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在2012年10—12月油茶盛花期,选取广西区内有代表性的5个油茶种植试验点,对油茶传粉膜翅目昆虫进行调查。结果表明:广西区内油茶传粉膜翅目昆虫有8科13属25种,大多为蜜蜂科和胡蜂科昆虫,共有19种,值得加以保护和利用的主要有地蜂、中华蜜蜂和墨胸胡蜂。样地群落多样性,桂北地区较低,桂中南较高。为增加传粉昆虫多样性,增加油茶产量,可在林下保留一定的开花植物招引访花昆虫。  相似文献   

指出了假海桐(Pittosporopsis kerrii)是西双版纳热带雨林林下的优势植物,为探讨其花气味及传粉昆虫多样性,针对其开花特性、花气味及访花昆虫进行了相关研究。结果表明:假海桐开花早,种群内花期持续时间长,主要集中在2~3月份,单花期3~4d,单株盛花期8~10d。访花昆虫54种,大蜜蜂(Apis dorsata)是最为优势的传粉昆虫。鉴定出花气味的13种化合物,主要由萜类、脂肪酸衍生物和芳香族化合物三大类构成,含量最高的是α-甲基-α-[4-甲基-3-戊烯基]环氧乙烷基甲醇。传粉后花气味中没有化合物消失,但有2种化合物含量显著减少、3种化合物含量显著增加,并新增1种化合物。深入研究传粉前后含量变化大,对优势传粉昆虫具引诱活性的化合物,有助于揭示林下假海桐的传粉繁殖特点,为热带雨林物种保护提供依据。  相似文献   

对海南吊罗山国家级自然保护区枝毛野牡丹(Melastoma dendrisetosum)的开花进程,访花昆虫、访花行为、访花频率以及气候条件等进行观察记录,同时检测了花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉胚珠比、繁育系统,并分析其致濒机制。结果表明:枝毛野牡丹是典型的异型雄蕊植物,5:30—8:30逐步开放,8:30—9:00完全开放,19:00花朵闭合,单花开放时间为12—14 h,群体花期36±2 d,无花蜜。访花昆虫主要有木蜂科、条蜂科、蚁科、食蚜蝇科的昆虫,最有效传粉昆虫为木蜂科昆虫。自然与人工授粉、套袋等试验结果表明,枝毛野牡丹不存在主动自花授粉、无融合生殖的生殖保障现象,为自交亲和的异交种,需要昆虫传粉,枝毛野牡丹繁育系统是兼性自交。枝毛野牡丹相对生殖成功率低仅为0.035,主要限制因子为花粉限制和传粉者限制。  相似文献   

2012年对锈叶杜鹃自然居群进行了开花物候及访花昆虫的调查,分析了其开花特性;并运用杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比和人工控制授粉方法,对其繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明,锈叶杜鹃开花时间为2月初至7月,其单花花期、单花序花期及单株花期分别为7.06±2.74 d,12.33±2.37 d和16.17±4.24 d。锈叶杜鹃的雌、雄性器官具有同熟性,但两者的最佳活性时间不同,花粉活力在开花第1天的活力最高,而柱头可授性在开花第4~6天最好。锈叶杜鹃的繁育系统为异交型,自交亲和,需要传粉者;同株异花授粉是其主要的授粉方式。锈叶杜鹃的有效传粉昆虫主要为蜂类,而象甲类、蚁类、叶蜂类昆虫是侵害性昆虫,严重影响其传粉;传粉昆虫访花频率低,可能是导致锈叶杜鹃自然杂交结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

