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“中国野生动物之乡”命名活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梦梦  尹峰 《野生动物》2012,33(2):105-107
野生动物是自然生态系统的重要组成部分,在促进人与自然和谐发展、维护生态平衡等方面发挥着重要作用。为了加强野生动物资源的保护,调动野生动物栖息地地区公众保护鸟类的积极性,提高公众野生动物保护的意识,促进人口、资源、环境和经济的协调发展,中国野生动物保护协会自2004年起在全国组织开展了“中国野生动物之乡”命名活动,受到了社会各界的广泛欢迎。截止2011年8月,中国野生动物保护协会共在全国23个省(区、市)命名了50个“中国野生动物之乡”。作为野生动物保护宣传的新模式,“中国野生动物之乡”对于加大提高公众的保护意识,树立地方的生态品牌,调动社会各界的保护积极性起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

《国家重点保护野生动物名录》是我国野生动物保护工作的重要依据,在《名录》调整背景下,笔者对河南内乡宝天曼国家级自然保护区野生动物保护现状进行了调查研究。结果发现,天曼国家级自然保护区存在野生动物栖息地被缩减和破坏,环境受到污染,人才缺乏,资金投入不足,违禁猎捕行为等问题。提出了应采取分区重点保护,加大宣传力度,适时监测野生动物,惩治违法犯罪活动等措施,以期进一步有效、有针对性地完善我国野生动物保护方法及政策,推动野生动物保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

正确处理保护野生动物与群众生产活动的矛盾李玉铭(林业部保护司)近几年,随着野生动物保护的宣传教育和《野生动物保护法》的贯彻实施,群众的保护意识普遍有所提高,各地林业部门加强了对这项资源管理,制定了禁猎规定,一些地方野生动物资源状况有了很大的改善.但与...  相似文献   

蔡炳城 《野生动物》2007,28(4):33-36
介绍近年中国野生动物保护协会采取多种形式在全国开展野生动物保护科普宣传教育,提高民众的科学素质和野生动物保护意识的实践,并提出今后全国野生动物保护应重点要围绕人与自然和谐,野生动物保护法律法规,社会热点问题以及建设社会主义新农村等方面开展科普教育的建议。  相似文献   

梦梦  谢屹 《野生动物》2013,(4):249-252
野生动物是自然生态系统的重要组成部分,也是社会经济科研文化发展的重要资源。公众已成为影响野生动物保护管理工作开展的重要因素,关注公众对野生动物保护的参与情况具有重要现实意义。首先阐述了公众参与在野生动物保护管理工作的重要作用,参与实践中已经产生的积极作用、负面影响,参与形式的多样化,以及参与不当可能导致对野生动物保护管理的危害;其次从宣传教育工作不足和公众保护管理工作参与机制缺位等两大方面探析了导致公众参与对保护管理工作构成负面影响的成因;最后提出了更新宣传教育理念,优化宣传教育工作手段,创新参与机制等对策建议,以引导和吸引公众正确参与野生动物保护管理工作,发挥更为积极和显著的作用。  相似文献   

【本刊讯】野生动物保护国际会议将于1987年7月14日至19日在北京举行。会议的内容有:濒危物种的生活习性及栖息地;物种保护与经济发展的关系;野生动物利用与保护的关系;野生动物保护与科普教育的关系;野生动物保护及其法制。经与有关专家商议,中方大会发言的内容是: 1.中国自然保护区的建设; 2.中国野生动物管理; 3.中国野生动物研究的进展; 4.大熊猫的生物学研究; 5.中国雉类的生物学研究;  相似文献   

马福 《野生动物》2003,24(1):2-6
为进一步加快野生动物保护事业的发展,我国政府将野生动植物保护列为国家六大林业重点工程之一,组织实施“全国野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程”。为了更好地宣传此项工程,经研究决定,本刊从2003年第一期开始,在原定价不变的基础上增加8页,特设专栏,及时报道国家及各省野生动物保护管理工作和自然保护区建设的信息、动态、成就和经验,以配合国家有关部门加强对野生动物的保护宣传力度,加快自然保护区建设步伐。 相信在社会各界的大力支持和帮助下野生动物保护事业一定能够再创辉煌。  相似文献   

