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阐述了云南省大理白族自治州喜洲镇白族农户生态庭园的6种模式类型,即普通型、集约养殖型、劳务输出型、庭园车间型、水面开发型和服务经营型,并在研究模式结构基础上简析了庭园经营与大田生产的关系和白族庭园的特殊性,提出了进一步建设农户生态庭园的若干建议。  相似文献   

东山村水土保持生态型农户庭园经济开发模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依托东山村农户庭园经济开发实体,针对水土流失与干旱制约经济发展的客观问题,研究总结了东山村水土保持生态型农户庭园经济开发模式,即水土流失治理子系统是模式可持续发展的基础、种养殖生产子系统是模式获得经济效益的关键、生态能源利用子系统是模式实现循环经济本质的途径和纽带。1998—2009年该模式在东山村实施后,农户庭园经济开发人均纯收入从130.0元增加到2 808.5元,平均每年增加243.5元,收到了较好的生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

傣族农户庭园生态经济模式结构与功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用农村快速评估法(RRA)与参与式农村评估法(PRA)及统计分析与投入产出分析法,研究分析了 西双版纳曼听村傣族农户庭园8种生态经济模式结构与功能。结果表明,农户庭园生态经济模式经济效益约为大田作物(水稻)的7.5倍,是一个高效益的生态系统。  相似文献   

傣族农户庭园生态经济模式结构与功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用农村快速评估法(RRA)与参与式农村评估法(PRA)及统计分析与投入产出分析法,研究分析了西双版纳曼听村傣族农户庭园8种生态经济模式结构与功能。结果表明,农户庭园生态经济模式经济效益约为大田作物(水稻)的7.5倍,是一个高效益的生态系统。  相似文献   

对云南省武定县永兆村彝族农户庭园生物多样性系统研究发现,该村农户庭园中生物种类109种,其中蔬菜占33.0%,经济林果占21.1%,饲养动物占14.7%,且随历史的变化其生物种类而变化;不同生物种类在农户庭园中出现的频率不同,出现频率在90%以上的有13种;农户庭园中生物品种为1-7个,物种丰富度为3.21-7.67,且随庭园结构层次的增加其物种丰富度指数也相应增大。  相似文献   

山区家民的庭园周围存在严重的水土流失,开展以“四改三建”、池园经济、地埂经济、精品农田和文明路为主的庭园水土保持,其实质是综合治理,把庭园建成良性生态经济系统,形成具有庭园水保经济特色的文明新村,产生了五大巨变,开创了山区水土保持新路子,具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

华阳河湖群地区湖滨带生态农业模式设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖滨带是水陆交错带的一部分,近年来人类不合理的利用使湖泊湿地功能下降,生态资源严重不足。生态农业模式能建立多层次、循环、健康的农业生态系统,促进资源节约、生态修复,是湖滨带生态恢复与保护的途径。安徽省华阳河湖群地区属长江中下游水陆生态交错带,资源丰富但生态环境较脆弱,建立以保护生态为重点的生态农业模式对该区域生态系统健康意义重大。本文在对生态农业模式设计的理论、原则、方法研究的基础上,以安徽省华阳河湖群地区作为研究区,针对城郊经济区、湖滨湿地区、农产品主产区、棉花生产区、葡萄生产基地、农户庭院不同的农业生产条件和对农产品的需求,设计了空间资源利用型、物质循环多级利用型、生物共生共养增值型、农户(庭院)复合生态系统型、休闲观光农业发展型等8种生态农业模式,并辅以循环图,介绍了每种模式的组分和循环过程。确定可重点挖掘的模式有现代草食畜牧业模式、生态经济产业园综合开发模式、葡萄酒园区综合开发模式。在模式配置中,按生态功能敏感性区分,确定合理的开发强度和模式组合。  相似文献   

本文以鄂中丘陵地区杨港村试区为例,通过对该试区各种类型农户良性循环生态模式结构和功能及其发展动态与经济效益的分析研究,阐明了农户生态模式的组建与实施是当前农村生态农业建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

为了探索基于能流理论的生态农户分析与规划设计方法,以四川北部丘陵区一个肉狗养殖户为研究案例,运用能流理论与分析方法,对该农户的生态系统能流进行诊断分析,进而对两种基于肉狗养殖的新生态农户模式设计方案进行系统结构分析、组分模拟与综合效益的评价与比较。结果显示:原生态农户是一个有机型系统,但能量转化率很低,仅为0.62%;能量输出能力较差,种植子系统与养殖子系统的能量产投比分别为3.93和0.32;能量循环指数也较低,为0.70,低于国内20世纪70年代末的水平。该系统应适当增加有机能的投入以改善系统的能流状况。两种基于肉狗养殖的新生态农户设计模式的系统自我维持能力会增强,能量转化效率明显提升,模式一为1.02%,模式二为1.13%;能量循环指数也明显提高,分别为0.83和0.84;种植子系统和养殖子系统能量产投比明显提升,分别为4.80、0.48和4.93、0.46。新设计生态农户模式的综合效益均高于原生态农户。模式一的综合效益高于模式二,最终形成了比较严谨的生态农户设计方案。研究发现,基于能流理论对原农户生态系统进行诊断与分析,并结合多种新生态农户设计模式的能流模拟与综合效益比较,为生态农户的系统分析与优化设计提供了一种好方法与解决方案,为提高农户生态系统的能量输出能力和综合效益的最优化提供了现实的参考依据。  相似文献   

