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新生犊牛的免疫力和抵抗力都比较差,一旦受到外界环境因素的刺激很容易患呼吸道系统方面的疾病。肺炎会使犊牛的肺部出现炎症,伴有严重的呼吸障碍,出生到两月龄的犊牛很容易发生该病。如果患病没有采取及时有效的治疗措施,很容易造成疾病的传播与蔓延,影响犊牛的健康生长。  相似文献   

据某些学者的资料记载,犊牛厩舍空气湿度大于80%是呼吸道疾病发生原因之一。我们则对健康犊牛和患支气管肺炎犊牛的天然抵抗力和免疫生物学反应的某些指标进行测定。此项研究是在威特比斯省基洛夫集体农庄完成的。供试牛为30—60日龄犊牛30头,分成3组,每组10头。第一组为对照,第二组急性支气管肺炎,第三  相似文献   

感冒后患肺炎是哺乳期犊牛的常见病和多发病,就我场1994年春季犊牛肺炎的发生、诊断、治疗总结归纳如下。 哺乳犊牛肺炎发生的原因,主要有两方面。一是气候因素,二是犊牛身体素质因素。 温度、温差、风力、湿度等环境气候条件与犊牛肺炎的发生有很密切的关系,济南市和其周围,春季和初夏气候变化莫测。在3—6月这段时间中,虽然天气逐渐转暖,气温上升,但昼  相似文献   

犊牛早期死亡的原因经分析表明,主要是胃肠道疾病,其次是呼吸道疾病。也可能同时罹患肠胃道病和肺病(胃肠炎肺炎综合症)。在保加利亚的农场,每年犊牛于20日龄前患肠胃病的达64.4—71.8%,死亡率为7.8—12%,30—120日龄犊牛患呼吸道疾病的有35.3—  相似文献   

犊牛肺炎是指患牛肺组织发生卡他性炎症或是卡他性-格鲁性炎症病变,是犊牛比较常见和多发的呼吸系统疾病,也是犊牛呼吸系统疾病中危害最为严重的疾病之一。该病全年均可发生,且多发于冬季、早春和晚秋,尤其是初生至2月龄犊牛多发。1-5月龄犊牛死亡最普遍的原因是犊牛肺炎。尽管犊牛肺炎死亡率较低(大约3%),但是感染率超过50%。因为引起该病的因素很多,治疗难度很大,本文就基层牛场常发犊牛肺炎病因进行分析并提出预防建议,以供大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

犊牛的饲养管理直接影响整个牛群的生长发育.犊牛肺炎是由于饲养管理不当或由细菌、病毒、寄生虫等病原体感染导致的呼吸道传染性疾病.患病的犊牛机体抵抗力下降、生长发育受阻、机体消瘦,死亡率高,给养牛业造成巨大的经济损失.临床上需通过加强饲养管理、接种疫苗来预防犊牛肺炎的发生.另外采取科学的防治措施,避免肺炎的大规模发生,从而减少养牛业的经济损失.  相似文献   

我站82年发生肺炎的犊牛有21头,占未断奶犊牛的6%,患畜若治疗不及时,往往造成死亡,有的虽经治疗,但因转为慢性,而成为僵牛。犊牛肺炎的发生与气候有很大的关系,在天气寒冷或炎热的时期易发  相似文献   

田银侠  石红柱 《畜牧兽医杂志》2012,31(5):107-107,109
肺炎是犊牛常见病之一,多见于春、秋气候多变季节。犊牛肺炎是当地1-5月龄以内的犊牛发病率和死亡率较高的一种幼畜肺部感染,呼吸困难的呼吸道疾病,该病的致病因素很多,治疗难度很大,需要提前采取措施进行预防与治疗。笔者在生产实践中以中西医结合治疗29例,治愈28例,取得了比较满意的效果,总结经验以供大家借鉴。  相似文献   

犊牛的呼吸道疾病(Bovine respiratory diseasex, BRD)严重影响和威胁着犊牛健康,也是大型集约化牧场导致犊牛死亡的首要疾病。近几年来随着对犊牛饲养管理的不断认识,对犊牛发生BRD的了解也越来越深刻,BRD的发生往往和某种病毒性病原有联系而继发细菌的一种混合感染。本文结合某大型安格斯肉牛繁育场由于环境因素的改变而导致犊牛大面积普遍发生以咳嗽、高热、呼吸困难、食欲废绝,病理解剖呈急性败血型肺炎为主要特征的呼吸道疾病。主要介绍犊牛呼吸道混合感染疾病的诊断及其防治。  相似文献   

