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能量水平是评价妊娠母猪日粮营养价值的重要指标,对妊娠母猪的胚胎生长发育、存活以及仔猪初生重等繁殖性能有重要影响.因此,给妊娠期母猪饲喂不同能量水平的日粮,其饲喂效果可直接作用于母猪胚胎.本文就妊娠母猪的能量需要、不同能量水平及来源对母猪繁殖性能的影响进行综述,以期为母猪生产中的营养调控提供参考.  相似文献   

妊娠期饲喂水平对初产母猪繁殖性能和胎盘效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单因子试验设计,研究了妊娠期不同饲喂水平对初产母猪繁殖性能和胎盘效率的影响。选择血缘、年龄、体重相近(98.7±5.8)kg的长白×梅山小母猪21头,配种后随机分为4个处理(高、NRC、中、低营养水平),除高水平3个重复外,每个水平6个重复,每个重复1头母猪。试验饲粮为玉米-豆粕型日粮(13.4MJDE/kg,13.5%CP),各处理组试验母猪妊娠期按规定喂量饲喂,妊娠前期分别饲以2.0、1.2、1.0、0.6倍的维持能量需要,妊娠中期和后期分别在妊娠前期基础上提高采食量20%和50%。结果表明:妊娠期不同饲喂水平影响初产母猪的繁殖性能,通过改善母猪的妊娠期营养可提高仔猪初生重、断奶重及断奶成活率,NRC水平饲喂最有利于提高初产母猪的繁殖性能;妊娠期不同饲喂水平对初产母猪的胎盘效率无显著影响,胎盘效率提高有增加窝产仔数,提高仔猪均匀度和成活率的趋势。  相似文献   

日粮蛋白能量水平对大约克母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验选用36头配种日龄相近、其父母代繁殖性能无显著差异的大约克纯繁初产母猪,研究妊娠和哺乳28d,3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮对母猪繁殖性能的影响。在保持日粮的蛋能比基本不变的条件下,为妊娠和哺乳母猪分别设置3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮。对妊娠期母猪实行限饲,平均采食量为2.05kg/d,哺乳母猪自由采食。结果表明:妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对母猪产仔数、活仔数影响显著(P<0.05);对仔猪初生重、仔猪断奶前的平均日增重无显著影响(P>0.05);经济效益随妊娠和哺乳日粮的蛋白能量水平的提高而增加。本研究结果表明,提高妊娠和哺乳日粮的蛋白能量水平对母猪繁殖性能有一定的改善和提高,据此推荐初产母猪妊娠日粮较适宜的蛋白和能量水平分别为:CP,14.3%~15.5%,ME,12.54~12.98MJ/kg;哺乳日粮的蛋白和能量水平分别为:CP,17%~18%,DE,12.98~13.92MJ/kg。但妊娠和哺乳日粮的最佳蛋白能量水平以及它们对母猪繁殖性能的互作效应方面还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

油脂作为必需脂肪酸的来源,其能值高且有助于脂溶性维生素的吸收,在母猪营养及其饲粮中发挥重要作用.母猪妊娠后期和泌乳期饲粮中添加油脂能改善母猪繁殖性能和饲料利用效率.本文围绕母猪妊娠后期和泌乳期饲粮中添加油脂对母猪泌乳期采食量、产仔性能、泌乳性能、体重和背膘损失、乳脂含量及其能量输出量、乳中脂肪酸组成、下一个繁殖周期产仔性能、后代仔猪体组成的影响对近20年来国内外的研究进展进行综述,旨在阐述油脂对母猪的生物学作用及其机理.  相似文献   

适当提高日粮纤维含量可以提高母猪繁殖性能,是母猪生产中经常采用的技术措施。文章从日粮纤维对妊娠期相关激素、营养代谢、肠道结构、肠道微生物等作用机理来阐述日粮纤维对母猪繁殖性能的影响。  相似文献   

能量营养对母猪繁殖性能存在阶段性和长久性的影响,此文综述了饲粮添加脂肪对母猪妊娠期、泌乳期和断奶后生产性能的影响。  相似文献   

母体是仔猪胚胎期和初生时唯一的营养来源,也是哺乳期主要的营养源。妊娠期和泌乳期母体的营养和体况不仅影响繁殖性能和泌乳性能而且直接决定仔猪的生长。妊娠期添加纤维日粮能升高母猪血液VFA浓度,特别是乙酸浓度,它可以直接合成乳脂,提高乳汁能量。在妊娠后期和哺乳期调整母猪饲料组成可以改善产奶量和乳成分,从而影响仔猪生长性能。本文从仔猪的生理特点、日粮养分尤其是纤维和脂肪对母猪泌乳、繁殖性能和仔猪生长的影响以及调控仔猪生长的分子机理等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

