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OBJECTIVE: To examine and compare some family issues and work experiences of males and females who graduated as veterinarians 15 years ago. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were completed by 134 of 137 veterinarians who graduated 15 years ago, and who had been surveyed in their first and final years as students, and 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. Comparisons were made with official statistics, information from earlier surveys in this longitudinal study, and data from a previously published national study. RESULTS: By 15 years after they graduated, 82% had been married or in a comparable long-term relationship, and 23% of these were to another veterinarian. Thirteen percent of those who had been married were now separated or divorced, and 50% of them had remarried, a similar proportion to official statistics for Australians of comparable age. Approximately 20% of both males and females were doing no veterinary work, but more males (68%) than females (37%) were doing veterinary work full time. Most who were doing veterinary work were in private practice, and of these, small animals represented 76% of the work of the males and 88% of the work of the females. Females in private practice were more likely to be employees, especially if working part time, but those working full time were just as likely as males to be practice owners. In general males earned more than females. CONCLUSION: By 15 years after graduation, the percentages of males and females doing some veterinary work are similar, although males are more likely than females to be working full time. Females and males in full time private practice are equally likely to be practice owners, but female owners and female employees earn less than comparable males. Males and females have similar attitudes to having done the veterinary course.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To map out the career paths of veterinarians during their first 10 years after graduation, and to determine if this could have been predicted at entry to the veterinary course. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of students who started their course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who completed questionnaires in their first and fifth year as students, and in their second, sixth and eleventh year as veterinarians. METHODS: Data from 129 (96%) questionnaires completed during the eleventh year after graduation were coded numerically then analysed, together with data from previous questionnaires, with SAS System 7 for Windows 95. RESULTS: Ten years after they graduated, 80% were doing veterinary work, 60% were in private practice, 40% in small animal practice and 18% in mixed practice. The equivalent of 25% of the working time of all females was taken up by family duties. When part-time work was taken into account, veterinary work constituted the equivalent of 66% of the group working full-time. That 66% consisted of 52% on small animals, 7% on horses, 6% on cattle/sheep and 1% on pigs/poultry. Those who had grown up on farms with animals were twice as likely to be working with farm animals as were those from other backgrounds. Forecasts made on entry to the veterinary course were of no value in predicting who would remain in mixed practice. CONCLUSIONS: Fewer than one-fifth of graduates were in mixed practice after 10 years, but the number was higher for those who grew up on farms with animals. Forecasts that may be made at interview before entry to the course were of little value in predicting the likelihood of remaining in mixed veterinary practice.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, animals with lymphadenopathy are eminently suitable candidates for cytology sample collection by FNAB from several enlarged nodes; or, if surgical biopsies are made, imprint smears from the tissue may yield diagnostically useful information to supplement the histological findings. Cytology may reveal the lesion to be reactive, inflammatory, or neoplastic. Cytologically, reactive nodes will contain increased numbers of plasma cells, possibly with some inflammatory cells, along with the resident lymphoid population. If inflammation is present, neutrophils and macrophages also will be found and the type of inflammation may be classified. Any infectious agent such as fungal hyphae, yeasts, bacteria, and protozoa also may be demonstrated. Aspirates may be cultured directly onto blood agar plates or transported in nutrient broth for culture at a referral laboratory. In chronic dermatopathic nodes, a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate is expected, and in pruritic skin disorders, eosinophils usually are plentiful in node aspirates. Increased numbers of eosinophils also may be found in dogs that are microfilaremic with heartworm infection. Background debris of hemosiderin and melanin pigment and other fine particles may occur in some chronic inflammatory lymphadenopathies. Metastatic lesions are identified by the presence of foreign neoplastic cells, but this diagnosis may be missed in early metastatic spread or if the aspirate is not sufficiently cellular. A cytological guide to the classification of the more common diffuse canine lymphomas is provided but full characterization of the lymphoma type may require histology and immunocytochemistry. In practice, a simple differential Romanowsky stain such as Diff Quik is suitable for most purposes. Supplementary stains using 1 per cent toluidine blue may increase the detection of mast cells. Aspirates also may be transferred into suitable media for transport to a referral diagnostic laboratory for cytocentrifugation or further tests such as electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and culture. Although definitive diagnosis by histopathology and other tests still may be required, in many routine cases, diagnoses can be achieved expediently in clinical practice by aspiration cytology.  相似文献   