生态家园富民工程是以可再生能源建设为切入点,以改变农户传统的生产和生活方式为目标,以农户为单位的各项技术和工程措施的配套组合,已经成为实施农业可持续发展战略的一项重要举措。该文介绍了生态家园概念,生态家园富民工程提出的背景、主要内容、技术模式和进展情况,对生态家园富民工程示范项目建设的效果进行了评价,并指出项目实施中存在的问题和障碍。  相似文献   

美国市民农园是一个值得借鉴的兼具生产、生态和生活等多功能的植被景观模式,本研究针对市民农园的生态服务功能,依据市民农园结构模式及经营群体的不同,随机选取了洛杉矶市14个市民农园,采用样地调查、半结构式访谈等方法,基于植被物种功能组合和乡土植物组成,定量化研究了城市植被物种多样性及其分布格局对种植者族裔背景及营建模式等影响因素的响应,进而评析对我国城市绿地建设和休闲农业的启示。本研究共计调查到439种植物,分属90科,242属,分析结果显示:市民农园是城市生态系统中重要的物种库,能维护较为丰富的乡土植物资源;其植物功能以食用植物为主,观赏植物、药用植物次之,这在保护族裔传统文化、区域乡土文化具有重要价值;其植被景观结构和功能受到族裔背景及营建模式等不同程度影响。研究证明,市民农园作为生态多样性和文化多样性的交汇景观,是实现城镇绿色基础建设和休闲农业发展的重要营建模式。以此为经验,我国在进行绿地规划和生态植被建设时要考虑不同利益相关者,尤其是关注外来者的生活习俗和选择偏好;同时也要注意监测外来物种,以防造成物种入侵,这对于建设文化强国背景下开展城镇生态植被建设和发展休闲农业具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical survey was conducted in 101 randomly selected home gardens of Phong My commune, central Vietnam, situated in the buffer-zone of Natural Reserve. Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaires and direct observation. Sixty-seven species belonging to 35 families were identified to be used for various purposes. For each species the botanical and vernacular names, plant parts used and main purposes of use are given. The major use categories reported for plant species were food (86%), medicine (32%) and firewood (32%), however, seventy-seven percent of all inventoried plants have multiple uses. The species Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam., Citrus grandis Osbeck, Citrus reticulata Blanco, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. and Musa spp. were identified as the main sources of plant foods consumed within the households. Statistical analyses indicated by Shannon-Wiener and Margalef indices have shown that local species diversity and richness is affected by home garden size. On the contrary, no relationship between diversity and home garden age was found. On the basis of a cluster analysis of plant species diversity, five home garden types were differentiated. In comparison to previously reported studies on tropical home gardens, the diversity in Phong My is lower, probably due to market-oriented strategy. Nevertheless, based on the results achieved, we can conclude that useful plants cultivated in local home gardens provide valuable foods complementing daily diet and subsequently contributing to socioeconomic status of the households.  相似文献   

