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稻水象甲(Lissorbqptrus oryzqphilus Kuschel)是水稻的一种毁灭性害虫,繁殖扩散迅速,防控困难,已被10多个国家列为检疫性有害生物。水稻是上海市郊种植面积最大的粮食作物,目前上海水稻种植区尚未发现该虫的发生与危害。为探明稻水象甲在上海地区的风险性,本文以上海市的气候、水稻种植情况及稻水象甲的生物学特性为基础,利用有害生物多指标综合评估方法,分析了稻水象甲入侵上海的风险性。结果显示,稻水象甲入侵上海的风险值为2.28,属于高度危险类型。同时,根据稻水象甲较高的入侵上海的潜在风险,提出了对稻水象甲入侵风险管理的对策。  相似文献   

结合稻水象甲的分布、寄主、传播特点及广西稻区的气候等实际情况,对该虫入侵广西的潜在风险进行了分析。结果表明,稻水象甲传入广西稻区并定殖扩散的可能性极大,风险较高。并由此提出管理对策。  相似文献   

文章从稻水象甲生物学特性、寄主、传播方式、传播途径及桂南稻区的气候条件等几个方面,对其传入的风险进行了评估,结果认为稻水象甲入侵桂南稻区并定殖扩散的可能性极大,风险较高。  相似文献   

稻水象甲 (LissorhoptrusoryzopilusKuschel)为鞘翅目象甲科昆虫 ,主要危害水稻。原发生美国密西西比河流域 ,主要分布在美洲大陆的美国、墨西哥及古巴、亚洲的日本及朝鲜。 1986年我国将其定为对外检疫对象 ,1988年在河北省唐海县首次发现。与美国加利福尼亚及日本和朝鲜的稻水象甲一样 ,侵入唐海县的为孤雌型 ,即 :如有 1头成虫侵入 ,在条件适宜时便可定居繁殖。目前稻水象甲在我国吉林南部、环渤海湾 ,浙江南部、福建北部及台湾等地有不同程度的发生。北京是稻水象甲向西扩散蔓延的必经之地 ,以往文献中只…  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)是全国二类检疫性水稻害虫,严重影响水稻产量和粮食安全。阐述了近年来稻水象甲的研究现状,重点介绍了稻水象甲的分布、生物学特性及其在不同水稻种植区的发生规律与防治措施,以期更好地为防治稻水象甲提供参考。湖北省是水稻种植大省,自2008年首次发现稻水象甲以来,年发生面积逐步扩大,需要引起高度重视。  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)最早发生在美国。据日本资料,1976年5月首次在爱知县稻田内发现,现在已在日本全国稻区发生为害。此虫也已传入南朝鲜。1988年7月南朝鲜报道在其北部与北朝鲜开城市相邻的京机道30公顷水稻发现稻水象甲,同时,朝鲜在开城市、黄海南道清丹郡发现此虫,以后又继续向北蔓延扩散,目前已经  相似文献   

稻水象甲入侵四川的风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)在四川的风险性,根据国际植物检疫措施标准(ISPM)规定的有害生物风险分析(PRA)程序,从省内外分布状况、潜在经济危害性、寄主植物经济重要性、传播扩散可能性和危险性管理难度等5个指标对稻水象甲在四川的风险性进行了分析。研究表明稻水象甲的综合风险值为2.09,为高度危险检疫性有害生物。稻水象甲对四川稻区具有高度危险性,为确保水稻安全生产,应对其加强检疫、加大监测和扩大宣传。  相似文献   

宁波市镇海区地处浙北沿海(东经301',北纬12137'),1999年发现稻水象甲疫情。这是稻水象甲初次侵入中国水稻单、双季混栽区。为了解稻水象甲在水稻单、双季混栽区的发生和为害情况,笔者于1999~2000年进行了初步调查。1分布1999年5月11日蟹浦镇方针村一农户反映,水稻上有一种从未见过的硬壳虫为害十分严重,区植检站和农技总站派员实地查看后,认为是稻水象甲为害,发生了疫情。送标本到省植保总站经有关专家鉴定,认定结果一致,说明稻水象甲已传入浙北沿海水稻单、双季混栽区。随后进行了全区普查。19…  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus(Kuschel))在贵州稻区危害面积逐年加大,局部地区暴发成灾。为了明确水稻旱育秧技术对稻水象甲的实际控制效果,分别设置单独水秧、单独旱秧以及水秧和旱秧混合栽种3种方式,连续两年观察稻水象甲越冬代成虫在3种栽种方式的水稻秧苗上取食、产卵情况。研究发现稻水象甲成虫在水秧和旱秧上都能取食,但是仅在水秧上产卵,连续两年在单独旱秧和混合旱秧上平均产卵量均为0。因此旱育秧技术是一项可以有效阻隔稻水象甲繁殖扩散的防控技术。  相似文献   

