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血凝(HA)和血凝抑制试验(HI)主要是用于新城疫病原鉴定和抗体效价测定,新版《新城疫诊断技术》(GB/T16550-2020)对HA和HI试验判定结果进行了修改和细化,使其更加标准和规范。为尽快理解新版标准要求,熟练掌握操作要领,对新、旧版标准中HA和HI试验进行了比较,新版标准增加了对HA和HI试验4HAU抗原配制的标定、静置时间以及结果判定的改变。新版标准在操作步骤上更为精准详细,4HAU抗原配置更加准确,从而使得HI试验结果更加科学。本文结合实际检测,为广大实验室检验人员、大专院校学生及科研人员更好地理解新版标准,更熟练地操作,从而为提高试验结果准确性提供了参考。  相似文献   

正为深入了解新版《饲料卫生标准》的主要变化和执行措施,全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会负责人就新版标准相关问题进行解读。安全标准更高兼顾绿色生态《饲料卫生标准》的作用是什么?对饲料中有毒有害物质制定限量标准,是世界各国的通行做法。强制性国家标准《饲料卫生标准》于1991  相似文献   

为进一步做好高致病性禽流感强制免疫抗体效价评估工作,国家市场监督管理总局和国家标准化管理委员会于2020年12月14日发布实施了新版《高致病性禽流感诊断技术》(GB/T 18936—2020)。新版标准中重新规定了高致病性禽流感血凝和血凝抑制试验的技术要求,与旧版本比较内容有所变动。为尽快理解新版标准要求,熟练掌握操作要领,对新、旧版标准中血凝和血凝抑制试验进行了比较。经对比分析发现,新版标准增加了对血凝抑制试验4 HAU抗原配制的验证,鸭、鹅等水禽血清的预处理内容,并对其结果判定予以补充。新版标准在操作步骤上更为精准详细,在结果判定上更加科学准确,弥补了旧版本存在的诸多不足。本文为广大兽医实验室检测人员更好地理解新、旧标准差异以及新版标准优点,从而提高试验结果准确性提供了参考。  相似文献   

<正>近日,修订后的《饲料卫生标准》正式发布。为深入了解新版《饲料卫生标准》的主要变化和执行措施,全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会负责人就新版标准相关问题答记者问。《饲料卫生标准》的作用是什么?答:对饲料中有毒有害物质制定限量标准,是世界各国的通行做法。强制性国家标准《饲料卫生标准》于1991年7月16日由国家技术监督局首次颁布,2001年  相似文献   

正近日,修订后的《饲料卫生标准》正式发布。为深入了解新版《饲料卫生标准》的主要变化和执行措施,全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会负责人就新版标准相关问题答记者问。《饲料卫生标准》的作用是什么?答:对饲料中有毒有害物质制定限量标准,是世界各国的通行做法。强制性国家标准《饲料卫生标准》于1991年7月16日由国家技术监督局首次颁布,2001年进行了第一次修订。《饲料卫生标准》与《饲料标签》标准作为我国饲料行业两个  相似文献   

[编者按]修订后的新版GB 13078-2001<饲料卫生标准>是为<饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例>配套的技术性法规.它的发布为<饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例>的实施提供了技术依据. 新版<饲料卫生标准>在制订时,对有害物质在饲料中的允许量指标,充分考虑了国际上的有关规定,尽量与国际接轨,为加入WTO作了技术上的准备. 新版<饲料卫生标准>是强制性国家标准,与原标准主要差异如下:  相似文献   

<正>近日,修订后的《饲料卫生标准》正式发布。为深入了解新版《饲料卫生标准》的主要变化和执行措施,全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会负责人就新版标准相关问题答记者问。问:《饲料卫生标准》的作用是什么?答:对饲料中有毒有害物质制定限量标准,是世界各国的通行做法。强制性国家标准《饲料卫生标准》于1991年7月16日由国家技术监督局首次颁布,2001年进行了第一  相似文献   

鱼粉的质量控制及其在淡水鱼饲料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1鱼粉质量1.1鱼粉质量标准鱼粉的质量标准是鱼粉质量控制的判别标准,我国已经对鱼粉的质量标准作了修改,表1列出了新版鱼粉质量标准的主要技术参数。1.2鱼粉质量的主要内容  相似文献   

程水生 《中国兽药杂志》2002,36(12):11-11,15
新版实验动物国家标准已于2002年5月1日实施。本文介绍了新版标准的特征和实施情况,并根据农业系统的实际情况提出了建议。  相似文献   

正GB9697-2008《蜂王浆》由国家标准化管理委员会批准发布,于2009年1月1日实施。新版标准给出的蜂王浆定义是:工蜂咽下腺和上颚腺分泌的,主要用于饲喂蜂王和蜂幼虫的乳白色、淡黄色或浅橙色浆状物质。新版标准对蜂王浆的感官要求是:色泽:无论是粘浆状态还是冰冻状态,都应是乳白色,淡黄色或浅橙色,有光泽。冰冻状态时还有冰晶的光泽。气味:粘浆状态时,应有类似花蜜  相似文献   

介绍了我国荔枝农药登记情况,归纳分析了新版GB/T 2763-2021《食品安全国家标准 食品中农药残留最大限量》中涉及荔枝的农药最大残留限量标准,对比分析了国内外荔枝农药残留限量标准制定情况。在此基础上,总结了我国荔枝残留限量标准存在的问题,并提出了建议和措施,旨在为完善我国荔枝质量安全标准体系提供参考。  相似文献   