1 添加脂肪 特别在夏季高温季节,添加脂肪尤为重要,可有效提高日粮能量水平.而且脂肪在代谢过程中产生的体增热较少.由于哺乳母猪具有把饲料中脂肪直接变成乳脂的能力,因此,在选择脂肪时需注意脂肪酸的构成,建议少使用饱和脂肪酸和长链脂肪酸比例过高的动物油脂.哺乳母猪日粮中的适宜脂肪添加量为3%~5%,添加脂肪对母猪繁殖性能没有影响.  相似文献   

预期的母猪繁殖力经常与实际有很大差距,有必要重新考虑繁殖母猪和后备母猪的饲养方案。繁殖母猪的能量供给水平应重认识,妊娠期和哺乳期母猪的饲粮代谢能水平分别为12.5~13.0和13.0~13.8MJ/kg较合适。母猪在繁殖周期的不同阶段代谢需要是不同的。在整个繁殖周期内应用一种饲粮只是一个折衷的办法,妊娠期营养过剩,而哺乳期营养可能又不足。然而,也不能只考虑各个阶段的饲粮能量水平而忽视采食量,当哺乳母猪的食欲降低时(如产房温度太高),提高饲粮代谢能水平是合理的。饲粮能量的供给也必须与蛋白质或氨基酸水平相联系。例如,青年母猪摄食…  相似文献   

作者对有关哺乳母猪能量需要、饲料或体脂能量用于泌乳转化效率、影响哺乳母猪能量需要的因素以及饲料能量水平对繁殖性能的影响等进行了综述,并提出了:提供易消化的高能高蛋白日粮;在饲料中适当添加甜味剂;改善猪舍环境,减少调节温度所需的能量等饲养措施,通过这些措施来增进母猪采食量,从而减少由于能量摄入的不足对哺乳母猪繁殖性能产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

With the fetal growth and mammary gland development during late gestation,the metabolic of sows is gradually increased.Owing to imbalance of glucose and lipid metabolism,the metabolic disorder appears.The physiological changes and environmental stress experienced by sows in the reproductive cycle are of great significance to glycolipid metabolism.Energy accounts for more than 70% of the dietary composition.It is direct and effective to develop appropriate dietary energy sources during gestation and lactation for improving the reproductive performance of sows by regulating the balance of glycolipid metabolism.Starch and fat are the main energy sources of sows’ dietary.Previous studies have shown that dietary energy sources have a significant effect on puberty initiation of gilts or improvement of reproductive performance of sows.However,it is rarely reported that summary on the effects of different sources and levels of starch and fat on the reproductive performance of sows based on the glycolipid metabolism characteristics of sows.This paper firstly reviewed the characteristics of glycolipid metabolism during pregnancy and the possible mechanism behind metabolic changes,summarized the adverse effects of metabolic disorders during pregnancy on reproductive performance of sows,and then introduced the absorption and metabolism characteristics of starch and fat in dam,compared and analyzed the effects of different levels and sources of starch and fat on the reproductive performance of sows.Finally,to maximize the economic benefits of the pig farm,the basis for selecting the appropriate energy source was summarized according to the actual production purpose.The purpose of this paper was to offer data and theoretical support for the selection of appropriate levels and sources of starch and fat to improve the reproductive efficiency of sows.  相似文献   

The late pregnancy is a critical period of fetal growth and development. As approximately 80% of fetal body weight is obtained during late gestation, so that the amount of energy needed for the ewes at this period is much greater than the other periods. Now ewes with multiple fetuses are mutton sheep breeding cultivation objectives, however,under the grazing or confined feeding conditions where nutrient requirement can't satisfy the nutrient requirement of sheep, especially for pregnant ewes with twins or more lambs.The body glycogen and protein as well as body fat will be mobilized for energy needed for the fetal growth and reproduction, which would lead to bad influence on ewes (metabolic disorders, liver function damage, pregnancy toxemia, embryonic development and health) and also on lamb (weak lamb, dead lamb and health). Therefore, investigating the effects of dietary energy levels during late gestation on the ewe's health and growth performance of lambs are essential for the sustainability of livestock production systems. This review summarized the effect of different energy levels on the ewes' health, reproductive performance of the ewes, lactation performance, embryo development and the growth of lambs, then expounded the roles of energy in later gestation. When the dietary energy of ewes in late gestation are restricted, the weight, breast development, lactation capacity, pregnancy rate will all be decreased, and the growth rate and organ development of embryos and lamb will also be restricted.  相似文献   