原产在美国东部原野和山林之中,在野生禾本科、莎草科等潮湿地带生长植物上取食的稻水象甲 Lissorhoptrusoryzophilus Kuschel,19世纪初,随水稻大规模栽培,首先传入密西西比河流域的阿肯色州、密西西比州、路易斯安那州和得克萨斯州等南部稻区,成为美国重要的水稻害虫。1959年6月,在加利福尼亚州沙库剌门特盆地以北的水稻栽培中心发生。1922年传入多米尼加共和国。稻水象甲也分布在加拿大的阿尔巴塔州、墨西哥和古巴。1976年5月首次报道传入亚洲,在日本的爱知县发生。1986年,南、北朝鲜也先后报道发生了稻水象甲。  相似文献   

检疫害虫稻水象甲的控制技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus。oryzophilus Kuschel)是一种毁灭性的水稻害虫,也是一种重要的检疫害虫。近年来在很多省市发生为害,且发生程度不断加重并呈扩大蔓延趋势。本文概述了近年来稻水象甲大发生危害的情况及原因,深入分析了其发生规律,提出了加强植物检疫、农业防治、化学防治、生物防治、物理防治等综合治理的措施。  相似文献   

辣椒花象甲Anthonomus eugenii是一种毁灭性害虫,原产于中美洲,可为害至少35种商业辣椒品种,对辣椒为害严重,可使其减产33%~90%。该害虫于1993年入侵加拿大,并于2014年进入欧洲。频繁的全球贸易及国际运输将加速该害虫的传播和扩散,并有入侵我国的风险。该文对辣椒花象甲的生物学特性、寄主植物、为害特征、分布范围及传播进行总结,分析其对我国的入侵风险及对我国辣椒产业造成的潜在损失,并提出风险管理措施。  相似文献   

田间施放绿僵菌防治稻水象甲效果评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在稻水象甲成虫怀卵期,田间用绿僵菌(10^14孢子/hm^2)喷雾防治,13天后对成虫的防治效果达92.5%。经防治后的幼虫和次代成虫平均虫口分别为2.12和0.30头/从,而对照分别为8.40和4.17头/丛,差异均达极显著(t〉0.01)。对虫口密度高发地块,若采取菌剂和化学膛药配合使用,效果则更佳。  相似文献   

为明确稻水象甲主要生物学特性及发生规律,探索稻水象甲暴发的原因,为新疆荒漠绿洲生态区稻水象甲的防控提供依据,调查其越冬场所、寄主植物、不同生境中的种群消长动态、年生活史、发生与环境的关系等。稻水象甲越冬成虫于4月上旬末开始活动,4月中旬在杂草、小麦等旱地作物上取食,5月中、下旬随水稻移栽迁入稻田,之后进入产卵期;一代成虫羽化始期为7月中旬,自8月上旬起,一代成虫又开始向其越冬场所附近的杂草丛转移,逐渐入土越冬。稻水象甲在新疆荒漠绿洲生态区一年发生一代,以滞育成虫在土表和浅土层中越冬,越冬的主要场所为稻田附近的林带和田埂。  相似文献   

江西双季稻区稻水象甲田间分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻水象甲[Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus(Kuschel)]是我国植物检疫对象。采用Taylor幂法则及Iwao回归分析法对江西省双季稻区早稻田稻水象甲越冬代成虫及晚稻田禾苗上取食斑的分布型进行测定,结果表明双季稻区早稻田间成虫主要呈聚集分布,晚稻田间禾苗上新一代成虫的取食斑也呈聚集分布。  相似文献   

苏欣  于娜  梁沛  高希武 《农药学学报》2011,13(6):581-585
分别于2010和2011年采用点滴法测定了辽宁省辽阳地区张台子、柳壕和大石桥3个稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel田间种群对吡虫啉等6种杀虫剂的敏感性。发现不同种群对同一药剂的敏感性相差可达4.2~49.4倍;2011年大石桥种群对阿维菌素等3种药剂的敏感性较2010年有所下降。通过室内毒力测定筛选出了5种可有效防治稻水象甲的药剂组合:阿维菌素和三唑磷、氯虫苯甲酰胺和三唑磷分别按质量比1∶1和1∶3组合,多杀菌素和辛硫磷按质量比1∶3组合。比较了3个种群稻水象甲成虫羧酸酯酶(CarE)、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)的活性,初步探讨了其敏感性不同的可能机制。研究结果可为该地区稻水象甲的有效控制提供参考。  相似文献   

The rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) was detected in Northern Italy in 2004. As Italy is the major European rice producer, and the rice water weevil is considered to be one of the major pests of rice in the world, a multiyear study was carried out to determine the spread of the pest in Northern Italy, to evaluate its establishment potential and to improve the knowledge on its biology in this new habitat. The survey allowed the distribution of the insect in Italian rice areas to be evaluated and confirmed that L. oryzophilus behaves as a monovoltine parthenogenetic species in Northern Italy. Information about the phenology of the insect and its management are also provided.  相似文献   

The banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) is the most important insect pest of bananas and plantains (Musa spp.). The larvae bore in the corm, reducing nutrient uptake and weakening the stability of the plant. Attack in newly planted banana stands can lead to crop failure. In established fields, weevil damage can result in reduced bunch weights, mat die-out and shortened stand life. Damage and yield losses tend to increase with time. This paper reviews the research on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, pest status, sampling methods, and integrated pest management (IPM) of banana weevil. Salient features of the weevil's biology include nocturnal activity, long life span, limited mobility, low fecundity, and slow population growth. The adults are free living and most often associated with banana mats and cut residues. They are attracted to their hosts by volatiles, especially following damage to the plant corm. Males produce an aggregation pheromone that is attractive to both sexes. Eggs are laid in the corm or lower pseudostem. The immature stages are all passed within the host plant, mostly in the corm. The weevil's biology creates sampling problems and makes its control difficult. Most commonly, weevils are monitored by trapping adults, mark and recapture methods and damage assessment to harvested or dead plants. Weevil pest status and control options reflect the type of banana being grown and the production system. Plantains and highland bananas are more susceptible to the weevil than dessert or brewing bananas. Banana production systems range from kitchen gardens and small, low-input stands to large-scale export plantations. IPM options for banana weevils include habitat management (cultural controls), biological control, host plant resistance, botanicals, and (in some cases) chemical control. Cultural controls have been widely recommended but data demonstrating their efficacy are limited. The most important are clean planting material in new stands, crop sanitation (especially destruction of residues), agronomic methods to improve plant vigour and tolerance to weevil attack and, possibly, trapping. Tissue culture plantlets, where available, assure the farmer with weevil-free material. Suckers may be cleaned by paring, hot water treatment and/or the applications of entomopathogens, neem, or pesticides. None of these methods assure elimination of weevils. Adult weevils may also invade from nearby plantations. As a result, the benefits of clean planting material may be limited to a few crop cycles. Field surveys suggest that reduced weevil populations may be associated with high levels of crop sanitation, yet definitive studies on residue management and weevil pest status are wanting. Trapping of adult weevils with pseudostem or corm traps can reduce weevil populations, but material and labour requirements may be beyond the resources of many farmers. The use of enhanced trapping with pheromones and kairomones is currently under study. A combination of clean planting material, sanitation, and trapping is likely to provide at least partial control of banana weevil.Classical biological control of banana weevil, using natural enemies from Asia, has so far been unsuccessful. Most known arthropod natural enemies are opportunistic, generalist predators with limited efficacy. Myrmicine ants have been reported to help control the weevil in Cuba, but their effects elsewhere are unknown. Microbial control, using entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes tend to be more promising. Effective strains of microbial agents are known but economic mass production and delivery systems need further development.  相似文献   

截获秀粉蚧(Paracoccus interceptus Lit)是一种重要的水果及林木害虫,在东南亚地区广泛分布,我国尚无分布报道。本研究以截获秀粉蚧的分布数据为基础,利用Max Ent生态位模型和Arc GIS对其在世界、中国的潜在地理分布进行预测。结果表明,截获秀粉蚧的适生区域主要位于南北半球0~30°之间的热带和亚热带地区,其高度适生区主要集中分布在南美洲北部及中部、亚洲南部、非洲中部等地区。截获秀粉蚧在中国的适生区域主要分布在长江流域以南地区,高度适生区集中分布在广东、广西、海南、云南、福建、台湾、江西等地,与我国热带水果的主要种植区域相吻合。各口岸应加强对东盟进口水果、苗木的检验检疫,有效防止该类害虫的入侵。  相似文献   


An IPM schedule using synthetic sex pheromone (Z‐3‐dodecenol‐E‐2‐butenoate) as the principal component against sweet potato weevil has been evaluated for the first time in India. The components of the IPM Programme were: (a) disinfecting the planting materials by dipping the slips in monocrotophos 0.05% for 10 min; (b) installation of pheromone traps from the first day of planting at 10 m distance (one trap/100 m2) to destroy the male weevils; and (c) re‐ridging the crop at 30 and 60 days after planting. The continuous elimination of the male population by pheromone traps in the treatment has resulted in a drastic decline in the population build‐up of the weevil and consequent reduction in the damage, leading to increased production of marketable tubers over 53%. In the first season weevil damage was reduced from 33% to 9.7% and in the second season from 39% to 9.5% by adopting the IPM schedule. The control field showed a four‐ to seven‐fold increase in the pest population (516 to 741 in the control and 114 to 128 in the treatment).  相似文献   

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