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果实的形态发育受多个基因的调控,SUN、OVATE、FAS基因及其所属基因家族在果形建成中发挥重要作用。综述了上述果形建成基因在番茄及其他园艺作物中的研究进展。佛手具有指状果形,在佛手中分离出了果形建成相关基因家族中的部分成员,总结其他物种果形建成基因的研究进展将为揭示佛手果形建成机制提供参考。  相似文献   

《园艺作物基因组学研究》一书收集了中英文论文38篇,涉及了旨在提高蔬菜作物营养品质、抗病性和产量的基因组学、功能基因组学和生物信息学等方面的研究,突出体现了甘蓝显性雄性不育基因定位与基因表达、马铃薯晚疫病菌毒力基因克隆、番茄抗白粉病基因表达、白菜类作物遗传作图与微量营养成分含量遗传分析等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

臭氧是对流层空气中的主要污染物之一,严重影响着人体健康和动植物的生长发育。现系统总结了臭氧污染的产生及发展,臭氧对园艺作物叶片可见伤害、生长及生理、开花与结实、产量与产品品质等方面的影响,同时对园艺作物的臭氧敏感性差异及其机理进行了整合分析,探讨了园艺作物用作臭氧指示植物的潜力,归纳了臭氧污染伤害的防治方法和途径,并对今后园艺作物响应臭氧胁迫研究做了展望。  相似文献   

张颖 《北方园艺》2004,(2):69-70
在番茄栽培过程中,果实经常会产生一些生理病害,主要有畸形果、筋腐果、脐腐果、裂果、空洞果、网纹果等,这些病害严重影响番茄果实品质,造成产量下降,对产值和效益影响较大.下面介绍这些病害的产生原因及防治方法.1畸形果1.1症状番茄果实膨大以后,有时出现椭圆形果、偏圆形果、双体形(多心室)果、横裂形果、菊花形果、指形果和尖形果,统称畸形果.  相似文献   

<正>在番茄栽培过程中,果实经常会产生一些生理病害,主要有畸形果、筋腐果、脐腐果、裂果、空洞果、网纹果等,这些病害严重影响番茄果实品质,造成产量下降,对产值和效益影响较大。下面介绍一下这些病害的产生原因及防治方法。1畸形果1.1症状:番茄果实膨大以后,有时出现椭圆形果、偏圆形果、双体形(多心室)果、横裂形果、菊花形果、指形果和尖形果,统称畸形果。1.2发病原因:番茄开花期营养过剩,氮磷肥过多,特别是冬季或早春栽培的番茄,在花芽分化前后,当遇到几天6~8℃的低温就会出现畸形果。产生畸形果主要是因为花芽分化之前,由于呼吸所  相似文献   

云斑白条天牛是我国重要园林害虫,本文主要介绍了云斑白条天牛对核桃、板栗和桑树等园艺作物的危害特点和生物习性,以期对这些园艺作物害虫防治提供参考。  相似文献   

正目的:黄瓜作为重要的果菜类蔬菜,果实品质一直是黄瓜育种研究的重点。果实品质包括内在品质和外观品质,其中外观品质对黄瓜的商品性具有重要影响。果刺颜色作为黄瓜重要的品质性状之一,对其进行遗传分析和基因定位将有助于了解果刺颜色遗传的分子机理,为黄瓜果实性状改良提供理论依据和技术  相似文献   

介绍了在设施栽培中甜瓜产生畸形果的几种主要类型,如化瓜、僵瓜、扁平果、长形果、偏肩果及裂果等,阐述了各种畸形果的发生原因,以及科学的管理措施,以达到预防的目的.  相似文献   

分子标记能够在DNA水平上直接反映生物个体或种群间基因组中的某种特异性差异,且不受作物生长发育阶段及环境的影响,利用分子标记技术构建核心种质已成为作物种质资源领域研究的热点。概述了基于分子标记的果树、蔬菜、观赏植物等园艺作物核心种质构建研究进展、应用现状和存在的主要问题,探讨了今后园艺作物核心种质的发展方向,即加快园艺作物种质资源的基础数据、鉴定数据和评价数据的收集,采用多种数据相结合的分析方法,共同构建园艺作物核心种质,从而提高对园艺作物种质资源管理和利用水平。  相似文献   

施用外源物质对园艺作物抗逆性影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外源物质即通过外部施用某些物质而能对植物体发生作用,在一定时期使用可以提高作物的抗盐、抗旱、抗寒性等抗逆特性。现综述了近年来在园艺作物抗逆性方面所采用的主要外源物质种类、作用、使用方法及效果等方面的研究进展,并对外源物质未来在园艺作物抗逆性研究和应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

CPPU在西瓜上的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
CPPU是一种人工合成的细胞分裂素类物质,具有促进果实膨大和提高坐果率等功能,在园艺作物上有着广泛的应用。本文介绍了CPPU的推广历程,总结了CPPU在促进西瓜坐果和诱导单性结实、解决三倍体无籽西瓜授粉问题及CPPU对西瓜品质的影响等方面的研究进展,分析了其残留的安全性,最后提出了加强植物生长调节剂的生产管理和加快蜜蜂授粉技术研发的建议,以期增强公众对CPPU的科学认识,促进CPPU在西瓜生产中的正确使用。  相似文献   