能量对妊娠后期母羊健康及其羔羊的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帆  刁其玉 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(5):1369-1374
妊娠后期是胎儿生长发育的关键时期,胎儿体重增长的80%在此阶段完成,因此该阶段母羊的能量需要量大于其他生理阶段。高产多胎是肉用种母羊的重要培育目标,当母羊处于营养水平较低的草场或舍饲条件下,怀双羔或多羔母羊的日粮能量水平不能满足其营养需要时,母羊会动用体内的糖原、体蛋白和体脂以弥补能量不足,致使母羊的代谢紊乱,肝机能受损,产生羊妊娠毒血症,影响母羊的健康和胚胎的健康生长,产出弱羔、病羔,并可能影响产后羔羊的健康生长。因此,研究妊娠后期能量水平对母羊健康、胚胎发育、羔羊生长及肉羊养殖业的发展都有重要的指导意义。作者对不同能量水平对妊娠母羊的健康、繁殖性能、泌乳性能、胚胎与羔羊生长的影响展开讨论,阐明妊娠后期能量的作用。当母羊妊娠后期能量受到限制时,母羊的体重降低,乳腺发育受阻,泌乳能力下降,受胎率下降;同时胚胎的生长速度降低,影响胚胎与产后羔羊组织器官发育和正常生长。  相似文献   

The effects of feeding additional starch or fat from d 85 of gestation until parturition on litter performance and on glucose tolerance in sows that were fed a diet with a high level of fermentable nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) were studied. The day after breeding, 141 multiparous sows were assigned to the experiment. At d 85 of gestation, sows were assigned to the treatments. Sows were fed 3.4 kg/d (as-fed basis) of a high-NSP diet or the same quantity of the high-NSP diet and an additional 360 g of starch (from wheat starch) daily, or the same quantity of the high-NSP diet and an additional 164 g of fat (from soybean oil) daily. During lactation, all sows were given free access to the same lactation diet. Approximately 1 wk before the expected time of parturition, an oral glucose tolerance test was performed in 38 randomly chosen sows by feeding pelleted glucose (3 g/kg BW0.75). Blood samples for glucose analyses were taken at -10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 105, and 120 min after glucose was fed. The supply of additional dietary starch or fat did not increase piglet birth weight or total litter weight at birth. Sows that were fed the high-NSP diet had more (P = 0.097) live-born piglets and fewer (P = 0.084) stillborn piglets than did sows that were fed additional fat, whereas sows that were fed additional starch were intermediate for these variables. Piglet mortality after birth was not affected by dietary treatment. Body weight and backfat gains in the last month of gestation were higher for sows fed additional starch or fat than for sows fed the high-NSP diet (P < 0.001 and P = 0.017, respectively). Feed intake in lactation was greatest by sows fed the high-NSP diet, least by sows fed additional starch at the end of gestation, and intermediate by sows fed additional fat (P = 0.099). The differences in lactation feed intake did not result in differences in BW and backfat losses during lactation. Sows that were fed additional fat had the greatest glucose area under the curve (P = 0.044), indicating that these sows were less tolerant to glucose. In conclusion, feeding additional energy (starch or fat) in late-gestating sows that are fed a high-NSP diet did not increase litter weight at birth or piglet survival, but did increase maternal gain. Feeding sows additional energy from fat might induce glucose intolerance, whereas feeding sows additional energy from starch did not induce glucose intolerance.  相似文献   