通过深入福建省乡村与茶园调研,结合山区茶业生产实际,按照乡村振兴战略与山区茶业绿色发展要求,率先提出构建山区“三生”(生产-生态-生活)耦合茶园的新型模式,即以茶园生产-生态-生活各功能要素在时序-空间-结构上的合理布局和山地生态过程的整体耦合为目标,通过相关要素有序链接与相互促进作用,实现子系统之间的互补与叠加,提高山区茶园的资源利用率与劳动生产率。从生态恢复与地力保育子系统工程、水土保持与立体种养子系统工程、水分涵养与茶园景观子系统工程、绿化环境与茶旅结合子系统工程、科学开垦与水肥调控子系统工程、多样发展与康悦养生子系统工程等6个子系统工程方面论述了如何构建山区“三生”耦合茶园的综合开发经营体系,并从政策导向引领、科学制定规划,实施项目带动、注重集成示范,鼓励创新创业、强化评优补助,强化多样开发、促进增效增收,注重绿色经营、加强品牌培育,统筹“三生”关系、完善协调机制,讲求因势利导、优化正向叠加,强化过程管理、推动三产融合等8个方面提出了推动山区“三生“耦合茶园的绿色经营与持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Despite growing literature supporting the importance of home gardens (HG) as biodiversity hotspots, knowledge of patterns of their contribution to conservation of threatened species and crop wild relatives (CWR) across climate and culture in Africa is still limited. This investigation was conducted across three climatic zones to assess the floristic diversity of home gardens and the extent to which they contribute to conservation of threatened species and CWR. Overall, 240 home gardens were sampled and their floristic diversity assessed. The ecological importance of recorded species was determined per climatic zone using the importance value index (IVI). A cluster analysis was performed to group the species according to their IVI-values and a principal component analysis helped to identify the most important species. 285 species were inventoried throughout the study area. Home garden species’ diversity globally declined from the drier to the wetter zone but was highest in the transition zone. The average number of species found per HG was 10.1 and varied weakly across zones (9.07, Guineo-Congolean zone; 10.77, Sudano-Guinean zone; and 10.53, Sudanian zone). The most important home gardens species in the Sudanian, the Sudano-Guinean and the Guineo-Congolean zones were respectively: Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench and Hibiscus asper Hook.f.; Solanum lycopersicum L. and Zea mays L.; Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. and Senna occidentalis (L.) Link. They were mainly vegetables and used as food and/or medicinal plant species. Twenty CWR and twelve threatened species were recorded and were also mainly used for food and medicinal purposes. Thorough research on socioeconomic factors supporting possession of HG and choice of managed species as well as indigenous management strategies of HG and dynamic of traditional knowledge related to HG may help to deeply assess home gardens’ effectiveness in biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

The composition and structure of 300 enset gardens from 10 different locations in Sidama were examined. Average size of the gardens was 0.74 ha. The gardens are composed of mixtures of various named enset varieties and different groups recognisable on the basis of ‘sex’ (male and female) and use (cooking and processing). The gardens exhibit high diversity, with a given garden containing up to 24 varieties (mean = 8.2). However, the components are not represented equally. Typically, the gardens consisted of one or two very abundant varieties and a much larger number of less common ones. Enset gardens are dynamic because the number and composition of varieties and different types changed from garden to garden, from location to location and across time. Their composition, structure and dynamics have been influenced by human, socio-economic factors (farm size, land per capita, cropping patterns and size of livestock), temporal circumstances and landscape elements (elevation) in which they are found. The nature, characteristics, organization and functions of Sidama enset gardens are outlined and the importance of maintaining mixtures of varieties for farmers is discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨有利于花椒园节肢动物群落结构的管理模式,2012年对云南省昭通市3种常见管理模式(粗放、免耕、精细)下花椒园节肢动物群落的组成和结构进行了系统调查。采用群落特征指数和主成分分析法对节肢动物群落特征、季节性变化及稳定性进行了研究。结果表明,调查区花椒园节肢动物群落由2纲9目97科318种组成,其中害虫主要种类为大青叶蝉(Tettigoniella viridis)、小绿叶蝉(Empoasca flavescens)、棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)和小长蝽(Nysius ercae),天敌主要种类为大灰食蚜蝇(Metasyrphus corolla)、斑食蚜蝇(Melanostoma scalare)、环腹瘿蜂属一种(Frigates sp.)和翠绿巨胸小蜂(Perilampus prasinus)。3种模式下,粗放模式丰富度(21.985 7)最高,但植食性类群亚群落个体比例(36.13%)也最高。免耕模式的多样性指数(3.649 1)、均匀性指数(0.694 3)和稳定性指数Ss/Si(0.074 7)、Nn/Np(0.557 2)、Sd/Sp(0.545 5)、Nd/Np(1.467 8)均高于其他两种模式。精细模式的优势度最高(0.193 1)、群落特征指数全年波动较大,受到外界干扰强烈。免耕模式下天敌对主要害虫的跟随作用较好且害虫爆发高峰期的虫口数量(最高81头)皆低于同时期粗放模式(最高189头)与精细模式(最高123头)。主成分分析表明粗放模式与精细模式下主导群落变化的主要因素为害虫,而免耕模式下天敌起到了主导作用,其对害虫的调控效果较好。因此综合考虑生态经济效益,免耕模式为有利于当地花椒种植的管理模式。  相似文献   

江苏茶园土壤环境质量现状分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对江苏20多个典型茶场的调查取样,分析了江苏典型茶园的土壤肥力和环境质量状况。结果表明,江苏茶园土壤总体肥力状况良好,少数茶场的土壤有机质含量偏低。茶园土壤施用的有机肥中,菜饼肥有机质含量较高,养分组成合理,重金属含量低,适合茶园长期施用。在茶园施肥管理方面,普遍存在有机肥施用时间偏晚的现象。此外,江苏茶园土壤存在较明显的酸化现象,且有加重趋势。个别茶场的土壤中Pb含量超标需引起重视,否则会导致茶叶中Pb含量超标而影响茶叶质量的安全性。  相似文献   

