. The question is, how can this perplexing array of survival mechanisms be unraveled? Fortunately, the integration of real-time image analysis, cell biology, genome-wide analysis, proteomics and bioinformatics holds the most promise ever for the global analysis of the Brucella infectious process and the host:pathogen interface leading to a clearer understanding of the interactions of these biological systems. These discoveries will be expected to provide a frameshift in rationales for interrupting and/or controlling brucellosis at host and/or pathogen levels.  相似文献   

选用健康成年来航鸡9只,以20~30%HRP溶液作标记物,观察了视顶盖后背侧部的神经纤维联系。结果:在光镜下明视野视察,标记细胞出现在古纹状体后腹部、外侧螺旋核、视上交叉腹侧核、顶盖前核、峡核大细胞部和深中脑外侧核,在内侧螺旋核和视顶盖中央灰层偶见标记细胞;在腹外侧膝状体核、圆核、顶盖前顶盖下间置核、背外侧膝状体核、前顶盖下核、丘脑背外侧核、视顶盖室周纤维层以及中脑和延髓的网状结构等部位观察到标记终枝;同时观察到顶盖丘脑束中有标记纤维的横断像以及视上腹侧交叉和顶盖连合中有标记纤维。结果表明,视顶盖的纤维比较广泛,与端脑、间脑、中脑以及延髓都有联系,视上腹交叉是两眼间视觉信息交流的形态学基础。  相似文献   

用蜂胶乙醇提取液对大田栽培的烟株进行病害防治的试验 ,结果表明 4种不同浓度的蜂胶对烟草病害均有防治作用 ,以原液稀释 50 0倍、 80 0倍防治效果最好。  相似文献   

日粮中添加沸石对肉兔生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨沸石对肉兔生长的影响,将40只60~70日龄加利福尼亚幼兔随机分成4组。Ⅰ组为对照组,饲喂基础日粮,另外3组分别在基础日粮中添加3%、6%和9%沸石。结果表明,在每千克饲料含可消化能110MJ、粗蛋白质160%的日粮中,添加3%~5%的沸石,可促进幼兔生长,降低饲养成本,提高养兔效益。  相似文献   

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