The glucose tolerance test in the horse may be used to determine metabolic responses to diet, disease, or physiologic state. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of reproductive stage (gestation and lactation) and supplemental dietary energy source (sugar and starch [SS] or fiber and fat [FF]) on glucose metabolism in grazing mares using an oral glucose tolerance test. Twelve mares, six on each supplement, were examined on three occasions: one in the third trimester of pregnancy, the second in early lactation, and the third in late lactation. During each test, venous samples were taken at 30 and 1 min before, and 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, and 300 min after a nasogastric dose of glucose at 0.2 g/kg of BW. Plasma was assayed for glucose, insulin, and cortisol. Statistical analysis was a mixed model with repeated measures with horse, diet, and reproductive stage as fixed effects. The incremental glucose area under the curve (AUC) in response to oral glucose was lower in SS than in FF mares (P = 0.022). Mares tended to have a lower incremental glucose AUC in early lactation than in late gestation (P = 0.057), and insulin AUC was lower in early lactation than in late gestation (P = 0.002) and late lactation (P = 0.013). Glucose clearance was more rapid (P = 0.007) in SS than in FF mares. The glycemic response to the oral glucose tolerance test was consistent with adaptation to dietary sugar and starch as well as metabolic changes associated with pregnancy and lactation. Feeding twice-daily grain meals rich in SS influenced glucose metabolism in horses to an extent that the natural adaptation of glucose metabolism to pregnancy was moderated. Feeding a diet rich in FF more closely mimics the natural grazing state of pasture and allows for adaptation of glucose metabolism to pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study the effects of major dietary energy source fed from weaning to ovulation or from ovulation to d 35 of pregnancy on reproductive traits in primiparous sows. Dietary energy sources were used to manipulate the plasma insulin concentration. One hundred thirteen sows were used in a split-plot design. From weaning to ovulation sows were fed at two times maintenance either a diet with tallow (Fat) or maize starch plus dextrose (Starch) as the major energy source. From ovulation onward, sows within each dietary group were alternately reassigned to either the Fat or the Starch diet and were fed at 1.25 times maintenance. Estrus detection was performed three times a day from d 3 to 9 after weaning and sows were inseminated each day of standing estrus. On d 35 of pregnancy, the sows were slaughtered and their reproductive tracts were removed. Plasma insulin concentration was higher in sows fed the Starch-rich diet than in sows fed the Fat-rich diet on d 4 after weaning (1.30 vs 0.97 ng/mL, P = 0.08) and on d 32 of pregnancy (1.20 vs 0.51 ng/mL, P < 0.001). Plasma glucose and IGF-I concentration on d 4 after weaning and d 32 of pregnancy did not differ between sows on the two dietary energy sources. The percentage of sows exhibiting estrus within 9 d after weaning was 52 and 67% for the Fat and Starch diet before ovulation, respectively (P = 0.11), whereas the weaning-to-estrus interval was 134 vs 123 h, respectively (P = 0.12). Survival analysis showed that sows fed the Fat-rich diet had a 1.6 times higher risk to remain anestrous until d 9 after weaning than sows fed the Starch-rich diet (P = 0.04). No effect of dietary energy source, either before or after ovulation, on uterine, placental, or embryonal development on d 35 of pregnancy was found. It can be concluded that the dietary energy source provided after weaning can affect the risk of sows to remain anestrous but does not affect uterine, placental, or embryonic traits.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding sows a starch diet or a diet with a high level of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) during gestation, lactation, or both gestation and lactation during the first three parities on reproductive performance, body weight, and backfat was studied. Four-hundred and forty-four postpuberal gilts were allotted to a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment. Treatments were diet composition during gestation (including the weaning-to-estrus interval; G-Starch: 274 g/kg of starch and 123 g/kg of fermentable NSP or G-NSP: 86 g/kg of starch and 300 g/kg of fermentable NSP), diet composition during lactation (L-Starch: 293 g/kg of starch and 113 g/kg of fermentable NSP or L-NSP: 189 g/kg of starch and 216 g/kg of fermentable NSP) and group-housing system during gestation (free access stalls or electronic feeding). Both gestation diets were formulated to be isoenergetic. During lactation, sows were given free access to the lactation diets from d 6 after parturition onwards. Body weight and backfat gains during gestation were lower in sows fed the G-NSP diet than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.001). The effects were more pronounced in the electronic feeding system than in the free access stalls. These results indicate an overestimation of the energy value of fermentable NSP. Body weight and backfat losses during lactation were less in sows fed the G-NSP diet during gestation than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.05),which can be explained by a 0.4 kg/d higher (P < 0.001) feed intake during lactation of the sows fed the G-NSP diet. Sows fed the L-NSP diet lost more backfat during lactation than sows fed the L-starch diet (P < 0.05). The number of total piglets born and live-born piglets was 0.5 piglet higher in sows fed the G-NSP diet than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.05). Lactation diet did not affect the number of total piglets born or live-born piglets. This study shows that, although high NSP diets negatively influence body weight and backfat thickness of the sows, it is possible to feed sows a diet with a high level of fermentable NSP diet during both gestation and lactation without negative effects on reproductive performance. Under the conditions of this study, feeding sows a diet with a high level of fermentable NSP during gestation and a high level of starch during lactation seems the most favorable feeding strategy.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究母猪妊娠后期和泌乳期饲粮中添加中链脂肪酸甘油三酯(MCT)对母猪繁殖性能、血清生化指标及初乳成分的影响。试验选取120头纯种大白妊娠母猪(3~5胎),根据母猪预产期相近,胎次、体况、历史繁殖成绩均衡分布的原则分为3组,每组40个重复,每个重复1头母猪。对照组饲喂基础饲粮(含3.17%豆油),油剂组以0.6%纯油剂MCT替换基础饲粮中0.6%的豆油(含2.57%豆油),粉剂组在基础饲粮中添加0.5%微胶囊粉剂MCT。试验从母猪妊娠第85天开始至仔猪断奶结束。结果表明:1)与对照组相比,油剂组和粉剂组母猪产程分别提高了17.58%(P0.05)和9.21%(P0.05),母猪泌乳期平均日采食量分别提高了5.92%和10.07%(P0.05),母猪断奶后7日发情率分别提高了6.52%和4.25%(P0.05);饲粮中添加MCT对母猪其他繁殖性能指标无显著影响(P0.05)。2)饲粮中添加MCT对母猪血清生化指标均无显著影响(P0.05)。3)与对照组相比,油剂组和粉剂组母猪初乳乳脂含量分别提高了18.09%和19.09%(P0.05),饲粮中添加MCT对母猪初乳成分均无显著影响(P0.10)。由此可见,在母猪妊娠后期及泌乳期饲粮中添加MCT未能改善母猪的生产性能、血清生化指标及初乳成分,但添加油剂型MCT可显著缩短母猪产程。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate targeted maternal weight gains in sows by parity group during gestation. Weight and backfat gains during gestation by parity, weight, and backfat groups also were analyzed. The data evaluated were a subset (374 sows) of a larger experiment that compared three methods of feeding sows during gestation on weight and backfat gains and subsequent reproductive performance. Feed allowances were based on modeled calculations of energy and nutrient requirements to achieve target sow maternal weight and backfat gains. Actual backfat gain for gilts and sows was regressed on maternal weight gain and estimated energy available for gain. The regression equations were then used to predict maternal weight gains for target backfat gains for three parity groups (gilts, Parity 1 and 2 sows, and Parity 3 and older sows). For gilts and Parity 1 and 2 sows, much greater target maternal weight gains are required to achieve 6 and 9 mm of backfat gain, whereas Parity 3 and older sows require maternal weight gains similar to those targeted to achieve the desired backfat gain. Given similar energy intake levels above maintenance, gilts gained more weight than multiparous sows, as gain was based more on protein and less on fat and thus was more efficient. Gilts required more maternal weight gain than sows to achieve similar backfat gains due to the higher protein and low fat contents of gain in younger, lighter sows compared with older parity sows. Low-backfat sows that needed to gain large amounts of backfat failed to achieve these large gains. We speculate this failure may be due to lower tissue insulation levels with the low backfat levels and higher activity levels of these sows compared with high-backfat sows. It seems that both parity and weight are individually important factors that influence energy and nutrient requirements for gestation in the modern sow.  相似文献   

