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不同施肥条件对稻田温室气体排放特征的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
采用静态箱-气相色谱监测体系研究了上海郊区3种不同施肥条件下稻田系统温室气体(GHGs)排放特征及其全球增温潜能(GWP)。研究结果表明:施肥能显著增加稻田系统CO2的排放通量,但不同施肥条件对其影响差异不显著;施用有机肥能显著增加稻田系统CH4的排放通量,同时也能显著降低稻田N2O排放通量。整个水稻生育期,不施肥CK处理的GWP最低,为14 852 kg CO2·hm-2。相较于CK处理,施用尿素的CT处理、有机无机混施的MT处理和施用有机肥的OT处理分别增加了86.9%、111.5%和134.3%的稻田GWP,表明施肥会增加稻田土壤GHGs的GWP。  相似文献   

Six gas samples from the 17 April 1979 Soufriere eruption plume were analyzed for carbonyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorocarbon-11, fluorocarbon-12, methyl chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride. Only carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide were found to have increased mixing ratios as compared with those in clean tropospheric air, but the increases were not sufficient to contribute greatly to the global budgets of these four components.  相似文献   

秸秆还田对稻麦两熟高产农田净增温潜势影响的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
对长江下游稻麦两熟农田生态系统2009—2010年的CH4和N2O排放以及土壤碳固定进行了分析,初步研究了秸秆还田对稻麦两熟高产农田净增温潜势的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田对稻麦两熟高产农田周年CH4和N2O排放总量、土壤碳固定量以及净增温潜势均有显著或极显著影响:秸秆还田条件下周年CH4、N2O排放总量分别为394 kg CH4.hm-2、2.39 kg N2O.hm-2,土壤碳固定量、净增温潜势分别为1.14 t C·hm-2、6383 kg CO2-equivalents·hm-2;较秸秆不还田增加CH4排放总量152%、减少N2O排放总量14%、增加土壤碳固定量531%、增加净增温潜势57%。以上结果表明,秸秆还田使短期内稻麦两熟高产农田的温室效应明显提高,但其长期效果如何还有待观测。  相似文献   

稻鸭、稻鱼共作生态系统CH4和N2O温室效应及经济效益评估   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
 【目的】稻鸭、稻鱼共作生态系统是中国南方稻作区两种主要复合种养模式。研究稻鸭、稻鱼共作生态系统中CH4和N2O排放产生的温室效应并对其经济价值进行评价,旨在为进一步开发利用稻田综合利用模式提供理论基础和实践依据。【方法】采用静态箱技术,研究稻鸭、稻鱼共作生态系统CH4和N2O排放规律,并运用增温潜势对稻鸭、稻鱼共作生态系统CH4和N2O排放的温室效应及经济效益进行估算。【结果】在水稻生长期间,稻鸭、稻鱼共作系统中CH4排放峰值均出现在分蘖盛期和抽穗期,其平均排放通量均显著(P<0.05)低于常规淹水稻田;N2O 的排放通量在稻田淹水期间保持较低值,而在稻田落干后迅速升高。养鸭显著(P<0.05)提高了稻田N2O的排放,养鱼降低了稻田N2O的排放。2006和2007年稻鸭、稻鱼处理CH4和N2O排放产生总温室效应分别为4 728.3、4 611.0 kg CO2?hm-2和4 545.0、4 754.3 kg CO2?hm-2,其温室效应成本分别为970.89、946.81 yuan/hm2和933.25和976.23 yuan/hm2,明显低于CK的5 997.6和5 391.5 yuan/hm2。除去CH4和N2O排放产生温室效应的环境成本,采用稻鸭、稻鱼生态种养技术的经济效益分别比常规稻田增加2 210.64、4 881.92 yuan/hm2和3 798.37、5 310.64 yuan/hm2。【结论】稻鸭、稻鱼共作能有效的抑制稻田温室气体排放并显著降低其温室效应。因此,稻鸭、稻鱼共作是减少温室气体排放的有效措施之一,具有较好的推广价值。  相似文献   

