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僵果病和炭疽病是蓝莓上普遍发生的两种重要真菌病害,危害极其严重,近年来随着蓝莓引种工作以及新鲜果实的大量进口,该病传入我国的风险逐渐增大。本文简要介绍了两种病害的病原、危害及分布、症状、病害循环、防治措施和检疫鉴定特征等,以其为防止这些病害随着引种工作传入我国提供参考。  相似文献   

A. GERA  J. COHEN 《Plant pathology》1990,39(3):561-564
Mosaic on leaves, necrosis, stunting and flower symptoms were observed in lisianthus ( Eustoma russellianum ) raised from seed. Three viruses, bean yellow mosaic (BYMV), cucumber mosaic (CMV) and tobacco mosaic (TMV), were isolated. Virus identification was based on electron microscopy, host range, aphid transmission and serology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The rapid and random spread of blueberry shock ilarvirus (BlShV) in commercial plantings suggested that insects played a role in transmission. Transmission from infected field plants to trap plants only occurred during bloom, indicating that flowers were the avenue for infection and flower-visiting insects including pollinators were involved. Trap plants readily became infected during bloom when a honeybee hive was included in cages with diseased field plants and trap plants. There was limited transmission in cages without a hive and no transmission when healthy field bushes were caged with trap plants either with or without honeybees. Infective pollen survived within the hive for 1 but not 2 weeks. Western flower thrips did not transmit BlShV when they were allowed to feed on caged flowering trap plants in the presence of a source of infected pollen. Results of pollen washes, cell disruption, and electron microscopy show that particles of BlShV were on, in, and between the cells of the pollen tetrad. Pollen from infected plants germinated as readily as pollen from healthy plants. BlShV was seedborne, but at a low level. All 42 cultivars tested were susceptible to BlShV when inoculated by grafting. The primary mechanism of transmission appears to be the transfer of BlShV-contaminated pollen by honeybees from flowers on infected plants to flowers on healthy plants.  相似文献   

Screenhouse experiments conducted in Kenya showed that inoculation of cabbage seedlings with Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), either alone, or in combination with Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), reduced the number and weight of marketable harvested heads. When viruses were inoculated simultaneously, 25% of cabbage heads were non-marketable, representing 20-fold loss compared with control. By contrast, inoculation with CaMV alone had insignificant effects on cabbage yield. This suggests that TuMV is the more detrimental of these pathogens, and its management should be a priority. Early exposure to TuMV produced cabbages that were 50% lighter than non-infected plants, but later infection was less damaging suggesting that controlling virus infection at the seedling stage is more important. TuMV was far less damaging to kale than it was to cabbage; although high proportions of TuMV-inoculated kale plants showed symptoms (>90%), the marketability and quality of leaves were not significantly reduced, and no clear relationship existed between timing of infection and subsequent crop losses. Early inoculation of Swiss chard with Beet mosaic virus (BtMV) significantly impaired leaf quality (∼50% reduction in marketable leaf production), but the impact of disease was greatest in plants that had been inoculated at maturity, where average leaf losses were two and a half times those recorded in virus-free plants. Disease-management of BtMV in Swiss chard is important, therefore, not only at the seedling stage, but particularly when plants are transplanted from nursery to field.  相似文献   

In March 1991, large chlorotic patches appeared in an autumn-sown barley crop growing near Thessaloniki, Greece. Leaves had characteristic mosaic symptoms and immunosorbent electron microscopy and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay confirmed the presence of both soil-borne mosaic viruses of barley, barley mild mosaic and barley yellow mosaic bymoviruses. In the following year, similar symptoms appeared in a crop at Souroti, 30 km east of Thessaloniki but the disease has not been found in other areas of Macedonia. This report is the first record of these viruses from Greece and is the most southerly European record.  相似文献   