Our objective was to study the effects of dietary-induced insulin enhancement during and after lactation on the reproductive performance of primiparous sows. During a 21-d lactation period, 48 sows were allotted to a 2x2 factorial experiment. Treatments were feeding level (high or low; 44 MJ or 33 MJ NE/d) and dietary energy source (fat or starch). After weaning, all sows received the same amount of feed (31 MJ NE/d from weaning to estrus and 17.5 MJ NE/d from breeding until slaughter) of the same energy source as fed during lactation. On d 7, 14, and 21 of lactation and d 22 (weaning), blood samples were taken every 12 min for 12 h and analyzed for plasma glucose, insulin, and LH. Sows were slaughtered on d 35 of the subsequent pregnancy, and ovulation rate was assessed. During lactation, postprandial plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were higher for sows fed the starch diet than for those fed the fat diet (P<.001), whereas feeding level had no effect. Basal and mean LH concentrations were not affected by treatments. The LH pulse frequency on d 7 of lactation was greater for sows fed the starch diet than for those fed the fat diet (.52 vs .17 pulses/12 h; P = .03). The high compared with the low feeding level resulted in a greater LH pulse frequency on d 21 of lactation (.89 vs .47 pulses/12 h; P = .05) and on d 22 (8.63 vs 5.77 pulses/12 h; P = .02), in a higher percentage of sows that exhibited estrus within 10 d after weaning (96 vs. 63%; P = .01), and a tendency for a higher ovulation rate (18.0 vs. 16.2; P = .09). Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were not related to any of the LH traits. The LH pulse frequency after weaning was related to the weaning-to-estrus interval (WEI) and was best explained by a linear-plateau model. In sows fed the low feeding level, follicle size after weaning was correlated with LH pulse frequency after weaning and with the WEI, whereas in sows fed the high feeding level these correlations were not significant. Our results indicate that an improved dietary-induced insulin status during and after lactation does not overcome the inhibitory effects of lactation on subsequent reproduction at any of the feeding levels.  相似文献   

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