O bjectives : To determine the use in practice and efficacy of different concentrations of chlorhexidine gluconate for canine pre-operative skin preparation.
M ethods : Questionnaires were used to establish which antiseptics and techniques were used for patients undergoing elective neutering. In a clinical study, five different concentrations of chlorhexidine gluconate – 0 per cent (tap water, as a control) 1, 2, 3 and 4 per cent – were tested on 50 dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomies and orchidectomies.
R esults : A variety of preparation practices occurred but only 21 per cent of the veterinary nurses surveyed were aware of the concentration and contact time they used whilst preparing animals. The clinical study revealed there was a significant difference (P<0·001) between the different concentrations used. All concentrations of chlorhexidine were significantly more effective than the control tap water. There was a tendency towards increasing efficacy as concentration increased from 1 to 4 per cent but this was not statistically significant.
C linical S ignificance : The lack of significant differences in efficacy between the different concentrations of chlorhexidine gluconate means that current practices may be adequate, although if the chlorhexidine gluconate concentrations and contact times used are unknown, they may be lower than those tested here and, possibly, ineffective, especially if contact times are short.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify reasons for engagement in continuing veterinary medical education (CVME) activities, obstacles to participation, ways to provide more effective programs, and ideas to improve participation in CVME. DESIGN: Focus group interviews. SAMPLE POPULATION: Selected practicing veterinarians from a state that did mandate continuing education for relicensure. PROCEDURE: 12 focus group interviews were held throughout the state of California between May and September 1998. Practitioners were asked to respond to questions about where they obtain information to improve their practice, what value they see in CVME, what motivates them to participate, what obstacles to CVME participation exist, and ways CVME providers and practitioners could overcome those obstacles. RESULTS: 84 practitioners participated in the focus group interviews. In addition to the educational value of CVME, participation was used to rejuvenate practice life and prevent feelings of isolation. Continuing education activities ranged from problem-oriented chats with colleagues to formal educational programs. Timing of events, distance, money, solo practice, stage of career, and family demands were identified as barriers to participation. Designing and marketing CVME with specific learning objectives and for specific career stages and using new educational delivery technologies were suggested to overcome some of these barriers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: If CVME is to improve practice and patient care, it should be integrated into a practice's strategic planning and considered a legitimate business expense. Decisions about CVME participation are made easier if program objectives are clearly outlined.  相似文献   

Adapting family life cycle theory to include pets provides veterinarians with a framework for understanding and reinforcing the human-animal bond. The family genogram with pets is a practice tool that identifies all people and pets in the family, enhancing the practice of One Health at the community level.  相似文献   

The development of infectiological diagnostic methodology is characterized by saltatoric, revolutionary leaps. Improved sensitivity and specificity, reduction of analytical sample volumes, increased sample throughput, reduced test complexity associated with improved user friendliness are hallmarks of such developments. Apart from purely technical amenities some innovations also enable conceptual adaptations of monitoring strategies. These include the use of diagnostic assays on-site, e. g. in the stable or in the practice. Selecting the assay which is most "fit-for-purpose" among the plethora of sometimes loudly advertised new technology may be difficult even for the well trained and experienced diagnostician. Standardized licensing procedures for infectiological diagnostic kits may be required to guarantee minimal norms of diagnostic quality. At the same time availability of a diversity of diagnostic kits is needed to broaden the base of diagnostic reliability. New infectiological diagnostic innovations will only be useful if the (expanded) results are transposable to the improved practical care of companion animals and farm animal holdings. In addition, the judgment of results, e. g. for epidemiological plausibility, remains a very important issue even when the test results have been produced by novel high technology diagnostics.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Assessing patients' quality of life (QOL) is a core part of clinical decision making. Various methodologies for assessing patients' QOL have been developed in human medicine and small animal veterinary disciplines. In contrast, the lack of aids for QOL assessment in equine veterinary practice leaves practitioners reliant on subjective assessments of QOL, which may be prone to avoidable errors. Objectives: This paper suggests pragmatic ways in which QOL may be enhanced, while remaining appropriate for the time, financial and owner‐based constraints within equine practice. Methods: Through interdisciplinary research, this paper identifies, adapts and applies insights from several areas of research and practical experience in order to develop an overarching approach to making QOL‐based decisions in clinical cases. Results: The paper identifies 6 steps involved in QOL‐based decision making and provides examples of how these steps may be practically applied. These include deciding what each clinician feels is important; deciding how to evaluate it, including taking owners' views into consideration; making decisions about each case and achieving the desired clinical outcomes. Conclusions: Practitioners can draw their own conclusions on how they may improve QOL assessment in practice and may usefully share these with colleagues. Reporting cases and sharing practical examples of QOL tools used on the ground are vital to the development of this field and appropriate methodologies. Potential relevance: Improvements in QOL assessment are relevant to all areas of equine veterinary practice, and several areas of research. Further research may develop QOL assessment in practice, but more important are the personal improvements that each practitioner may achieve. See also correspondence by Grove  相似文献   