The widespread use of the set of multiple-trait derivative-free REML programs for prediction of breeding values and estimation of variance components has led to significant improvement in traits of economic importance. The initial version of this software package, however, was generally limited to pedigree-based relationships. With continued advances in genomic research and the increased availability of genotyping, relationships based on molecular markers are obtainable and desirable. The addition of a new program to the set of multiple-trait derivative-free REML programs is described that allows users the flexibility to calculate relationships using standard pedigree files or an arbitrary relationship matrix based on genetic marker information. The strategy behind this modification and its design is described. An application is illustrated in a QTL association study for canine hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

本文从质量管理理念的发展与新版兽药GMP要求出发,剖析了目前兽药生产企业在质量管理理念、质量管理和质量控制力量及水平、GMP管理文件的执行、风险意识等方面的问题,提出了兽药生产企业应从强化质量管理理念、重视发挥QA和QC的作用、针对新版GMP要点和难点切实开展工作和真正建立风险管理机制方面切实采取措施,希望能借此帮助兽药生产企业完善质量管理,保证兽药GMP要求落实到位,推动兽药行业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity of four in-clinic heartworm antigen test kits, AbboScreen (Abbott Laboratories), Snap PF (IDEXX Laboratories), Solo Step (HESKA Corporation), Witness (Synbiotics Corporation) and two heartworm antigen microwell plate assays, DiroCHEK (Synbiotics) and PetChek PF (IDEXX) were compared in a blinded study using serum or plasma drawn from 237 random source dogs, including 140 with necropsy-confirmed, low worm burden infections (minimum 1 worm, maximum 10, mean 2.3, median 3) and 97 confirmed heartworm-free at necropsy. In general, microwell format tests were more sensitive than membrane format tests and tests using ELISA technology were more sensitive than tests using lateral flow immunochromatographic technology. Percent sensitivity and specificity, respectively, were PetChek PF 76 and 97, DiroCHEK 71 and 94, SNAP PF 67 and 98, Solo Step 60 and 98, and AbboScreen 52 and 96. The Witness test protocol was changed by the manufacturer midway through the study, and the newer version of this test kit arrived containing a package insert alerting the user to a change in procedure, which purportedly resulted in improved sensitivity. PetChek was significantly more sensitive than all other tests except DiroCHEK and the new version of Witness. DiroCHEK was significantly more sensitive than all tests except PetCheck, SNAP and the new version of Witness. Snap was more sensitive than AbboScreen and the old version of Witness. Differences in specificity were not significant (P>0.05).  相似文献   

Radiographic evaluation of acetabular component position in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of standard radiographic projections for determining acetabular cup position and to compare 2 radiographic methods for calculation of the angle of lateral opening of the acetabular cup. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro radiographic study. METHODS: Acetabular components were mounted on a custom-built inclinometer. The effect of varying the angles of lateral opening, inclination, version, and centering of the x-ray beam on the radiographic appearance of the cup was investigated. The angle of lateral opening was calculated trigonometrically after direct measurement and by means of computer-aided image analysis. RESULTS: Using a ventrodorsal radiograph, the computer-aided measurement of angle of lateral opening was accurate to within 5 degrees when the true angle of lateral opening was > or = 40 degrees. In the case of direct measurement, the calculated angle was accurate to within 5 degrees only when the true angle was > or = 60 degrees. An increasing angle of inclination was associated with reduced accuracy of calculation of the angles of lateral opening and version. Standard radiographic assessment of acetabular version and inclination was not found to be clinically useful. The displacement of the x-ray beam, which would cause significant error in the determination of lateral opening, is unlikely to be exceeded in practice. Cup size had no significant effect on the accuracy of the results. CONCLUSIONS: Computer-aided image analysis can be used to calculate angles of lateral opening to within 10 degrees throughout the range of acetabular positions seen in practice and is appropriate for postoperative documentation of cup position. The angles of inclination and version should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂是我国饲养的重要蜂种之一。相较于西方蜜蜂较为统一的朗氏标准蜂箱,中蜂的蜂箱种类繁多。研发了1种中蜂多层小蜂箱,并对其生产性能进行了测定与比较。结果表明,中蜂多层小蜂箱蜂蜜夏季采集量略高于意蜂标准箱组,但差异不显著。多层小蜂箱蜂蜜波美度和含糖量高于意蜂标准箱组,含水量低于意蜂标准箱组,但差异也不显著。多层小蜂箱中蜂群势显著高于意蜂标准箱饲养组,表明多层小蜂箱比传统蜂箱更利于蜜蜂生产与繁殖。  相似文献   

This is a shortened version of a lecture given by me on 19 July 1979 on the occasion of my retirement. It is proposed that cells have a sense of self-preservation and are ontogenetically and phylogenetically active in creating new life forms.  相似文献   

分析了国家标准的概念、我国兽医生物制品标准体系的构成,介绍了我国兽医生物制品标准体系的历史和现状,指出了现阶段我国兽医生物制品标准化工作中存在问题及其原因,提出了统一认识、按照全新思路开展《兽药典》制定、加强对企业标准的备案审查、做好疫苗效果评价用强毒株的筛选、完善相关法律法规并做好与标准体系的衔接5项建议。  相似文献   

意境迁移在散文翻译中占有举足轻重的地位。格式塔意象和意境具有相似的美学成分,且二者都是由个体意象组成,这使得格式塔意象模型得以运用于意境传译。意境传递过程为:原文本中的意境一心理审美意境一目标文本中的意境。从意境模型中可得出结论:意境是检验个体意象翻译的标准。在不损害整体意境的前提下,个别意象的微观调整可使译文“最接近,最自然”。  相似文献   

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