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一种联排升降式鲆鲽鱼类网箱系统的构建与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据鲆鲽鱼类特别适宜于在浅海沙质海床上底栖的生活习性,研制了一种HDPE联排升降式鲆鲽鱼类专用养殖网箱,其特点是既能沉入水底为鲆鲽鱼类营造一种近于海底的生态环境,又能抵御强风暴袭击和躲避赤潮灾害,并且升降操作简便,可多个箱体联排升降.经在海上实物网箱的重复升降试验,结果表明,联排升降式试验网箱的平均沉降时间为11.67 min,平均上浮时间为11.83 min,显示出了稳定快捷可靠的升降性能,是一种适合鲆鲽鱼类养殖的新型网箱.  相似文献   

深水网箱抗风浪核心技术之一是沉于水下一定深度处以躲避台风浪的破坏,应用无线电移动通讯技术所研发的沉浮遥控装置可成功实现远距离遥控网箱系统的沉浮,保证网箱系统在任何紧急状态下都能自动、安全地沉降到预先指定的水下深度。笔者等在晋江围头海域深水网箱基地的多次试验表明,配备沉浮遥控装置的抗风浪网箱在岸上遥控指挥下,其沉浮的性能指标能满足设计要求:能在30分种内实现下沉;下沉过程中网箱框架倾斜角度不超过20°。  相似文献   

不同培育方式对赤点石斑鱼成熟、产卵和孵化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在深水网箱、传统小网箱和室内水泥池三种培育方式下,采用埋植外源激素的方法诱导赤点石斑鱼提前完成性转化,获得功能性雄鱼,并用所得雄鱼和人工驯化培育而成的雌鱼进行了亲鱼培育、产卵和孵化试验研究。结果表明:雌鱼性腺成熟以深水网箱培育为最好,室内水泥池培育次之,传统小网箱培育最差;转性效果深水网箱与室内水泥池培育相差无几,转性率分别为97.0%和94.6%,传统小网箱较差,转性率仅65.9%;自然雄鱼以深水网箱为最多。其中,2004年共获得亲鱼246 ind,施行转性手术100 ind,转性率达87.9%,先后获受精卵230.5×104粒,平均受精率22.4%,孵出仔鱼80×104ind,平均孵化率34.7%。  相似文献   

为解决水产养殖中投饲劳动强度大、饲料破损率高、饲料浪费多,尤其是在深水网箱养殖中普通投饲机难以输送饲料至一定深度的问题,设计了一种专用的深水养殖水性给料投饲机。该投饲机结合了深水养殖的特点,以及之前在沉浮式网箱养殖方面的经验,并进行了相应试验来确定适宜的饲料与水质量比,以及进水泵功率和送料高度对吸料效率的影响,进行了饲料和水不同配比,以及不同水泵功率和不同输料深度等试验。结果显示:适宜的饲料与水质量比为1∶6;随着进水泵功率的增加,吸料效率升高;当进水泵功率保持不变,随着水深深度的增加,吸料效率逐渐减小;在进水泵功率为7.50 kW、扬程46 m时,该投饲机的吸料效率均值可达到9.46 kg/min,输送深度为水下10 m以下,满足了沉浮式网箱深水养殖的饲料投喂需求。研究表明,该水性给料投饲机可以在深水养殖中实现水下投饲,解决了深水网箱养殖面临的重要问题,并且具有较高的性价比,具有广泛应用和推广的潜力。  相似文献   

国产HDPE升降式深水网箱下沉关键技术的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过大量的海上网箱沉浮试验和分析,阐述了国产HDPE升降式网箱在自然海洋环境状态中,受风、浪和流等客观因素的作用与影响,使其在下沉过程中各浮管舱问下沉速度不一致,导致升降式网箱最终不能完全沉入水下,形成外在成因;而浮管舱内进水水体的流动则是造成网箱重心偏移和整体倾斜的内在因素,控制网箱下沉倾角,清除排气管路进水阻塞是升降网箱下沉的关键技术。  相似文献   

为探讨在连云港地区采用深水抗风浪网箱养殖许氏平鲉的可行性,在海州湾中部人工鱼礁区进行了网箱养殖许氏平鲉试验.结果表明,在10.1、19.7 kg/m2两种密度条件下,许氏平鲉的成活率分别为84.67%和79.70%,平均体质量分别增长了43.0%和50.3%.在自然条件下采用深水抗风浪网箱养殖许氏平鲉能够顺利越冬,越冬期间体质量平均增加了35 g/尾,增长率为16.1%.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外深水网箱的发展和现状,概括分析了国外几种先进的配套机电设备,如自动饲喂系统、自动升降系统、监测系统等,重点对需求式自动饲喂装置进行了设计,并对深水网箱工程建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