In order to run a small business effectively you must be in financial control and this means that you have to be aware how the business is performing. If you wait until your accountant has got out the annual accounts valuable time has been wasted in making necessary decisions and corrections to poor trends in your business so monthly/quarterly records are required. Decisions as to whether you can afford to take another assistant, set up a branch surgery, the level of your fee increases, whether to buy or lease your cars; are all dependent on having available up to date financial knowledge of your business. If you have a microcomputer in the practice you can use spreadsheets which will allow the accurate prediction of cash flow or profitability. You can also ask the question 'what happens if...?' and get the answer in seconds. But even without a computer, financial control can be easily maintained if you are prepared to spend a couple of hours each month with your practice figures.  相似文献   

The clinical uses and side-effects of phenylbutazone in man, horses, and other animals are reviewed. The blood dyscrasias commonly described in man have not been reported in the horse, although several of the more minor side-effects have occasionally been seen (e.g. water retention, depression, transient staggering and phlebitis). Despite the lack of documented evidence, the toxicity of phenylbutazone in the horse is considered to be lower than that in man. This may be associated with the lower dose rates normally used, the more rapid plasma clearance rate and the comparatively younger age of most horses under treatment. The following guidelines for the use of phenylbutazone in practice are put toward. It should only be used under strict veterinary control and then only if there are clear clinical indications. It should not be given if there are signs of gastro-intestinal ulceration, clotting defects or any cardiac, renal or hepatic dysfunction. Dose rates should be kept to a minimum and the drug withdrawn immediately if any side-effects occur or if there is no clinical response within 4 days. If prolonged therapy is necessary, periodic haematological analyses should be carried out.  相似文献   

Notoedric mange is a cutaneous ectoparasitic disease of cats caused by Notoedres cati, a mite belonging to the Sarcoptidae family. The disease occurs in felids, occasionally in other mammals and in humans. The canine form, even if cited by some authors, has never been documented. This report describes for the first time a case of notoedric mange in a dog.  相似文献   

Blood collection from small exotic pocket pets can be difficult to achieve. The individual collecting the blood must know both the anatomy and behavior of the species to obtain suitable amounts of blood for diagnostic testing. Given the animals' small size, it is often difficult to collect large volumes of blood. A clinician serious in developing an exotic small mammal practice should understand the limitations of blood sample collection and the risks involved with the procedure. Unlike domestic animals, these pets are often not comfortable with being handled and are often prone to induced complications when presented to a veterinary clinic and restrained for examination. For some cases, the clinician will have to determine if the risk of getting the sample is better achieved by anesthetizing the patient, and if doing so will have a detrimental effect on the animal. One will also need to consider the effect of the anesthetic versus the stress the restraint may have on the blood results.  相似文献   

Since visual observation is the most commonly used way of detecting oestrus and is supposed to be as effective as detection with technical devices, we evaluated a recently developed oestrus detection scoring system in daily dairy practice. In this scoring system nine signs of oestrus are scored with points, ranging 3 to 100. Twenty-one dairy farmers used the scoring system during a period of 3 weeks. All cows that were more than 30 days post partum and not confirmed pregnant were monitored, using the scoring system, by the herd owners. Oestrus was confirmed by measuring progesterone concentrations in milk. With the scoring system a detection rate of 47% was achieved. This was lower than expected, because in an earlier control period, the detection rate was 64%. We concluded that this new method might be too complicated to introduce to normal herd management, because in daily practice it is too demanding to watch cows twice a day for 30 minutes, especially if the cows show only vague and infrequent symptoms of oestrus. It also appeared to be too complicated to watch the herd at the most appropriate time. However, if the scoring system is included in the daily routine, meaning that farmers are trained to watch for other symptoms than standing heat only and are able to recognize their different values, it can be a valuable aid to oestrus detection.  相似文献   

