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结构:6CS系列滚筒杀青机有燃柴式、电热式、煤气式三种,结构基本相同,即机架、传动机构、杀青滚筒及内外壳、进料斗、出料斗、行走机构、滚筒倾斜角度调节机构。其中:柴式:用柴加热,并配助燃鼓风机;电热式:电热管分别安装在滚筒的内壳园周上,电热管功率分4.5KW、5.5-KW、5.6KW,三个开关控制调节杀青温度;燃气式:用煤气加热,并配有助燃鼓风机。  相似文献   

<正>一、脱粒机的结构、工作过程和技术参数1.结构。以江苏省镇江脱粒机厂生产的TDG-400型脱粒机为例说明。该机结构主要由滚筒和副滚筒组成的脱粒装置、分离清选装置、输送装置、传动机构及机架、电动机组成,其结构如图所示。2.工作过程。TDG-400型脱粒机工作时,操作手将谷物整齐地放在铺放台上,均匀连续地喂入夹持链与夹持台之间,穗头受到高速回转的主滚筒和副滚筒的弓齿连续梳刷、冲击而脱粒,茎秆则完整地由夹持链送至机  相似文献   

种子丸粒化是实现机械化播种的重要技术途径,为提高种子包衣合格率,以5 BY型包衣机为试验样机,设计正交试验,以最高丸化率为目标,探究包衣机滚筒倾角、滚筒转速、喷雾速度三因素及其交互作用对玉米种包衣合格率和包衣质量的影响。构建基于二次回归正交设计的包衣合格率影响因素模型,经过模型优化,得出最优工艺参数组合:滚筒倾斜角43.61°,滚筒转速51.28 r·min^-1,喷雾速度2.34 mL·min^-1,包衣合格率97.39%,最大限度地提高种子包衣合格率和包衣质量。三因素影响主次因素排序:喷雾速度>滚筒倾角>滚筒转速,喷雾速度和滚筒倾角对丸化率具有极显著影响,在设定包衣机参数时应作为重要因素考虑,滚筒转速对目标有细微影响,其设定范围可根据包衣机作业效率适当扩大。喷雾速度与滚筒倾角交互作用对丸化率有显著影响,其交互作用不可忽视:喷雾速度为中水平(2~2.6 mL·min^-1)、滚筒倾角在低水平(40°~46°)时,丸化率最高,滚筒倾角在中水平(46°~53°)或高水平(53°~60°)时,喷雾速度对丸化率影响程度低于滚筒倾角在低水平时对其的影响。此外,滚筒速度与滚筒倾角也存在交互作用,但影响较小:滚筒倾角处于高水平(53°~60°)时,丸化率受滚筒加速有小幅升高趋势,无论滚筒速度在何阶段,丸化率随着滚筒倾角变化呈先增后降趋势,变化幅度较小。滚筒速度与喷雾速度交互作用影响曲面几近平面,其对丸化率无显著影响。样机装配简易控制系统,功能完备性和智能化程度相对较低,种子和药液供给精度较差,有待日后进一步研究和改进。  相似文献   

日前,由中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所陈庆余等人发明的“加工大宗淡水鱼的卧式多级滚筒去鳞设备及其去鳞方法”,获国家发明专利授权。 该发明涉及鱼类加工装备技术,公开了一种加工淡水鱼的卧式多级滚筒去鳞设备及其去鳞方法。该发明是将待加工鱼体连续不断地输入旋转运动着的多级滚筒内,通过各级滚筒内壁上造型多样的刮鳞结构件进行鱼鳞去除;在各个筒状连接件的内壁上设置若干轴向的螺旋通道,能够将鱼体从上一级去鳞滚筒推送到下一级去鳞滚筒;毛刷辊轮轴系与多级滚筒同轴设置且由机架上部的两套功率大小不同的变频调速动力装置分别驱动,毛刷辊轮轴系中的多组毛刷辊轮能够对鱼体进行辅助去鳞和送料控制;从鱼体表面除落的鱼鳞通过各级去鳞滚筒上的鳞片通孔掉入鱼鳞沉积槽内方便收集;中心管轴中的压力水流通过其管壁上设置的若干小孔向着多级滚筒内的加工鱼体喷水冲洗。  相似文献   

