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我国大豆田蓟马研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大豆田蓟马原属次要害虫,近年来逐渐上升为主要害虫。现已知2亚目3科12属21种,少数种类为捕食性;大部分为植食性,且寄主植物范围广泛。植食性蓟马不仅在大豆上取食或产卵为害,还能传播植物病毒,栖花的蓟马是大豆不育系的传粉媒介之一。从大豆出苗到结荚期均有发生,尤以苗期为害严重。在大豆田节肢动物群落中,植食性蓟马的优势度较高;在不同生育期,蓟马空间分布型有所差异。有害蓟马综合治理应采取以农业防治为基础,物理防治和生物防治为主,化学防治为辅的综合治理策略。总结大豆田蓟马种类、生物生态学特性及防治方法方面的研究现状,可为大豆田有害蓟马综合治理提供参考。  相似文献   

蓟马是玉米苗期的主要害虫之一,近年来危害逐年加重,对平舆县玉米生产构成严重威胁。介绍了夏玉米蓟马的危害症状,总结了发生特点,并对夏玉米蓟马重发的原因进行了分析,从农业防治、物理防治、生物防治及药剂防治方面提出了夏玉米蓟马的综合防治技术。  相似文献   

金纹细蛾发生与防治研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金纹细蛾是苹果产区一种重要害虫。本文综述了近年来国内金纹细蛾的发生规律和为害特点方面的研究新进展。从农业防治、化学防治、天敌利用及性诱剂防治等方面进行了系统的归纳。结合实际工作,提出应大力推广应用以农业防治、物理防治和生物防治相结合的无公害综合防治技术。同时结合天敌防治运用生物源农药,推广性诱剂引诱,既能取得较好防效,又不污染环境,以达到经济、有效、安全的目的。  相似文献   

蓟马类害虫危害可导致向日葵籽粒锈斑,严重影响向日葵外观品质,降低商品价值。本文简要介绍了向日葵蓟马类害虫发生和危害特点,并提出综合防治技术,为种植户防治向日葵蓟马类害虫提供方案。  相似文献   

<正>黄花菜生长期主要遭受三种害虫即黄花菜叶部害虫——蓟马、黄花菜花蕾害虫——蚜虫和黄花菜根部害虫——蛴螬的为害,它们分别为害黄花菜的三个关键部位,给其生长和高产带来不同程度的影响,生产中应引起重视。下面分别介绍这三种害虫的为害特点和防治技术,供参考。黄花菜叶部害虫——蓟马。(1)  相似文献   

蓟马是河南开封花生生长中的一种常见害虫,因其虫体小,隐蔽性强,不易发现,常常贻误防治时机,造成花生严重减产。文章总结了河南开封花生蓟马的形态特征、为害特点、发生原因,并结合花生田间蓝板诱集蓟马的方法,对河南开封花生蓟马的田间发生动态规律进行了研究,以期掌握河南开封花生蓟马的田间发生规律,指导花生生产中对蓟马的防治,确保花生优质高产。  相似文献   

<正>芦笋蓟马为缨翅目蓟马科,为害芦笋的主要是花蓟马和烟蓟马,是刺吸性害虫,寄主极广,且为害严重。今年芦笋蓟马虫发生严重,给芦笋嫩茎及幼苗生长发育造成很大影响,笋农务必注意察看并及时防治。一、为害特点芦笋蓟马以成虫和若虫为害芦笋的拟叶、笋尖、嫩茎、鳞片、花瓣等,主要是吸食嫩茎汁液,收获的嫩茎笋尖松散,易散头,严重降低商品品质。放秧后  相似文献   

<正>(接上期)河北省科技厅近期发布《河北省科学技术研究成果公报(2014年第一号)》,其中包括以下多项植保农药类科研成果:1.冀东玉米蓟马发生规律及防治技术研究单位名称:唐山市农业科学研究院评价单位名称:唐山市科技局课题研究明确了冀东地区玉米蓟马发生为害规律:(1)冀东地区玉米蓟马的种类为:禾蓟马、黄呆蓟马和稻单管蓟马,以禾蓟马为优势种;(2)确定了冀东地区禾蓟马的两次发生高峰,分别在5月中下旬和6月20日左右;(3)禾蓟马的为害与玉米播期以及年际间气候的变化有关。筛选出防治玉米蓟马  相似文献   

毛腹喙蓟马(Mycterothrips setiventris(Bagnall, 1918))取食为害茶树国内尚未见报道,但近年来的调查发现毛腹喙蓟马已在贵州茶园广泛发生和为害,是我省茶园重要的新发害虫。本文描述了毛腹喙蓟马为害茶树的危害状、地理分布和寄主植物等基础信息,为该害虫的识别和科学防控提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对柚子蓟马生活习性、为害规律进行研究,摸清柚子蓟马在瑞丽市的为害规律,采取农业防治、物理防治与化学防治相结合的方法,提出行之有效的防治方法与具体措施,力求以最小投入达到最好防治效果的目标。  相似文献   