Interspecies scaling is a useful tool for the prediction of pharmacokinetic parameters from animals to humans, and it is often used for estimating a first-time in human dose. The knowledge of pharmacokinetics in veterinary species is important for dosage selection, particularly in the treatment of large zoo animal species, such as elephants, giant cats and camels, for which pharmacokinetic data are scant. Therefore, the accuracy in clearance predictions in large animal species, with and without the use of correction factors (rule of exponents), and the impact of species selection in the prediction of clearance in large animal species was examined. Based upon this analysis, it was determined that there is a much larger risk of inaccuracies in the clearance estimates in large animal species when compared with that observed for humans. Unlike in humans, for large animal species, correction factors could not be applied because there was no trend between the exponents of simple allometry and the appropriate correction factor for improving our predictions. Nevertheless, we did see an indication that the exponents of simple allometry may alert us as to when the predicted clearance in the large animal may be underestimated or overpredicted. For example, if a large animal is included in the scaling, the predicted clearance in a large animal should be considered overestimated if the exponent of simple allometry is >1.3. Despite the potential for extrapolation error, the reality is that allometric scaling is needed across many veterinary practice situations, and therefore will be used. For this reason, it is important to consider mechanisms for reducing the risk of extrapolation errors that can seriously affect target animal safety, therapeutic response, or the accuracy of withdrawal time predictions.  相似文献   

Local and regional anesthetic techniques are useful tools for the equine practitioner. These techniques allow surgery to be performed without the risk and cost of general anesthesia. There are, however, risks associated with the local and regional techniques. Neurotoxicity, although rare, may occur when 200 mL or more of a local anesthetic are infiltrated in a short period of time to a 450-kg horse. More likely, horses may become ataxic after nerve blockade in the limbs. This ataxia may lead to self trauma because the horse may not know where the limbs are actually being placed. Although local and regional anesthesia may not always be easy to achieve, persistence and practice will result in consistent nerve blockade.  相似文献   

Today, the busy clinician benefits from a philosophy of practice that brings together the best applicable evidence and the experiences of clinical work in an effort to provide the best care for individual patients. EBM provides a structured approach that recognizes the contributions of evidence and clinical experience. An EBM practice is efficient and effective in meeting the goal of assuring optimum care. The concepts of EBM make sense for veterinary medicine (even if there are limited numbers of randomized, blinded studies), and clinicians in all types of practice can apply them.  相似文献   

A prebreeding examination should be performed on animals of both sexes to ensure their optimal health at the time of breeding. At this time, the medical and reproductive histories should be reviewed to detect potential negative influences upon the reproductive tract. Serologic testing for canine brucellosis should be performed to detect and remove infected animals from the breeding program. Examination of the female reproductive tract may be limited to the caudal vagina, vestibule, and vulva. Defects that cause pain and reluctance to breed may be detected with thorough digital and visual inspection. The male reproductive tract can be examined along nearly its entire length without special techniques. Semen may be collected for initial evaluation of testicular function and fertility. Swelling of the vulva and a hemorrhagic vaginal discharge will alert the observant owner to the onset of proestrus. Vaginal cytology may be examined every few days after the observed onset of proestrus to determine the onset of estrus. Breeding should be performed by natural or artificial insemination every 2 to 4 days during estrus to achieve optimal conception rates. The bitch should not be exhibited or trained during the period of potential pregnancy. Unnecessary drugs should not be administered. A diagnosis of pregnancy may be made by abdominal palpation 28 to 30 days after the last breeding. Serum progesterone levels may be measured if pregnancy is not established to determine if ovulation occurred and if sufficient levels of progesterone are present to maintain pregnancy. Optimal breeding management techniques can often result in the maximum reproductive efficiency desired.  相似文献   


The development of veterinary practice in New Zealand over the past thirty years has been phenomenal. I have been engaged in practice and to some extent involved with this development during this time. Perhaps by stopping to look at where we are, where we have come from, and how, we may help to guide future development.  相似文献   


Members of the profession will be sad to learn of the death of Jack Abbott. Few veterinarians may have known Jack as he had not been practicing for many years. He was, though, well known to those in practice in the north during the early sixties. His passing will be mourned by those he knew. The incredible way Jack and his family faced his passing is an outstanding example of courage and an inspiration to us all. It is a story I am honoured, yet humbled, to relate.  相似文献   

Few physiological parameters for positive human-companion animal contact have been identified and those that are established have all been in humans. The implication is that if the physiological reactions are mutual, dogs would experience the same psychological benefits from these neurophysiological changes as humans. Therefore, we have determined the role of certain neurochemicals during affiliation behaviour on an interspecies basis. Our results indicate that concentrations of beta-endorphin, oxytocin, prolactin, beta-phenylethylamine, and dopamine increased in both species after positive interspecies interaction, while that of cortisol decreased in the humans only. Indicators of mutual physiological changes during positive interaction between dog lovers and dogs may contribute to a better understanding of the human-animal bond in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

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