A virus disease causing severe mosaic in melon (the melon isolate) was identified as a strain of zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Identification was based on host range, aphid transmissibility, electron microscopy, and serological tests. The virus was recovered from all cultivated cucurbits in Jordan and from naturally infected Moluccella laevis. It was seed-transmitted in Ranunculus sardous. Host-range comparison showed that the melon isolate and a French isolate belong to a different biotype group from a Connecticut isolate (ZYMV-CT); this was confirmed by indirect ELISA. During 1987–1988. ZYMV appeared to be the predominant virus affecting cucurbits.  相似文献   

Blueberry latent virus (BBLV) was detected in 27 of 95 asymptomatic highbush blueberry trees in a blueberry field in Japan. In situ hybridization showed that the viral RNAs were detected in the palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll and vascular bundle of leaves. In western blot analysis, an antibody to the viral protein encoded by open reading frame 1 (ORF1) reacted with a 48-kDa protein specific for blueberry trees in which BBLV was detected. Immunogold electron microscopy revealed that amorphous bodies in the cytoplasm of blueberry cells were labeled with antibodies to the ORF1 protein.  相似文献   

Lettuce mosaic virus   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
S. DINANT  H. LOT 《Plant pathology》1992,41(5):528-542
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is an economically significant virus of lettuce and endive. The virus has spread world-wide due to the exchange of seed of lettuce varieties. A very high proportion of infected plants may result from a low level of infected seed, because of very efficient transmission by a number of aphid species. The symptoms are characteristic but the diagnosis can be difficult, particularly on lettuce, because numerous viruses may coinfect this species. A very reliable and sensitive method by ELISA has been established for diagnosis and detection, which gives a good estimation ofthe contamination level in a seed batch. The use of virus-free seed, preventive cultural practices and the use of tolerant varieties were shown to be good methods for control if rigorously applied. Up to now, strains able to overcome the genes g and mo, considered to be identical, were shown to be non-seed-transmissible. Studies carried out with several virulent isolates have shown that genes mo and g are different and probably allelic, and that one strain infects seed at a very high level on susceptible and tolerant genotypes. These features have necessitated the production of virus-free seed, including systematic checks on all cultivars, and have stimulated research on new sources of resistance. Recent molecular studies have provided clones for detection and strain differentiation. Assays to introduce different LMV genes into lettuce seem promising.  相似文献   

The demography of Rumex acetosella ramets and seedlings was monitored within and between blueberry clones over the two‐year lowbush blueberry production cycle in Nova Scotia, Canada. Overwintering ramets constituted the majority (>70%) of the flowering ramet population. A small proportion of ramets emerging in May and June flowered, but no ramets emerging between July and November flowered in the year of emergence. Emergence of new ramets was season‐long and ramet populations were regulated by a cycle of birth and death in each production year. Ramet populations in blueberry patches had higher growth rates and lower mortality than ramet populations in bare soil patches in the non‐bearing year, resulting in large net gains to ramet populations in blueberry patches during this production year. Ramet population growth rates and mortality were similar in blueberry and bare soil patches in the bearing year and net ramet populations declined during this production year. Survival rates of overwintering and new ramets varied, but ramets from both the overwintering and monthly cohorts contributed to a distinct ramet age structure at the end of each season. Seedling survival ranged from 6 ± 6 to 51 ± 12% across sites, and no seedlings flowered in the year of emergence. Transition probabilities of ramets and seedlings were used to develop a life‐cycle model of R. acetosella for the 2‐year lowbush blueberry production cycle. This model has utility in developing new management strategies for R. acetosella in lowbush blueberry.  相似文献   

Densities of aphids (Aphis gossypii and A. spiraecola) and mummified aphids at different phenological stages of a blueberry crop were estimated for the purpose of developing sampling plans. Our data set comprised 99 samples taken during the period 2006–2008 in four fields in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Estimation of population density based on the proportion of sample units infested by individuals was investigated. We also calculated the minimum number of sample units to estimate the density of individuals on buds and buds + flowers using enumerative sampling. The relative precision of both methods was compared. Moreover, an enumerative sequential sampling protocol was developed. The presence–absence sampling plan gave density estimates with large variances (as measured by confidence intervals and large standard errors). The aggregation of mummies was similar on buds and buds + flowers, so the required number of sample units for density estimates was the same. Relative precision of estimates was much lower for the presence–absence sampling than the enumerative sampling, even at intermediate densities. An enumerative sequential plan would be the most appropriate and useful method in management plans for aphids and mummified aphids in blueberries.  相似文献   