不同堆肥处理猪粪温室气体排放与影响因子初步研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
利用封闭式测定箱对两种不同堆肥处理方式的猪粪产生的气体进行了取样,然后通过气相色谱分析仪对其所含二氧化碳(CO2)、氧化亚氮(N2O)、甲烷(CH4)进行了测定分析。参考其处理系统获得的温度、湿度、氧气浓度数据,结果表明,在相同条件下,二氧化碳的排放与猪粪内部的氧气状况密切相关,通风良好则排放量就大;而甲烷恰相反,缺氧与较高的湿度会促使甲烷排放;氧化亚氮是其硝化与反硝化过程的产物,若干湿交替,则会增加氧化亚氮的排放量,但其影响因子更为复杂。  相似文献   

优化施氮对宁夏引黄灌区稻田CO2、CH4和N2O通量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对宁夏引黄灌区稻田施氮严重过量现象,在宁夏引黄灌区的青铜峡稻田,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,通过田间试验研究常规施氮(N300)、优化施氮(N240)和不施氮(N0)对水稻不同生育期CO_2、CH_4和N_2O通量以及稻田增温潜势(GWP)的影响。结果表明:CO_2排放主要在水稻灌浆和成熟期,CH_4排放主要发生在水稻孕穗期,而N_2O排放关键期在水稻的分蘖和拔节期。与N0处理相比,施氮能显著增加稻田CO_2、CH_4和N_2O排放通量以及稻田GWP;常规施氮处理中CO_2、CH_4和N_2O的累积排放量分别为18 446.87、146.57 kg C·hm~(-2)和2.93 kg N·hm~(-2);为期一年的优化施氮没有显著增加水稻生育期内稻田CO_2排放,但使灌区稻田CH_4和N_2O排放分别显著降低了24.42%和36.28%。总的来看,为期一年的优化施氮使宁夏引黄灌区稻田GWP显著降低了26.70%。未来应结合土壤有机碳氮形态和含量变化以及土壤微生物技术,分析长期优化施氮对土壤温室气体通量的影响机制。  相似文献   

二氧化碳(CO_2)、甲烷(CH_4)、氧化亚氮(N_2O)是3种主要的温室气体,温带森林土壤是CO_2、N_2O重要的源,是CH_4重要的汇,以前的研究大部分都关注这3种温室气体在时间上的变化,而很少开展在空间变化上的研究。2014年10月至2015年10月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法对秦岭南坡火地塘林区不同海拔(海拔1 560、1 585、1 963、2 040、2 160m,分别为落叶阔叶林、温性针叶林、温性针叶林、寒温性针叶林、落叶阔叶林)森林土壤CO_2、CH_4和N_2O通量进行了为期1a的监测。结果表明,CO_2全年都为排放,季节波动较大,总体上随海拔增加排放量减少,海拔由低到高(包括3种林型)年排放量依次为:19.12、12.53、11.78、16.95、14.87t·hm-2;CH_4全年主要为吸收,在非生长季出现排放,季节波动幅度较大,总体上随海拔增加吸收量增加,海拔由低到高年通量依次为:-2.57、-3.60、-5.94、-5.59、-3.92kg·hm-2;N_2O全年以排放过程为主,存在吸收现象,季节波动幅度不大,海拔对其通量影响不明显,海拔由低到高年排放量依次为:0.23、0.62、0.63、0.60、0.95kg·hm-2。土壤温度是影响CO_2、N_2O通量的关键因子。5个样地森林土壤CO_2通量与土壤铵态氮含量(20~40cm)显著相关(P<0.05)。高的土壤NH_4^+含量对CH_4的吸收有抑制作用。在冻融交替期,降雨对N_2O的通量有明显影响。海拔由低到高5个样地的GWP(全球增温潜势)分别为:119.13、12.65、11.85、17.02t·hm-2和15.07t·hm-2。  相似文献   

稻田温室气体排放与减排研究综述   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
水稻是我国最重要的粮食作物之一,甲烷和氧化亚氮作为稻田两大温室气体,在全球温室效应中起着很大作用。文章综述了水分管理条件、施肥方式、品种选择差异、农作模式差异及土壤气候条件等因素对稻田甲烷和氧化亚氮排放的主要因素,并从综合温室效应方面提出品种和栽培措施、合理施肥和用药、改进农作制度、发展农村沼气能等技术措施,为发展稻田低碳提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization is a substantial source of nitrogen-containing trace gases that have both regional and global consequences. In the intensive wheat systems of Mexico, typical fertilization practices lead to extremely high fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO). In experiments, lower rates of nitrogen fertilizer, applied later in the crop cycle, reduced the loss of nitrogen without affecting yield and grain quality. Economic analyses projected this alternative practice to save 12 to 17 percent of after-tax profits. A knowledge-intensive approach to fertilizer management can substitute for higher levels of inputs, saving farmers money and reducing environmental costs.  相似文献   