豇豆蓟马发生规律及防治药剂筛选的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明在冬种豇豆的整个生育期内,为害豇豆的蓟马种类及各种蓟马的种群消长情况,于2014—2016年在海南三亚开展了冬种豇豆的蓟马种类和数量的调查。结果表明:为害豇豆的蓟马有4种,即豆大蓟马、花蓟马、棕榈蓟马和黄胸蓟马;其中,豆大蓟马与棕榈蓟马在豇豆的整个生育期内均可为害,花蓟马与黄胸蓟马仅在花期发生。豆大蓟马为豇豆蓟马的优势种,其发生高峰期在豇豆的盛花期;其次是花蓟马,其数量在豇豆生长后期逐渐增加;棕榈蓟马的数量在豇豆花期虽有所增加,但始终维持在较低水平;黄胸蓟马仅偶尔出现,且数量极少。为了解新型杀虫剂对豇豆蓟马的防效,采用喷雾法,开展了豇豆蓟马的田间药效试验。试验结果表明:在参试的5种新型药剂中,乙基多杀菌素和苦参碱对豇豆蓟马具有较好的防效,药后3天防效分别为79.14%和62.14%,高于对照药剂啶虫脒的防效。药后7天,所有参试药剂对豇豆蓟马的防效均不理想,除了乙基多杀菌素,其余药剂防效均小于50%。在参试的药剂中,乙基多杀菌素、苦参碱对豇豆蓟马具有较好的防效,可以与啶虫脒轮换使用,用于豇豆蓟马的田间防治。  相似文献   

蓟马在韭菜上发生十分严重,影响了韭菜的产量和品质。本文鉴定了韭菜上蓟马的种类,研究了蓟马在韭菜田间的危害症状、发生规律以及防治方法。试验结果表明韭菜上的蓟马形态特征为西花蓟马,ITS分子鉴定结果显示扩增片段520bp,与西花蓟马的碱基序列相似度达到99.81%。西花蓟马在韭菜田间离地80cm高度的空间分布较集中;晴天时,在下午15:00~17:00时间段上西花蓟马出现频率较高;雨水对西花蓟马的致死作用明显,致死率为29.30%;田间防治试验筛选出20%呋虫胺可溶性粒剂和40%啶虫脒粒剂对田间韭菜西花蓟马的防治效果较好,其中20%呋虫胺可溶性粒剂1500倍液的喷雾防治效果最佳,达92.56%。  相似文献   

节瓜蓟马的主要捕食性天敌及自然控制作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了节瓜蓟马在广东省的捕食性天敌资源和自然控制作用。在不施化学农药的瓜、豆地中发现节瓜蓟马的捕食性天敌有中华微刺盲蝽、黑带多盲蝽、黑肩绿盲蝽、南方小花蝽、桑小花蝽、大眼长蝽、西方蠳蚊、长毛捕食螨、塔六点蓟马、瓢虫、蜘蛛和蚂蚁等共10科近20种。数量较多的是中华微刺盲蝽、南方小花蝽和黑带多盲蝽,其中对节瓜蓟马起主要控制作用的是中华微刺盲蝽。在所有被捕食的节瓜蓟马中,54%的蓟马被中华微刺盲蝽取食。中华微刺盲蝽不仅捕食量大,而且全年可见该盲蝽繁殖。中华微刺盲蝽是防治节瓜蓟马前景最大的天敌之一。  相似文献   

为明确捕食螨对烟草蓟马的防治效果,本文调查了云南泸西中枢育苗期蓟马发生情况及种类,并对比研究了不同捕食螨释放数量、释放方式及携带微生物菌剂的防治差异。结果表明:蓟马种类主要为西花蓟马,其次为八节黄蓟马,发生高峰期在4月中旬左右;捕食螨投放100头/盘防治效果最好;均匀撒施捕食螨对蓟马防治效果显著优于开袋放置及空白对照(P<0.05);捕食螨搭载球孢白僵菌对蓟马控制效果最好,搭载金龟子绿僵菌与不带菌相差不大,但均显著高于空白对照(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Thrips are damaging pests in pepper worldwide. They can cause damage directly by feeding on leaves, fruits or flowers, and also indirectly by transferring viruses, especially tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). Although thrips are among the most damaging pests in pepper, until now there is no commercial variety with a useful level of resistance to thrips. This is at least partly due to the lack of knowledge on resistance levels in pepper germplasm of QTLs and/or genes for resistance, and of information about resistance mechanisms to thrips in pepper. This paper describes our research aimed at developing practical and reliable screening methods for thrips resistance in pepper and at identifying pepper accessions showing a strong resistance to thrips. Thirty-two pepper accessions from four species of pepper (Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense and C. frutescens) and two species of thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips parvispinus) were used in this study. Our results indicate that the laboratory based leaf disc test and the detached leaf test can be used as reliable screening methods for thrips resistance in pepper. We observed a large variation for resistance to thrips in Capsicum that can be exploited in breeding programs.  相似文献   

