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人工养殖水貂常见病及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水貂是食肉目、鼬科、鼬属小型珍贵毛皮兽,其毛皮具有针毛挺直、灵活华丽、绒毛丰厚、保暖性强、皮板轻薄、柔韧结实等诸多优点,是国际裘皮贸易的三大支柱产品之一。我国的水貂养殖业于20世纪50年代开始起步,很多养殖场已经引进高质量的种兽养殖,为改良品种开了好头。目前国内养殖品种包括美国短毛漆黑水貂、辽宁金州黑色标准水貂、山东潍坊虞鑫黑色水貂、山东蓬莱刘家旺黑色水貂、丹麦红眼白貂、蓝宝石貂、银蓝色水貂、铁灰色水貂等优良种兽。至80年代中期发展到年出口500万张的养殖规模。近10年饲养数量迅速增长,据估计全国拥有水貂饲养场户5000多家,  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的普遍提高,人们对高档裘皮的需求量也随之加大,促进了毛皮动物养殖业的快速发展。水貂皮因具有针毛挺直、绒毛丰厚、保暖性强、皮板轻薄、柔韧结实等诸多优点,有“裘皮之王”的美称。同时水貂的副产品(如貂肉、貂心、貂鞭、貂血、貂肝、貂胆、貂脑及貂粪)也有多种用途。为提高我国水貂养殖业的养殖水平,应对水貂养殖场进行科学的管理。  相似文献   

通过对丹麦哥本哈根毛皮中心、哥本哈根诊断实验室、水貂农场、饲料厨房的考察,以及哥本哈根毛皮中心、丹麦毛皮动物养殖协会、农场主及饲料厨房管理人员对丹麦水貂养殖和管理情况的介绍,对丹麦水貂养殖业有了更深一步的认识,丹麦先进的水貂养殖与管理经验,对我国迅速发展的水貂养殖业具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

水貂犬瘟热病毒(CDV)是当前威胁我国水貂养殖业的头号传染病,对我国水貂养殖业甚至毛皮动物养殖业的危害巨大。2018年7月,某水貂场饲养的幼貂发生CDV感染疫情,经过快速确诊并采取系列治疗措施,疫情得到了有效控制。  相似文献   

正2017年8月初,山东威海某水貂养殖场水貂发生死亡,剖检病死水貂并进行细菌分离、鉴定,确诊为巴氏杆菌感染。经药敏试验筛选、使用敏感药物,结合消毒等措施,有效控制病情。现将诊治结果报告如下。1发病情况山东威海某水貂养殖场养殖丹麦红眼白貂1200只,其中皮用貂900只、种用貂300只。2017年8月初貂群发病,3 d内共死亡30只,其中种用貂死亡21只,皮用貂死亡9只,给养殖场造成较大的经济损失。  相似文献   

1984年以来,随着水貂养殖业的发展,水貂饲料越来越紧缺。为了提供来源可靠,营养全价,适口性好,易于贮存的水貂饲料,支持水貂养殖业的发展,笔者于1984年至1986年间,采用二次湿法调质热压挤出膨化加工工艺,在陕西省商州市水貂饲料厂研制出了水貂膨化颗粒饲料。现将水貂膨化颗粒饲料的研制及其对幼貂生长发育和冬皮质量影响的观察情况总结报告如下:  相似文献   

<正> 商洛地区是陕西省水貂养殖及貂皮出口的重要基地.近年来,水貂养殖业发展很快,已成为山区群众一项脱贫致富门路.但是,仔貂死亡率高的问题,一直影响着水貂养殖业的经济效益.为了弄清仔貂死亡的主要原因,进而采取相应的技术措施,以达到提高水貂育成率的目的,我们在水貂养殖比较集中的丹凤县河南乡、  相似文献   

正水貂阿留申病是目前危害水貂养殖业的三大疫病之一,该病可明显降低水貂产仔率、仔貂成活率、皮毛质量以及疫苗免疫后的抗体水平。当前,国内一些大型水貂养殖场或者是种貂场为了净化水貂阿留申病,提高生产业绩,每年进行2次(打皮期、分窝期)或者3次(打皮期、配种期、分窝期)水貂阿留申病  相似文献   