Garden floras interact with native biodiversity by providing resources for wildlife and by acting as a source of non-native species. Understanding the composition and richness of garden floras will help evaluate the relationships between these floras and the wider environment. The composition and richness of vascular plant floras were measured in a stratified sample of 61 urban, domestic gardens in Sheffield, UK, based on complete garden inventories. The entire garden flora contained 1166 species, of which 30% were native and 70% alien. Across gardens, aliens showed lower occupancy than natives, comprising 79% of the species recorded only once. The garden flora contained 146 plant families, which included 72% of the native, naturalised or recurrent casual families recorded in the wild in Britain and Ireland. Gardens contained on average 45% natives, irrespective of garden size. Garden area explained 30% of the variation in species richness within individual gardens. Doubling garden size led to an increase in species richness of 25%. The garden flora comprised 10% annuals, 63% biennial/perennials, 18% shrubs and 8% trees; shrubs were disproportionately composed of alien species. The floras of urban domestic gardens probably form the greatest source of potentially invasive alien plants. However, the plants found in domestic gardens have closer affinities with the uncultivated flora than is often perceived, and their role for wildlife in gardens deserves reassessment. Declines in garden size that result from recommendations on the density of new housing are unlikely to have major consequences for plant richness in gardens.  相似文献   

Sustainable land management of smallholder farms is crucial for ensuring food security in sub-Saharan Africa. However, little is known about the nutrient dynamics of smallholder farming systems at the farm level based on primary data. In this study, carbon (C) and nutrient budgets of the home garden system in the Kilimanjaro highlands, where Andosols predominate, were quantified at the farmer's field. We evaluated (1) the soil C and nutrient flow in the main three land-use blocks (banana (Musa spp.) garden, maize (Zea mays L.) field and grassland) in one representative home garden and (2) the internal flow between farmland and livestock and the external nutrient flow across the inside and outside of the six home gardens. Intensive applications of livestock dung to the banana trees resulted in a positive C budget (7.2 Mg C ha−1 year−1) in the banana garden. Nitrogen loss through the harvesting of feed and crops was almost balanced with the livestock dung application, while nitrogen loss through leaching only accounted for 3% of that applied. Banana productivity has been maintained despite a negative potassium budget (−241 kg K ha−1 year−1), probably owing to the replenished exchangeable potassium from Andosols. In the maize field, the C budget was negative (−1.7 Mg C ha−1 year−1) owing to high organic matter decomposition. Carbon and nutrient budgets in the grassland were all negative. Our results revealed that the village average livestock density (4.4 TLU ha−1: TLU means tropical livestock unit) was sufficient for P, Ca and Mg balance in the home garden, whereas it was not sufficient for N and K balance. Increasing livestock density improved the nutrient balance of the system. However, it is noteworthy that 33%–47% of the feed supplied as C and nutrients was collected from outside the home gardens, suggesting a high reliance on external inflow to fulfil feed demands. In conclusion, intensive livestock dung application to banana cultivation was fundamental for maintaining agricultural productivity to replenish the nutrients lost from the system. At the same time, this system was sustained not only by C and nutrient cycling within the system, but also by transporting resources from the external environment into the system.  相似文献   

Private, residential gardens form a substantial proportion of the undeveloped land in urban areas. Evaluating their role in supporting biodiversity is crucial to (i) predicting which plant and animal species can persist in towns and cities, (ii) understanding the regional impacts of urbanisation, and (iii) guiding sympathetic garden management by owners. To obtain baseline information on a poorly-studied component of garden biodiversity, we measured the size and composition of the cryptogam assemblages in 61 domestic gardens in the city of Sheffield, UK. A total of 67 bryophyte and 77 lichen taxa were recorded. Bryophytes ranged from 3 to 24 species per garden, with a mean richness of 11.3 species; lichens ranged from 2 to 30, with a mean of 14.9 species. Stone substrates supported the highest lichen richness, although minor substrates contributed unique species. Just over one fifth of bryophyte species were recorded in grass lawns, and these were more widespread than those of other habitats. Most cryptogams were scarce, with around one quarter of both bryophytes and lichens occurring in single gardens, and only 10% were found in more than half of the gardens. Garden area - correlated with substrate richness - and garden altitude were the only two factors explaining variation in cryptogam richness (bryophytes 39.1%, lichens 32.4%). Positive correlations existed among bryophyte, lichen and vascular plant richness, and these were only partially mediated by the effect of garden area. Therefore the opportunity remains for garden owners to support cryptogam richness, the most effective action being to enhance substrate diversity.  相似文献   

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