盆栽榕树主要根结线虫的发生及其生物防控技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
盆栽榕树是福建省主要出口创汇植物产品,近年受根结线虫为害严重。笔者介绍南方根结线虫和花生根结线虫在盆栽榕树上的发生情况,并从抗性品种选育、天敌生物利用和植物源杀线剂研发等方面,解析盆栽榕树主要根结线虫的生物防控技术,以期实现对根结线虫的无公害与可持续控制。  相似文献   

Thrips tabaci is a major problem in the cultivation of cabbage for storage, as this pest causes symptoms that necessitate the removal of affected leaves from the product. Between cabbage varieties large differences in susceptibility occur. This study aimed to identify plant traits associated with these differences, in field experiments with natural infestation in 2005 and 2006. One factor affecting the amount of thrips damage was the timing of the development of the head. In an experiment with different planting dates especially the early maturing, more susceptible varieties were shown to benefit from later planting. In comparisons of multiple varieties in both years, regression studies showed that more advanced plant development in August and early September increased thrips damage at the final harvest. However, no single plant trait explained more than 25% (2005, Brix) or 48% (2006, compactness) of the variation in thrips damage. Optimal regression models, explaining up to 75% of the variation in thrips damage included Brix and leaf surface wax late in the season, as well as an indicator of plant development earlier in the season, and in 2005 also leaf thickness. The possible role of these plant traits in relation to thrips is discussed.  相似文献   

Glandless cotton can be grown for cottonseed free of toxic gossypol to be used as food and feed for non-ruminant animals. However, one of the most important limiting factors preventing its commercial production is its higher insect damage than conventional glanded cotton. Thrips is the one of the most important insect pests in the early growing season that may cause yield losses. In this study, 28, 29, 26, and 2 glandless cotton lines were compared with glanded control Acala 1517-08 and other glanded lines for resistance to the Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) in four replicated field tests each containing 32 genotypes. In the same field, 28 glanded commercial cultivars and 78 glanded breeding lines were compared with Acala 1517-08 and Acala 1517-99 in three other tests with 32 genotypes each. The experimental layouts allowed a comprehensive comparative analysis of thrips resistance within and between glandless and glanded cotton. Overall, glandless cotton had similar or lower thrips damages than glanded cotton, indicating that the glandless trait may serve as a genetic factor for suppressing thrips damage. As compared with Acala 1517-08 which represented one of the most thrips resistant genotypes among glanded cotton tested, glandless Acala GLS and many selections from glandless germplasm were more resistant, while some were similar to Acala 1517-08, indicating that genetic factors other than the glandless trait also affect thrips resistance in cotton. The estimates for broad-sense heritability for thrips resistance were moderate, indicating that thrips resistance is selectable. This is corroborated by the identification of many thrips resistant lines from a cross between Acala 1517-08 and Acala GLS. This study has laid a foundation for a more detailed study using most resistant lines with desirable agronomic traits in multiple environments.  相似文献   

李小艳  倪畅  刘旭 《中国农学通报》2022,38(25):130-133
为探究不同处理方法对黄瓜根结线虫病的防治效果,以当地主栽的黄瓜品种作为试验材料进行设施大棚试验,比较夏季高温闷棚、施用解淀粉芽孢杆菌B1619和“夏季高温闷棚+施用解淀粉芽孢杆菌B1619”综合防治3种方法对黄瓜根结线虫的防治效果。结果表明,物理和生物综合防治方法的防治效果最好,达到85.17%。试验结果可为宿迁地区设施蔬菜根结线虫病的绿色防治提供数据参考。  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of resistance in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.capitata) to damage caused byThrips tabaci Lindeman was studied in progeny from four crosses between resistant and susceptible inbred lines. In two families sharing the same susceptible parent, the narrow-sense heritability was calculated to be high (>90%), using the Warner method of calculation (Warner, 1952). The other two families, also sharing a susceptible parent, had very low narrow-sense heritability (0–11%). In three of the four families, however, the validity of the Warner calculations were called into question due to significant epistatic interactions. In all four families, the F1 populations approached or exceeded the susceptibility of the susceptible parent, indicating that susceptibility is generally dominant. The importance of epistasis and dominance suggests that tests of hybrid combinations to determine combining ability for thrips resistance may be required, rather than selecting only on the basis of thrips damage to the inbred lines. The technique of planting wheat upwind from the cabbage test plot did generate adequate levels of thrips pressure, but the infestation was uneven in two of the four blocks, so that reasonable replication of tests is required.  相似文献   

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