<正>犊牛流行性肺炎和牛呼吸道疾病影响着世界各地的犊牛,造成了相当大的经济损失。犊牛流行性肺炎和牛呼吸道疾病的暴发通常与环境应激因素(运输、拥挤、不利的气候条件)有关,临床表现以呼吸道症状为主要特征,严重程度从轻度到重度不等,有时甚至致命。很难将犊牛流行性肺炎和牛呼吸道疾病病例表现出来的症状和病变归因于一种病原体,一般是几种病原体的同时感染,  相似文献   

Calfhood diseases have a major impact on the economic viability of cattle operations. A three part review series has been developed focusing on calf health from birth to weaning. In this paper, the last of the three part series, we review disease prevention and management with particular reference to pneumonia, focusing primarily on the pre-weaned calf. Pneumonia in recently weaned suckler calves is also considered, where the key risk factors are related to the time of weaning. Weaning of the suckler calf is often combined with additional stressors including a change in nutrition, environmental change, transport and painful husbandry procedures (castration, dehorning). The reduction of the cumulative effects of these multiple stressors around the time of weaning together with vaccination programmes (preconditioning) can reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality in the feedlot. In most studies, calves housed individually and calves housed outdoors with shelter, are associated with decreased risk of disease. Even though it poses greater management challenges, successful group housing of calves is possible. Special emphasis should be given to equal age groups and to keeping groups stable once they are formed. The management of pneumonia in calves is reliant on a sound understanding of aetiology, relevant risk factors, and of effective approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Early signs of pneumonia include increased respiratory rate and fever, followed by depression. The single most important factor determining the success of therapy in calves with pneumonia is early onset of treatment, and subsequent adequate duration of treatment. The efficacy and economical viability of vaccination against respiratory disease in calves remains unclear.  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate the association between postcolostral serum IgG and the development of calf pneumonia, to elaborate the risk factors for pneumonia, and to compare the risk factors for clinician- and caregiver-diagnosed respiratory disease. In a prospective observational cohort study, 410 heifer calves were clinically examined weekly by a veterinarian during their first 3 months of life. With an initial questionnaire and during these weekly visits, management data were collected. A nested matched case-control design was used to compare risk factors between 105 calves with respiratory disease and their 59 control calves from the same initial population. The IgG levels were determined from blood samples taken within 2 weeks after colostrum intake. The appropriate cutoff point for the postcolostral IgG level to indicate failure of passive antibody transfer when predicting pneumonia appeared to be between 800 and 1300 mg/dl (values < or = the cutoff point indicated failure). Calves with low IgG levels had 2-times higher odds of pneumonia than calves with higher IgG concentrations. Housing mostly in the presence of adult cattle was a risk factor for pneumonia, whereas housing mostly alone in a hutch was protective. Feeding of mastitic colostrum was a risk factor for clinician-diagnosed pneumonia in the analysis of the cohort study but not in the matched case-control design. There was a three-times higher risk of pneumonia if calves were given their dam's colostrum for the first feeding and the dam had clinical mastitis at the time of first milking. Caregiver- and clinician-diagnosed pneumonia had slightly different risk factors which implies that caution should be used when comparing studies based on different definitions of pneumonia. The practical implications of this study are that more attention should be paid to proper housing conditions of the calves in order to reduce incidence of pneumonia.  相似文献   

杨旭 《中国乳业》2021,(10):22-25
时下正值新冠肺炎疫情在全球肆虐时期,同样作为呼吸系统疾病的犊牛肺炎,也长期困扰着牧场生产,造成难以预估的经济损失。经过几十年的不断探索和研究,国内外牧场针对犊牛肺炎的认知及防治均取得长足发展,但当前仍面临尚待解决的诸多问题与不足。因此,本文主要从兽医视角,就犊牛肺炎的发展历史、现状及未来可能的发展方向做简要概述,以供参考。  相似文献   