节能型自动化控制茶叶滚筒杀青机的介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了节能型自动化控制茶叶滚筒杀青机的主要机械结构特点及工作原理。该机型改进了传统的加热方式,采用面接触热传导方式加热,通过自动化系统调节杀青环境的温湿度,不仅降低了能耗,杀青质量较传统滚筒杀青机也有大幅度地提高,适用于茶叶清洁化、连续化加工生产。  相似文献   

微波二次杀青对绿茶品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探索微波二次杀青对绿茶品质的影响,确定绿茶加工较理想的杀青工艺,提高绿茶香气,直接设定滚筒杀青为对照,再设定微波二次杀青为处理,同时将微波杀青辐射强度设定为4KW、6KW两种,分别设定辐射传输速度100r/min~550r/min。对两种杀青方式进行杀青叶感官测定,并对成品茶进行感官审评。结果表明,微波补杀后不仅能消除滚筒杀青所产生轻微烟气,杀青叶和成品茶香气均高于滚筒杀青。说明微波二次杀青优于滚筒杀青。  相似文献   

滚筒杀青机是目前全国绿茶产区比较欢迎的杀青机种。滚筒杀青操作简便、适应性能良好,杀青叶品质比较稳定。但是有些茶叶初制厂对滚筒杀青的特点认识不足,片面追求台时产量,杀青温度、投叶量与失水率三者关系失调,降低了茶叶品质,未能充分发挥滚筒杀青应有的经济效益,失去了“清汤绿叶”、“香高味醇”的绿茶传统风格。现就如何正确使用滚筒杀青,谈谈自己的认识和体会,与大家共商榷。  相似文献   

立足于畜禽粪污无害化处理,从畜禽粪污的现状和畜禽粪污无害化处理工艺进行分析,探讨了畜禽粪污发酵滚筒的研发及试验过程,重点介绍了畜禽粪污无害化处理及资源化利用关键设备-畜禽粪污无害化快速发酵滚筒的设计及改进,该设备具备一次性完成畜禽粪污的除臭、滤水、杀卵、灭菌等功能。  相似文献   

1.生产单机 (1)去皮机机械去皮机现有2种机型,一种是鼠笼圆滚筒式去皮机,去皮滚筒的直径和长度根据不同的生产量而有所不同,一般直径为500 mm~700 mm,长度为2 000 mm~3 500 mm,滚筒内嵌有多条尼龙毛刷,滚筒中有喷淋管,两组喷嘴以45°角向下喷水,滚筒的旋转速度一般为20 r/min~25 r/min,魔芋靠自身重量,与滚筒毛刷接触,在转动中毛刷与魔芋相对滑动,尼龙毛刷将魔芋皮刷掉,在喷淋水的作用下将泥沙和皮从毛刷的间隙排出.  相似文献   

为了探索瓶式滚筒炒干机与扁茶多用机在雀舌报春茶脱毫提香中的应用效果,通过设定脱毫提香加工中叶温的对比,分析脱毫提香的时间、脱毫效果等的变化情况。结果表明:瓶式滚筒炒干机和多用机的脱毫适宜温度分别是40℃,50℃,时间是20min,30min;提香最高温度分别是90℃~100℃,80℃~90℃;提香时间分别为10min,17min。两种机型用于雀舌报春茶脱毫提香都比较适用,但瓶式滚筒炒干机综合性能略高于扁茶多用机。  相似文献   

The study of motorcycle's acoustic signal shows that gears noise take a great proportion on the whole acoustic of motorcycle.So how to control the noiseof gears is very helpful for reducing the whole motor's acoustic.This paper discusses the engine matching with transmission system in reason,primary transmission and gear geometry design parameter & the mend of tooth body(tooth form & tooth direction) how to influence the acoustic of motorcycle.The study shows that the gear transmission System's matching with engine in reason can notable improve the efficiency of motorcycle.In the meaning time the exactly choosing the primary transmission gear geometry design parameter and the mend of primary transmission gear's tooth body can effectively reduce the acoustic of motorcycle.This paper has engineering practice sense.  相似文献   