中国特有种枝毛野牡丹传粉生物学及繁育系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对海南吊罗山国家级自然保护区枝毛野牡丹(Melastoma dendrisetosum)的开花进程,访花昆虫、访花行为、访花频率以及气候条件等进行观察记录,同时检测了花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉胚珠比、繁育系统,并分析其致濒机制。结果表明:枝毛野牡丹是典型的异型雄蕊植物,5:30—8:30逐步开放,8:30—9:00完全开放,19:00花朵闭合,单花开放时间为12—14 h,群体花期36±2 d,无花蜜。访花昆虫主要有木蜂科、条蜂科、蚁科、食蚜蝇科的昆虫,最有效传粉昆虫为木蜂科昆虫。自然与人工授粉、套袋等试验结果表明,枝毛野牡丹不存在主动自花授粉、无融合生殖的生殖保障现象,为自交亲和的异交种,需要昆虫传粉,枝毛野牡丹繁育系统是兼性自交。枝毛野牡丹相对生殖成功率低仅为0.035,主要限制因子为花粉限制和传粉者限制。  相似文献   

植物和访花昆虫是陆地生物群落的2个重要组成部分。在长期的进化过程中,开花植物与访花昆虫形成了多种形式的互作关系。在植物与访花昆虫的相互作用中,植物会演化出多样的花部特征来吸引访花昆虫,而访花昆虫对花部特征的响应及访花行为也有利于维持两者之间的相互关系。为了深入探究花部特征对访花昆虫种类及行为产生影响的现象和机制,文中综述了花部特征与访花昆虫相互作用方面的研究进展。植物的花部特征可以分为花部构成和开花式样2个层面,不同的花部特征对访花昆虫具有不同的吸引力。其中,花部构成从花的结构形态、花色、花气味、花粉和花蜜4个方面进行阐述,开花式样从开花数量、开花类型和排列方式3个方面进行阐述。在现有研究的基础上,对未来的研究方向进行了展望,以期为深入开展植物与访花昆虫的相关研究提供参考,并为生物多样性保护提供新的思路。  相似文献   

福建省油茶林主要传粉昆虫种类及访花行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对福建省福州、泉州、龙岩、南平、宁德等地油茶林传粉昆虫及其访花行为进行了调查,结果表明:福建省油茶林中主要传粉昆虫有24种,分属于3目11科17属,其中膜翅目的昆虫种类最多,有11种;大分舌蜂是油茶最重要的传粉昆虫,其数量多,传粉效率高;传粉昆虫日活动时间在12∶00—14∶30出现高峰,昆虫个体数量平均占全天总数的70%左右;油茶传粉昆虫的访花行为因昆虫的访花目的不同而有较大差异,温度和光照是影响传粉昆虫数量、行为和频率的主要因素。  相似文献   

作为生态系统的重要组成部分之一,访花昆虫在维持生态系统平衡与稳定及保护生物多样性方面发挥着重要作用。其种类组成、群落结构及数量变化和行为活动等均会直接或间接地对生态环境产生影响,进而影响生态系统结构和功能的发挥。文中从昆虫访花行为、访花昆虫多样性和传粉生物学3个方面综述了近年来中国访花昆虫的研究概况,并对其主要研究热点及其进展进行探讨,分析当前研究中存在的一些问题及未来可能的研究方向,以期为未来开展植物传粉生物学研究提供参考,并为生物多样性保护等提供新思路。  相似文献   

白花野牡丹兼具观赏性和药用价值,极具开发潜力。为更好地保护和利用该物种,对白花野牡丹的开花进程、花部形态特征及访花昆虫进行观察,运用花粉萌发、杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比及人工授粉试验等方法测定其繁育系统。结果显示:白花野牡丹的单花花期约为12 h;白花野牡丹为雌雄异熟,柱头先花药成熟;雄蕊异型,2类雄蕊产生的花粉粒极轴长有差别,萌发率也不同;领木蜂、东亚无垫蜂、蓝彩带蜂、彩带蜂是白花野牡丹的主要传粉者;杂交指数(OCI)为4,花粉-胚珠比(P/O)约为417.6~1035.2;在自然条件下白花野牡丹不能自花授粉,繁殖需要传粉者参与,没有无融合生殖,自交亲和与异交亲和;白花野牡丹的繁育系统为自交亲和的异花授粉植物,需要传粉者。繁育系统为兼性异交。  相似文献   