新生犊牛异物性肺炎是多种牛肺炎的一种,多由于母牛难产、羊水进入犊牛气管和肺内后引起或犊牛出生后哺乳时导致乳汁进入气管而造成的一种犊牛呼吸道疾病。笔者在诊疗过程中遇到一例典型的新生犊牛异物性肺炎病例,现将诊疗体会分享如下。  相似文献   

Calf pneumonia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infectious calf pneumonia is a high-mortality pneumonia of housed dairy-type calves. Viruses are important etiologic agents and infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and parainfluenza type 3 virus (PI-3 virus) may result in extensive, and sometimes fatal, lung damage. Respiratory viral infections are frequently followed by mycoplasmal and secondary bacterial invasion of the lower respiratory tract, which increases the extent and severity of lung damage. Bad housing, particularly bad ventilation, will increase the severity of pneumonia outbreaks. Although the source of respiratory viral infections is not always obvious, it is likely that a proportion of calves acquired infection from their dams early in life. The possibility of cross-infections from other domestic animals and from humans must also be considered. Diagnosis of respiratory virus infections necessitates submission of suitable respiratory tract specimens that are taken at an early stage in the outbreak together with paired sera. Various therapeutic and prophylactic regimens for the control of calf pneumonia are described.  相似文献   

犊牛年龄小,组织器官和身体机能未发育成熟,体温调节能力、抗病力差,容易染病,如巴氏杆菌病、大肠杆菌病、支原体肺炎、隐孢子虫病、犊新蛔虫病、球虫病等。诊疗服务实践证明,对犊牛巴氏杆菌病早期使用青霉素或磺胺类药物治疗,常发地区定期接种牛出血性败血症氢氧化铝菌苗;犊牛发生大肠杆菌病后,要及时补充体液、抑菌消炎;对犊牛支原体肺炎,要遵循早诊断、快隔离、早治疗的原则,选用恩诺沙星、泰乐菌素等敏感药物治疗;犊牛隐孢子虫病要及时隔离,对症治疗;治疗犊新蛔虫病的有效药物很多,可选择枸橼酸哌嗪、盐酸左旋咪唑、丙硫咪唑、伊维菌素等;规模化奶牛场治疗犊牛球虫病的最佳时机,应选在犊牛断奶混群后第3周,投服妥曲珠利有效。  相似文献   

哺乳期犊牛是奶牛生命周期的开始,也是奶牛整个生命周期中最为脆弱的阶段,其健康状况可直接影响牧场的可持续发展和经营效率。在哺乳期,犊牛可面临多种疾病的挑战,但消化道疾病和呼吸道疾病是全球奶牛养殖业面临的共性问题。本文对哺乳期犊牛健康状况、初乳管理、犊牛腹泻和呼吸道疾病的管理进行了梳理,并对其防控提出了建议。初乳管理方面分析了影响初乳质量的因素、初乳储存与处理和饲喂管理;犊牛健康管理部分叙述了产圈管理、饲养环境和饲喂方式、营养及饲喂管理、疫苗免疫、通风、疾病早期诊断、应激管理和患犊管理。  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) has been recognised as an important pathogen in calf pneumonia for 30 years, but surprisingly few effective infection models for studies of the immune response and the pathogenesis in the natural host have been established. We present a reproducible experimental infection model for BRSV in 2-5-month-old, conventionally reared Jersey calves. Thirty-four colostrum-fed calves were inoculated once by aerosol and intratracheal injection with BRSV. Respiratory disease was recorded in 91% of the BRSV-inoculated calves, 72% had an accompanying rise in rectal temperature and 83% exhibited >5% consolidation of the lung tissue. The disease closely resembled natural outbreaks of BRSV-related pneumonia, and detection of BRSV in nasal secretions and lung tissues confirmed the primary role of BRSV. Nine mock-inoculated control calves failed to develop respiratory disease. This model is a valuable tool for the study of the pathogenesis of BRSV and for vaccine efficacy studies.  相似文献   

The annual damage caused by bovine respiratory disease is estimated at 45 up to 55 euro per calf of milking cattle and 117.50 euro per veal calf In Europe, M. bovis is responsible for at least 1/4 to 1/3 of all pneumonia cases in calves. Serology may help to identify the spreading of these bacteria in a herd.  相似文献   

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