The power transmission line is one of the important parts of electrical power system,the management and inspection of the transmission lines have been significant routine job ensuring the reliability of the transmission system. This paper describes in detail the basic principle of the intellectual transmission line inspection system using Geographic Information System(GIS) and Global Position System(GPS) technology.This novel inspection system is composed of pocket PC,GPS receiver and management PC,and takes full advantage of modern computer and network communication technique.Owing to the advantages of high reliability,practicability and scalability,the practical application of this intellectual inspection system shows that it completely meets the requirements for fast speed,high efficiency and real-time performance.  相似文献   

This paper studies lightning protection performance of transmission line with high tower and great span, and puts forward the lightning shielding model of transmission line with high tower and great span. The model simulates the developing process of lightning downward leader, and take the effect of upward leader to downward leader into account. Moreover, the model consider backward lightning , that is even downward leader have developed lower than transmission line, Which will be occur lightning line. Aim at a certain sea transmission line with great span, its lightning performance is calculated with regular method, EGM and the model. The results have been analysed and compared. Because of thinking over backward lightning , the model can be used for calculating lightning shield performance of all kinds of transmission lines.  相似文献   

Commutation failure is one of the most common faults in HVDC transmission system, which is affected by many factors. This paper analyzes the effects of some major factors, such as voltage of commutation bus, DC current, advance firing angle, short circuit impedance and ratio of converter transformer, on the commutation failure in the inverter in HVDC transmission system. The obtained general rule of commutation failure in the inverter in HVDC transmission system is helpful to practical operation.  相似文献   

This paper numerically investigates the jump heights of overhead transmission lines after ice shedding by the finite element method, and simulates the dynamic responses of the transmission lines, with different structure parameters, in different ice shedding conditions. Based on the results, it obtains the quantitative relations between the jump height of conductor and the amplitude difference of the two static states of the conductors before and after ice shedding, and proposes a simplified formula for the jump height of conductors in continuous span after ice shedding for the determination of the clearance distance between the conductors at different phases in the design of high voltage transmission lines located in heavy ice zones.  相似文献   

Abundant researches approve that the bank-lending channel is the main monetary transmission channel in China recent years. But the most of investigations only focus on the behavior of the gross bank-lending index in the monetary transmission, and the further investigation hasn't been carried on. This paper divides the gross index of bank lending into the short-term and mid-, long-term loans based on the internal and external researches. It analyzes how the financial institutions adjust their lending policy under the impact of the monetary policy of the central bank and the effect of the adjustments on the macroeconomic, making the further study of the bank-lending channel in monetary transmission in China.  相似文献   

For separate transmission of received data and current fuze status data in a paasive setting system, a dual channel transmission method based on LSK and PSK is proposed. The corresponding feedback transmission model is set up. The methods for circuit realization and circuit parameters selection are also presented. This method has the advantage of easy circuit realization, low energy consumption, and quick and reliable information feedback. The test shows it can realize the stable dual feedback of 6.25 kbps setting data and 50 kbps status data of fuze in the same wireless channel when the DC voltage is not lower than 3 V. The design and modulation of principal prototype have been completed.  相似文献   

We developed a process model of flame beam transmission using pulverized coal powder and coke combustion in a raceway. We employed a Monte Carlo computation method equation based on charge couple devrce(CCD) target heat flow distribution for radiation heat transfer. We explored the factors impacting radiation transmission. Based on these, a three dimensional reconstruction was analyzed at varying coke particle concentrations. This model provided an effective method to produce on line monitoring of raceway working states.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the standarization of common cylinder worm transmission in the methods and procedures of the survey and drawing.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an analytical design method for the quick-return mechanisms such as the four-bar linkage and the offset slider crank and developes an optimum design method for those mechanisms in which the time-ratio and the minimum transmission angle are given simultaneously. Using this method,the maximum value of the time-ratio is given only. The quick-return mechanisms in which the minimum transmission angle should be the maximum can be designed easily using the proportion of the links presented in the tables in this paper.  相似文献   

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