通过野外观察和实验室检测,研究了广西南宁市的灰木莲的花部结构、开花物候、花粉活力、访花者行为,用杂交指数(OCI)、花粉/胚珠比(P/O)及去瓣、去雄、套袋、人工授粉等方法测定了其繁育系统。结果表明,灰木莲群体在3月下旬-5月下旬开花,个体开花持续时间约28天,相对开花强度主要分布范围是30%~60%,开花的同步性指数达0.735,属于集中开花模式;灰木莲两性花为雌雄蕊异熟类型,同花雌蕊先成熟,失去授粉机能后雄蕊花药才裂开散粉;灰木莲花粉粒的生活力超过60%;花粉/胚珠比为953.2,杂交指数为4,表明灰木莲繁育系统属于异交为主,部分自交,需要传粉昆虫才能完成其繁殖;自然状态下灰木莲无结实,人工授粉后结实率为20%~30%;在灰木莲中未发现有访花昆虫,只有花蓟马在花中活动,而且未能形成有效的传粉。传粉者的缺乏可能是导致灰木莲在南宁市不能自然结实的主要原因。  相似文献   

云南腰果开花授粉习性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了找出腰果产量低的原因,对云南省勐拉乡的腰果开花授粉特性进行观察。结果表明:腰果为典型虫媒花植物;腰果的花期较长,90~149 d不等;两性花比雄花多,两性花开花高峰期比花药开裂高峰期提前1 h,给腰果的同株授粉带来了可能;自然授粉受到很大的限制,人工授粉能提高稔实率。这说明腰果的开花授粉习性与腰果产量有着必然联系,建议引进虫媒媒介,选出开花期集中适合推广的优良品种,通过改进栽培方式来提高腰果授粉质量,从而提高产量。  相似文献   

Plant flowering and breeding characteristics are important for us to understand the reproduction of plant populations. In this paper, we studied the reproduction characteristics of Jatropha curcas in Yuanjiang County (23°36′N, 101°00′E), Yunnan Province. The plant produces flowers in dichasial inflorescences. Normally, the flowers are unisexual, and male and female flowers are produced in the same inflorescence. Only a few male flowers are produced in an inflorescence, and fruits are produced only through pollination between different flowers from the same or different plants. By the treatments of emasculation, bagging and artificial pollination in this experiment, there were few but same fruit set ratios when the inflorescences were emasculated, bagged, or bagged with net, except artificial pollination treatments, which showed that Jatropha curcas could produce fruit through apomixis but not wind pollination. When the inflorescences were unbagged, unemasculated and with free pollination treatments, or bagged, emascu- lated and with artificial cross-pollination treatments, or unbagged, emasculated and with free pollination treatments, there were many fruits produced. It showed that Jatropha curcas shows outcrossing, is self-compatible, and demanding for pollinators. Normally, the male flowers open first and a few flowers bloom in one day in a raceme. These flowers last a long time in bloom. However, a large number of female flowers open from the third to the fifth day, with some female flowers opening first in a few raceme. This shows a tendency to promote xenogamy and minimize geitonogamy.  相似文献   

