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<正> 本世纪20年代末和30年代初期,丹麦开始饲养银狐,并在此基础上于1930年创立了丹麦毛皮动物饲养者协会。整个30年代,狐皮生产稳步增长,同时饲养了水貂和海狸鼠。到40年代末和50年代初期,狐和海狸鼠全部被淘汰,完全由水貂所取代。从60年代末开始,水貂皮生产急剧上升,最高年产量达350万张,最近几年也一直稳定在300万张左右。  相似文献   

饲养水貂的主要目的是生产皮张.过早或过晚取皮,毛皮的质量都会受到影响而造成经济损失.熟练掌握水貂毛皮成熟标志,做到适时取皮,是提高经济效益的关键.……  相似文献   

<正> 饲养水貂的主要目的是生产皮张。过早或过晚取皮,毛皮的质量都会受到影响而造成经济损失。熟练掌握水貂毛皮成熟标志,做到适时取皮,是提高经济效益的关键。  相似文献   

水貂产业的国际竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界年产水貂皮约在3500万张以上,国内水貂产业近年来发展迅猛,预计今年国产水貂皮将突破700万张大关,达到750万~800万张的产量,看到日新月异的发展速度时,却不能忽略一点,即:中国虽是养殖大国,却不是一个养殖强国。这是国情所决定的,当我们以年产800万张的产量跃居全球第二的地位时,更应该学习水貂养殖强国——丹麦、美国的先进技术和经营理念。养殖实力与潜力的对比丹麦有水貂养殖户2800个,饲养种貂约240万只,年产水貂皮1200万张,产量排名世界第一,也是世界最大的水貂皮出口国,丹麦的水貂饲养发源于20世纪30年代。到如今已有70多年的养殖…  相似文献   

水貂选种有学问金江(河北省黄骅市科协061100)同是养貂户,有的饲养的水貂个体大、毛绒品质好、经济效益高;有的则相反。究其原因:一是饲养管理没跟上;二是水貂选种没做好。水貂选种,就是在全群水貂中选优去劣,把优良的个体留做种用,其余淘汰取皮。选好种貂...  相似文献   

从9月份开始,水貂进入冬毛生长期,一直到12月初屠宰取皮,这段时期饲养管理的主要任务是满足水貂营养需要,提高水貂皮质量和尺码,还应加强种貂饲养管理,促进其生殖器官发育.  相似文献   

入冬后水貂饲养进入收获取皮阶段,在取皮前应选好种用貂,种用貂的质量关系到明年的生产效益,取皮质量关系到当年的经济效益,因此应做好以下几方面:  相似文献   

<正> 1987年5月水貂皮价格崩溃波及整个裘皮行业。生产者、加工厂、批发商和零售商都因库存过多而大幅度降价。1988年和1989年水貂皮价格一直处于低水平,水貂饲养者无法维持,出现了大量宰貂取皮的局面。到1990年初,水貂皮价格已跌破纪录,全世界的饲养者再度宰貂剥皮。从1990年1月至5月,价格逐渐回升。  相似文献   

水貂毛皮成熟观察技术金江河北省黄骅市科委(061100)认识水貂换毛规律,搞好毛皮成熟观察,做到成熟即宰,适时取皮,不但提高毛皮质量,而且大大降低饲养成本。为此,将水貂换毛规律及成熟观察技术简介如下,供饲养户参考。一、水貂换毛规律水貂换毛是一个自然生...  相似文献   

<正> 丹麦哥本哈根裘皮拍卖中心于1987年12月7日至14日举行了1987—88年度第一次水貂皮及其它裘皮拍卖.会上报供丹麦水貂皮120万张.瑞典水貂皮170万张.与1986年12月相比,以美元计价的公水貂皮价略有变化,母貂皮价稍疲.87%的水貂皮为欧洲买主所购,西德和意大利为最大买主,远东和美国买主购货很挑剔.会上报供丹麦、瑞典、挪威和冰岛家养狐皮共7.3万张,与1986—87年度赫尔辛基开盘价比较,用美元计  相似文献   

丹麦的水貂养殖业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙广才  王文  苏金豹 《野生动物》2006,27(5):13-14,21
根据有关丹麦水貂养殖业发展的历史经验及近20年来的种貂存栏数据资料,对丹麦的水貂养殖业现状进行了分析,并对1985~2005年丹麦水貂农场数量和貂场种貂存栏数量进行了比较。通过对丹麦水貂养殖业的分析对迅速发展的中国水貂养殖业有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