自1989年《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》颁布以来,吉林省野生动物保护事业在原林业部和吉林省政府的关怀下己走过了10年的发展历程。如今吉林省野生动物保护工作己步入法制化管理轨道,非法猎捕野生动物现象得到厂有效扼制自上而下的野生动物保护管理队伍己成体系野生动物饲养加工业已初具规模,全社会保护野生动物的意识工不断增强《野生动物保护法》颁布的十年是吉林省野生动物保护事件快速发展、野生动物管理水平迈向新台阶的十年。加强法制建设吉林省是全国野生动物保护立法最早的省(区)之一,早在1985年3月吉林省人大就颁布实施了…  相似文献   

应盘锦市野生动物保护协会名誉会长、副市长刘洪滨的邀请,国际鹤类基金会主席乔治·阿其波主持完在齐齐哈尔市召开的国际鹤类学术讨论会后,携同美国野生动物研究中心官员戴维德·艾立斯先生于五月八日中午到达盘锦市,对双台子河口自然保护区进行为期两天的参观考察和学术交流。陪同前来的有:林业部保护司自然保护处处长王梦虎,辽宁省野生动物保护协会副会长、林业厅副厅长张绍贤及部分鸟类  相似文献   

祁连山自然保护区康乐自然保护站野生动物调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步查清祁连山自然保护区康乐自然保护站辖区内野生动物资源现状,全面、准确地掌握野生动物资源的动态变化,分析变化的原因,提出保护管理与合理利用对策,更好地贯彻执行《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》及《中华人民共和国陆生野生动物保护实施条例》,进行了为期2a的针对康乐保护站辖区内国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级和省级重点保护野生动物的全面调查,并针对辖区环境情况,分析研究影响动物活动的因素,提出整改措施。  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that religion is an important driver of peoples’ attitudes toward nature, but the link between religion and carnivore conservation is poorly understood. We examined peoples’ attitudes in Buddhist (= 83) and Muslim communities (= 111) toward snow leopards (Panthera uncia) and wolves (Canis lupus) in Ladakh, India. We found that the effect of religion on attitudes was statistically nonsignificant, and was tempered by gender, education, and awareness of wildlife laws. Even though religion by itself was not an indication of an individual’s attitude toward large carnivores, the extent to which he/she practiced it (i.e., religiosity) had a positive correlation with pro-carnivore attitudes in the case of Buddhist but not Muslim communities. Our findings indicate that it may be useful to integrate locally relevant religious philosophies into conservation practice. However, the emphasis of conservation messaging should vary, stressing environmental stewardship in the case of Islam, and human–wildlife interdependence in the case of Buddhism.  相似文献   

梦梦  尹峰  黄乘明 《野生动物》2012,33(3):170-171,175
通过对云南省迪庆藏族自治州的维西和德钦县少数民族宗教文化与野生动物保护关系的调查研究,结果表明:虽然受调查的各个少数民族人中宗教信仰的比例存在差异,但是70%以上的受访者都明确表示有崇拜和敬畏的动物;78%以上受访的少数民族能够列举出5种以上国家保护的野生动物,68%以上的受访者表示知道非法捕杀野生动物是被国家法令严厉禁止的;90%以上受访的少数民族对野生动物保护的态度十分积极,表示当他们发现有捕杀野生动物的时候,都会阻止和报告相关管理部门。建议鼓励并支持少数民族传统文化的继承与传播,加强对野生动物保护的宣传教育,从而促进野生动物保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

A central component of successful wildlife conservation is the understanding of public perceptions toward a species. We administered an online survey to Alabama waterfowl hunters (n = 284) to examine differences in awareness and knowledge of and attitudes toward Whooping Cranes. We investigated if these variables and/or birding specialization influenced likeliness to participate in conservation behaviors. Specialization level was positively related to awareness, knowledge, and conservation attitudes. Respondents with greater knowledge and favorable attitudes toward cranes were more likely to donate to a hypothetical crane conservation fund, and expert birdwatchers were more likely to belong to a birding organization than novice or intermediate birdwatchers. Our research supplements existing birding specialization literature by incorporating cognitive variables specific to Whooping Cranes. Findings suggested that enhancing knowledge regarding Whooping Crane conservation may be an advantageous strategy for promoting conservation and positive behaviors toward the species.  相似文献   