Twelve virus isolates from pea, broad bean, red clover and yellow lupin have been compared with the B25 strain of bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV-B25), the E198 strain of pea mosaic virus (PMV-E198) and the pea necrosis virus (E178), which were described earlier (Bos, 1970).On the basis of host ranges, symptoms and bean and pea varietal reactions most isolates could be classified into three groups, representatives of which did not differ appreciably serologically. These groups were considered to be typicalbean yellow mosaic virus isolates (E212, L1, B25),pea yellow mosaic strain isolates of BYMV (E198, E204, Kow28) andpea necrosis strain isolates of BYMV (E197, E199, E221). From these results and from a survey of literature it is concluded that PMV is only a strain of BYMV.The pea necrosis virus (E178), described earlier as a distinct entity, is still considered a different virus. A severe pea necrosis isolate (Kow14) resembled E178 in many respects and was also more distantly related serologically to the BYMV isolates tested. Four other virus isolates from pea and broad bean (E196, Vf15, Vf18 and Vf30) could not yet be identified. Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) was found to be serologically rather closely related to BYMV.Results of cross-protection tests were erratic, and particle length measurements were no help in differentiating the strains and viruses studied.Samenvatting Twaalf virusisolaten uit erwt, tuinboon, rode klaver en gele lupine werden vergeleken met de eerder beschreven (Bos, 1970) B25-stam van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus (BYMV), de E198-stam van het erwtemozaïekvirus (PMV) en het erwtenecrosevirus (E178) (Tabel 1).Op grond van waardplantreeksen, symptomen en de reacties van bone- en erwterassen (Tabel 2) konden de meeste isolaten worden ingedeeld in drie groepen, waarvan vertegenwoordigers serologisch niet duidelijk verschilden (Tabel 5). Een groen erwteisolaat (E212) en een met zaad overgaand isolaat uit gele lupine (L1) bleken typische bone-isolaten van hetbonescherpmozaïekvirus, dat duidelijke symptomen veroorzaakt in de meeste bonerassen en groen mozaïek in erwt (Fig. 1A) en tuinboon. InChenopodium amaranticolor geven deze isolaten in tegenstelling tot alle andere getoetste isolaten gewoonlijk systemische symptomen, die met het lupineïsolaat zeer hevig zijn (Fig. 4A).Twee erwtegeelmozaïekisolaten (E198 en E204) en een isolaat uit rode klaver (Kow28), die geelmozaïek in erwt en tuinboon doen ontstaan en slechts milde symptomen in een deel der op het bonescherpmozaïekvirus reagerende bonerassen, werden opgevat als behorend tot deerwtegeelmozaïekstam van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus.Drie erwtenecrose-isolaten (E197, E199, E221), die necrose veroorzaken in erwt (Fig. 3) en tuinboon (Fig. 2) terwijl de bonerassen gewoonlijk overgevoelig bleken, werden beschreven alserwteecrosestammen van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus.De drie voor erwtemozaïek onvatbare erwterassen bleken immuun voor alle isolaten van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus behalve E197, dat een latente systemische infectie gaf in Relonce.Het eerder als een aparte eenheid beschreven erwtenecrosevirus (E178) gedroeg zich ook nu duidelijk verschillend van de bonescherpmozaïekvirusisolaten. Het isolaat Kow14, dat in erwt eveneens ernstige necrose veroorzaakte, leek op E178 in de necrose die werd teweeggebracht in erwt en tuinboon, in de lokale vlekken in komkommerzaadlobben en in het ontbreken van systemische necrose inLupinus angustifolius, maar de meeste bonerassen waren onvatbaar voor Kow14. Het was ook serologisch minder nauw verwant aan de onderzochte bonescherpmozaïekvirusisolaten.Vier andere virusisolaten uit erwt en tuinboon konden nog niet worden geïdentificeerd. Eén ervan (Vf18) vertoonde een unieke latente systemische infectie in alle drie mozaïekonvatbare erwterassen (Tabel 2).Resultaten van de premunitieproeven (Tabel 3) waren wisselvallig en nergens werd een volledige bescherming verkregen. Deeltjeslengtemetingen (Tabel 4) bleken niet van nut bij de onderscheiding van de onderhavige stammen en virussen.Uit de verkregen resultaten en uit een overzicht van de literatuur wordt tenslotte geconcludeerddat het erwtemozaïekvirus opgevat moet worden als een stam van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus. Het laatstgenoemde virus is tamelijk nauw verwant aan het slamozaïekvirus, zoals met een antiserum tegen dit virus werd aangetoond.De variabiliteit van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus en zijn relaties met een groep van nauw verwante virussen wordt verder besproken. Biologische eigenschappen van de onderhavige virussen hoeven niet samen te vallen met de lichamelijke eigenschappen van hun deeltjes, inclusief de serologische. De virussen en hun stammen kunnen gemakkelijk worden onderscheiden met behulp van een beperkte reeks van differentiërende waardplantsoorten (Tabel 6). Een indeling van de betrokken virussen op grond van pathogeniteit is zowel van betekenis om praktische redenen, als voor het verkrijgen van inzicht in hun ontstaan.Guest worker from May through November 1973 as a fellow of the International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen. Research worker of the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pozna, Poland.  相似文献   