An apparently novel neurological disease clinically characterized by shaking, tremors, seizures, staggering gait, and ataxia was first observed in farmed mink kits in Denmark in 2000 and subsequently in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland in 2001, and again in Denmark in 2002. Lymphoplasmacytic encephalomyelitis was found in the affected kits. The lesions were most severe in the brainstem and cerebellum and consisted of neuronal degeneration and necrosis, neuronophagia, focal and diffuse gliosis, perivascular cuffs formed by lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, and segmental loss of Purkinje cells. Testing was conducted to determine the cause of the disease, including general virological investigations (virus culture, negative-staining electron microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy, polymerase chain reaction for herpesviruses, adenoviruses, pestiviruses, and coronaviruses), tests for specific viral diseases (canine distemper, Borna disease, Louping ill, West Nile virus infection, tick-borne encephalitis, Aleutian disease), tests for protozoa (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Encephalitozoon cuniculi), bacteria (general culture, listeria, Clamydophila psittaci), and intracerebral inoculation of neonatal mice. The results of all these investigations were negative. One group of 3 mink kits inoculated intracerebrally with brain homogenate of affected mink developed clinical signs and histological lesions similar to those observed in naturally infected mink. Based on the histopathological features, it is postulated that the disease is caused by a yet unidentified virus.  相似文献   

Aleutian mink disease (plasmacytosis) virus (AMDV) in domestic mink (Neovison vison) has been subject to eradication in Denmark since 1976. In 2001, approximately 5% of Danish mink farms were still infected and all were located in the northern part of the peninsula of Jutland. In the present study a total of 274 Danish isolates of AMDV collected during the two seasons of 2004 and 2005 were characterized by partial sequencing of the coding region of the non-structural (NS) proteins. Older AMDV isolates from Denmark, available, were also included. The Danish isolates represent a very homogenous cluster compared with Swedish, Finnish and Dutch isolates and seem to represent a minor fraction of the genetic diversity previously found in Denmark. Stability of nucleotide deviations reveals that the purifying selection of bottlenecks imposed on the AMDV population in Denmark by the stamping out policy for more than 6 years exceeds the rate of mutation driven diversity. Among the isolates from farms in northern Jutland two distinct types could be identified and within each of them a number of sub-types which were all useful in tracking spread of infections. Infection at a farm the preceding season was a predisposing risk parameter for disease outbreak at a farm, and strain identity substantiates the suggestion that inadequate disinfection is involved in the recurrence of outbreaks. In cases of new introductions to farms it is indicated that contact including transport between farms played a most significant role.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea and excessive secretion from the cervical apocrine glands in young, suckling mink kits is a well-known, but poorly defined, syndrome often referred to as "sticky", "greasy", or "wet" kits. We have performed a case-control study, at farm level as well as at mink kit level, in Denmark and Sweden to investigate whether enteric virus infections may be a risk factor in the development of pre-weaning diarrhoea. Tissue samples from the enteric tract of 180 sacrificed mink kits were analysed histologically. Faecal contents were examined by electron microscopy (EM). Astrovirus was detected in abundance and found to be a significant risk factor both at farm level (OR=21.60, p<0.001) and at mink kit level (OR=7.95, p<0.001). Other factors, i.e. low body weight, coccoid bacteria adherent to the enteric villi, and presence of calicivirus were also shown to increase the risk of pre-weaning diarrhoea, although with less impact than astrovirus.  相似文献   

A one-step immunochromatographic test, based on the use of monoclonal antibodies, was developed for the detection of canine parvovirus (CPV) in dog faeces. In addition to canine parvovirus the test can also be used for the diagnosis of infections with viruses causing parvovirus enteritis in cats (feline panleukopenia virus) and mink (mink enteritis virus). Four hundred and forty-three faecal samples were evaluated by comparative testing between this one-step test and three different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in Sweden, Denmark and The Netherlands. The result of the evaluation showed an overall relative sensitivity and specificity of 95.8 and 99.7%, respectively. Furthermore, the comparative testing of 83 dog samples in Germany between the one-step test and an immune electron microscopy (IEM) agreed to 85.5%. The sensitivity and specificity were 83.9 and 88.9%, respectively. These results show that the one-step test is a rapid, simple, reproducible and sensitive diagnostic test for the detection of parvovirus in faecal samples of dogs, cats and mink.  相似文献   