银蓝亚麻色水貂的培育与分析姜宁,张爱忠(黑龙江八一农垦大学·密山市·158308)我国的水貂养殖业始终以饲养黑色标准貂为主,彩貂则以白色和咖啡色为多,这与国际市场的需求情况相符合。随着人民生活水平的提高,裘皮业的不断发展及市场的日益扩大,对貂皮颜色种...  相似文献   

毛皮动物养殖如何突破瓶颈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国毛皮动物(貂、狐、貉)皮张市场行情稳定,部分优质皮张价格较高。但要实现盈利,还需要了解我国毛皮动物行业的特点和问题。(一)我国毛皮动物养殖业存在的问题1.优良品种毛皮动物养殖比例小。良种在毛皮动物养殖业经济效益上的贡献占到近50%,优良品种,如芬兰狐、丹麦水貂、美国短毛黑水貂等,皮张较大、质量好,  相似文献   

丹麦水貂饲养业   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对丹麦 3个大规模水貂饲养场、饲养加工厂、饲养设备加工厂、取皮设备加工厂的考察 ,初步了解和认识了丹麦水貂品种的特征特性 ,饲养管理和取皮加工的系统性 ,以及丹麦水貂养殖业的特点  相似文献   

Aleutian mink disease (plasmacytosis) virus (AMDV) in domestic mink (Neovison vison) has been subject to eradication in Denmark since 1976. In 2001, approximately 5% of Danish mink farms were still infected and all were located in the northern part of the peninsula of Jutland. In the present study a total of 274 Danish isolates of AMDV collected during the two seasons of 2004 and 2005 were characterized by partial sequencing of the coding region of the non-structural (NS) proteins. Older AMDV isolates from Denmark, available, were also included. The Danish isolates represent a very homogenous cluster compared with Swedish, Finnish and Dutch isolates and seem to represent a minor fraction of the genetic diversity previously found in Denmark. Stability of nucleotide deviations reveals that the purifying selection of bottlenecks imposed on the AMDV population in Denmark by the stamping out policy for more than 6 years exceeds the rate of mutation driven diversity. Among the isolates from farms in northern Jutland two distinct types could be identified and within each of them a number of sub-types which were all useful in tracking spread of infections. Infection at a farm the preceding season was a predisposing risk parameter for disease outbreak at a farm, and strain identity substantiates the suggestion that inadequate disinfection is involved in the recurrence of outbreaks. In cases of new introductions to farms it is indicated that contact including transport between farms played a most significant role.  相似文献   

八师奶牛养殖优势突出,已形成以奶牛养殖为基础、乳制品加工为支撑的“养-加-销”于一体的产业链条,掌握师市规模化奶牛场的生产、管理和发展现状。通过加强政策支持和技术服务支撑,提高繁育水平,降低饲养成本。助力师市奶牛养殖扩繁增量突破10万头的目标。  相似文献   

The distribution of diagnoses of mortality in mink submitted to the Danish Veterinary Laboratory (DVL) for diagnostic investigation in the calendar year 1997 was compared with the diagnoses of mortality in all dead mink collected at 4 selected farms (project farms) during the same period. A total of 1,015 submitted mink and 1,149 mink from the 4 project farms were subjected to post mortem investigation. The average size (breeding stock) of the project farms was larger than Danish farms on average. However, the distribution of colour types of the mink was comparable. The seasonal distribution of the material from project farms and that of the submissions were approximately the same. Differences in the distribution of diagnoses as well as recovered microorganisms were found, however, mainly related to the proportion of gastro-intestinal disorders and E. coli respectively. These proportions were negatively correlated. Overall the results showed that extrapolating diagnostic results of laboratory submissions to the population of farmed mink may be problematic, and more reliable methods for disease surveillance must be considered.  相似文献   