由媒体对野生动物狩猎权拍卖批评引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦宝艳 《野生动物》2007,28(5):44-46
中国首次对野生动物狩猎权进行拍卖引起了社会各界的强烈反响。就媒体的批评,提出一些观点,公众对狩猎权拍卖引发的争论确实体现了民众对野生动物保护意识的增强,这无疑会有利于我国今后野生动物保护事业的顺利发展。但从中也应看到,一些民众片面强调绝对保护的观点存在一定误区。事实上,合理、适度地利用野生动物资源,不仅不会破坏野生动物种群的增长,相反会有利于野生动物保护。  相似文献   

Public trust thinking (PTT) promises to inspire ecologically and socially responsible wildlife governance in the United States, but its application is not straightforward. We describe eight broad challenges to comprehensive application of PTT including: increasing authority and capacity; overcoming resistance to change; achieving fair consideration of all public interests; facilitating broad public participation; and fulfilling commitments to future generations. We discuss potential solutions including: distributing responsibilities for public wildlife conservation among governmental and nongovernmental entities; adopting an expansive definition of “wildlife;” promoting an inclusive interpretation of PTT among public wildlife professionals; rejuvenating relationships between the public and wildlife agencies; and increasing public participation and accountability in decision-making processes. Efforts to address challenges in specific socioecological contexts should be led by people working in those contexts. Achieving comprehensive application of PTT will require collaboration and cooperation among governmental and nongovernmental partners, supported by diverse and engaged members of the public.  相似文献   

野生动物保护与利用关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对公众对野生动物保护和利用关系所持的不同看法,提出对种群中超过环境容纳量的老、弱、病、残个体进行适当的利用;修改《野生动物保护法》和国家的相关规定:加强对查获野生动物产品的管理;加大对犯罪分子的惩处,从而达到既保护野生动物,又能合理利用野生动物及其产品的目的。  相似文献   

Although fish invasions have implications for conservation and resource management, research on public attitudes toward nonnative fishes is lacking. We surveyed boat and canal bank recreational anglers in the Everglades to assess their awareness, preferences, and perspectives of native versus nonnative fishes. Our findings showed that 79% of anglers were aware of the presence of nonnative fishes, and overall awareness was positively affected by the frequency of fishing, and years of angler experience at study sites. Frequency of fishing had a stronger effect on canal bank anglers. Boat anglers had higher awareness of nonnatives, higher familiarity with “nonnative” terminology, and expressed greater preferences for native fish. Most anglers favored native species (72% preference), and targeted native fishes, particularly Florida Largemouth Bass (66%). Overall, findings show that despite the prevalence of nonnative species, anglers favored native fishes and supported native fish conservation.  相似文献   

Wildlife management increasingly incorporates public participation to be more inclusive and reduce tensions between management and the general public in the decision-making process. There is also a need, however, to include spatial data since most wildlife biological and biophysical data are stored spatially in geographic information systems (GIS). This article presents a method for integrating this information using public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS). We asked stakeholders to identify specific places on a map that they would like to see maintained for the conservation of particular threatened species. This information is useful for identifying public wildlife management preferences and for allowing comparisons between public and expert opinions. We found high levels of public accuracy in identifying suitable habitat for threatened species conservation. We also identified places of potential conflict due to incompatible stakeholder preferences, but found little conflict between public conservation and development preferences.  相似文献   

In recent years wildlife diseases (infectious and non-infectious) have played a relevant role in both wildlife conservation and public health. Global environmental changes have determined a bimodal evolution of wildlife. On one side a huge loss of biodiversity has been observed leading to the increasing of threatened or endangered species. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their aboundances and ranges. The above scenarios claim the intervention of wildlife veterinarians. In conservation the understanding of the ecological role of the host parasite relationship and the perturbations on the host population dynamics have to be assessed and eventually modified. In public health the increased overlapping among wildlife, livestock, pets and human beings represents a risk for diseases spread (no matter in which directions). Serious limits are, still now, observed in the acceptance of this 'new world' by veterinary academics. As a consequence curricula often fail in providing adequate skill at both undergraduate and graduate levels. An addressed approach towards wildlife diseases should be promoted as an essential component of environmental management.  相似文献   

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