庞君 《河北渔业》2013,(12):52-54
进入20世纪90年代以来,我国海水网箱养殖发展迅速,产生了显著的社会经济效益。为避免这些自然灾害的损失及环境污染,使目前通常采用打桩固定或开发深水网箱的方式加以解决,所以就提出了对网箱水上航行移位和水下升降调节的机理进行研究,在此基础上提出螺旋桨驱动网箱水上航行和水下升降调节的控制方式,为可移位航行式网箱开发应用提供依据。  相似文献   

杨同玉 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(4):65-65
近日,青岛开发区海洋与渔业局确定2008年渔业工作主要目标。一是实施深海海洋牧场开发,推动渔业生产从近岸向南部深海转移。在稳步扩大重力全浮式网箱生产规模的基础上,引进沉浮式网箱进行养殖试验;在保持鲈等常规品种养殖的基础上,开展条斑星鲽等新品种的深水网箱养殖试验,探索出一条适合地理水文特点、  相似文献   

2002年10月至2003年7月在深圳鹅公湾海域对高体鰤进行了国产深水网箱养殖试验。根据项目试验情况,本对高体鰤在深水网箱的生长与环境因子的关系进行了分析,并做出了生长曲线,中还对高体鰤在深水网箱养殖过程中的主要病害症状及防治进行了研究,提出了病害防治措施。  相似文献   

Microbial mineralization rates in sinking particles, bottom sediments and seawater were determined in a coastal fish (red sea bream Pagrus major) culturing area to clarify the mineralization process of organic matter (OM) in the entire water column. The mineralization rates of 14C‐labelled glutamate and glucose per unit volume were highest in the sinking particles and were 131–572 and 7–49 times higher than those of the seawater and bottom sediments respectively. The turnover time of glutamate tended to be shorter than that of glucose at all three sites of the water column. Bacteria appeared to prefer amino acids to monosaccharides because amino acids could be utilized as both energy and nitrogen sources. The sedimentation rate of particulate organic carbon (POC) derived from phytoplankton accounted for 9–61% of the total POC, and it was particularly high in early summer (61% and 50% at fish cage and non‐cage stations respectively). The present study clearly shows that sinking particles serve as an important site of microbial mineralization process of OM within the water column, and that phytoplankton production was another serious cause of organic pollution of the seafloor in addition to the organic wastes directly discharged from fish farms.  相似文献   

在围网改进设计阶段常用模型网具进行模拟实验,其中沉降数据是其重要参数。设计了微型围网沉降数据记录仪。仪器采用MSP430F149单片机作为主控芯片,通过传感器模块获取水中的压强数据,经校正后储存在非易失固态存储芯片中;通过串口读出校正的压强数据,从中可以计算出围网的深度,结合数据采样频率计算出下沉速度。设计的数据仪具有体积小(5.2 cm×3.0 cm×2.1 cm)、重量轻(约33 g)的特点,仪器平均密度为1 007 kg/m3,接近海水密度,可在几乎不影响网具本身沉降状态的情况下进行测量。试验表明,在2.6 m的量程内,相对误差≤1.50%。  相似文献   

An automatic, submersible fish cage system using air control was developed and a set of model experiments were conducted to examine the automatic submerging characteristics of the cage. The components of the fish cage consist of a rigid frame assembly with 6 variable ballast tanks and 6 fixed ballast tanks. The variable ballast tanks were used to change the buoyancy characteristics of the system by air control so that the fish cage can either be placed at the surface or submerged. The cage is free to move vertically within a water column by adjusting the weight and the buoyancy with an air control system. The model of this system, with dimensions of 2.20 m in diameter and length and 1.04 m in net cage depth, was constructed to be 1/10 the size of the full-scale system. In the model experiments, the submerging and surfacing characteristics of the cage were regulated with measurements from a water-pressure gauge and a gyroscope incorporated into the automatic control system. Model tests were performed in a still water tank and a large wave tank to develop the algorithm required to control the cage system and to verify the ability of the automatic submersion mechanism to function. The control system was designed so that when the variable ballast tanks were flooded with water, the model descended. To raise the system, compressed air is injected into the tanks by opening the main evacuation valve on the manifold. After the required amount of compressed air is supplied, the main evacuation valves can be shut and as a result, the fish cage becomes buoyant. Measured performance results in a still water tank are then compared with calculations from a previously developed numerical technique. The submerging and surfacing characteristics of the fish cage were relatively similar to the measurements obtained with the physical model experiments using air control. The cage was submerged to a target depth when incidence wave heights were higher than the critical wave height and raised when little wave actions were detected in a wave tank. On the other hand, the cage was placed at the surface when incidence wave heights were the same as the critical wave height or lower.  相似文献   