蓝莓枝枯病病原菌鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 蓝莓 (Vaccinium spp.),是一类属于杜鹃花科 (Ericaceae) 越橘属 (Vaccinium) 的多年生小浆果类果树,广泛地应用于医药、保健、化妆品和环境保护等各方面,联合国粮农组织将其果实列为人类世界五大健康食品之一,也是我国南方酸性土丘陵地区值得发展的经济作物。全国已超过 10 个省份开始大面积的蓝莓商业化栽培,预计未来 10 年将超过 10 万 hm2 [1]。但是,随着生产面积的不断扩大,蓝莓病害也日趋严重,严重影响和制约蓝莓产业的发展。2010年至今,在云南省昆明市周边及丽江市蓝莓种植区发生一种病害,主要为害嫩枝、枝条和主干,发病初期,感病枝条上产生红褐色圆或椭圆形坏死斑,随后逐渐扩大,造成枝条干枯死亡,并可扩展造成主干枯萎。调查发现,该病发病率通常在 10%~20%,重者可达 25% 以上,可引起蓝莓整株枯萎死亡。本文通过病原菌分离、致病性测定及传统、分子鉴定,明确了该病的病原,以期为病害防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Serotypic variation in turnip mosaic virus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Jenner  Keane  Jones  & Walsh 《Plant pathology》1999,48(1):101-108
A panel of 30 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was produced against four isolates of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). The panel was tested in plate-trapped antigen ELISA tests against 41 TuMV isolates (with different host and geographical origins and of differing pathotypes). The antibodies were also tested against four other potyviruses (bean common mosaic virus, bean common mosaic necrosis virus, lettuce mosaic virus and zucchini yellow mosaic virus). The reactions were assessed quantitatively (using multivariate analysis) and qualitatively (using the standard deviation obtained against healthy leaf material). The MAbs recognized 16–17 TuMV epitopes that were not present in the other potyviruses and a further two potyvirus epitopes. The isolates were grouped into three serotypes. Only one isolate did not fit this grouping. The classification of seven isolates in coat protein amino acid sequence homology groups correlated with serotypes. There was no correlation between serotype and pathotype, or between reactions to individual MAbs and single lines. There was therefore no evidence that the epitopes recognized by the MAbs are elicitors for the resistance genes present in the Brassica napus lines. However, the sensitivity and specificity of the MAbs will be useful for both routine detection of TuMV and fundamental studies on plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