重庆市农业温室气体减排潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业是重要的温室气体排放源。通过对文献资料和大量研究结果进行分析,得出重庆市农业活动产生的温室气体减排空间巨大。通过推广稻田间歇灌溉可减少稻田甲烷排放15.07万t,约为当前排放量的30%;一个户用沼气每年最大可减少温室气体2.0~4.1t二氧化碳当量;推行缓释肥、长效肥料可减少单位面积农田氧化亚氮1 744.65 t,约为当前排放量的50%。  相似文献   

The grille spectrometer observed the setting and rising sun 18 times during the Spacelab 1 mission. In addition to solar absorption lines, many of which had not been observed before, atmospheric spectral absorptions due to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were observed at heights tangent to the thermosphere (greater than 85 kilometers), and absorptions due to ozone, water, methane, and nitrous oxide were observed in the mesosphere (greater than 50 kilometers). The strongly coupled molecules NO-NO(2) and HC1-HF were observed as pairs in the stratosphere. Methane is presented as an example of the instrumental operations because of the characteristic aspect of the Q branch of its v(3) band.  相似文献   

A comparison of the contribution of various gases to the greenhouse effect   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Rodhe H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1990,248(4960):1217-1219
The current concern about an anthropogenic impact on global climate has made it of interest to compare the potential effect of various human activities. A case in point is the comparison between the emission of greenhouse gases from the use of natural gas and that from other fossil fuels. This comparison requires an evaluation of the effect of methane emissions relative to that of carbon dioxide emissions. A rough analysis based on the use of currently accepted values shows that natural gas is preferable to other fossil fuels in consideration of the greenhouse effect as long as its leakage can be limited to 3 to 6 percent.  相似文献   

为探讨土壤氧气可获得性(SOA)对双季稻田温室气体排放的影响,利用静态箱气相色谱法对多种管理措施影响下稻田温室气体排放通量和土壤氧化还原电位(Eh)、pH值及田间淹水深度(H)等3种SOA因子进行了观测。结果表明,甲烷(CH4)排放最集中的Eh值、pH值和H范围分别为-100-0mV、5 < pH < 6和1-5cm,3个范围内分别观测到48.8%、61.1%和77.0%的CH4排放,其中H对CH4排放影响最明显,单独由其就可解释37.8%的CH4排放通量(P < 0.0001)。对于氧化亚氮(N2O),观测到较多的负通量,其纯排放最密集的3种SOA因子的范围分别是:0-100mV、5 < pH < 6和1-5cm,而200-300mV是其排放的临界Eh范围,高于此范围N2O排放极少。厌氧的反硝化过程是双季稻田N2O产生的主导过程。可为水稻田温室气体排放机理研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Freshwater methane emissions offset the continental carbon sink   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Inland waters (lakes, reservoirs, streams, and rivers) are often substantial methane (CH(4)) sources in the terrestrial landscape. They are, however, not yet well integrated in global greenhouse gas (GHG) budgets. Data from 474 freshwater ecosystems and the most recent global water area estimates indicate that freshwaters emit at least 103 teragrams of CH(4) year(-1), corresponding to 0.65 petagrams of C as carbon dioxide (CO(2)) equivalents year(-1), offsetting 25% of the estimated land carbon sink. Thus, the continental GHG sink may be considerably overestimated, and freshwaters need to be recognized as important in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Systematic seasonal variations in the stable carbon isotopic signature of methane gas occur in the anoxic sediments of Cape Lookout Bight, a lagoonal basin on North Carolina's Outer Banks. Values for the carbon isotope ratio (delta 13C) of methane range from -57.3 per mil during summer to -68.5 per mil during winter in gas bubbles with an average methane content of 95%. The variations are hypothesized to result from changes in the pathways of microbial methane production and cycling of key substrates including acetate and hydrogen. The use of stable isotopic signatures to investigate the global methane cycle through mass balance calculations, involving various sediment and soil biogenic sources, appears to require seasonally averaged data from individual sites.  相似文献   