基于网具模型试验的金枪鱼围网性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模型试验根据田内准则,选择大小尺度比分别为:λ=20∶1,λ¢=1∶1,制作的模型网规格为:网衣长109 m,网高15.6 m,上纲80.9 m,下纲98 m,下纲基本重量为0.663 kg/m,浮力配备25 N/m,模型网和实物网的缩结系数相同。试验结果显示,围网中部下纲沉降深度(D)和时间(t)的关系:D=–0.0014t2+0.276t–0.6476(R2=0.9953);下纲重量对沉降性能有显著影响,而放网速度对沉降性能的影响并不显著,但两者交互项对沉降深度有显著影响;在0.531~0.663 kg/m的范围内,随下纲重量增加,沉降深度呈大幅度增加趋势,而沉降速度呈递减趋势;在0.663~0.759 kg/m范围内,沉降深度小幅度递减,而沉降速度大幅度提高。当下纲重量为0.663 kg/m时,沉降速度随放网速度的增加而增加;随着沉降时间的增加,下纲张力在0~20 s范围内波动较大,之后保持一定的平稳状态。本研究通过对金枪鱼围网模型网制作的分析与探讨,旨在更好地通过模型试验研究金枪鱼围网网具性能。  相似文献   

Generally, the hydrodynamics of a fish cage are investigated using numerical simulation, physical model experiments, and field measurements. However, these traditional research methods are time consuming and low in efficiency. In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) model is built such that the hydrodynamic characteristics of a fish cage in waves can be predicted rapidly. The training data of the ANN model are generated by a well-developed numerical model from our previous studies. The parameters in the hidden layer of the ANN model are determined considering the prediction accuracy of the hydrodynamic results of the fish cage. The ANN model is validated against a well-developed numerical model with satisfactory accuracy. Using the proposed ANN model, the hydrodynamic results of the fish cage including the maximum tension in mooring lines, minimum effective-volume ratio, and maximum stress of the floating collar are predicted for various waves. Overall, the predicted results indicate a trend consistent with that of the previous studies. The present model can potentially forecast disasters for an oncoming typhoon, which is important for the hazard prevention of a fish farm.  相似文献   

海洋牧场与海上风电融合发展是现代渔业和清洁能源产业融合发展的典型代表,能够构建“海上粮仓+清洁能源”的新产业模式。本文基于福建漳浦六鳌海上风电场风机导管架构建养殖网箱与海上风机融合系统,运用Aqua-FE?有限元工具探究极端波流条件下不同网箱布设深度、波流入射角、生物附着程度对网箱系泊绳张力的影响;采用海洋工程专用设计软件SACS,计算分析风机导管架结构在波流及网箱系泊绳张力作用下的应力分布,评估养殖网箱系泊绳张力对风机导管架基础结构安全性的影响。结果表明,网箱布设深度的增加能够减少网箱系泊绳最大张力,显著改善网箱风机整体结构受力状态;波流入射角的改变对于网箱风机整体结构安全性影响不大;网衣生物附着程度的增加会显著增加网箱系泊绳最大张力,从而造成风机导管架基础杆件大量失效。综上所述,养殖网箱可布设于适当水深以减少受力,同时应及时清理附着生物,适当增加网箱系泊点附近的导管架杆件和导管架底部桩土点杆件的壁厚,以确保养殖网箱与海上风机融合系统结构安全。该结果可为深入研究网箱与风机融合系统的受力,评估该系统的安全性,优化设计养殖网箱与风机融合系统提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

海水网箱养殖中,网衣污损附着物会影响网箱设施安全及其养殖鱼类的健康生长,因此,网衣防污是网箱养殖业备受关注的问题。本文在简述海水网箱网衣分类与特点的基础上,重点介绍了人工清除法、防污涂料法、机械清除法、金属合金网衣防污法、箱体转动防污法、生物防污法、网衣本征防污法等网衣防污技术最新研究进展;结合本课题组在网衣防污方面的研究成果,分析上述防污技术的特点,为网衣防污技术的深入研究以及水产养殖业的绿色发展提供参考。我国海水网箱养殖业大有可为,但网衣防污工作仍任重道远。  相似文献   

大型沉浮式抗风浪养殖网箱是近几年在引进国外先进技术的基础上,根据我国各沿海地区的实际情况加以创新并应用于海水养殖业的一项高新技术项目.本文主要介绍近年来开展大型抗风浪养殖网箱的研制中,关于圆柱形大型抗风浪网箱的网衣设计依据、结构与规格、制作工艺与装配技术及养殖过程中的注意事项.  相似文献   

通过在圆柱形网箱箱体深度的1/2处设置一个中环,将原来的圆形重力式网箱改造成新型自减流低形变网箱(改造后的新型实物网箱周长50 m、中环周长75 m、深8 m)。通过在东海水产研究所内主尺度为90m×6 m×3 m的试验水池对新型自减流低形变模型网箱进行模型试验,研究其箱体内容积和流速的变化。模型试验结果表明,新型网箱的容积保持率明显优于原型网箱,在流速1kn时容积保持率仍能达到90.4%。不同流速下,新型网箱的减流效果比原型网箱提高5.8%~13.9%,内部流速比箱体外界流速减小25.0%~31.2%。该新型网箱可有效降低箱体内的海水流速、提高箱体的容积保持率,为养殖鱼类提供更为良好的生存、生长环境。  相似文献   

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