Studies on reproductive biology are difficult but useful in species like Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Correa which is of considerable socio-economic importance and possess morphogenetic variation and qualities of wider adaptability to different soils. Cytology, phenology, pollination, breeding system and natural regeneration of wild and cultivated trees from India revealed the existence of diploid (2n = 18) and tetraploid trees (2n = 36) in Pachmarhi hills and only diploid trees in Punjab plains and Shiwalik hills. The diploid and tetraploid trees showed normal meiosis and high pollen fertility. Phenological events which included leaf fall, leaf emergence, floral bud break, flowering and fruiting are nearly the same in wild and cultivated trees. Natural pollen transfer in the species was highly efficient. Levels of fruit set following open pollination was quite high and is reduced considerably following hand pollination probably due to some injury caused to stigma during experiments. Inspite of synchronous nature of anther dehiscence and stigmatic receptivity, selfing in a flower was avoided due to herkogamy. Some selfing, however, occurred through geitonogamous mode as bagging of panicles yielded 12.21 ± 0.99 to 14.12 ± 0.91% fruit set. High pollen ovule ratio (9,250–10,600) indicated toward the obligate outbreeding nature. The species suited to insect and wind mode of pollination. High amount of air borne pollen grains deposited on glycerine smeared glass microscopic slides suggested towards the wind mode of pollination. Though flowers are dull coloured a variety of insects visited the flowers due to sweet fragrance and stamen/pollen as food reward. Among insect pollinators, honey bee (Apis dorsata) was the major and legitimate pollinator while the rest were either minor pollinators or mere visitors. Inspite of high fruit/seed set, natural regeneration through seeds was poor as fallen fruits were destroyed by fungal pathogens and white ants. The species also propagated vegetatively through coppices and root suckers. It lacks agamospermy as bagging of emasculated flowers yielded no fruit. It is inferred that ‘bael’ which lacks agamospermy reproduced successfully through gamospermy (xenogamy and geitonogamy) and vegetative mode (coppices and root suckers). We also concluded that tetraploid trees growing in the Pachmarhi hills with large sized fruits possessed better potentialities in horticulture if planted through root suckers or coppices.  相似文献   

广西人心果开花习性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对广西人心果开花习性、花粉萌发和传粉方式进行研究,结果表明;人心果1年可开多次花,不同的年份开花期有所变动,花期长。由结果母枝的顶芽形成混合花芽抽生结果枝,两性花,腋生,雌雄同熬,雌蕊和雄蕊在花瓣未展开前已成熟。花在白天开放,结果枝下部的花先开放,再由下到上逐渐开放。花粉在人工培养条件下,其萌发率低,柱头未分泌粘液前和花开放后期花粉萌发率为0.0%,成熟期的花粉萌发率可达5.2%,花刚开放时花粉萌发率最高达10.1%。人心果的传粉方式有2种,一是昆虫传粉,发现花蓟马是主要的传粉媒介;二是靠风的机械作用振落花粉而授粉。花量大,每结果枝平均着花为8朵,但平均落花率高达82.7%。  相似文献   

Floral biology and breeding behavior were studied in the bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus Nees. The inflorescence in this species is a large branching panicle. Fertile florets are intermixed with smaller sterile ones. There are six stamens. The ovary is stipitate and turbinate. The style is long and the stigma is bifid and plumose. Dendrocalamus strictus is typically dichogamous and protogynous. The gynoecium matures 3-4 days before the androecium, effectively preventing self pollination. Flower bloom, which took place over a period of 2 to 3 h, was dependent on air temperature and only occurred between 0600 and 1300 h. Dendrocalamus strictus is anemophilous. Flowers in the male phase were visited by insects. These insects completely neglected the flowers at the female phase. The insects fed on the pollen and were not pollen vectors. When wind was excluded by enclosing the inflorescences in bags there was no seed set, indicating that cross pollination by wind is necessary for fertilization and that parthenocarpy and apomixis are not occurring in this species. Pollen fertility was about 98% as indicated by staining fresh pollen at the time of anther dehiscence and pollen release with Alexander's stain (Alexander 1969). When placed on a modified Brewbaker-Kwak medium containing 1% glucose, the pollen grains germinated well, and the pollen tubes grew to 15-20 times the diameter of mature pollen grains. Although profound protogyny has its disadvantages in times of sporadic flowering, it can be useful in breeding programs because it eliminates the need for emasculation.  相似文献   

山核桃保花保果技术研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黎章矩  钱光林 《林业科学》1993,29(4):360-365
山核桃Carya cathayensis Sarg.是我国特有的一种名贵干果和木本油料树种,浙江省临安县是山核桃重点产区,有面积约1.27ha,大年产5000-6000t,产值5000多万元。但由于管理粗放,加上花期常遇低温多雨天气,座果率普遍很低。大小年极明显,据对临安县14年产量统计,年变异系数达53.3-92.2%。为了提高座果率和现有林产量,近年来我们在产区进行了人工辅助授粉、施肥、外源激素应用以及农业技术措施以提高座果率的试验研究,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

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