Paleoatmospheric records of trace-gas concentrations recovered from ice cores provide important sources of information on many biogeochemical cycles involving carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Here, we present a 106,000-year record of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) along with corresponding isotopic records spanning the last 30,000 years, which together suggest minimal changes in the ratio of marine to terrestrial N2O production. During the last glacial termination, both marine and oceanic N2O emissions increased by 40 +/- 8%. We speculate that our records do not support those hypotheses that invoke enhanced export production to explain low carbon dioxide values during glacial periods.  相似文献   

牛粪不同堆肥模式对温室气体排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了自然状态下牛粪(C)、牛粪+秸秆(CSt)、牛粪+土(CSo)、牛粪+秸秆+土(CSt So)4种堆肥模式对温室气体排放的影响,以期为温室气体减排和堆肥模式优化提供参考。结果表明:堆肥期间堆温和温室内气温随时间推进均呈升—降—升的趋势,同一观测时间点气温高于堆温,总体上CSt、CSt So处理的堆温略高于C、CSo处理,表明加入秸秆具有提高堆温的效果。随时间推进,C处理的CO_2、CH_4和N_2O排放通量总体均呈增加的趋势,第6~7周排放通量较大;CSt、CSo、CSt So处理的3种温室气体排放通量总体均呈先升后降的趋势,CO_2和CH_4排放通量最大值总体出现在第2周,N_2O排放通量在第5~6周时较大。CO_2平均排放通量表现为CStCSt SoCSoC,除C处理与CSo处理无显著差异外,其他处理间差异显著;CH_4平均排放通量表现为CCStCSt SoCSo,C处理与CSt、CSo、CSt So处理之间及CSt、CSo处理之间差异显著;N_2O平均排放通量表现为CSoCStCSt SoC,CSo处理与C处理差异显著。CSt、CSo、CSt So处理的全球增温潜势(GWP)分别是C处理的3.25、2.61、2.59倍,主要是由于CSt、CSo、CSt So处理的CO_2和N_2O排放总量显著高于C处理,其对GWP的贡献率均高达97%以上。综合考虑广大农村堆料实际组分及温室气体减排,建议采用CSt So堆肥模式,但应适当增加牛粪和土的用量。  相似文献   

Interpolar methane gradient (IPG) data from ice cores suggest the "switching on" of a major Northern Hemisphere methane source in the early Holocene. Extensive data from Russia's West Siberian Lowland show (i) explosive, widespread peatland establishment between 11.5 and 9 thousand years ago, predating comparable development in North America and synchronous with increased atmospheric methane concentrations and IPGs, (ii) larger carbon stocks than previously thought (70.2 Petagrams, up to approximately 26% of all terrestrial carbon accumulated since the Last Glacial Maximum), and (iii) little evidence for catastrophic oxidation, suggesting the region represents a long-term carbon dioxide sink and global methane source since the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Impacts of atmospheric anthropogenic nitrogen on the open ocean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Increasing quantities of atmospheric anthropogenic fixed nitrogen entering the open ocean could account for up to about a third of the ocean's external (nonrecycled) nitrogen supply and up to approximately 3% of the annual new marine biological production, approximately 0.3 petagram of carbon per year. This input could account for the production of up to approximately 1.6 teragrams of nitrous oxide (N2O) per year. Although approximately 10% of the ocean's drawdown of atmospheric anthropogenic carbon dioxide may result from this atmospheric nitrogen fertilization, leading to a decrease in radiative forcing, up to about two-thirds of this amount may be offset by the increase in N2O emissions. The effects of increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition are expected to continue to grow in the future.  相似文献   

The biosphere is the major source and sink of nonmethane volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere. Gas-phase chemical reactions initiate the removal of these compounds from the atmosphere, which ultimately proceeds via deposition at the surface or direct oxidation to carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide. We performed ecosystem-scale flux measurements that show that the removal of oxygenated VOC via dry deposition is substantially larger than is currently assumed for deciduous ecosystems. Laboratory experiments indicate efficient enzymatic conversion and potential up-regulation of various stress-related genes, leading to enhanced uptake rates as a response to ozone and methyl vinyl ketone exposure or mechanical wounding. A revised scheme for the uptake of oxygenated VOCs, incorporated into a global chemistry-transport model, predicts appreciable regional changes in annual dry deposition fluxes.  相似文献   

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