Aleutian disease (Plasmacytosis) is caused by the Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV), an autonomous parvovirus and affects many mustelid species, including the American mink (Neovisonvison). In Denmark, an eradication program reduced the prevalence of test-positive farms from 100% in 1976 to 15% in 1996. Nevertheless, the disease persists in the Vendsyssel district of Northern Jutland, despite the eradication efforts. In this study, we used spatial epidemiological analysis to test for spatial autocorrelation of the distribution of farms positive for the disease. We investigated 2375 farms in Denmark (342 of which were located in the Vendsyssel district), during the period 2000-2008. For the purpose of our study, a farm was considered positive when, on any test conducted in a year, at least three animals were tested positive. To detect spatial clusters, we performed a retrospective analysis with spatial scan statistics. We performed one analysis for each of the nine years (2000-2008). A separate analysis was conducted with only the farms in Vendsyssel included. The spatial cluster analysis revealed a significant cluster throughout the time period studied in Northern Jutland. The only exception was 2002 when an outbreak was detected in the southern part of Jutland, and not in the north. The farm-level prevalence of the disease in Denmark was highest in this year, suggesting that the outbreak in the south could have masked the persistent signal from the north; the northern cluster was still significant when analysing only the Vendsyssel populations. These results confirm that Northern Jutland continues to have a significantly higher number of cases than expected if the disease was randomly distributed.  相似文献   

Data collected from an outbreak of excessive mortality of mink kits in 4 Danish mink farms in 1982 were analysed. The mortality of the mink kits was found to be highest for the kits from Aleutian Disease (AD)-positive females, and the Scanblack mink was found to be the most frequently affected mink type. Furthermore the mortality was found to depend on the farm of origin and to be highest for the lastest born kits. The age of the females and their location in sheds were found not to influence the mortality of the kits. However, the mortality for the Pastel mink decreased with increasing distance from the Scanblack mink. The possibility that the excess mortality of the kits might be due to an AD-virus infection is discussed.Key words: mink, neonatal mortality, mink kits, Aleutian Disease, analytic epidemiology  相似文献   

自2018年8月受到非洲猪瘟疫情影响,生猪养殖产业受到巨大打击,直接促进家禽养殖产业的发展。随国家对畜禽养殖结构的调整力度不断加大,规模化鸡养殖场的建设数量不断增加。依托规模化鸡养殖产业,带来更多经济收入的同时,也面临较高的疫情防范风险。初春季节外界温度忽高忽低,昼夜温差较大,该时期的鸡身体免疫功能出现下降的现象,造成各种传染性疾病频发。因此做好春季传染性疾病的防治工作,成为需要重点攻克的难题。该文主要结合地区的鸡养殖现状,探讨春季鸡疾病的发生情况,并提出相应的养殖管理措施,更好地控制春季传染性疾病的发生蔓延。  相似文献   

简述了国内外鸵鸟养殖概况 ,通过对西安地区 5个公司的鸵鸟养殖场中的饲养管理、繁育、疾病防治及产品开发等的调查和分析 ,提出了西安地区在鸵鸟养殖方面存在的问题及我国鸵鸟养殖业的发展对策  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of within-farm variability in the number of females mated per week during a 1-year period on annual breeding herd productivity in swine breeding herds and to apply statistical process control charts to measures of within-farm variability. DESIGN: Longitudinal study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 84 swine farms with a female inventory of 390 to 1,491 sows and gilts (mean, 761 females). PROCEDURE: As a measure of within-farm variability in a breeding herd, SD for the number of females mated per week during a 1-year period was evaluated. Two types of production records for 84 farms were evaluated. One file contained within-farm variability (SD) in mated females for each farm, and the second included annual productivity 19 weeks after week of mating. We also defined forewarning limits as mean +/- 2 SD, using a statistical process control chart. RESULTS: Larger within-farm variability in number of mated females was associated with lower annual measurements, such as fewer pigs weaned per mated female per year and lower farrowing rate. In addition, farms that did not have any weeks outside the forewarning limits for number of mated females produced more pigs weaned per mated female per year than those with 1 or more weeks of over- or underproduction. Furthermore, the number of weeks outside of forewarning limits was positively associated with within-farm variability in number of mated females. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: We recommend that farm managers determine a target range for the number of females mated per week to prevent large week-to-week variations in breeding herd operations.  相似文献   

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