Samenvatting UitHippeastrum hybridum planten werd een virus geïsoleerd dat in diverse waardplanten symptomen induceerde overeenkomend met symptomen welke door de normale stam van het tabaksmozaïekvirus in eenzelfde waardplantenreeks werden veroorzaakt.De inoculatie vanHippeastrum-planten met het uitHippeastrum geïsoleerde TMV slaagde niet. Mogelijk werd dit verooizaakt door de aanwezigheid van virus-remstoffen inHippeastrum.  相似文献   

Cultures of the soil inhabiting fungusPythium spec. were inoculated in vitro with tobacco mosaic virus. Virus could be demonstrated in the mycelia from 4 days on after inoculation. In 15 days old cultures the virus concentration in the mycelium was higher than in the liquid culture medium. It is not yet clear whether the virus only accumulates, or also multiplies in the mycelium. After growth on solid medium infected mycelia still contained virus indicating that the virus is able to persist and possibly also to multiply in the hyphae.Samenvatting Cultures van de bodemschimmelPythium spec. werden in vitro geïnoculeerd met tabaksmozaïekvirus. In enkele gevallen kon al 4 dagen na inoculatie virus in mycelium worden aangetoond. In 15 dagen oude cultures bevatte het mycelium meer virus dan de cultuurvloeistof. Het is nog niet bekend of het virus zich slechts ophoopt of zich ook vermeerdert in het mycelium. Na groei op een agarmedium gedurende 7 dagen bevatte het mycelium nog virus, wat er op zou wijzen dat het virus in staat is zich te handhaven in de hyfen en zich daarin wellicht ook te vermeerderen.  相似文献   

蓝莓枝干溃疡病病原鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 越橘为杜鹃花科 (Ericaceae) 越橘属 (Vaccinium) 小浆果类果树,其中的蓝果类型俗称“蓝莓”。自21 世纪以来,蓝莓这一新兴果树在中国开始了大面积的产业化生产栽培,据统计,到2008年,全国超过10个省份开始了商业化栽培,总栽培面积由2000年的24 hm2快速发展到2 000 hm2,预计未来10年内将超过10万 hm2。随着生产面积的不断扩大,各种病虫害的危害以及如何进行有效防治的问题显得越来越突出。然而,我国对蓝莓病虫害的研究很少,病虫害对于蓝莓产业发展的潜在威胁随着栽培面积的迅速增加而增大[1]。蓝莓枝干溃疡病是近年来在我国辽宁地区发生的一种为害严重的新病害。国外许多学者曾对蓝莓枝干溃疡病进行过研究报道,明确Botryosphaeria属真菌为该病病原,并对其病原学、致病性及发生流行规律进行了大量研究[2,3],而我国尚未见相关研究报道。据此,作者采集病害枝干样品,分离获得病原菌,通过致病性测定、病原菌培养特性观察并结合分子生物学研究,旨在明确该病害的症状、病原菌种类,为其防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Severe mosaic, yellowing and stunting symptoms were observed on petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) growing in pots at NBRI and in various gardens of Lucknow, India. The association of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) with the mosaic disease was detected based on positive bioassay on susceptible hosts, isometric cored virus particles of ~28?nm during electron microscopic observations in leaf dip preparations and positive amplification of expected size (~650?bp) during RT-PCR using coat protein gene specific primers. Further, the complete RNA 3 genomic fragment of virus isolate was amplified by RT-PCR using RNA 3 specific primers. The obtained amplicons of ~2.2 Kb were cloned and sequenced. The analysis of sequence data of RNA 3 revealed highest sequence identities (96%) with several CMV strains which belong to subgroup IB. The virus isolate also showed closest phylogenetic relationships with banana strain of CMV of subgroup IB (Acc. EF178298) reported from India. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first molecular characterization of CMV strain of subgroup IB causing severe mosaic disease on petunia in India.  相似文献   

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