Aleutian disease (Plasmacytosis) is caused by the Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV), an autonomous parvovirus and affects many mustelid species, including the American mink (Neovisonvison). In Denmark, an eradication program reduced the prevalence of test-positive farms from 100% in 1976 to 15% in 1996. Nevertheless, the disease persists in the Vendsyssel district of Northern Jutland, despite the eradication efforts. In this study, we used spatial epidemiological analysis to test for spatial autocorrelation of the distribution of farms positive for the disease. We investigated 2375 farms in Denmark (342 of which were located in the Vendsyssel district), during the period 2000-2008. For the purpose of our study, a farm was considered positive when, on any test conducted in a year, at least three animals were tested positive. To detect spatial clusters, we performed a retrospective analysis with spatial scan statistics. We performed one analysis for each of the nine years (2000-2008). A separate analysis was conducted with only the farms in Vendsyssel included. The spatial cluster analysis revealed a significant cluster throughout the time period studied in Northern Jutland. The only exception was 2002 when an outbreak was detected in the southern part of Jutland, and not in the north. The farm-level prevalence of the disease in Denmark was highest in this year, suggesting that the outbreak in the south could have masked the persistent signal from the north; the northern cluster was still significant when analysing only the Vendsyssel populations. These results confirm that Northern Jutland continues to have a significantly higher number of cases than expected if the disease was randomly distributed.  相似文献   

A one‐step immunochromatographic test, based on the use of monoclonal antibodies, was developed for the detection of canine parvovirus (CPV) in dog faeces. In addition to canine parvovirus the test can also be used for the diagnosis of infections with viruses causing parvovirus enteritis in cats (feline panleukopenia virus) and mink (mink enteritis virus). Four hundred and forty‐three faecal samples were evaluated by comparative testing between this one‐step test and three different enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in Sweden, Denmark and The Netherlands. The result of the evaluation showed an overall relative sensitivity and specificity of 95.8 and 99.7 %, respectively. Furthermore, the comparative testing of 83 dog samples in Germany between the one‐step test and an immune electron microscopy (IEM) agreed to 85.5 %. The sensitivity and specificity were 83.9 and 88.9 %, respectively. These results show that the one‐step test is a rapid, simple, reproducible and sensitive diagnostic test for the detection of parvovirus in faecal samples of dogs, cats and mink.  相似文献   

The presence of metacercariae and adults of the trematode Pseudamphistomum truncatum in roach and mink, respectively, was recorded in Lake Fure North of Copenhagen, Denmark. This zoonotic digenean opisthorchiid represents a threat to humans due to its ability to infect the biliary system following ingestion of inadequately processed infected fish. Therefore precise species identification of infective metacercariae in fish used for human consumption is essential. Due to the relatively limited information on metacercarial identity obtained by morphometric studies a series of molecular techniques were used to link the larval parasite in fish with the un-equivocally diagnosed adults in the biliary system of the mink. By the use of carefully selected polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and subsequent sequencing of the ITS region from both metacercariae and adults full sequence identity of both metacercariae and adults were confirmed. The presence of this parasitosis in fish from a lake used for both commercial and recreational fisheries call for hygienic alerts in order to prevent accidental human infection with this opisthorchiid.  相似文献   

中俄水貂皮产品贸易现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙广才 《野生动物》2010,31(5):289-292,297
中俄两国是目前世界上最大的水貂皮产品消费市场,零售贸易额占全球市场的50%以上。中国目前已成为全球最大的水貂养殖和水貂产品消费大国之一,同时又是全球水貂皮产品加工制造的中心。俄罗斯虽然也是全球水貂品产品消费大国,但他的加工业薄弱,90%的水貂产品依赖进口。中国是对俄罗斯水貂皮产品出口最大的国家,但由于俄罗斯的对外贸易政策以及我国对俄罗斯出口的水貂皮产品一直存在着灰色清关等现象,导致对俄罗斯出口的水貂皮产品贸易额不稳定。为了更好地提高我国企业的产品在俄市场上的竞争力,本文针对影响中俄两国水貂皮产品贸易的问题进行了分析,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

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