了展望。  相似文献   

从对美国、澳大利亚、日本、南斯拉夫、我国等国家甜椒的园艺学分类系统和地处热带地区的国家种植的主要甜椒品种的分析中,发现世界各国甜椒的园艺学分类虽然不完全相同,但仍有许多相似之处:(1)分类基本是以果型、果实大小为依据,(2)主要的甜椒品种类型是Bell型。Bell型甜椒品种果型有方型和长型之分。根据丰富多彩的果实颜色(成熟果实颜色和未成熟果实颜色),方型甜椒品种可分为绿色甜椒(由绿转红)和彩色甜椒两类。目前市场上的长型甜椒品种的果实颜色为绿转红和由绿转黄两种类型。  相似文献   

对156个朝天椒种质材料的形态特征、主要园艺性状等方面的差异性进行研究分析,结果表明:朝天椒种质材料形态差异主要表现在株型、果形、果色、果实着生特征、叶形、叶色、花型、花色、茎杆色等方面;主要园艺性状的差异主要表现在全生育期、苗期、花果期,株高、株幅、茎粗、始花节高、侧枝数、叶长、叶宽、果长、果宽、果肉厚、单株挂果数、单果重、单果种子数、种子千粒重等性状,其变异系数分别为4.59%、6.32%、10.25%、15.31%、19.31%、13.44%、13.66%、55.52%、7.36%、15.01%、47.90%、37.93%、30.77%、61.34%、62.32%、34.11%、1.32%。.  相似文献   

The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology (JHSB) celebrates, in 2019, a century of continuously publishing peer-review, research-based articles and reviews. Since 1919 scientific discoveries and their application through subsequently-evolved industrial technologies have formed the basis for enormous advances and changes in the production of fruit, vegetables and ornamentals. New industries have been founded and expanded. Science has brought greater precision, predictability and reliability into horticultural crop production, raising the quality and range of products Market forces themselves have imposed vast change in the manner by which horticultural products are produced. Horticultural industries have coped with and thrived on these changes because of their swift and effective adoption of discoveries in horticultural science, which in turn has driven the need for more research in a cyclic process. This review follows, through a selection of articles published in JHSB, the evolution of aspects of horticultural science and identifies how change has influenced crops and their production. The history of change in horticultural science and the industries which it serves is contained within the articles selected. They demonstrate the successful manner in which JHSB has fulfilled the aspirations of its founders for a science-based journal which offers new ideas for industry.  相似文献   

王君晖  黄纯农 《园艺学报》1994,21(3):277-282
总结了玻璃化法越低温保存的基本原理、程序和主要优点,综述了该技术在冻存园艺作物茎尖和分生组织中的最新成就,并对其应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

Fruits play a crucial role in human diets and as a commercial commodity in trade. The consumers have considered fruit quality as the most important criteria that decides its acceptability. Fruit quality-based overall acceptability determines the success of any breeding programme, as a number of improved varieties with desired traits including resistance to stresses could not be popularized due to their poor quality fruits. However, breeding for quality improvement in perennial fruit crops is hampered by a number of limitations including large size of the plant, long juvenile phase and environmental problems (e.g. fruit drops due to natural calamities). Besides, fruit quality is a polygenic trait, which is quantitatively inherited and thus making breeding programme complicated in quality improvement of fruit crops. Several attempts have been made to improve the quality characters in annual staple crops, however this aspect is conveniently ignored in case of perennial fruit crops. A balanced approach combining conventional and non-conventional breeding techniques could help in addressing this issue. The biotechnological approaches provide precision, reliability and are considered to reduce the breeding cycle in long duration crops. Efficacy of approaches like marker assisted selection, candidate gene, genomics, trangenics, cisgenics has shown to be advantageous when dealing with cumbersome crops. This review would focus on problems in fruit breeding and present status of different breeding approaches for fruit quality improvement in fruit trees.  相似文献   

以蔬菜、水果、花卉等为主体的园艺产业是农业经济中极具开放性、竞争性的产业.文章从河南省园艺产业科技创新的现状、存在的问题及对策等方面阐述在新形势下,利用科技创新来培植特色产品,形成品牌效应,增强竞争能力是目前亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

我国园艺产业三十年的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了我国园艺作物技术推广30年来的发展历程、取得的成效及经验,分析了园艺产业当前发展的形势,提出了未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Response to a limited water supply was determined for 3 horticultural crops, pepper, melon (cantaloup) and tomato, in the Nebhana Valley, Tunisia. Varying fractions of potential evapotranspiration (PET), as calculated by Penman, were used to define 4 irrigation treatments which were replicated 4 times. The study was conducted on a shallow sandy loam soil in the lower Nebhana Valley, near Monastir. For each of the crops the following production parameters were evaluated: marketable yield; average fruit weight; number of fruits per unit land area. For socio-political reasons, the cost price of the irrigation water to the farmers in the Nebhana Valley is of negligible importance, and thus the economic threshold could be drawn from the relationship between yield and total available water. The marketable yield for pepper, melon and tomato crops was not significantly affected by rationing the seasonal water application volumes to 57, 47 and 67%, respectively, of the calculated PET. To increase the water-use efficiency for the crops studied, limited irrigation is advisable.  相似文献   

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